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The biochemical events associated with the heat shock response are not well understood in any organism, nor have the signals that initiate the induction of heat shock protein synthesis been identified. In this work, we demonstrate that the rate of serine catabolism of Escherichia coli cells grown in glucose minimal medium supplemented with serine is elevated three- to sevenfold when the growth temperature is shifted from 37 to 44 degrees C. Elevations in growth temperature and mutations or treatments that lead to elevated basal rates of serine catabolism at 37 degrees C result in the excretion into the culture medium of acetate derived from exogenous serine. Increases in the basal level of serine catabolism at 37 degrees C do not per se induce a heat shock response but are associated with abnormalities in the pattern of induction of heat shock polypeptides following a temperature shift. We postulate that the events responsible for or resulting from the elevation in serine catabolism associated with a shift-up in temperature modulate the induction of 3 of the 17 heat shock polypeptides identified in E. coli. These observations suggest that heat shock diverts serine away from the production of glycine and C1 units, which are required for initiation of protein synthesis and for nucleotide biosynthesis, and towards acetyl coenzyme A and acetate.  相似文献   


Tissue factor (TF), an in vivo initiator of blood coagulation, is a transmembrane protein and has two disulfides in the extracellular domain. The integrity of one cysteine pair, Cys186–Cys209, has been hypothesized to be essential for an allosteric “decryption” phenomenon, presumably regulating TF procoagulant function, which has been the subject of a lengthy debate. The conclusions of published studies on this subject are based on indirect evidences obtained by the use of reagents with potentially oxidizing/reducing properties.


The status of disulfides in recombinant TF1–263 and natural placental TF in their non-reduced native and reduced forms was determined by mass-spectrometry. Functional assays were performed to assess TF cofactor function.


In native proteins, all four cysteines of the extracellular domain of TF are oxidized. Reduced TF retains factor VIIa binding capacity but completely loses the cofactor function.


The reduction of TF disulfides (with or without alkylation) eliminates TF regulation of factor VIIa catalytic function in both membrane dependent FX activation and membrane independent synthetic substrate hydrolysis.

General significance

Results of this study advance our knowledge on TF structure/function relationships.  相似文献   
Twenty one species of ticks belonging to five genera of the family Ixodidae (Order Acari, sub-order Ixodida) - Amblyomma, Haemaphysalis, Hyalomma, Ixodes and Rhipicephalus (including the sub-genus Rhipicephalus (Boophilus)) - were collected from 1260 mammals, representing 29 species, 14 families and 6 orders, in four vegetation zones in Ghana during the period 1971-1978. Four other species were collected from humans in 1977. In all, eight species appeared to be new records for Ghana: Amblyomma tholloni Neumann; Dermacentor circumguttatus Neumann; Haemaphysalis houyi Nuttall & Warburton; Ixodes loveridgei Arthur; Ixodes oldi Nuttall; Ixodes vanidicus Schultze; Rhipicephalus complanatus Neumann; Rhipicephalus cuspidatus Neumann. The updated list of tick species in Ghana given here includes 41 species of ixodid ticks and four species of argasid ticks. Most species have been found in neighbouring regions of West Africa but 56 of the 121 different combinations of ixodid tick species and host species found in the collection described here have not apparently been reported before. The new combinations recorded here bring the total number of different combinations of ixodid tick species and mammalian host species now reported in Ghana to 151. The tick species found on wild mammals in Ghana mostly differed from those reported from domestic stock by other authors. The data showed that different tick species occurred in different vegetation zones and that most species displayed a pronounced preference for certain groups of related host species. Some tick species were found in the savanna feeding mainly on large bovids and/or suids; others were found in forests feeding mainly on small bovids, large rodents or small carnivores.  相似文献   
Synopsis We sampled larval, juvenile and adult fishes from littoral-zone areas of a large reservoir (Lake Texoma, Oklahoma-Texas) (1) to characterize environmental factors that influenced fish community structure, (2) to examine how consistent fish–environment relationships were through ontogeny (i.e., larval vs. juvenile and adult), and (3) to measure the concordance of larval communities sampled during spring to juvenile and adult communities sampled at the same sites later in the year. Larval, juvenile and adult fish communities were dominated by Atherinidae (mainly inland silverside, Menidia beryllina) and Moronidae (mainly juvenile striped bass, Morone saxatilis) and were consistently structured along a gradient of site exposure to prevailing winds and waves. Larval, juvenile and adult communities along this gradient varied from atherinids and moronids at highly exposed sites to mostly centrarchids (primarily Lepomis and Micropterus spp.) at protected sites. Secondarily, zooplankton densities, water clarity, and land-use characteristics were related to fish community structure. Rank correlation analyses and Mantel tests indicated that the spatial consistency and predictability of fish communities was high as larval fishes sampled during spring were concordant with juvenile and adult fishes sampled at the same sites during summer and fall in terms of abundance, richness, and community structure. We propose that the high predictability and spatial consistency of littoral-zone fishes in Lake Texoma was a function of relatively simple communities (dominated by 1–2 species) that were structured by factors, such as site exposure to winds and waves, that varied little through time.  相似文献   
A single polypeptide chain containing two dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) sequences from Escherichia coli was constructed to determine if a repeat sequence fusion protein could be expressed in an active form. The possibility that intersequence interactions could play a significant role for this enzyme is suggested by the results of Hall and Frieden (1989, Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA, 86, 3060-3064) who observed a substantial decrease in the yield of active enzyme when folded in the presence of a large C-terminal fragment. The fusion protein [DHFR(Cys152Glu)--Ile--DHFR (Met1Gln)] was efficiently expressed in E. coli cells and has an activity which is twice that of the wild-type enzyme in the standard assay. The Michaelis constants of the fusion protein for the substrate, dihydrofolate and the cofactor, NADPH, are essentially unchanged from those of the wild-type protein. The urea-induced in vitro unfolding reaction of the fusion protein at low concentrations was found to be fully reversible and follow a three state model, suggesting that the two domains unfold independently. At higher protein concentrations the unfolding transition broadened and shifted to a higher urea concentration. Size-exclusion chromatography results are consistent with the formation of aggregates at the higher protein concentration, even in the absence of denaturant.  相似文献   
The folding of alpha-helical membrane proteins has previously been described using the two stage model, in which the membrane insertion of independently stable alpha-helices is followed by their mutual interactions within the membrane to give higher order folding and oligomerization. Given recent advances in our understanding of membrane protein structure it has become apparent that in some cases the model may not fully represent the folding process. Here we present a three stage model which gives considerations to ligand binding, folding of extramembranous loops, insertion of peripheral domains and the formation of quaternary structure.  相似文献   
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