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Phototrophic microorganisms like cyanobacteria show growth curves in batch culture that differ from the corresponding growth curves of chemotrophic bacteria. Instead of the usual three phases, i.e., lag-, log-, and stationary phase, phototrophs display four distinct phases. The extra growth phase is a phase of linear, light-limited growth that follows the exponential phase and is often ignored as being different. Results of this study demonstrate marked growth phase-dependent alterations in the photophysiology of the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 between cells harvested from the exponential and the linear growth phase. Notable differences are a gradual shift in the energy transfer of the light-harvesting phycobilisomes to the photosystems and a distinct change in the redox state of the plastoquinone pool. These differences will likely affect the result of physiological studies and the efficiency of product formation of Synechocystis in biotechnological applications. Our study also demonstrates that the length of the period of exponential growth can be extended by a gradually stronger incident light intensity that matches the increase of the cell density of the culture.  相似文献   
The V-ATPases are a family of ATP-dependent proton pumps, involved in a variety of cellular processes, including bone breakdown. V-ATPase enzymes that are too active in the latter process can result in osteoporosis, and inhibitors of the enzyme could be used to treat this disease. As a first step in studying the structure and function of the membrane-embedded interface at which proton translocation takes place, and its role in V-ATPase inhibition, synthetic peptides P1 and P2 consisting of 25 amino acid residues are presented here that mimic Vph1p helix 7 of yeast V-ATPase. A single mutation R10A between peptide P1 and P2 makes it possible to focus on the role of the essential arginine residue R735 in proton translocation. In the present work, we use a novel combination of spectroscopic techniques, such as CD spectroscopy, tryptophan emission spectra, acrylamide quenching and parallax analysis, and polarity mismatch modeling to characterize the peptides P1 and P2 in lipid bilayer systems. Based on both the spectroscopic experiments and the polarity mismatch modeling, P1 and P2 adopt a similar transmembrane conformation, with a mainly α-helical structure in the central part, placing the tryptophan residue at position 12 at a location 4 ± 2 Å from the centre of the lipid bilayer. Furthermore, the arginine at position 10 in P1 does not have an effect on the bilayer topology of the peptide, showing that the long, flexible side chain of this residue is able to snorkel towards the lipid headgroup region. This large flexibility of R735 might be important for its function in proton translocation in the V-ATPase enzyme.  相似文献   
Glycoproteins from tobacco line xFxG1, in which expression of a hybrid β-(1→4)-galactosyltransferase (GalT) and a hybrid α-(1→3)-fucosyltransferase IXa (FUT9a) is combined, contained an abundance of hybrid N-glycans with Lewis X (LeX) epitopes. A comparison with N-glycan profiles from plants expressing only the hybrid β-(1→4)-galactosyltransferase suggested that the fucosylation of the LacNAc residues in line xFxG1 protected galactosylated N-glycans from endogenous plant β-galactosidase activity.  相似文献   


Cold hypoxia is a common factor in cold tissue preservation and mammalian hibernation. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of cold preservation on the function of the retractor (RET) muscle of the hamster in the non-hibernating state and compare these with previously published data (van der Heijden et al., 2000) [52] on the rat cutaneus trunci (CT) muscle.

Materials and methods

After cold storage (16 h at 4 °C), muscles were stimulated electrically to measure maximum tetanus tension (P0) and histologically analyzed. The protective effects of addition of the antioxidants trolox and deferiprone and the calcium release inhibitor BDM to the storage fluid were determined.


After storage, the twitch threshold current was increased (from 60 to 500 μA) and P0 was decreased to 27% of control. RET morphology remained unaffected. RET muscle function was protected by trolox and deferiprone (P0, resp., 43% and 59% of control). Addition of BDM had no effect on the RET.


The observed effects of cold preservation and of trolox and deferiprone on the RET were comparable to those on CT muscle function, as reported in a previously published study (van der Heijden et al., 2000) [52]. Both hamster RET and rat CT muscles show considerable functional damage due to actions of reactive oxygen species. In contrast to the CT, in the RET cold preservation-induced functional injury could not be prevented by BDM and was not accompanied by morphological damage such as necrosis and edema. This suggests that the RET myocytes possess a specific adaptation to withstand the Ca2+ overload induced by cold ischemia.  相似文献   
Realistic functional responses are required for accurate model predictions at the community level. However, controversy remains regarding which types of dependencies need to be included in functional response models. Several studies have shown an effect of very high predator densities on per capita predation rates, but it is unclear whether this predator dependence is also important at low predator densities. We fit integrated functional response models to predation data from 4-h experiments where we had varied both predator and prey densities. Using an information theoretic approach we show that the best-fit model includes moderate predator dependence, which was equally strong even at low predator densities. The best fits of Beddington–DeAngelis and Arditi–Akçakaya functional responses were closely followed by the fit of the Arditi–Ginzburg model. A Holling type III functional response did not describe the data well. In addition, independent behavioral observations revealed high encounter rates between predators. We quantified the number of encounters between predators and the time the focal predator spent interacting with other individuals per encounter. This time “wasted” on conspecifics reduced the total time available for foraging and may therefore account for lower predation rates at higher predator densities. Our findings imply that ecological theory needs to take realistic levels of predator dependence into account.  相似文献   
Intense disturbance may locally destroy patches of habitat and shape the landscape into a mosaic of reassembling communities. The development of ecosystem properties during such community reassembly is poorly understood. In intertidal bare sediments, trophic relations between microphytobenthos or heterotrophic bacteria and macrofauna invertebrates may guarantee fundamental ecosystem properties such as carbon flow through the food web. We studied the dynamic relation between reassembling macrofauna communities and such microbial carbon flow during recovery after severe disturbance. We deliberately induced prolonged hypoxia in winter and early summer and allowed recolonisation for periods of two and five months. Carbon flow was quantified from basal resources (microphytobenthos and bacteria) to intermediate consumers using 13C as a tracer. Within the period of study (5 months), microbial carbon flow fully recovered, although macrofauna diversity was still very low compared to the natural communities (ranging from 6 to 17 species). More than 90% of microbial carbon flow to macrofauna was due to the consumers that recolonised within two months. Two of these species were dominant contributors to microphytobenthos carbon transfer to fauna. Furthermore, at an early stage of reassembly, this ecosystem property was remarkably similar when disturbance took place at different times of the year (winter or early summer), although there were differences in assemblage composition and functional diversity. We conclude that species assemblages and ecosystem function developed relatively independently in this benthic system. We discuss which ecological factors may have caused such non-parallel development of macrofaunal communities and carbon flow.  相似文献   
Pseudomonas entomophila L48 is a recently identified entomopathogenic bacterium which, upon ingestion, kills Drosophila melanogaster, and is closely related to P. putida. The complete genome of this species has been sequenced and therefore a genomic, genetic and structural analysis of the siderophore-mediated iron acquisition was undertaken. P. entomophila produces two siderophores, a structurally new and unique pyoverdine and the secondary siderophore pseudomonine, already described in P. fluorescens species. Structural analysis of the pyoverdine produced by the closely related P. putida KT2440 showed that this strain produces an already characterised pyoverdine, but different from P. entomophila, and no evidence was found for the production of a second siderophore. Growth stimulation assays with heterologous pyoverdines demonstrated that P. entomophila is able to utilize a large variety of structurally distinct pyoverdines produced by other Pseudomonas species. In contrast, P. putida KT2440 is able to utilize only its own pyoverdine and the pyoverdine produced by P. syringae LMG 1247. Our data suggest that although closely related, P. entomophila is a more efficient competitor for iron than P. putida.  相似文献   
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