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The evolutionary history of the endangered Knysna seahorse, Hippocampus capensis, and the extent of gene flow among its three known populations, were investigated using 138 mitochondrial DNA control region sequences. Similarly high levels of genetic diversity were found in two of the populations (Knysna and Keurbooms Estuaries), whereas diversity in the third population (Swartvlei Estuary) was lower. Although most haplotypes are shared between at least two populations, based on the haplotype frequency distributions the three assemblages constitute distinct management units. The extant population structure of H. capensis suggests that the Knysna seahorse originated in the large Knysna Estuary. The presence of seahorses in the two smaller estuaries is either the result of a vicariance event at the beginning of the present interglacial period, colonization of the estuaries via the sea, or a combination of the two.  相似文献   
比较了不同季节和冬眠时相中达乌尔黄鼠 (Citelleusdauricus)下丘脑内去甲肾上腺素 (noradrenaline ,NA)代谢和视前区 (POA)脑片中各类温敏神经元的比例、温度敏感性、放电活动的临界温度及下限温度 .结果表明 :与夏季动物相比 ,( 1)冬眠各时相中POA温敏神经元的比例和温敏性产生了与冬眠体温调节特性相关的适应性改变 ;( 2 )冬季和冬眠中POA神经元放电的下限温度和温敏神经元活动的临界温度均显著下移 ;( 3 )冬眠中POA神经元对NA反应的敏感性增高 ,冷敏神经元对NA的反应从夏季的抑制型转变为冬眠时的兴奋型 ;( 4)入眠和深冬眠时下丘脑内NA的含量和代谢水平下降 ,出眠时代谢水平升高 .这些变化可能解释动物入眠时主动降低体温和出眠时从深低体温中快速地升温的温度调节机理 .  相似文献   
Only relatively recently have researchers turned to molecular methods for nematode phylogeny reconstruction. Thus, we lack the extensive literature on evolutionary patterns and phylogenetic usefulness of different DNA regions for nematodes that exists for other taxa. Here, we examine the usefulness of mtDNA for nematode phylogeny reconstruction and provide data that can be used for a priori character weighting or for parameter specification in models of sequence evolution. We estimated the substitution pattern for the mitochondrial ND4 gene from intraspecific comparisons in four species of parasitic nematodes from the family Trichostrongylidae (38-50 sequences per species). The resulting pattern suggests a strong mutational bias toward A and T, and a lower transition/transversion ratio than is typically observed in other taxa. We also present information on the relative rates of substitution at first, second, and third codon positions and on relative rates of saturation of different types of substitutions in comparisons ranging from intraspecific to interordinal. Silent sites saturate extremely quickly, presumably owing to the substitution bias and, perhaps, to an accelerated mutation rate. Results emphasize the importance of using only the most closely related sequences in order to infer patterns of substitution accurately for nematodes or for other taxa having strongly composition-biased DNA. ND4 also shows high amino acid polymorphism at both the intra- and interspecific levels, and in higher level comparisons, there is evidence of saturation at variable amino acid sites. In general, we recommend using mtDNA coding genes only for phylogenetics of relatively closely related nematode species and, even then, using only nonsynonymous substitutions and the more conserved mitochondrial genes (e.g., cytochrome oxidases). On the other hand, the high substitution rate in genes such as ND4 should make them excellent for population genetics studies, identifying cryptic species, and resolving relationships among closely related congeners when other markers show insufficient variation.   相似文献   
The phylogenetic associations among 13 currently recognized African leaf chameleon species were investigated by making use of mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequence data (44 taxa and 4145 characters). The gene tree indicates two divergent clades within Rhampholeon; this finding is congruent with previous morphological suggestions. The first clade (I) comprises three taxa (R. kerstenii, R. brevicaudatus and R. brachyurus) and is widely distributed in lowland forest and or non-forest biomes. The second clade (II) comprises the remaining Rhampholeon species and can be subdivided into three subclades. By contrast, most taxa belonging to clade II are confined to relict montane forest biotopes. Based on geographical, morphological and molecular evidence, it is suggested that the taxonomy of Rhampholeon be revised to include two genera (Rieppeleon and Rhampholeon) and three subgenera (Rhampholeon, Bicuspis and Rhinodigitum). There is a close correlation between geographical distribution and phylogenetic relatedness among Rhampholeon taxa, indicating that vicariance and climate change were possibly the most influential factors driving speciation in the group. A relaxed Bayesian clock suggests that speciation times coincided both with the northern movement of Africa, which caused the constriction of the pan African forest, and to rifting in east Africa ca. 20 Myr ago. Subsequent speciation among taxa was probably the result of gradual desiccation of forests between 20 and 5 Myr ago.  相似文献   
The hares and rabbits belonging to the family Leporidae have a nearly worldwide distribution and approximately 72% of the genera have geographically restricted distributions. Despite several attempts using morphological, cytogenetic, and mitochondrial DNA evidence, a robust phylogeny for the Leporidae remains elusive. To provide phylogenetic resolution within this group, a molecular supermatrix was constructed for 27 taxa representing all 11 leporid genera. Five nuclear (SPTBN1, PRKCI, THY, TG, and MGF) and two mitochondrial (cytochrome b and 12S rRNA) gene fragments were analyzed singly and in combination using parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian inference. The analysis of each gene fragment separately as well as the combined mtDNA data almost invariably failed to provide strong statistical support for intergeneric relationships. In contrast, the combined nuclear DNA topology based on 3601 characters greatly increased phylogenetic resolution among leporid genera, as was evidenced by the number of topologies in the 95% confidence interval and the number of significantly supported nodes. The final molecular supermatrix contained 5483 genetic characters and analysis thereof consistently recovered the same topology across a range of six arbitrarily chosen model specifications. Twelve unique insertion-deletions were scored and all could be mapped to the tree to provide additional support without introducing any homoplasy. Dispersal-vicariance analyses suggest that the most parsimonious solution explaining the current geographic distribution of the group involves an Asian or North American origin for the Leporids followed by at least nine dispersals and five vicariance events. Of these dispersals, at least three intercontinental exchanges occurred between North America and Asia via the Bering Strait and an additional three independent dispersals into Africa could be identified. A relaxed Bayesian molecular clock applied to the seven loci used in this study indicated that most of the intercontinental exchanges occurred between 14 and 9 million years ago and this period is broadly coincidental with the onset of major Antarctic expansions causing land bridges to be exposed.  相似文献   
The helminth burdens and biodiversity of 9 randomly selected donkeys (Equus asinus) were examined after necropsy. Prior to necropsy, 8 of the animals were subjected to 1 of 3 management interventions (monthly fecal removal, prewinter moxidectin treatment, and a combination of both treatments) or a control for a 16-mo period. The remaining animal was killed earlier in the study. Quantitative samples were collected from the gastrointestinal tract for helminth recovery. The intestinal walls were examined with transmural illumination and thereafter digested with a HCl-peptic method for identification of the mucosal larval stages of cyathostomes. In this study, 37 helminth species belonging to the Ascarididae, Atractidae, Dictyocaulidae. Habronematidae, Onchocercidae, Oxyuridae, Strongylidae, and Trichostrongylidae, 1 cestode species of the Anoplocephalidae, and 1 trematode species in the Paramphistomatidae were recovered. In addition, 1 species of oestrid fly of the Gasterophilidae was identified. The results obtained in the present study support the application of several intervention methods to reduce the helminth burdens in donkeys.  相似文献   
Summary Structural chromosome damage, sister chromatid exchange (SCE), and proliferation kinetics were studied on lymphocyte cultures from the peripheral blood of two sibs exhibiting signs of Fanconi anemia, their relatives, and control individuals. While the rate of spontaneous chromosome breakage was at the lower limit of that known for Fanconi anemia in our patients, a distinctly greater increase than in controls of breakage frequency could be induced by isoniazid (INH), 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide (NQO), and diepoxybutane (DEB) in their lymphocytes. Increased aberration frequencies as compared with controls were also observed in the clastogen-exposed lymphocyte cultures of the parents of both sibs, but in some experiments (NQO, DEB 24h) only in the cells of the healthy brother. There was an increase in the breakage rate of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU)-labeled consecutive mitoses under the action of NQO, but a decrease with INH as the test clastogen.No significantly higher SCE frequency was found throughout the study in untreated and clastogen-exposed FA lymphocytes as compared with the respective controls. Proliferation was clearly inhibited by INH and NQO as indicated by a distinct increase of the percentage of BrdU-labeled first and a drastic decrease of third metaphases. The present test clastogens were shown not only to be suitable for ensuring the diagnosis of FA in patients with a low incidence of spontaneous breakage but also for determining clastogen-sensitive heterozygotes. According to these results cross-link repair cannot be the only mechanism affected by the basic defect of Fanconi anemia.Dedicated to Professor Dr. A. Barthelmess on the occasion of his 75th birthdayThis paper contains parts of the M.D. theses of D.K., H.M., and M.N.  相似文献   
Aim East Africa is one of the most biologically diverse regions, especially in terms of endemism and species richness. Hypotheses put forward to explain this high diversity invoke a role for forest refugia through: (1) accumulation of new species due to radiation within refugial habitats, or (2) retention of older palaeoendemic species in stable refugia. We tested these alternative hypotheses using data for a diverse genus of East African forest chameleons, Kinyongia. Location East Africa. Methods We constructed a dated phylogeny for Kinyongia using one nuclear and two mitochondrial markers. We identified areas of high phylogenetic diversity (PD) and evolutionary diversity (ED), and mapped ancestral areas to ascertain whether lineage diversification could best be explained by vicariance or dispersal. Results Vicariance best explains the present biogeographic patterns, with divergence between three major Kinyongia clades (Albertine Rift, southern Eastern Arc, northern Eastern Arc) in the early Miocene/Oligocene (> 20 Ma). Lineage diversification within these clades pre‐dates the Pliocene (> 6 Ma). These dates are much older than the Plio‐Pleistocene climatic shifts associated with cladogenesis in other East African taxa (e.g. birds), and instead point to a scenario whereby palaeoendemics are retained in refugia, rather than more recent radiations within refugia. Estimates of PD show that diversity was highest in the Uluguru, Nguru and East Usambara Mountains and several lineages (from Mount Kenya, South Pare and the Uluguru Mountains) stand out as being evolutionarily distinct as a result of isolation in forest refugia. PD was lower than expected by chance, suggesting that the phylogenetic signal is influenced by an unusually low number of extant lineages with long branch lengths, which is probably due to the retention of palaeoendemic lineages. Main conclusions The biogeographic patterns associated with Kinyongia are the result of long evolutionary histories in isolation. The phylogeny is dominated by ancient lineages whose origins date back to the early Miocene/Oligocene as a result of continental wide forest fragmentation and contraction due to long term climatic changes in Africa. The maintenance of palaeoendemic lineages in refugia has contributed substantially to the remarkably high biodiversity of East Africa.  相似文献   
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