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Protected areas are meant to preserve native local communities within their boundaries, but they are not independent from their surroundings. Impoverished habitat quality in the matrix might influence the species composition within the protected areas through biotic homogenization. The aim of this study was to determine the impacts of matrix quality on species richness and trait composition of bird communities from the Finnish reserve area network and whether the communities are being subject of biotic homogenization due to the lowered quality of the landscape matrix. We used joint species distribution modeling to study how characteristics of the Finnish forest reserves and the quality of their surrounding matrix alter species and trait compositions of forest birds. The proportion of old forest within the reserves was the main factor in explaining the bird community composition, and the bird communities within the reserves did not strongly depend on the quality of the matrix. Yet, in line with the homogenization theory, the beta‐diversity within reserves embedded in low‐quality matrix was lower than that in high‐quality matrix, and the average abundance of regionally abundant species was higher. Influence of habitat quality on bird community composition was largely explained by the species' functional traits. Most importantly, the community specialization index was low, and average body size was high in areas with low proportion of old forest. We conclude that for conserving local bird communities in northern Finnish protected forests, it is currently more important to improve or maintain habitat quality within the reserves than in the surrounding matrix. Nevertheless, we found signals of bird community homogenization, and thus, activities that decrease the quality of the matrix are a threat for bird communities.  相似文献   
We estimated the effect of the gill‐net fisheries targeted at whitefish (Coregonus sp.) on anadromous sea trout, Salmo trutta, in the Gulf of Bothnia, Baltic Sea using separate data for fish species. The analysis of sea trout captures was based on tagging and recapture data collected in 1998–2011, while whitefish data were derived from individual samples of commercial fisheries from the same period. The mesh sizes used in gill‐net fishing and the seasonal and temporal distributions of recaptured sea trout and sampled whitefish were compared in the northern and southern Gulf of Bothnia. The trout had typically spent 1–2 years at sea, and they were mainly immature with a median body length of 40–43 cm at the time of recapture in gill nets. Despite the increase in the minimum permitted landing size from 40 to 50 cm in 2008, the median length of recaptured trout remained unchanged during the study period. Most (59%) of the gillnetted trout were caught in the southern Gulf of Bothnia in gill nets with mesh sizes of 40–45 mm, which were also used in the whitefish fishery (72%). In the northern Gulf of Bothnia, nets with a smaller mesh size of 25–39 mm took 83% of the whitefish catch and 39% from recaptured trout. In both areas, the overlap in mesh sizes used to gill‐net catch whitefish and sea trout increased during the study period. There were clear seasonal and areal differences in the relative probability of sea trout being captured in gill nets, suggesting that carefully tailored spatial and temporal restrictions on gill‐net fisheries could provide a tool to protect young sea trout without causing intolerable difficulties for the fisheries targeting other species.  相似文献   
Density dependence, population regulation, and variability in population size are fundamental population processes, the manifestation and interrelationships of which are affected by environmental variability. However, there are surprisingly few empirical studies that distinguish the effect of environmental variability from the effects of population processes. We took advantage of a unique system, in which populations of the same duck species or close ecological counterparts live in highly variable (north American prairies) and in stable (north European lakes) environments, to distinguish the relative contributions of environmental variability (measured as between‐year fluctuations in wetland numbers) and intraspecific interactions (density dependence) in driving population dynamics. We tested whether populations living in stable environments (in northern Europe) were more strongly governed by density dependence than populations living in variable environments (in North America). We also addressed whether relative population dynamical responses to environmental variability versus density corresponded to differences in life history strategies between dabbling (relatively “fast species” and governed by environmental variability) and diving (relatively “slow species” and governed by density) ducks. As expected, the variance component of population fluctuations caused by changes in breeding environments was greater in North America than in Europe. Contrary to expectations, however, populations in more stable environments were not less variable nor clearly more strongly density dependent than populations in highly variable environments. Also, contrary to expectations, populations of diving ducks were neither more stable nor stronger density dependent than populations of dabbling ducks, and the effect of environmental variability on population dynamics was greater in diving than in dabbling ducks. In general, irrespective of continent and species life history, environmental variability contributed more to variation in species abundances than did density. Our findings underscore the need for more studies on populations of the same species in different environments to verify the generality of current explanations about population dynamics and its association with species life history.  相似文献   
Endangered wild fish populations are commonly supported by hatchery propagation. However, hatchery-reared fish experience very different selective pressures compared to their wild counterparts, potentially causing genotype-by-environment interactions (G × E) in essential fitness traits. We experimentally studied early selection in a critically endangered landlocked Atlantic salmon population, first from fertilization to the swim-up stage in a common hatchery setting, and thereafter until the age of 5 months in two contrasting rearing environments. Swim-up progeny were moved either to standard indoor hatchery tanks involving conventional husbandry or to seminatural outdoor channels providing only natural food. After the first summer, sampled survivors were assigned to their families by genotyping. Early survival until the swim-up stage was mostly determined by maternal effects, but also involved significant variation due to sires and full-sib families (potential genetic effects). High on-growing survival in hatchery tanks (88.7%) maintained a more even distribution among families (relative share 1.5%–4.2%) than the seminatural environment (0.0%–5.4%). This heterogeneity was mostly maternal, whereas no independent paternal effect occurred. Heritability estimates were high for body size traits in both environments (0.62–0.69). Genetic correlations between the environments were significantly positive for body size traits (0.67–0.69), and high body condition in hatchery was also genetically linked to rapid growth in the seminatural environment (0.54). Additive and phenotypic growth variation increased in the seminatural environment, but scaling effects probably played a less significant role for G × E, compared to re-ranking of genotypes. Our results suggest that not only maternal effects, but also genetic effects, direct selection according to the environmental conditions experienced. Consistently high genetic variation in growth implies that, despite its low overall genetic diversity and long history in captive rearing (>50 years), this landlocked Atlantic salmon population still possesses adaptive potential for response to change from hatchery rearing back to more natural conditions.  相似文献   
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