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A significant proportion of enzymes display cooperativity in binding ligand molecules, and such effects have an important impact on metabolic regulation. This is easiest to understand in the case of positive cooperativity. Sharp responses to changes in metabolite concentrations can allow organisms to better respond to environmental changes and maintain metabolic homeostasis. However, despite the fact that negative cooperativity is almost as common as positive, it has been harder to imagine what advantages it provides. Here we use computational models to explore the utility of negative cooperativity in one particular context: that of an inhibitor binding to an enzyme. We identify several factors which may contribute, and show that acting together they can make negative cooperativity advantageous.  相似文献   
M C Wiener  S H White 《Biochemistry》1991,30(28):6997-7008
We describe in this paper the transbilayer distribution of the bromines of the specifically halogenated phospholipid 1-oleoyl-2-(9,10-dibromostearoyl)-sn-glycero-3- phosphocholine (OBPC). The distribution was determined by X-ray diffraction of oriented multilayers of mixtures of OBPC and 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DOPC) at 66% relative humidity by the general approach of Franks et al. (1978) [Nature 276, 530-532]. The bromine distribution of OBPC in the fluid L alpha phase is described accurately by a pair of Gaussian functions located 7.97 +/- 0.27 A from the center of the bilayer with l/e half-widths of 4.96 +/- 0.62 A. We find that OBPC bilayers are accurately described as DOPC bilayers with an additional bromine distribution centered at the position of the double bond of DOPC and conclude that OBPC is an excellent structural isomorph for DOPC under the conditions of these experiments. The distribution obtained is the complete and fully resolved transbilayer image of the halogen label because the broad distribution of the bromines is due entirely to thermal disorder and not to experimental limitations [Wiener, M. C., & White, S. H. (1991a) Biophys. J. 59, 162-173]. The observed width of the bromine distribution indicates that virtually all of the hydrocarbon interior is accessible to the bromines. The distance between the bromine/double-bond position and the headgroup phosphate position was determined from one-dimensional Patterson maps and found to be approximately 12 A. The application of accurately determined bromine distributions to the quantitative interpretation of fluorescence quenching experiments is discussed. A method for the self-consistent global analysis of diffraction data from mixtures that permits the use of data sets with different instrumental scale factors is developed in an Appendix.  相似文献   
The Rd gene is expressed in the livers and oviducts of laying hens and codes for the riboflavin-binding protein (RfBP) of egg yolk and egg white. A lambda gt11 cDNA library derived from chicken oviduct poly(A)+ RNA was screened with polyclonal rabbit antiserum to chicken RfBP. Positive clones were isolated and rescreened with a mixed oligonucleotide probe corresponding to residues 20-25 of the mature protein. The largest cDNA clone (969 base pairs) was subcloned into plasmid pIBI21, and the nucleotide sequence was determined by the dideoxynucleotide method. This clone contained the entire coding region for RfBP. The published amino acid sequence of the mature protein was confirmed. In addition, the following 17-residue signal peptide was deduced: Met-Leu-Arg-Phe-Ala-Ile-Thr-Leu-Phe-Ala-Val-Ile-Thr-Ser-Ser-Thr-Cys. Unexpectedly, the nucleotide sequence codes for 2 adjacent arginine residues at the carboxyl terminus that are not observed in the mature protein. The amino acid sequence of RfBP is homologous with bovine milk folate-binding protein. Eight of the nine pairs of cysteines involved in disulfide bonds in RfBP are conserved in folate-binding protein, as are all of the tryptophan residues. Sequence identity between homologous regions of these two vitamin-binding proteins is more than 30%.  相似文献   
Insulin stimulated autophosphorylation of the beta-subunit of the insulin receptor purified from Fao hepatoma cells or purified from Chinese hamster ovary (CHO/HIRC) or Swiss 3T3 (3T3/HIRC) cells transfected with the wild-type human insulin receptor cDNA. Autophosphorylation of the purified receptor occurred in at least two regions of the beta-subunit: the regulatory region containing Tyr-1146, Tyr-1150, and Tyr-1151, and the C-terminus containing Tyr-1316 and Tyr-1322. In the presence of antiphosphotyrosine antibody (alpha-PY), autophosphorylation of the purified receptor was inhibited nearly 80% during insulin stimulation. Tryptic peptide mapping showed that alpha-PY inhibited autophosphorylation of both tyrosyl residues in the C-terminus and one tyrosyl residue in the regulatory region, either Tyr-1150 or Tyr-1151. Thus, a bis-phosphorylated form of the regulatory region accumulated in the presence of alpha-PY, which contained Tyr(P)-1146 and either Tyr(P)-1150 or 1151. In intact Fao, CHO/HIRC, and 3T3/HIRC cells, insulin stimulated tyrosyl phosphorylation of the beta-subunit of the insulin receptor. Tryptic peptide mapping indicated that the regulatory region of the beta-subunit was mainly (greater than 80%) bis-phosphorylated; however, all three tyrosyl residues of the regulatory region were phosphorylated in about 20% of the receptors. As the phosphotransferase was activated by tris-phosphorylation but not bis-phosphorylation of the regulatory region of the beta-subunit (White et al.: Journal of Biological Chemistry 263:2969-2980, 1988), the extent of autophosphorylation in the regulatory region may play an important regulatory role during signal transmission in the intact cell.  相似文献   
Chemical modification of plastocyanin was carried out using 4-chloro-3,5-dinitrobenzoic acid, which has the effect of replacing positive charges on amino groups with negatively charged carboxyl groups. Four singly-modified forms were obtained which were separated using anion exchange FPLC. The four forms were modified at the N-terminal valine and at lysines 54, 71 and 77. The rates of reaction with mammalian cytochrome c were increased for all four modified plastocyanins. In contrast, the rates of reaction with cytochrome f were inhibited for the forms modified at residues 1, 54 and 77, whereas no effect was observed for the form modified at residue 71. Modification had no effect on either the midpoint redox potential or the reaction with K3Fe(CN)6. These results are consistent with a model in which charged residues on plastocyanin located at or near the binding site for cytochrome f recognize the positively-charged binding site on cytochrome f. In contrast, charged residues located at points on plastocyanin distant from the cytochrome f binding site recognize the net negative charge on the cytochrome f molecule. Based on these considerations, Glu-68 may be within the interaction sphere of cytochrome f, suggesting that cytochrome f may donate electrons to plastocyanin at either Tyr-83 or His-87.  相似文献   
Selection usually acts differently on males and females duringintrasexual competition for resources and/or mates. Nevertheless,agonistic behavior has been examined both theoretically andempirically mostly in males. Our research questions whethermales and females follow the same rules of engagement in intrasexualcontests as predicted by the sequential assessment model (SAM).The SAM predicts negative correlations between contest intensityand duration and the magnitude of asymmetry in resource holdingpower (RHP) between the contestants, such that the most escalatedcontests are those between similarly endowed individuals. Westaged male and female intrasexual contests with varying degreesof body size asymmetry under a round robin design using themonogamous Texas cichlid fish (Herichthys cyanoguttatum) asa study case. We used Mantel's matrix analysis to compare howthe behavioral content, duration, structure, and outcome ofmale and female contests were affected by the relative bodysize of the contestants. In the case of males, relative sizein each contest predicted outcome, duration, and frequency ofconventional and escalated behaviors according to prevailingtheory. Female contest structure and outcome, however, werenot predicted by the relative size of contestants. We discussour results in terms of other asymmetries that might be importantin structuring female contests, and we propose potential approachesto study female–female aggression.  相似文献   
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