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Theneu oncogene is frequently found in certain types of human carcinomas and has been shown to be activated in animal models by nitrosourea-induced mutation. The activating mutation in theneu oncogene results in the substitution of a glutamic acid for a valine at position 664 in the transmembrane domain of the encoded protein product of 185 kda (designated p185), which, on the basis of homology studies, is presumed to be a receptor for an as yet unidentified growth factor. It has been proposed that activating amino acid substitutions in this region of p185 lead to a conformational change in the protein which causes signal transduction via an increase in tyrosine kinase activity in the absence of any external signal. Using conformational energy analysis, we have determined the preferred three-dimensional structures for the transmembrane decapeptide (residues 658–667) of the p185 protein with valine and glutamic acid at the critical position 664. The results indicate that the global minimum energy conformation of the decapeptide from the normal protein with Val at position 664 is an α-helix with a sharp bend (CD* conformation at residues 664 and 665) in this region, whereas the global minimum conformation for the decapeptide from the mutant transforming protein with Glu at position 664 assumes an all α-helical configuration. Furthermore, the second highest energy conformation for the decapeptide from the normal protein is identical to the global minimum energy conformation for the decapeptide from the transforming protein, providing a possible explanation why overexpression of the normal protein also has a transforming effect. These results suggest there may be a normal and a transforming conformation for theneu-encoded p185 proteins which may explain their differences in transforming activity.  相似文献   
The reaction of guanidine hydrochloride with cyanoacetaldehyde gives high yields (40–85%) of 2,4-diaminopyrimidine under the concentrated conditions of a drying lagoon model of prebiotic synthesis, in contrast to the low yields previously obtained under more dilute conditions. The prebiotic source of cyanoacetaldehyde, cyanoacetylene, is produced from electric discharges under reducing conditions. The effect of pH and concentration of guanidine hydrochloride on the rate of synthesis and yield of diaminopyrimidine were investigated, as well as the hydrolysis of diaminopyrimidine to cytosine, isocytosine, and uracil. Thiourea also reacts with cyanoacetaldehyde to give 2-thiocytosine, but the pyrimidine yields are much lower than with guanidine hydrochloride or urea. Thiocytosine hydrolyzes to thiouracil and cytosine and then to uracil. This synthesis would have been a significant prebiotic source of 2-thiopyrimidines and 5-substituted derivatives of thiouracil, many of which occur in tRNA. The applicability of these results to the drying lagoon model of prebiotic synthesis was tested by dry-down experiments where dilute solutions of cyanoacetaldehyde, guanidine hydrochloride, and 0.5m NaCl were evaporated over varying periods of time. The yields of diaminopyrimidine varied from 1 to 7%. These results show that drying lagoons and beaches may have been major sites of prebiotic syntheses.  相似文献   
Abstract: The carboxy-terminal cytoplasmic regions of the rat neurokinin 1 (substance P) and neurokinin 2 (neurokinin A) receptors have been exchanged to determine if this region of the neurokinin 1 receptor is involved in its desensitization. When expressed at similar levels in stably transfected Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell lines, receptors containing the carboxy-terminal region of the neurokinin 1 receptor desensitized significantly more (as measured by reduction of the inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate response) when preexposed for 1 min to 1 µ M neurokinin, indicating a role for the carboxy-terminal region of the neurokinin 1 receptor in its desensitization. Measurement of receptor internalization using radiolabeled neurokinins (0.3 n M ) indicated that ∼75–80% of the receptors were internalized in each cell line after 10 min at 37°C, with no observable correlation between neurokinin receptor desensitization and internalization. Measurement of loss of receptor surface sites for cell lines CHO NK1 and CHO NK1NK2 following exposure to 1 µ M substance P also indicated no obvious relationship between the percent desensitization and percent of receptors internalized. Also, two inhibitors of neurokinin 1 receptor internalization, phenylarsine oxide and hyperosmolar sucrose, did not inhibit neurokinin 1 receptor desensitization. The protein kinase inhibitors Ro 31-8220, staurosporine, and Zn2+ had no effect on neurokinin 1 receptor desensitization, indicating that the kinases affected by these agents are not rate-limiting in neurokinin 1 receptor desensitization in this system.  相似文献   
Patterns of life-history adaptation and reproductive isolation were investigated in the acridid grasshoppers Melanoplus sanguinipes and M. devastator, which hybridize along an altitudinal gradient in the Sierra Nevada of California. Melanoplus sanguinipes females crossed with M. devastator males produced eggs that were approximately half as viable as eggs from other crosses. Diminished viability was not attributable either to infection by Wolbachia pipientis or to failure of sperm transfer. When offered an opportunity to choose a mate, females from all populations discriminated against males of the other species, whereas in no-choice tests measuring copulation duration only females from the tails of the clines showed preferences. Melanoplus sanguinipes, found at high elevations where the growing season is short, exhibited faster egg hatch, faster larval development, smaller adult body sizes, and smaller clutch sizes than M. devastator. Melanoplus devastator, from California's Central Valley, endured a hot and dry summer in a reproductive diapause that was absent in M. sanguinipes. Clines in reproductive diapause and clutch size coincided with the region of reproductive incompatibility. Development time, body size, and hatch time also changed across the hybrid zone, but the regions of largest transitions in these traits were either difficult to locate using the limited populations studied here or were not coincident with the zone's center. A method is described for combining ecological and phylogenetic analyses to address the unknown issue of whether life-history divergence has conributed to reproductive isolation in this system.  相似文献   
At Mono Lake, California, we investigated field water relations, leaf and xylem chemistry, and gas exchange for two shrub species that commonly co-occur on marginally saline soils, and have similar life histories and rooting patterns. Both species had highest root length densities close to the surface and have large tap roots that probably reach ground water at 3.4-5.0 m on the study site. The species differed greatly in leaf water relations and leaf chemistry. Sarcobatus vermiculatus had a seasonal minimum predawn xylem pressure potential (ψpd) of -2.7 MPa and a midday potential (ψmd) of -4.1 MPa. These were significantly lower than for Chrysothamnus nauseosus, which had a minimum ψpd of -1.0 MPa and ψmd of -2.2 MPa. Sarcobatus had leaf Na of up to 9.1 % and K up to 2.7 % of dry mass, and these were significantly higher than for Chrysothamnus which had seasonal maxima of 0.4% leaf Na and 2.4 % leaf K. The molar ratios of leaf K/Na, Ca/Na, and Mg/Na were substantially lower for Sarcobatus than for Chrysothamnus. Xylem ionic contents indicated that both species excluded some Na at the root, but that Chrysothamnus was excluding much more than Sarcobatus. The higher Na content of Sarcobatus leaves was associated with greater leaf succulence, lower calculated osmotic potential, and lower xylem pressure potentials. Despite large differences in water relations and leaf chemistry, these species maintained similar diurnal patterns and rates of photosynthesis and stomatal conductance to water vapor diffusion. Sarcobatus ψpd may not reflect soil moisture availability due to root osmotic and hydraulic properties.  相似文献   
If generalist insect predators are a selective force contributing to patterns of feeding specialization by insect herbivores, then predators should be deterred from eating allelochemical-fed prey. The attack and feeding behaviors of naive predators (Podisus maculiventris stinkbugs) reared on control caterpillars (Manduca sexta) fed plain diet were compared to experienced predators reared on caterpillars fed tomato allelochemicals. Tomatine-fed prey were found more quickly by both naive and tomatine-experienced predators, and chlorogenic acid-experienced predators were more stimulated to begin searching for prey. However, experienced predators were less likely to attack both chlorogenic acidfed and tomatine-fed caterpillars than were naive predators. These results indicate that allelochemical-fed prey were easier for predators to locate, but allelochemical-containing prey often deterred predation by experienced predtors.  相似文献   
Assessing functional multidrug resistance (MDR) status in clinical biopsy material using drug autofluorescence has potential applications to clinical management. The small size of many cystoscopy specimens has led us to develop, as an alternative to flow cytometry, a protocol for studying epirubicin accumulation in adherent colonies of primary bladder cancer cells viewed live andin situ by confocal microscopy. The limitations to quantitation inherent in this technique are compensated for by preservation of cellular organisation and the elimination of non-malignant cells. Biopsy material is disaggregated and explanted into culture-grade petri dishes. After incubation for three to seven days plaques of epithelial cells have developed. Classical patterns of sensitive and resistant drug distribution are observed. Cells of the rolled edges of the colony accumulate more drug than those of the inner epithelial monolayer. Some central areas of larger colonies give the appearance of drug arrested at the intercellular junctions to give a fenestrated pattern. These observations contribute to the understanding of mechanisms in MDR as well as forming the basis for a clinical urological MDR evaluation protocol.  相似文献   
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