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A graphical method for detecting recombination in phylogenetic data sets   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
Current phylogenetic tree reconstruction methods assume that there is a single underlying tree topology for all sites along the sequence. The presence of mosaic sequences due to recombination violates this assumption and will cause phylogenetic methods to give misleading results due to the imposition of a single tree topology on all sites. The detection of mosaic sequences caused by recombination is therefore an important first step in phylogenetic analysis. A graphical method for the detection of recombination, based on the least squares method of phylogenetic estimation, is presented here. This method locates putative recombination breakpoints by moving a window along the sequence. The performance of the method is assessed by simulation and by its application to a real data set.   相似文献   
We used the repetitive character of transposable elements to isolate a non-LTR retrotransposon in Drosophila subobscura. bilbo, as we have called it, has homology to TRIM and LOA elements. Sequence analysis showed a 5' untranslated region (UTR), an open reading frame (ORF) with no RNA-binding domains, a downstream ORF that had structural homology to that of the I factor, and, finally, a 3' UTR which ended in several 5-nt repeats. The results of our phylogenetic and structural analyses shed light on the evolution of Drosophila non-LTR retrotransposons and support the hypothesis that an ancestor of these elements was structurally complex.   相似文献   
Goblet cells were visualized in impression cytology specimens from bulbar conjunctiva of the rabbit eye using Giemsa staining. Highly magnified images were used to generate outlines of the goblet cells and their characteristic eccentric nuclei. Using sets of 10 cells from 15 cytology specimens, I found that the longest dimension of the goblet cells averaged 16.7 ± 2.3 μm, the shortest dimension averaged 14.4 ± 1.8 μm and the nucleus averaged 6.3 ± 0.8 μm. The goblet cells were ellipsoid in shape and the longest:shortest cell dimension ratio averaged 1.169 ± 0.091. The goblet cell areas ranged from 108 to 338 μm2 (average 193 ± 50 μm2). The area could be predicted reliably from the longest and shortest dimensions (r2 = 0.903). The areas of goblet cell nuclei were 15–58 μm2 (average 33 ± μm2) and the nucleus:cytoplasm area fraction was predictably greater in smaller goblet cells and less in the larger goblet cells (Spearman correlation = 0.817). The nuclei were estimated to occupy an average of 9.5% of the cell volume. The differences in size, shape and nucleus:cytoplasm ratio may reflect differences in goblet cell maturation.  相似文献   
We describe for the first time the sexual behavior and the courtship song of males of the African fly Zaprionus indianus (Gupta), a recent invader of South America. The male courtship song is formed by monocyclic pulses and the courtship behavior is simple when compared to that of species of Drosophila. Two interpulse interval (IPI) distributions were observed: pre-mounting and mounting. No significant difference was observed between the pre-mounting IPIs of males that descended from three geographical populations from South America. We also observed the songs produced by females and the homosexual behavior exhibited by males. A sequence of bursts is produced by females as a refusal signal against males, while males emit a characteristic song that identifies sex genus, which differs from the courtship song. The short courtship and mating latencies recorded reveal vigorous males and receptive females, respectively.  相似文献   


Hyaluronic acid (HA) is present in many tissues; its presence in serum may be related to certain inflammatory conditions, tissue damage, sepsis, liver malfunction and some malignancies. In the present work, our goal was to investigate the significance of hyaluronic acid effect on erythrocyte flow properties. Therefore we performed in vitro experiments incubating red blood cells (RBCs) with several HA concentrations. Afterwards, in order to corroborate the pathophysiological significance of the results obtained, we replicated the in vitro experiment with ex vivo RBCs from diagnosed rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients, a serum HA-increasing pathology.  相似文献   
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