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Restricion endonuclease Ecl18kI is specific for the sequence /CCNGG and cleaves it before the outer C to generate 5 nt 5'-overhangs. It has been suggested that Ecl18kI is evolutionarily related to NgoMIV, a 6-bp cutter that cleaves the sequence G/CCGGC and leaves 4 nt 5'-overhangs. Here, we report the crystal structure of the Ecl18kI-DNA complex at 1.7 A resolution and compare it with the known structure of the NgoMIV-DNA complex. We find that Ecl18kI flips both central nucleotides within the CCNGG sequence and buries the extruded bases in pockets within the protein. Nucleotide flipping disrupts Watson-Crick base pairing, induces a kink in the DNA and shifts the DNA register by 1 bp, making the distances between scissile phosphates in the Ecl18kI and NgoMIV cocrystal structures nearly identical. Therefore, the two enzymes can use a conserved DNA recognition module, yet recognize different sequences, and form superimposable dimers, yet generate different cleavage patterns. Hence, Ecl18kI is the first example of a restriction endonuclease that flips nucleotides to achieve specificity for its recognition site.  相似文献   
Ras is a major mediator of PE (phorbol ester) effects in mammalian cells. Various mechanisms for PE activation of Ras have been reported [Downward, Graves, Warne, Rayter and Cantrell (1990) Nature (London) 346, 719-723; Shu, Wu, Mosteller and Broek (2002) Mol. Cell. Biol. 22, 7758-7768; Roose, Mollenauer, Gupta, Stone and Weiss (2005) Mol. Cell. Biol. 25, 4426-4441; Grosse, Roelle, Herrlich, H?hn and Gudermann (2000) J. Biol. Chem. 275, 12251-12260], including pathways that target GAPs (GTPase-activating proteins) for inactivation and those that result in activation of GEFs (guanine nucleotide-exchange factors) Sos (son of sevenless homologue) or RasGRP (RAS guanyl releasing protein). However, a biochemical link between PE and GAP inactivation is missing and GEF stimulation is hard to reconcile with the observation that dominant-negative S17N-Ras does not compromise Ras-dependent ERK (extracellular-signal-regulated kinase) activation by PE. We have addressed this controversy and carried out an in-depth biochemical study of PE-induced Ras activation in COS-7 cells. Using a cell-permeabilization approach to monitor nucleotide exchange on Ras, we demonstrate that PE-induced Ras-GTP accumulation results from GEF stimulation. Nucleotide exchange stimulation by PE is prevented by PKC (protein kinase C) inhibition but not by EGFR [EGF (epidermal growth factor) receptor] blockade, despite the fact that EGFR inhibition aborts basal and PE-induced Shc (Src homology and collagen homology) phosphorylation and Shc-Grb2 (growth-factor-receptor-bound protein 2) association. In fact, EGFR inhibition ablates basal nucleotide exchange on Ras in growth-arrested COS-7 cells. These data disclose the existence of two separate GEF systems that operate independently from each other to accomplish PE-dependent formation of Ras-GTP and to maintain resting Ras-GTP levels respectively. We document that COS-7 cells do not express RasGRP and present evidence that the PE-responsive GEF system may involve PKC-dependent phosphorylation of Sos. More fundamentally, these observations shed new light on enigmatic issues such as the inefficacy of S17N-Ras in blocking PE action or the role of the EGFR in heterologous agonist activation of the Ras/ERK pathway.  相似文献   
Aspergillus fumigatus is an important pathogen of the immunocompromised host. Previously, it was shown that the polyketide synthase encoded by the pksP (alb1) gene represents a virulence determinant. pksP is part of a gene cluster involved in dihydroxynaphthalene (DHN)-like melanin biosynthesis. Because a putative laccase-encoding gene (abr2) is also part of the cluster and a laccase was found to represent a virulence factor in Cryptococcus neoformans, here, the Abr2 laccase was characterised. Deletion of the abr2 gene changed the gray-green conidial pigment to a brown color and the ornamentation of conidia was reduced compared with wild-type conidia. In contrast to the white pksP mutant, the susceptibility of the Δabr2 mutant against reactive oxygen species (ROS) was not increased, suggesting that the intermediate of DHN-like melanin produced up to the step catalysed by Abr2 already possesses ROS scavenging activity. In an intranasal mouse infection model, the Δabr2 mutant strain showed no reduction in virulence compared with the wild type. In the Δabr2 mutant, overall laccase activity was reduced only during sporulation, but not during vegetative growth. An abr2p-lacZ gene fusion was expressed during sporulation, but not during vegetative growth confirming the pattern of laccase activity due to Abr2.  相似文献   
Single-stranded DNA-binding proteins (SSBs) are required for repair, recombination and replication in all organisms. Eukaryotic SSBs are regulated by phosphorylation on serine and threonine residues. To our knowledge, phosphorylation of SSBs in bacteria has not been reported. A systematic search for phosphotyrosine-containing proteins in Streptomyces griseus by immunoaffinity chromatography identified bacterial SSBs as a novel target of bacterial tyrosine kinases. Since genes encoding protein-tyrosine kinases (PTKs) have not been recognized in streptomycetes, and SSBs from Streptomyces coelicolor (ScSSB) and Bacillus subtilis (BsSSB) share 38.7% identity, we used a B.subtilis protein-tyrosine kinase YwqD to phosphorylate two cognate SSBs (BsSSB and YwpH) in vitro. We demonstrate that in vivo phosphorylation of B.subtilis SSB occurs on tyrosine residue 82, and this reaction is affected antagonistically by kinase YwqD and phosphatase YwqE. Phosphorylation of B.subtilis SSB increased binding almost 200-fold to single-stranded DNA in vitro. Tyrosine phosphorylation of B.subtilis, S.coelicolor and Escherichia coli SSBs occured while they were expressed in E.coli, indicating that tyrosine phosphorylation of SSBs is a conserved process of post-translational modification in taxonomically distant bacteria.  相似文献   
Flooded rice fields have become a model system for the study of soil microbial ecology. In Italian rice fields, in particular, aspects from biogeochemistry to molecular ecology have been studied, but the impact of protistan grazing on the structure and function of the prokaryotic community has not been examined yet. We compared an untreated control soil with a gamma-radiation-sterilized soil that had been reinoculated with a natural bacterial assemblage. In order to verify that the observed effects were due to protistan grazing and did not result from sterilization, we set up a third set of microcosms containing sterilized soil that had been reinoculated with natural assemblage bacteria plus protists. The spatial and temporal changes in the protistan and prokaryotic communities were examined by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) analysis, respectively, both based on the small-subunit gene. Sequences retrieved from DGGE bands were preferentially affiliated with Cercozoa and other bacteriovorous flagellates. Without protists, the level of total DNA increased with incubation time, indicating that the level of the microbial biomass was elevated. Betaproteobacteria were preferentially preyed upon, while low-G + C-content gram-positive bacteria became more dominant under grazing pressure. The bacterial diversity detectable by T-RFLP analysis was greater in the presence of protists. The level of extractable NH4+ was lower and the level of extractable SO4(2-) was higher without protists, indicating that nitrogen mineralization and SO4(2-) reduction were stimulated by protists. Most of these effects were more obvious in the partially oxic surface layer (0 to 3 mm), but they could also be detected in the anoxic subsurface layer (10 to 13 mm). Our observations fit well into the overall framework developed for protistan grazing, but with some modifications pertinent to the wetland situation: O2 was a major control, and O2 availability may have limited directly and indirectly the development of protists. Although detectable in the lower anoxic layer, grazing effects were much more obvious in the partially oxic surface layer.  相似文献   
In the biocontrol strain Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0, the Gac/Rsm signal transduction pathway positively controls the synthesis of antifungal secondary metabolites and exoenzymes. In this way, the GacS/GacA two-component system determines the expression of three small regulatory RNAs (RsmX, RsmY, and RsmZ) in a process activated by the strain's own signal molecules, which are not related to N-acyl-homoserine lactones. Transposon Tn5 was used to isolate P. fluorescens CHA0 insertion mutants that expressed an rsmZ-gfp fusion at reduced levels. Five of these mutants were gacS negative, and in them the gacS mutation could be complemented for exoproduct and signal synthesis by the gacS wild-type allele. Furthermore, two thiamine-auxotrophic (thiC) mutants that exhibited decreased signal synthesis in the presence of 5 x 10(-8) M thiamine were found. Under these conditions, a thiC mutant grew normally but showed reduced expression of the three small RNAs, the exoprotease AprA, and the antibiotic 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol. In a gnotobiotic system, a thiC mutant was impaired for biological control of Pythium ultimum on cress. Addition of excess exogenous thiamine restored all deficiencies of the mutant. Thus, thiamine appears to be an important factor in the expression of biological control by P. fluorescens.  相似文献   
Different from cytoplasmic membrane proteins, presecretory proteins of bacteria usually do not require the signal recognition particle for targeting to the Sec translocon. Nevertheless signal sequences of presecretory proteins have been found in close proximity to signal recognition particle immediately after they have emerged from the ribosome. We show here that at the ribosome, the molecular environment of a signal sequence depends on the nature of downstream sequence elements that can cause an alternate recruitment of signal recognition particle and the ribosome-associated chaperone Trigger factor to a growing nascent chain. While signal recognition particle and Trigger factor might remain bound to the same ribosome, both ligands are clearly able to displace each other from a nascent chain. The data also imply that a signal sequence owes its molecular environment to the fact that it remains closely apposed to the ribosomal exit site during growth of a nascent secretory protein.  相似文献   
Recently, vaspin was identified as an adipokine with insulin-sensitizing effects, which is predominantly secreted from visceral adipose tissue in a rat model of type 2 diabetes. In this study, we examined whether vaspin mRNA expression is a marker of visceral obesity and correlates with anthropometric and metabolic parameters in paired samples of visceral and subcutaneous adipose tissue from 196 subjects with a wide range of obesity, body fat distribution, insulin sensitivity, and glucose tolerance. Vaspin mRNA expression was only detectable in 23% of the visceral and in 15% of the subcutaneous (SC) adipose tissue samples. Vaspin mRNA expression was not detectable in lean subjects (BMI<25) and was more frequently detected in patients with type 2 diabetes. No significant correlations were found between visceral vaspin gene expression and visceral fat area or SC vaspin expression. However, visceral vaspin expression significantly correlates with BMI, % body fat, and 2 h OGTT plasma glucose. Subcutaneous vaspin mRNA expression is significantly correlated with WHR, fasting plasma insulin concentration, and glucose infusion rate during steady state of an euglycemic-hyperinsulinemic clamp. Multivariate linear regression analysis revealed % body fat as strongest predictor of visceral vaspin and insulin sensitivity as strongest determinant of SC vaspin mRNA expression. In conclusion, our data indicate that induction of human vaspin mRNA expression in adipose tissue is regulated in a fat depot-specific manner and could be associated with parameters of obesity, insulin resistance, and glucose metabolism.  相似文献   
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