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Adeno-associated virus-based gene therapies have demonstrated substantial therapeutic benefit for the treatment of genetic disorders. In manufacturing processes, viral capsids are produced with and without the encapsidated gene of interest. Capsids devoid of the gene of interest, or “empty” capsids, represent a product-related impurity. As a result, a robust and scalable method to enrich full capsids is crucial to provide patients with as much potentially active product as possible. Anion exchange chromatography has emerged as a highly utilized method for full capsid enrichment across many serotypes due to its ease of use, robustness, and scalability. However, achieving sufficient resolution between the full and empty capsids is not trivial. In this work, anion exchange chromatography was used to achieve empty and full capsid resolution for adeno-associated virus serotype 5. A salt gradient screen of multiple salts with varied valency and Hofmeister series properties was performed to determine optimal peak resolution and aggregate reduction. Dual salt effects were evaluated on the same product and process attributes to identify any synergies with the use of mixed ion gradients. The modified process provided as high as ≥75% AAV5 full capsids (≥3-fold enrichment based on the percent full in the feed stream) with near baseline separation of empty capsids and achieved an overall vector genome step yield of >65%.  相似文献   
Plantations of radiata pine (P. radiata D.Don) on soils previously under legume based pastures have a high incidence of stem deformity compared with forest soils. A comparison of soil properties and tree nutrition of 5 to 7 year-old radiata pine on former pastures in the first part of the study showed that stem deformity was strongly correlated with mineralisation of soil N and in particular with nitrification. Other soil properties that have changed as a result of pasture improvement, e.g. pH, available P and Mn, were only partially correlated with stem deformity. In the second part of the study, the role of N availability and other soil properties in the expression of deformity was further investigated in a separate field experiment on soils formerly under native eucalypt forest, tobacco cropping, and improved pasture. Young radiata pine plantings were treated with lime, phosphorus, and nitrogen applied as urea and sodium nitrate. Liming increased soil pH by around 1.5 units, raised exchangeable Ca2+ and decreased available Mn. Soil mineral N content was only marginally affected by liming. Superphosphate increased soil available P and raised levels of P in foliage. Changes in soil pH, availability of P, Mn, and B did not affect growth or stem deformity at any of the sites. In contrast, application of N fertilisers at 200 and 600 kg N ha-1 increased mineral N content and stimulated nitrification, particularly at the forest site. The high rate of N fertiliser increased basal area at the forest site by 45%, but also raised the level of stem deformity from 12% to 56%. At the tobacco and pasture sites, this treatment did not increase growth and did not significantly raise stem deformity above the already high basic level of deformity (63%). Implications of stem deformity in young plantations of radiata pine on potential utilisation later in the rotation are discussed.  相似文献   
Temporal integration of pungency   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
Four experiments explored possible temporal summation in olfactionand the common chemical sense. In one experiment, participantsjudged the perceived magnitude of various concentrations anddurations (1.25–3.75 s) of the pungent odorant ammoniaand the nonpungent odorant isoamyl butyrate. The perceived magnitudeof ammonia increased during an inhalation whereas the magnitudeof isoamyl butyrate did not. Time-intensity trading relationsfor ammonia indicated nearly perfect temporal summation. Inanother experiment, modulation of the concentration of ammoniaduring an inhalation led to assessments of perceived magnitudethat confirmed the high degree of temporal summation seen inthe first experiment. That is, approximately equal time-integratedmass of inhaled ammonia led to approximately equal perceivedintensity. A third experiment indicated that temporal summationfor ammonia arose from its pungency rather than from its odor,a fourth that trigeminally-mediated reflex apnea in responseto ammonia also exhibits temporal summation. The degree of temporalsummation measured with the reflex came very close to that assessedpsychophysically. When stimulated with ammonia, the common chemicalsense behaves more like a totalmass detector than a concentrationdetector. The investigation raises the possibility that theshortterm sensory reaction to most pungent stimuli may followthis simple rule.  相似文献   
Summary Transformation of the spermatozoon of Ascaris suum from a spheroidal to an ameboid cell is associated with the formation of a motile pseudopodium and coalescence of the intracellular refringent granules. The pseudopodia of the ameboid spermatozoa contain filaments organized into dense patches, bundles, web-like or lace-like networks, as observed by electron microscopy.The morphology and chemistry of the refringent granules were investigated in subcellular fractions enriched for these structures. Isolated refringent granules were heterogeneous in size measuring from 0.5×0.6 to 2.3×3.5 m. Each granule is surrounded by a 110 Å thick layer. During fusion, the surfaces of the refringent granules form small extensions resembling micropodia. The process of fusion occurs at many sites on a given granule and simultanenous fusion of several granules was commonly observed.Amino acid analyses of the refringent granule proteins (RGP's) indicated: they are rich in aspartic acid or asparagine (48%), leucine (10%), serine (19%) and aromatic amino acids (11%). Gas-liquid chromatographic analyses of alditol acetate derivatives of monosaccharides released by mild acid hydrolysis showed the predominant sugars to be glucose (7.3 g/mg protein), galactose (9.2 g/mg) and N-acetylglucosamine (5.5 g/mg). Lipid analyses indicated a complex mixture of glycerides, ascarosides and waxes, together with a major component that resembled free fatty acid in mobility on TLC.  相似文献   
Under certain conditions it is possible in Paramecium cells to induce selectively the fusion of the secretory organelle membrane with the cell membrane without the involvement of any further steps (release of secretory contents, etc.). A Ca2+-mobilizing fusogen was used in the presence of components which inhibit the discharge of the secretory contents (Mg2+ and EGTA, mainly). One can thus produce many exocytotic openings with the secretory contents (which are normally vigorously discharged) still retained.  相似文献   
Asteroid bodies in multinucleate giant cells from sarcoid granulomas were investigated by immunofluorescence and electron microscopy. The following points have been established: 1. Asteroid bodies are made up of individual components of the so-called cytoskeleton, predominantly vimentin filaments. Microtubules are involved in smaller amounts in the formation of the asteroid bodies. 2. They arise within the area of the cytosphere. The body of the asteroid includes the centrioles while the arms of the asteroid usually extend into the Golgi area and occasionally up to the cell nuclei. 3. Asteroid bodies result from aggregation of the flexible filamentous and microtubular systems of the centrosphere. The processes of aggregation probably result from local fluid shifts and sol-gel transformations. 4. The stellate form of the aggregations is determined by the preexistent radial arrangement of the elements of the cytosphere. 5. The prevailing specific environment of the underlying granulomatous disease, together with the internal characteristics of the structure and function of the giant cells, in particular in states of exhaustion may play a part in their development.  相似文献   
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