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Micronucleus assays using mouse peripheral blood stained vitally on acridine orange (AO)-coated slides were evaluated at two laboratories with 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene (DMBA) and compared with the standard bone marrow assay. DMBA was administered by single intraperitoneal injection to CD-1 mice at doses ranging from 5 to 80 mg/kg, then 5 microliters of peripheral blood was sampled from a tail vein at 24, 48, 72, 96, and 120 h after treatment. Similar incidences of micronucleated young erythrocytes were observed in peripheral blood reticulocytes and bone marrow polychromatic erythrocytes. The dose response of micronucleated reticulocytes was delayed compared to that of micronucleated polychromatic erythrocytes. The dose-response curves after treatment with DMBA differed depending on the sampling times, which revealed the difficulty of obtaining accurate dose-response relations in the micronucleus assay. The present result demonstrated that the simple and rapid AO supravital staining method is a valuable and easier method for obtaining dose- and time-response data for quantification of micronucleus induction by chemicals.  相似文献   
The effect of thrombospondin, a major glycoprotein in the platelet alpha-granule, on the erythrocyte aggregation rate was investigated. Venous blood was sampled from 8 healthy male volunteers and anticogulated with 1.1 mg/ml EDTA(K2). The erythrocyte aggregation rate of each blood sample was measured with a whole-blood erythrocyte aggregometer before and after incubation with murine monoclonal antibody against human platelet thrombospondin. After 15 min incubation, the erythrocyte aggregation rate exhibited a significant decrease to 0.055 +/- 0.022/s, representing 71.9 +/- 8.7% of the control value (0.075 +/- 0.028/s) (p less than 0.0005). The results obtained suggest that thrombospondin may participate in the control of erythrocyte aggregability in the circulating blood.  相似文献   
Sporamin, the tuberous root storage protein of the sweet potato, which is localized in vacuoles, is synthesized as a prepro-precursor with an N-terminal sequence of amino acids that includes a signal peptide and an additional pro-segment of 16 amino acids. A full-length cDNA for sporamin was placed downstream of the 35 S promoter of cauliflower mosaic virus and introduced into tobacco and sunflower genomes by Ti plasmid-mediated transformation. A polypeptide of nearly the same size as mature sporamin from the sweet potato was detected in transformed calli of tobacco and sunflower, as well as in the leaves, stems, and roots of regenerated, transgenic tobacco plants. Amino acid sequence analysis of the nearly mature-sized form of sporamin from the transformed tobacco cells revealed that it is actually longer by three amino acids at its N terminus than authentic sporamin purified from the sweet potato. By pulse labeling of suspension-cultured tobacco cells with [35S]methionine, the pro-form of the precursor to sporamin, but not the prepro-precursor, was detected. The 35S-labeled proform was chased to the nearly mature-sized form via an intermediate form which is slightly larger than the nearly mature-sized form. Analysis by Edman degradation of the intermediate form that was labeled in vivo with [3H]histidine suggested that it is longer by two amino acids at its N terminus than the nearly mature-sized form of sporamin. These results suggest that at least two steps of posttranslational processing of the pro-form occurs sequentially in tobacco cells. The posttranslational processing of the pro-form of the precursor to sporamin was inhibited by monensin, suggesting that this step takes place in the acidic compartment, probably in the vacuole. All of the sporamin polypeptides synthesized in transformed tobacco cells were retained inside the cell and sporamin was localized in the vacuole, as judged from results of subcellular fractionation. These results indicate that sporamin is appropriately targeted to the vacuole in tobacco cells.  相似文献   
Native oxymyoglobin (MbO2) was isolated directly from the skeletal muscle of bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) with complete separation from metmyoglobin (metMb) on a CM-cellulose column. It was examined for its stability properties over a wide range of pH values (pH 5-12) in 0.1 M buffer at 25 degrees C. When compared with sperm whale MbO2 as a reference, the tuna MbO2 was found to be much more susceptible to autoxidation. Kinetic analysis has revealed that the rate constant for a nucleophilic displacement of O2- from MbO2 by an entering water molecule is 10-times higher than the corresponding value for sperm whale MbO2. The magnitude of the circular dichroism of bigeye tuna myoglobin at 222 nm was comparable to that of sperm whale myoglobin, but its hydropathy profile revealed the region corresponding to the distal side of the heme iron to be apparently less hydrophobic. The kinetic simulation also demonstrated that accessibility of the solvent water molecule to the heme pocket is clearly a key factor in the stability properties of the bound dioxygen.  相似文献   
Prevalence of feline viral antibodies in random-source laboratory cats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Over a period of 1973 to 1979, a serologic survey of virus infections was conducted on feline sera collected in four universities which located in different prefectures; Obihiro, Saitama, Kanagawa and Tokyo. A significant hemagglutination-inhibition (HI) antibody titer of 1 : 8 or higher to feline panleukopenia virus (FPLV) was detected in 130 (58%) of the 226 sera used. No remarkable difference in the HI antibody prevalence in cats to FPLV was recognized by years or localities. Of a total of 188 cats tested, 99 (53%) presented positive serum neutralizing (SN) antibody titers to the No. 1 strain of feline calicivirus (FCV). Especially in Kanagawa, 17 (77%) of the 22 cats had positive SN titers. However, only 42 (22%) of the 188 sera showed positive SN titers to the Kyoritsu strain of FCV. Such lower positivity in the cats was observed with 13% in the SN test to human reovirus type 3 (Reo-3). The incidence of positive SN antibodies to feline rhinotracheitis virus (FRV) also remained in low values of 20 to 27% with the exception of high percentage of 86 in Tokyo. The dissemination of FPLV, FRV, FCV and Reo-3 was briefly discussed in relation with the age distribution of viral antibodies in cats.  相似文献   
The relationship between cell size, [3H]thymidine incorporation capacity, and cell surface property of human diploid fibroblasts was investigated using the concanavalin A (ConA)-mediated red blood cell (RBC) adsorption assay. Small cells in late passage populations adsorbed RBCs well with the RBC coating method (in which ConA-coated RBCs are adsorbed to fibroblasts) as did large cells of this population, while small cells in early passage populations did not. The RBC adsorption capacity of rapidly dividing cells with this method differed among young, middle-aged and old cell populations. The results suggest that temporal cell size and [3H]thymidine incorporating capacity is not a measure of the division age of human diploid cells at the individual cell level. On the other hand, RBC adsorption with the fibroblast coating method (in which RBCs are adsorbed to ConA-coated fibroblasts) occurred to non-dividing cells of the populations. Thus, the increase in RBC adsorption with this method is considered to be a reflection of the increase in non-dividing cells at phase III. Our results support the hypothesis that RBC adsorption with the RBC and fibroblast-coating methods represents a cell surface marker for division age and senescence of human diploid cells, respectively, at the individual cell level.  相似文献   
The concept of mass balance was used to analyze the metabolic pathways of citrate production by Candida lipolytica from glucose. Specific rates of glucose consumption, citrate and isocitrate productions, carbon dioxide evolution, and cellular syntheses of protein and carbohydrate were observed in an NH4+-limited chemostat culture. These data permitted one to assess the carbon flux in vivo by solving simultaneous carbon balance equations with respect to intermediary metabolite pools in the steady State. Among the three models considered here, model I (which coordinates the pyruvate carboxylation with the tricarboxylic acid cycle, but disregards the glyoxylate cycle) was considered plausible because the carbon flux calculated so far was acceptable. On the other hand, models II and III (which overlook the pyruvate carboxylation and the 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenation, respectively) were found to be most unlikely because of the unusual flux assessed from these models.  相似文献   
The maturation process from the appearance to the fusion of the secondary ossification centers of extremities was studied in Wistar rats aged 0 to 134 weeks. The examination of the secondary ossification centers made by radiography. The assessment of the stage of development was made in accordance with the criteria proposed by Ohwada and Sutow. The secondary ossification center was found to be take one of the following three types of maturation processes : (1) the acute ossification, (2) the delayed ossification, and (3) the incomplete ossification. No fusion was observed up to 134 weeks in certain epiphyses of the rat. This type of ossification designated as the incomplete ossification may be specific to the mouse and rat. The relative lengths of time required for appearance and fusion in the average prospective life were obtained for the rat. They were compared with those of the mouse and man. The relative length of time necessary for maturity of the secondary ossification centers was shown to be the shortest in the rat and the longest in man. The results suggested that the rat may reach maturity in the bone age at 17 to 21 weeks of age. The rat at this age may be regarded as being adult corresponding to age 17 weeks in mice and 18 to 24 years in man.  相似文献   
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