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Detailed observations of larval Drosophila chemotaxis have characterised the relationship between the odour gradient and the runs, head casts and turns made by the animal. We use a computational model to test whether hypothesised sensorimotor control mechanisms are sufficient to account for larval behaviour. The model combines three mechanisms based on simple transformations of the recent history of odour intensity at the head location. The first is an increased probability of terminating runs in response to gradually decreasing concentration, the second an increased probability of terminating head casts in response to rapidly increasing concentration, and the third a biasing of run directions up concentration gradients through modulation of small head casts. We show that this model can be tuned to produce behavioural statistics comparable to those reported for the larva, and that this tuning results in similar chemotaxis performance to the larva. We demonstrate that each mechanism can enable odour approach but the combination of mechanisms is most effective, and investigate how these low-level control mechanisms relate to behavioural measures such as the preference indices used to investigate larval learning behaviour in group assays.  相似文献   
Honeybee workers express a pronounced age‐dependent polyethism switching from various indoor duties to foraging outside the hive. This transition is accompanied by tremendous changes in the sensory environment that sensory systems and higher brain centers have to cope with. Foraging and age have earlier been shown to be associated with volume changes in the mushroom bodies (MBs). Using age‐ and task‐controlled bees this study provides a detailed framework of neuronal maturation processes in the MB calyx during the course of natural behavioral maturation. We show that the MB calyx volume already increases during the first week of adult life. This process is mainly driven by broadening of the Kenyon cell dendritic branching pattern and then followed by pruning of projection neuron axonal boutons during the actual transition from indoor to outdoor duties. To further investigate the flexible regulation of division of labor and its neuronal correlates in a honeybee colony, we studied the modulation of the nurse‐forager transition via a chemical communication system, the primer pheromone ethyl oleate (EO). EO is found at high concentrations on foragers in contrast to nurse bees and was shown to delay the onset of foraging. In this study, EO effects on colony behavior were not as robust as expected, and we found no direct correlation between EO treatment and synaptic maturation in the MB calyx. In general, we assume that the primer pheromone EO rather acts in concert with other factors influencing the onset of foraging with its effect being highly adaptive. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 75: 1368–1384, 2015  相似文献   
A 3-doxylcholestane spin label was employed in addition to 5-doxylstearoyl lecithin for a more detailed study of the different effects exerted by variously oxidized lecithins on fatty acid alignment in phospholipid planar bilayers. Either spin label was enclosed in oriented PLPC planar samples also containing in turn a variety of conjugated-dienes lecithins and cleaved chain lecithins, in order to monitor EPR spectral angular dependence loss. Data obtained by use of arachidonoyl-hydroxystearoyl-PC and palmitoyl-hydroxylinoleoyl-PC confirm that the 5-DSPC nitroxide ring almost completely retains its orientation in CD-PCs-containing planar membranes, in contrast with angular dependence loss observed in the presence of the CC-PC molecular species palmitoyl-oxononanoyl-PC and palmitoyl-oxovaleroyl-PC, already seen with cleaved-chain palmitoyl-glutaroyl-PC and palmitoyl-azelaoyl-PC. However, the 3-DC nitroxide ring also loses its orientation with CD-PCs, in addition to being disoriented by cleaved chain-lecithins, similarly to 5DSPC. Joint information from the two spin labels will help to clarify whether OXPC-related disordering involved the whole bilayer structure or only the hydrophobic core. In addition, the propensity of different OXPCs to form bilayer vesicles in water suspension was also determined by Sepharose 4B gel-chromatography. The results suggest that CD-PCs might yield SPB bilayer structures with a disordered hydrophobic core, while pure CC-PC more probably forms non-bilayer disordered structures, possibly micelles or mixed micelle/bilayers.  相似文献   


Understanding of the genetic architecture of plant UV-B responses allows extensive targeted testing of candidate genes or regions, along with combinations of those genes, for placement in metabolic or signal transduction pathways.  相似文献   
The Ras GTPase-activating protein RasGAP catalyzes the conversion of active GTP-bound Ras into inactive GDP-bound Ras. However, RasGAP also acts as a positive effector of Ras and exerts an anti-apoptotic activity that is independent of its GAP function and that involves its SH3 (Src homology) domain. We used a combinatorial peptide aptamer approach to select a collection of RasGAP SH3 specific ligands. We mapped the peptide aptamer binding sites by performing yeast two-hybrid mating assays against a panel of RasGAP SH3 mutants. We examined the biological activity of a peptide aptamer targeting a pocket delineated by residues D295/7, L313 and W317. This aptamer shows a caspase-independent cytotoxic activity on tumor cell lines. It disrupts the interaction between RasGAP and Aurora B kinase. This work identifies the above-mentioned pocket as an interesting therapeutic target to pursue and points its cognate peptide aptamer as a promising guide to discover RasGAP small-molecule drug candidates.  相似文献   


Mortality in heart failure (AHF) remains high, especially during the first days of hospitalization. New prognostic biomarkers may help to optimize treatment. The aim of the study was to determine metabolites that have a high prognostic value.


We conducted a prospective study on a training cohort of AHF patients (n = 126) admitted in the cardiac intensive care unit and assessed survival at 30 days. Venous plasmas collected at admission were used for 1H NMRbased metabonomics analysis. Differences between plasma metabolite profiles allow determination of discriminating metabolites. A cohort of AHF patients was subsequently constituted (n = 74) to validate the findings.


Lactate and cholesterol were the major discriminating metabolites predicting 30-day mortality. Mortality was increased in patients with high lactate and low total cholesterol concentrations at admission. Accuracies of lactate, cholesterol concentration and lactate to cholesterol (Lact/Chol) ratio to predict 30-day mortality were evaluated using ROC analysis. The Lact/Chol ratio provided the best accuracy with an AUC of 0.82 (P < 0.0001). The acute physiology and chronic health evaluation (APACHE) II scoring system provided an AUC of 0.76 for predicting 30-day mortality. APACHE II score, Cardiogenic shock (CS) state and Lact/Chol ratio ≥ 0.4 (cutoff value with 82% sensitivity and 64% specificity) were significant independent predictors of 30-day mortality with hazard ratios (HR) of 1.11, 4.77 and 3.59, respectively. In CS patients, the HR of 30-day mortality risk for plasma Lact/Chol ratio ≥ 0.4 was 3.26 compared to a Lact/Chol ratio of < 0.4 (P  =  0.018). The predictive power of the Lact/Chol ratio for 30-day mortality outcome was confirmed with the independent validation cohort.


This study identifies the plasma Lact/Chol ratio as a useful objective and simple parameter to evaluate short term prognostic and could be integrated into quantitative guidance for decision making in heart failure care.  相似文献   
Previous studies have suggested that intestinal epithelial cells (IECs) have the capacity to function as nonprofessional antigen presenting cells that in the normal state preferentially activate CD8+ T cells. However, under pathological conditions, such as those found in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), persistent activation of CD4+ T cells is seen. The aim of this study was to determine whether the IBD IECs contribute to CD4+ T cell activation. Freshly isolated human IECs were obtained from surgical specimens of patients with or without IBD and cocultured with autologous or allogeneic peripheral blood T lymphocytes. Cocultures of normal T cells and IECs derived from IBD patients resulted in the preferential activation of CD4+ T cell proliferation that was associated with significant IFN-gamma, but not IL-2, secretion. Cytokine secretion and CD4+ T cell proliferation was inhibited by pretreatment of the IBD IECs with the anti-DR MAb L243. In contrast, normal IECs stimulated the proliferation and cytokine secretion by CD4+ T cells to a significantly lesser degree than IBD IECs. Furthermore, blockade of human leukocyte antigen-DR had a lesser effect in the normal IEC-CD4+ T cell cocultures. We conclude that IECs can contribute to the ongoing CD4+ T cell activation seen in IBD. We suggest that the apparent differences between the secreted levels of IFN-gamma indicate that it may play a dual role in intestinal homeostasis, in which low levels contribute to physiological inflammation whereas higher levels are associated with an uncontrolled inflammatory state.  相似文献   
Ecophysiological models predict quantitative traits of one genotype in any environment, whereas quantitative trait locus (QTL) models predict the contribution of alleles to quantitative traits under a limited number of environments. We have combined both approaches by dissecting into effects of QTLs the parameters of a model of maize (Zea mays) leaf elongation rate (LER; H. Ben Haj Salah, F. Tardieu [1997] Plant Physiol 114: 893-900). Response curves of LER to meristem temperature, water vapor pressure difference, and soil water status were established in 100 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) of maize in six experiments carried out in the field or in the greenhouse. All responses were linear and common to different experiments, consistent with the model. A QTL analysis was carried out on the slopes of these responses by composite interval mapping confirmed by bootstrap analysis. Most QTLs were specific of one response only. QTLs of abscisic acid concentration in the xylem sap colocalized with QTLs of response to soil water deficit and conferred a low response. Each parameter of the ecophysiological model was computed as the sum of QTL effects, allowing calculation of parameters for 11 new RILs and two parental lines. LERs were simulated and compared with measurements in a growth chamber experiment. The combined model accounted for 74% of the variability of LER, suggesting that it has a general value for any RIL under any environment.  相似文献   
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