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Activated CD4+ T cells can be classified into distinct subsets; the most divergent among them may be considered to be the IL-2 and IFN-gamma-producing Th1 clones and the IL-4 and IL-5-producing Th2 clones. Because Th1 and Th2 clones can usually be detected only after several months of culture, we used conditions that modulate the IL-2 and IL-4 production in short term culture. Here we show that freshly isolated and subsequently in vitro-activated CD4+ T cells that were cultured for 11 days with rIL-2 and restimulated showed a IFN-gamma+ IL-2+ IL-3+ IL-4- IL-5- pattern. Because these cells were not capable of providing B cell help for IgG1, IgG2a, or IgE in an APC- and TCR-dependent T-B cell assay, they expressed a phenotype typical for most Th1 clones. In contrast, activated T cells that were cultured for 11 days with IL-2 plus a mAb to CD3 and then restimulated produced a IFN-gamma- IL-2- IL-3+ IL-4+ IL-5+ pattern. These cells were capable of providing B cell help for IgG1, IgG2a, and IgE synthesis and thus presented a phenotype typical for Th2 clones. Similar results were observed when mitogenic mAb to Thy-1.2 or to framework determinants of the alpha beta TCR were used. The induction of Th1- and Th2-like cells did not depend on the relative expression of CD44 or CD45 by the T cells before activation in vitro. Because the incubation of activated T cells with anti-CD3/TCR mAb induced high unrestricted lymphokine production, the latter might be responsible for the Th2-like lymphokine pattern observed after restimulation. To address this point, TCR V beta 8+ and V beta 8- T cell blasts were co-cultured in the presence of mAb to V beta 8. After restimulation, V beta 8+ cells had a IL-4high IL-2low phenotype and V beta 8- cells had a IL-4low IL-2high phenotype. This demonstrates that TCR ligation but not lymphokines alone are capable of inducing Th2-like cells, and this points out a central role for the TCR in the generation of T cell subsets.  相似文献   
The impact of protein-protein interactions on the conformation of the N-terminal hirudin domain consisting of residues 1 to 51 in the X-ray crystal structure of a hirudin-thrombin complex was investigated through comparisons with the nuclear magnetic resonance solution structure of hirudin(1-51). The close overall similarity observed between these two structures contrasts with the behavior of the C-terminal 17-residue polypeptide segment of hirudin, which is flexibly disordered in solution but exhibits a defined conformation in the complex with thrombin. Localized structural differences in the N-terminal domain include that residues 1 to 3 of hirudin in the crystalline complex form a hydrogen-bonding network with thrombin that is reminiscent of a parallel beta-sheet. Moreover, the backbone conformation of residues 17 to 20 in the complex does not contain the characteristic hydrogen bond observed for the type II' reverse turn in the solution structure, and the side-chains of Ser19 and Val21 have significantly different orientations in the two structures. Most of these structural changes can be related directly to thrombin-hirudin contacts, which may also be an important factor in the mechanism of hirudin action. In this context, it is of special interest that other residues that also make numerous contacts with thrombin, e.g. Thr4, Asp5 and Asn20, have identical conformations in free hirudin and in the complex.  相似文献   
We have performed a detailed structural analysis of the soluble Mg(2+)-ATPase complex purified from Xenopus laevis ovary, which is an abundant and ubiquitous homo-oligomeric protein complex located in the nucleus and in the cytoplasm, belonging to a novel multigene-family of putative Mg(2+)-ATPases. Enzyme activity staining after non-denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed that Mg(2+)-ATPase activity of the native protein is dependent on oligomerization and could not be detected in dissociated subunits. For the native protein a sedimentation coefficient of 15.3 S and a corresponding relative molecular mass of 612,000 was determined by analytical ultracentrifugation and a relative molecular mass of 590,000 was estimated from scanning transmission electron microscopy, supporting our previous conclusion that the oligomer comprises six 97,000 Mr subunits. Conventional electron microscopy of negatively stained specimens revealed the Mg(2+)-ATPase complex to be a hexagonal molecule in its favoured "end-on" projection and a double-banded molecule in its "side-on" projection (approx. 12 nm diameter; approx. 9 nm height). In addition, dimerized complexes could be observed in negatively stained specimens, yielding pronounced hexameric images and four-banded images in their end-on and side-on orientations, respectively (approx. 12 nm diameter; approx. 18.5 nm height). Two-dimensional (2D = mono-molecular) crystals have been produced from the dimerized complexes by the negative staining carbon film technique. Hexagonal crystals with a p6 plane group symmetry were obtained from molecules in their end-on orientation and longitudinal arrays with a p2 symmetry from complexes in their side-on orientation. A low-resolution molecular model of the native protein, derived from averages of these two 2D crystals, is presented. From our results we propose oligomerization as an inherent structural principle of organization for this whole newly defined Mg(2+)-ATPase multigene-family, that includes such seemingly diverse functionally defined proteins as mammalian and yeast "vesicle fusion" and "peroxisome assembly" proteins and the product of the yeast cell cycle gene CDC48.  相似文献   
The major small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs) U1, U2, U5 and U4/U6 participate in the splicing of pre-mRNA. U1, U2, U4 and U5 RNAs share a highly conserved sequence motif PuA(U)nGPu, termed the Sm site, which is normally flanked by two hairpin loops. The Sm site provides the major binding site for the group of common proteins, B', B, D1, D2, D3, E, F and G, which are shared by the spliceosomal snRNPs. We have investigated the ability of common snRNP proteins to recognize the Sm site of snRNA by using ultraviolet light-induced RNA-protein cross-linking within U1 snRNP particles. The U1 snRNP particles, reconstituted in vitro, contained U1 snRNA labelled with 32P. Cross-linking of protein to this U1 snRNA occurred only in the presence of the single-stranded stretch of snRNA that makes up the conserved Sm site. Characterization of the cross-linked protein by one and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis indicated that snRNP protein G had become cross-linked to the U1 snRNA. This was confirmed by specific immunoprecipitation of the cross-linked RNA-protein complex with an anti-G antiserum. The cross-link was located on the U1 snRNA by fingerprint analysis with RNases T1 and A; this demonstrated that the protein G has been cross-linked to the AAU stretch within the 5'-terminal half of the Sm site (AAUUUGUGG). These results suggest that the snRNP protein G may be involved in the direct recognition of the Sm site.  相似文献   
The solution structure of native human [Zn7]-metallothionein-2 has been compared with the previously determined structure of human [Cd7]-metallothionein-2. The comparison was based on complete sequence-specific 1H nuclear magnetic resonance assignments for human [Zn7]-metallothionein-2 obtained using the sequential assignment method. The secondary structure was found to be very similar in the [Zn7]- and [Cd7]- forms of the protein. Only seven amide protons in [Zn7]- metallothionein-2 were found to have exchange rates lower than approximately 0.2 min-1 at pH 7.0 and 10 degrees C, which corresponds closely to the results of amide proton exchange studies with the [Cd7]- form of the protein. Finally, the 1H-1H distance constraints determined from nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy for human [Zn7]-metallothionein-2 were checked for compatibility with the [Cd7]-metallothionein-2 structure. Overall, although no direct method is available for identifying the metal-polypeptide co-ordinative bonds in the Zn(2+)-containing protein, these measurements provided several independent lines of evidence showing that the [Zn7]- and [Cd7]- forms of human metallothionein-2 have the same molecular architecture.  相似文献   
A topological model for the haemolysin translocator protein HlyD   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Summary A topological model for HlyD is proposed that is based on results obtained with gene fusions of lacZ and phoA to hlyD. Active H1yD-LacZ fusion proteins were only generated when lacZ was fused to hlyD. within the first 180 by (60 amino acids). H1yD-PhoA proteins exhibiting alkaline phosphatase (AP) activity were obtained when phoA was inserted into hlyD. between nucleotides 262 (behind amino acid position 87) and 1405 (behind amino acid position 468, only 10 amino acids away from the C-terminus of HlyD Active insertions of phoA into the middle region of hlyD. were not observed on in vivo transposition but such fusions exhibiting AP activity could be constructed by in vitro techniques. A fusion protein that carried the PhoA part close to the C-terminal end of HlyD proved to be the most stable HlyD-PhoA fusion protein. In contrast to the other, rather unstable, HlyD-PhoA+ fusions, no proteolytic degradation product of this HlyD-PhoA protein was observed and nearly all the alkaline phosphatase activity was membrane bound. Protease accessibility and cell fractionation experiments indicated that the alkaline phosphatase moiety of this fusion protein was located in the periplasm as for all other HlyD-PhoA+ proteins. These data and computer-assisted predictions suggest a topological model for HlyD with the N-terminal 60 amino acids located in the cytoplasm, a single transmembrane segment from amino acids 60 to 80 and a large periplasmic region extending from amino acid 80 to the C-terminus. Neither the HlyD fusion proteins obtained nor a mutant HlyD protein that had lost the last 10 amino acids from the C-terminus of HlyD exhibited translocator activity for HlyA or other reporter proteins carrying the HlyA signal sequence. The C-terminal 10 amino acids of HlyD showed significant similarity with the corresponding sequences of other HlyD-related proteins involved in protein secretion.  相似文献   
Resistance to phosphonacetyl-L-aspartate (PALA) is caused by CAD gene amplification. The marker chromosome of a PALA-resistant cell line containing a homogeneously staining region with amplified CAD gene was introduced into PALA-sensitive Chinese hamster cells by microcell-mediated chromosome transfer. Two monochromosomal hybrids containing the marker chromosome in addition to the normal chromosome complement of sensitive cells and 1 tetraploid hybrid containing the complete genomes of donor (resistant) and recipient (sensitive) cells were studied in detail. It was shown that (i) the presence of the marker chromosome was both a necessary and a sufficient condition for the expression of the PALA-resistant phenotype; (ii) the marker chromosome underwent rearrangements in the monochromosomal hybrids, with preferential loss of non-amplified chromosomal regions, while it was not rearranged in the tetraploid hybrid; (iii) unlike the original PALA-resistant cells obtained after long-term selection in the presence of PALA, the PALA-resistant hybrids did not show chromosomal aberrations of other than the marker chromosome. This result indicates that chromosomal aberrations may be due to the selective procedure and is not an inherent property of cells containing amplified genes.  相似文献   
In potato plants (Solanum tuberosum), a chimeric yeast-derived invertase gene fused to a 35S cauliflower mosaic virus promoter has been expressed. The protein was targeted to the cell wall by using the signal peptide of proteinase inhibitor II fused to the amino terminus of the yeast invertase. The transformed plants had crinkled leaves, showed a reduced growth rate, and produced fewer tubers. Although in the apoplast of the leaves of the transformed plants the content of glucose and fructose rose by a factor of 20, and that of sucrose declined 20-fold, 98% of the carbohydrate in the phloem sap consisted of sucrose, demonstrating the strong specificity of phloem loading. In the leaf cells of the transformed plants, glucose, fructose, and amino acids, especially proline, were accumulated. Consequently, the osmolality of the cell sap rose from 250 to 350 mosmol/kg. Our results show that the observed 75% decrease of photosynthesis is not caused by a feedback regulation of sucrose synthesis and is accompanied by an increase in the osmotic pressure in the leaf cells. In the transformed plants, not only the amino acid to sucrose ratio in the phloem sap, but also the amino acid and protein contents in the tubers were found to be elevated. In the tubers of the transformed plants, the protein to starch ratio increased.  相似文献   
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