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At Mono Lake, California, we investigated field water relations, leaf and xylem chemistry, and gas exchange for two shrub species that commonly co-occur on marginally saline soils, and have similar life histories and rooting patterns. Both species had highest root length densities close to the surface and have large tap roots that probably reach ground water at 3.4-5.0 m on the study site. The species differed greatly in leaf water relations and leaf chemistry. Sarcobatus vermiculatus had a seasonal minimum predawn xylem pressure potential (ψpd) of -2.7 MPa and a midday potential (ψmd) of -4.1 MPa. These were significantly lower than for Chrysothamnus nauseosus, which had a minimum ψpd of -1.0 MPa and ψmd of -2.2 MPa. Sarcobatus had leaf Na of up to 9.1 % and K up to 2.7 % of dry mass, and these were significantly higher than for Chrysothamnus which had seasonal maxima of 0.4% leaf Na and 2.4 % leaf K. The molar ratios of leaf K/Na, Ca/Na, and Mg/Na were substantially lower for Sarcobatus than for Chrysothamnus. Xylem ionic contents indicated that both species excluded some Na at the root, but that Chrysothamnus was excluding much more than Sarcobatus. The higher Na content of Sarcobatus leaves was associated with greater leaf succulence, lower calculated osmotic potential, and lower xylem pressure potentials. Despite large differences in water relations and leaf chemistry, these species maintained similar diurnal patterns and rates of photosynthesis and stomatal conductance to water vapor diffusion. Sarcobatus ψpd may not reflect soil moisture availability due to root osmotic and hydraulic properties.  相似文献   
If generalist insect predators are a selective force contributing to patterns of feeding specialization by insect herbivores, then predators should be deterred from eating allelochemical-fed prey. The attack and feeding behaviors of naive predators (Podisus maculiventris stinkbugs) reared on control caterpillars (Manduca sexta) fed plain diet were compared to experienced predators reared on caterpillars fed tomato allelochemicals. Tomatine-fed prey were found more quickly by both naive and tomatine-experienced predators, and chlorogenic acid-experienced predators were more stimulated to begin searching for prey. However, experienced predators were less likely to attack both chlorogenic acidfed and tomatine-fed caterpillars than were naive predators. These results indicate that allelochemical-fed prey were easier for predators to locate, but allelochemical-containing prey often deterred predation by experienced predtors.  相似文献   
Assessing functional multidrug resistance (MDR) status in clinical biopsy material using drug autofluorescence has potential applications to clinical management. The small size of many cystoscopy specimens has led us to develop, as an alternative to flow cytometry, a protocol for studying epirubicin accumulation in adherent colonies of primary bladder cancer cells viewed live andin situ by confocal microscopy. The limitations to quantitation inherent in this technique are compensated for by preservation of cellular organisation and the elimination of non-malignant cells. Biopsy material is disaggregated and explanted into culture-grade petri dishes. After incubation for three to seven days plaques of epithelial cells have developed. Classical patterns of sensitive and resistant drug distribution are observed. Cells of the rolled edges of the colony accumulate more drug than those of the inner epithelial monolayer. Some central areas of larger colonies give the appearance of drug arrested at the intercellular junctions to give a fenestrated pattern. These observations contribute to the understanding of mechanisms in MDR as well as forming the basis for a clinical urological MDR evaluation protocol.  相似文献   
The human c-erbB-2 oncogene is homologous to the ratneu oncogene, both encoding transmembrane growth factor receptors. Overexpression and point mutations in the transmembrane domain of the encoded proteins in both cases have been implicated in cell transformation and carcinogenesis. In the case of theneu protein, it has been proposed that these effects are mediated by conformational preferences for anα-helix in the transmembrane domain, which facilitates receptor dimerization, an important step in the signal transduction process. To examine whether this is the case for c-erbB-2 as well, we have used conformational energy analysis to determine the preferred three-dimensional structures for the transmembrane domain of the c-erbB-2 protein from residues 650 to 668 with Val (nontransforming) and Glu (transforming) at position 659. The global minimum energy conformation for the Val-659 peptide from the normal, nontransforming protein was found to contain several bends, whereas the global minimum energy conformation for Glu-659 peptide from the mutant, transforming protein was found to beα-helical. Thus, the difference in conformational preferences for these transmembrane domains may explain the difference in transforming ability of these proteins. The presence of higher-energyα-helical conformations for the transmembrane domain from the normal Val-659 protein may provide an explanation for the presence of a transforming effect from overexpression of c-erbB-2. In addition, docking of the oncogenic sequences in theirα-helical and bend conformations shows that the all-α-helical dimer is clearly favored energetically over the bend dimer.  相似文献   
This study identified facilitators and obstacles to maintenance of weight loss following a very-low-calorie-diet and behavior modification program. A survey was mailed to a random sample of 178 program completers and received a 61% response rate; the most frequent follow-up period was more than 2 years. Twenty-nine percent reported weighing the same (within 10 lbs) or less than the end of their participation in the treatment program (maintainers), while 71% reported their present weight was a mean of 65% higher than their initial weight loss (regainers). Maintainers were significantly more likely to report engaging in regular aerobic exercise, attending a maintenance support group, and confidence in their ability to manage their weight in the future, while regainers were more likely to report stress and motivation as frequent weight management obstacles. Respondents consistently identified the need for low/no cost ongoing support. Maintainers and relapsers reported similar challenges in managing their weight, yet with different results, suggesting the need to identify subgroups for which different post-treatment support options could be applied.  相似文献   
Tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) mRNA was localized in the developing cerebellum and the potentials role of tPA in migration of cerebellar granule cells was investigated. Proteolytic assays and Northern blots showed little variation in levels of tPA proteolytic activity or tPA mRNA expression in the developing cerebellum. The distribution of cerebellar tPA mRNA at different ages was visualized by in situ hybridization histochemistry. At postnatal day 7 (P7), most labeled cells were in the internal granule layer or developing white matter, and very few if any premigratory granule cells contained tPA mRNA. Although the molecular layer contained labeled cells at all ages, cell counts indicated that a greater percentage of cells in the molecular layer contained tPA mRNA during adulthood than during the period of granule cell migration. The most striking change in tPA mRNA expression was in Purkinje neurons, most of which began to express tPA mRNA between P7 and P14. The potential role of tPA in granule cell migration was investigated by performing migration assays in cerebellar slice explants in the presence or absence of protease inhibitors. The presence of inhibitors did not affect the distance that granule cells migrated. Data in the present study do not support a role for tPA in granule neuron migration; however, they do indicate that tPA is both spatially and temporally regulated during cerebellar development. Possible functions of tPA in the cerebellum are discussed. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   
We estimated rates of self-fertilization and inbreeding depression in the hermaphroditic perennial Arabis fecunda. Crosses were made on mesh-bagged wild plants, yielding 12 plants producing self-, outcross-, and naturally fertilized seeds that were then grown in a greenhouse. Analysis of variance indicated aboveground dry weight at 160 days differed among pollination treatments, but mean seed weight, number of seeds per fruit, and days to germination did not. For dry weight, selfed progeny have 9.4% reduction and naturally pollinated progeny a 3.7% reduction compared to outcrossed progeny, suggesting a 39% selling rate in Arabis. Significant inbreeding depression and a mixed mating system are evidence that the deleterious effects of self-fertilization are maintained through high rates of mildly deleterious mutation. Significant maternal-parent-by-pollination-treatment interactions for mean seed weight and dry weight are consistent with inbreeding depression caused by deleterious recessives and varying past maternal inbreeding.  相似文献   
The amino acid sequences of 47 P-type ATPases from several eukaryotic and bacterial kingdoms were divided into three structural segments based on individual hydropathy profiles. Each homologous segment was (1) multiply aligned and functionally evaluated, (2) statistically analyzed to determine the degrees of sequence similarity, and (3) used for the construction of parsimonious phylogenetic trees. The results show that all of the P-type ATPases analyzed comprise a single family with four major clusters correlating with their cation specificities and biological sources as follows: cluster 1: Ca2+-transporting ATPases; cluster 2: Na+- and gastric H+-ATPases; cluster 3: plasma membrane H+-translocating ATPases of plants, fungi, and lower eukaryotes; and cluster 4: all but one of the bacterial P-type ATPases (specific for K+, Cd2+, Cu2+ and an unknown cation). The one bacterial exception to this general pattern was the Mg2+-ATPase of Salmonella typhimurium, which clustered with the eukaryotic sequences. Although exceptions were noted, the similarities of the phylogenetic trees derived from the three segments analyzed led to the probability that the N-terminal segments 1 and the centrally localized segments 2 evolved from a single primordial ATPase which existed prior to the divergence of eukaryotes from prokaryotes. By contrast, the C-terminal segments 3 appear to be eukaryotic specific, are not found in similar form in any of the prokaryotic enzymes, and are not all demonstrably homologous among the eukaryotic enzymes. These C-terminal domains may therefore have either arisen after the divergence of eukaryotes from prokaryotes or exhibited more rapid sequence divergence than either segment 1 or 2, thus masking their common origin. The relative rates of evolutionary divergence for the three segments were determined to be segment 2 < segment 1 < segment 3. Correlative functional analyses of the most conserved regions of these ATPases, based on published site-specific mutagenesis data, provided preliminary evidence for their functional roles in the transport mechanism. Our studies define the structural and evolutionary relationships among the P-type ATPases. They should provide a guide for the design of future studies of structure-function relationships employing molecular genetic, biochemical, and biophysical techniques. Correspondence to: M.H. Saier, Jr.  相似文献   
Antisera raised againstl-phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL), cinnamate-4-hydroxylase (C4H), and a cationic cell-wall peroxidase, which had all been purified from suspension-cultured cells of French bean, have been used to carry out immunogold localisations in the growing plant. Immunoglobulin-G fractions were prepared from each antiserum and used to study the distribution of the enzymes in differentiating and wounded hypocotyls by immunogold techniques and visualisation by both light and electron microscopy. Following silver enhancement to amplify the signal, proteins were detected by confocal microscopy in both developing (pre-xylem/ phloem) and later metaxylem stelar tissue.l-Phenylalanine ammonia-lyase and C4H also accumulated in cells adjacent to metaxylem, presumably involved in maintaining a supply of phenylpropanoid precursors to the enucleated xylem for further lignin synthesis. In these cells, PAL subunits were cytosolic although some were associated with endomembrane. Cinnamate-4-hydroxylase was wholly associated with membrane and particularly high concentrations were found in the Golgi bodies. The cationic peroxidase accumulated in xylem at sites of secondary thickening and in the middle lamella. The three proteins are also involved in defensive lignification. Thus when visualised by light microscopy, PAL and C4H were seen to accumulate to high levels throughout the cell types in wound sites and especially in the epidermal cells. An even more intense general distribution was found upon hyperinduction of wounded cells with-aminooxy--phenylpropionic acid. At the subcellular level, PAL was found to be localised in the cytosol in the wounded cells; however, because of the loss of membrane through mechanical damage, association with membrane structures, particularly endoplasmic reticulum, in unwounded cells is not entirely ruled out. Cinnamate-4-hydroxylase was associated with membranes when these were preserved. In wounded tissue, the peroxidase was found at the growing edges of tylose-like structures in the vascular xylem.Abbreviations AOPP -aminooxy--phenylpropionic acid - C4H cinnamic acid-4-hydroxylase - CHS chalcone synthase - GRP glycine-rich glycoprotein - HRGP hydroxyproline-rich glycoprotein - Ig immunoglobulin - PAL phenylalanine ammonia-lyase G.P.B. thanks the Agicultural and Food Research Council for support.  相似文献   
Xenopus mesoderm cells destined to form notochord have been isolated at various stages of gastrulation and cultured singly or in multicellular reaggregates in ectodermal sandwiches. When taken from mid gastrulae, singly implanted notochord progenitor cells can subsequently express the notochord marker MZ15. In contrast, the same cells taken from an early gastrula only do so when implanted as groups of such cells. We conclude that the community effect, first described for muscle differentiation, also applies to the notochord, and that the time in development when the notochord community effect is required precedes that for muscle. Correspondence to: J.B. Gurdon  相似文献   
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