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Plasma membranes were detached from ejaculated bull spermatozoa by a brief sonication in a moderately hypotonic medium, and the released plasma membranes were partially purified by differential centrifugation. The resulting fraction was enriched 8- and 15-fold in alkaline phosphatase and 5' nucleotidase activities, respectively, compared with the starting sonicated spermatozoa. This total plasma membrane fraction was separated into two distinct fractions by equilibrium density centrifugation on a continuous linear sucrose gradient. Two peaks of light scattering material were formed at densities of 1.117 and 1.148 g/ml. The denser peak contained most of the protein of the plasma membrane fraction, whereas nearly all the concanavalin A binding activity was found in the lighter peak. The two bands had distinctly different polypeptide compositions when analyzed by SDS PAGE. Polyclonal antibodies were raised in rabbits against a major integral membrane glycoprotein of each fraction (Mr of 92,000 in the light peak and 98,000 in the dense peak). The two antigens were detected on the surface of intact spermatozoa by indirect immunofluorescence microscopy. The 92-kD protein (present in the lighter band) was detected only on the plasma membrane of the acrosomal and anterior postacrosomal regions of the head. The 98-kD antigen, present in the heavier band, was localized to the surface of the postacrosomal region of the head, to the principal piece of the tail, and to the connecting piece between the head and tail. The exclusive localization of the 92-kD polypeptide to the surface of the anterior portion of the head was confirmed by immunoelectron microscopy. These data show that the two fractions isolated on the sucrose gradient originate from different regions of the sperm cell plasma membrane.  相似文献   
Hepatocellular carcinoma is one leading cause of cancer-related death and surgical resection is still one of the major curative therapies. Recently, there has been a major effort to find mechanisms involved in carcinogenesis and early relapse. c-myc gene abnormality is found in hepatocarcinogenesis. Our aim was to analyze the role of c-myc as prognostic factor in terms of overall survival and disease-free survival and to investigate if c-myc may be an important target for therapy. We studied sixty-five hepatocellular carcinomas submitted to surgical resection with curative intent. Size, macro-microvascular invasion, necrosis, number of nodules, grading and serum alfa-fetoprotein level were registered for all cases. We evaluated the c-myc aberrations by using break-apart FISH probes. Probes specific for the centromeric part of chromosome 8 and for the locus specific c-myc gene (8q24) were used to assess disomy, gains of chromosomes (polysomy due to polyploidy) and amplification. c-myc gene amplification was scored as 8q24/CEP8 > 2. Statistical analysis for disease-free survival and overall survival were performed. At molecular level, c-myc was amplified in 19% of hepatocellular carcinoma, whereas showed gains in 55% and set wild in 26% of cases. The 1- and 3-year disease-free survival and overall survival for disomic, polysomic and amplified groups were significantly different (p=0.020 and p=.018 respectively). Multivariate analysis verified that the AFP and c-myc status (amplified vs. not amplified) were significant prognostic factors for overall patients survival. c-myc gene amplification is significantly correlated with disease-free survival and overall survival in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma after surgical resection and this model identifies patients with risk of early relapse (≤12 months). We suggest that c-myc assessment may be introduced in the clinical practice for improving prognostication (high and low risk of relapse) routinely and may have be proposed as biomarker of efficacy to anti-c-myc targeted drugs in clinical trials.  相似文献   
Accurate estimates of tree mortality are essential for the development of mechanistic forest dynamics models, and for estimating carbon storage and cycling. However, identifying agents of tree mortality is difficult and imprecise. Although lightning kills thousands of trees each year and is an important agent of mortality in some forests, the frequency and distribution of lightning‐caused tree death remain unknown for most forests. Moreover, because all evidence regarding the effects of lightning on trees is necessarily anecdotal and post hoc, rigorous tests of hypotheses regarding the ecological effects of lightning are impossible. We developed a combined electronic sensor/camera‐based system for the location and characterization of lightning strikes to the forest canopy in near real time and tested the system in the forest of Barro Colorado Island, Panama. Cameras mounted on towers provided continuous video recordings of the forest canopy that were analyzed to determine the locations of lightning strikes. We used a preliminary version of this system to record and locate 18 lightning strikes to the forest over a 3‐year period. Data from field surveys of known lightning strike locations (obtained from the camera system) enabled us to develop a protocol for reliable, ground‐based identification of suspected lightning damage to tropical trees. In all cases, lightning damage was relatively inconspicuous; it would have been overlooked by ground‐based observers having no knowledge of the event. We identified three types of evidence that can be used to consistently identify lightning strike damage in tropical forests: (1) localized and directionally biased branch mortality associated with flashover among tree and sapling crowns, (2) mortality of lianas or saplings near lianas, and (3) scorched or wilting epiphytic and hemiepiphytic plants. The longitudinal trunk scars that are typical of lightning‐damaged temperate trees were never observed in this study. Given the prevalence of communications towers worldwide, the lightning detection system described here could be implemented in diverse forest types. Data from multiple systems would provide an outstanding opportunity for comparative research on the ecological effects of lightning. Such comparative data are increasingly important given expected increases in lightning frequency with climatic change.  相似文献   
In this work we analyzed the photosynthetic apparatus in Arabidopsis thaliana plants acclimated to different light intensity and temperature conditions. Plants showed the ability to acclimate into different environments and avoid photoinhibition. When grown in high light, plants had a faster activation rate for energy dissipation (qE). This ability was correlated to higher accumulation levels of a specific photosystem II subunit, PsbS. The photosystem II antenna size was also regulated according to light exposure; smaller antenna size was observed in high light-acclimated plants with respect to low light plants. Different antenna polypeptides did not behave similarly, and Lhcb1, Lchb2, and Lhcb6 (CP24) are shown to undergo major levels of regulation, whereas Lhcb4 and Lhcb5 (CP29 and CP26) maintained their stoichiometry with respect to the reaction center in all growth conditions. The effect of acclimation on photosystem I antenna was different; in fact, the stoichiometry of any Lhca antenna proteins with respect to photosystem I core complex was not affected by growth conditions. Despite this stability in antenna stoichiometry, photosystem I light harvesting function was shown to be regulated through different mechanisms like the control of photosystem I to photosystem II ratio and the association or dissociation of Lhcb polypeptides to photosystem I.  相似文献   
Lake Monger (Perth, Western Australia) is a highly eutrophic lake, characterised by very low species richness of macrophytes with the dominance of Potamogeton crispus. Mesocosm experiments were performed using water and plants collected from the lake to determine the effects of vegetation decay on the phosphorus (P) concentrations in the overlying waters. After 2 weeks of experimental incubation of mesocosms with and without re-oxygenation, P concentrations in the water column were significantly higher, showing a quite similar effect of P. crispus on the phosphorus release in different mesocosms. The results of our study provide clear evidence that the P concentrations in overlying waters mainly depend upon the plant P content and developmental stage. Although many sources contribute to the nutrient load of Lake Monger, macrophyte harvesting, prior to its senescence, might constitute a significant in-lake measure for reducing the internal P load.  相似文献   
About 25% of European livestock intake is based on permanent and sown grasslands. To fulfill rising demand for animal products, an intensification of livestock production may lead to an increased consumption of crop and compound feeds. In order to preserve an economically and environmentally sustainable agriculture, a more forage based livestock alimentation may be an advantage. However, besides management, grassland productivity is highly vulnerable to climate (i.e., temperature, precipitation, CO2 concentration), and spatial information about European grassland productivity in response to climate change is scarce. The process-based vegetation model ORCHIDEE-GM, containing an explicit representation of grassland management (i.e., herbage mowing and grazing), is used here to estimate changes in potential productivity and potential grass-fed ruminant livestock density across European grasslands over the period 1961–2010. Here “potential grass-fed ruminant livestock density” denotes the maximum density of livestock that can be supported by grassland productivity in each 25 km × 25 km grid cell. In reality, livestock density could be higher than potential (e.g., if additional feed is supplied to animals) or lower (e.g., in response to economic factors, pedo-climatic and biotic conditions ignored by the model, or policy decisions that can for instance reduce livestock numbers). When compared to agricultural statistics (Eurostat and FAOstat), ORCHIDEE-GM gave a good reproduction of the regional gradients of annual grassland productivity and ruminant livestock density. The model however tends to systematically overestimate the absolute values of productivity in most regions, suggesting that most grid cells remain below their potential grassland productivity due to possible nutrient and biotic limitations on plant growth. When ORCHIDEE-GM was run for the period 1961–2010 with variable climate and rising CO2, an increase of potential annual production (over 3%) per decade was found: 97% of this increase was attributed to the rise in CO2, -3% to climate trends and 15% to trends in nitrogen fertilization and deposition. When compared with statistical data, ORCHIDEE-GM captures well the observed phase of climate-driven interannual variability in grassland production well, whereas the magnitude of the interannual variability in modeled productivity is larger than the statistical data. Regional grass-fed livestock numbers can be reproduced by ORCHIDEE-GM based on its simple assumptions and parameterization about productivity being the only limiting factor to define the sustainable number of animals per unit area. Causes for regional model-data misfits are discussed, including uncertainties in farming practices (e.g., nitrogen fertilizer application, and mowing and grazing intensity) and in ruminant diet composition, as well as uncertainties in the statistical data and in model parameter values.  相似文献   
The high resolution three-dimensional structure of the newly discovered plant viscotoxin C1, from the Asiatic Viscum album ssp. Coloratum ohwi, has been determined in solution by (1)H NMR spectroscopy at pH 3.6 and 285 K. The viscotoxin C1-fold, consisting of a helix-turn-helix motif and a short stretch of an antiparralel beta-sheet is very similar to that found for the highly similar viscotoxins A2 and A3 and for other related thionins. Different functional properties of members of the thionin family are discussed here in light of the structural and electrostatic properties. Among the very homologous family of alpha- and beta-thionins, known for their antimicrobial activity, the viscotoxin subfamily differs from the other members because of its high toxicity against tumoral cells. Key residues for the modulation of viscotoxin cytotoxicity have been identified on the basis of sequence and structural alignment.  相似文献   
The alpha-hydroxyacid 2-hydroxy-4-methylthiobutanoic acid (the so-called methionine hydroxy-analogue, MHA), largely used in animal nutrition as a source of methionine, forms stable metal chelates with divalent metals of formula [[CH(3)SCH(2)CH(2)CH(OH)COO](2)M].ZnH(2)O. Protonation and zinc(II) complex formation constants have been determined by pH-metry at 25 degrees C; the ternary system Zn(2+)/MHA/glycine was also studied by pH-metry and the formation constant of the species [ZnLA] was determined [log beta=6.57(11)]. Experiments in vitro with human intestinal CACO-2 cells indicated that the MHA/Fe chelate was taken up by the cells without any apparent toxic effect.  相似文献   
The hydrodistilled oil of Cryptocarya massoy bark was characterized by GC‐FID and GC/MS analyses, allowing the identification of unusual C10 massoia lactone ( 3 , 56.2%), C12 massoia lactone ( 4 , 16.5%), benzyl benzoate ( 1 , 12.7%), C8 massoia lactone (3.4%), δ‐decalactone ( 5 , 1.5%), and benzyl salicylate ( 2 , 1.8%) as main constituents. The phytotoxic activities of the oil, three enriched fractions (lactone‐rich, ester‐rich, and sesquiterpene‐rich), and four constituents (compounds 1, 2, 5 , and δ‐dodecalactone ( 6 )) against Lycopersicon esculentum and Cucumis sativus seeds and seedlings were screened. At a concentration of 1000 μl/l, the essential oil and the massoia lactone‐rich fraction caused a complete inhibition of the germination of both seeds, and, when applied on tomato plantlets, they induced an 85 and 100% dieback, respectively. These performances exceeded those of the well‐known phytotoxic essential oils of Syzygium aromaticum and Cymbopogon citratus, already used in commercial products for the weed and pest management. The same substances were also evaluated against four phytopathogenic bacteria and ten phytopathogenic fungi, providing EC50 values against the most susceptible strains in the 100–500 μl/l range for the essential oil and in the 10–50 μl/l range for compound 6 and the lactone‐rich fraction. The phytotoxic behavior was related mainly to massoia lactones and benzyl esters, while a greater amount of 6 may infer a good activity against some phytopathogenic fungi. Further investigations of these secondary metabolites are warranted, to evaluate their use as natural herbicides.  相似文献   
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