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A chloroplast-type ferredoxin from Spirulina platenis crystallized in an orthorhombic system, space group C2221, with cell dimensions a=62.32, b=28.51, and c=108.08 A. The electron density map at 2.8 A resolution was prepared by using the best phase angles determined by the single isomorphous replacement method coupled with the anomalous dispersion method. The chelating structure of the acitve center was revealed as follows. Of the six cysteinyl residues in the molecule, Cys 41, Cys 4k, Cys 49, and Cys 79 are involved in the active center. Cys 41 and Cys 46 are coordinated to one iron atom, and Cys 49 and Cys 79 to the other iron atom. Only one of these cysteinyl residues, Cys 79, is comparatively apart from the other three in the amino acids sequence of the molecule, as found in the case of bacterial ferredoxin. It appears that the NH....S hydrogen bonds are around the active center, as in other non-heme iron sulfur proteins.  相似文献   
To understand the incompatibility between two related plasmids, both of which replicate in an autonomous state under a common control mechanism, we have developed a model that assumes a random choice mechanism for replication of plasmid copies and their random assortment into daughter cells upon cell division. Segregation kinetics by this model is analyzed mathematically and the number of generations required for segregation is calculated as a function of plasmid copy number per cell. The results obtained offer enough quantitative data to make our model reasonably realistic.  相似文献   
The present study investigates the regulatory effects of glycosaminoglycans such as heparin and heparan sulfate on T cell proliferation induced by thymic stromal cell monolayer or its derived T cell growth factor (TCGF). A thymic stromal cell clone (MRL104.8a) supported the growth of Ag-specific, IL-2-dependent Th cell clone (9-16) in the absence of Ag and IL-2 by producing a unique TCGF designated as thymic stroma-derived T cell growth factor (TSTGF). The addition of heparin to cultures in which the growth of 9-16 Th cells was otherwise stimulated by the MRL104.8a monolayer or a semipurified sample of the TSTGF resulted in heparin dose-dependent inhibition of 9-16 Th proliferation. The dose of heparin required for inducing 50% reduction of TSTGF-induced proliferation of Th at a given cell number was found to be proportional to the magnitude of the TSTGF added to cultures, suggesting that heparin exerted its inhibitory effect by binding to the TSTGF rather than by acting on Th cells. A similar growth-inhibiting effect of heparin was observed in IL-7-dependent proliferation of pre-B cell line or Th, but not in IL-2-dependent T cell proliferation or IL-3-dependent myeloid cell proliferation. A strong affinity of TSTGF and IL-7 for heparin was confirmed by the fact that both TSTGF and IL-7 adhered to columns of heparin-agarose and were eluted by salt. When various glycosaminoglycans were tested for the heparin-like Th growth-regulatory capacity, heparan sulfate exhibited Th growth-inhibiting ability comparable to that observed for heparin. These results indicate that the activity of thymic and/or bone marrow stroma-derived lymphocyte growth factor (TSTGF/IL-7) but not of Th-producing TCGF (IL-2) is negatively regulated by heparin or heparan sulfate, which would represent major glycosaminoglycans in the extra-cellular matrix of stromal cells.  相似文献   
An abundant and novel cytosolic protein was purified from the rat intestinal epithelium by gel filtration, ion-exchange and hydroxylapatite chromatography. The protein was eluted into two different positions (fractions 1 and 2) on DEAE-cellulose chromatography. We have completed the primary structure of the protein of fraction 1 by Edman degradation. The protein (144565 Da) contains 127 amino acid residues and has an acetylated alanine at its NH2-terminus. Comparison of the primary structure of the protein with porcine gastrotropin [Walz, A. D., Wider, M. D., Snow, J. W., Dass, C. & Desiderio, D. M. (1988) J. Biol. Chem. 263, 14189-14195] and rat hepatic fatty-acid-binding protein revealed that identical residues within these proteins are found in 90 and 54 out of a total of 127 positions, respectively. Bioactivity studies demonstrated that neither the protein nor liver and intestinal fatty-acid-binding proteins influence gastric acid secretory activity in rats with gastric fistulas compared to pentagastrin. The protein showed very low affinity for palmitic-acid-binding in vitro assay system and only trace amounts of endogenous fatty acids were detected from the protein. The protein, rat intestinal 15-kDa protein is considered to be a new member of the fatty-acid-binding protein family based on its structural features.  相似文献   
The electron transfer from ubiquinol-2 to ferricytochrome c mediated by ubiquinol:cytochrome c oxidoreductase [E.C.] purified from beef heart mitochondria, which contained one equivalent of ubiquinone-10 (Q10), was investigated under initial steady-state conditions. The Q10-depleted enzyme was as active as the Q10-containing one. Double reciprocal plots for the initial steady-state rate versus one of the two substrates at various fixed levels of the other substrate gave parallel straight lines in the absence of any product. Intersecting straight lines were obtained in the presence of a constant level of one of the products, ferrocytochrome c. The other product, ubiquinone-2, did not show any significant effect on the enzymic reaction. Ferrocytochrome c non-competitively inhibited the enzymic reaction against either ubiquinol-2 or ferricytochrome c. These results indicate a Hexa-Uni ping-pong mechanism with one ubiquinol-2 and two ferricytochrome c molecules as the substrates, which involves the irreversible release of ubiquinone-2 as the first product and the irreversible isomerization between the release of the first ferrocytochrome c and the binding of the second ferricytochrome c. Considering the cyclic electron transfer reaction mechanism, this scheme suggests that the binding of quinone or quinol to the enzyme and electron transfer between the iron-sulfur center and cytochrome c1 are rigorously controlled by the electron distribution within the enzyme.  相似文献   
Blood coagulation or plasma clotting caused generation of a monocyte chemotactic factor(s) in vitro. The chemotactic factor, of which the apparent molecular mass was 75 kDa, shared antigenicity with complement C5 and possessed the affinity to monocytes, but not to polymorphonuclear leukocytes. The generation of the chemotactic factor was hindered in the presence of a thiol enzyme inhibitor, p-chloromercuriphenyl sulfonic acid, at the concentration of 1 mmol/l, although the gelation of plasma was apparently completed. Furthermore, the generation of chemotactic factor was not observed when a plasma deficient in blood coagulation factor XIII, which is a precursor of a thiol enzyme, plasma transglutaminase, was used; and the activity normally appeared when the deficient plasma was reconstituted with purified factor XIII or with a tissue transglutaminase prior to clotting. When the human sera were injected into guinea pig skin, the serum derived from normal plasma or from the reconstituted factor XIII deficient one caused mononuclear cell infiltration, however, the serum from the deficient plasma without reconstitution infiltrated to a significantly smaller extent. These results indicated that the complement system was initiated somehow during the clotting process resulting in the generation of the C5-derived monocyte chemotactic factor in cooperation with factor XIIIa (activated factor XIII).  相似文献   
Winged bean callus was adapted to increasing concentrations of NaCl by sequential transfer to medium with 0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0% (w/v) NaCl. When the culture media, after cell suspension cultures of callus adapted to 0.5 (SA-0.5), 1.0 (SA-1.0), 1.5 (SA-1.5), or 2.0% (w/v) NaCl (SA-2.0), were analyzed by sodium dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, six specific or enhanced polypeptide bands (SAP1, -2, -3, -4, -5, and -6) were observed. SAP1, with a molecular weight of 84,000, was abundantly secreted in suspension cultures of SA-1.0 and SA-1.5, and was observed as the most striking polypeptide band. The SAP1 yield was about 4 mg/g cells fresh weight. SAP1 was abundantly secreted after the suspension culture of SA-1.0 in the presence of AlCl3, but little was secreted in the presence of KCl, LiCl, CaCl2, MgCl2, mannitol, sucrose, or abscisic acid. SAP1 was purified from the culture medium after suspension culture of SA-1.0 in the presence of 1.0% (w/v) NaCl. Two steps, ammonium sulfate fractionation and CM-cellulose chromatography, were sufficient for purification to homogeneity. Finally, about 5 mg of SAP1 could be isolated from 7 g of fresh callus cells. Of the amino-terminal 32 amino acid residues of SAP1, 10 and 5 were found to be hydroxyproline and proline, respectively. SAP1 on an acrylamide gel was stained by the periodic acid-Schiff method. It is interesting that SAP1 has pentahydroxyproline blocks (Hyp5) instead of tetrahydroxyproline blocks (Hyp4) common to many hydroxyproline-rich glycoproteins in dicotyledons. Thus, this novel hydroxyproline-rich glycoprotein was shown to be abundantly secreted from NaCl-adapted winged bean cells.  相似文献   
Fatty acid-binding proteins of hepatic and intestinal type and gastrotropin-like protein (GTLP) were purified from rat intestinal cytosol by Sephadex G-75 gel filtration and DEAE-cellulose, CM-cellulose, and hydroxylapatite chromatographies. In addition to fatty acids, butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), phthalate dibutyl, and di(2-ethylhexyl) esters (DBP and DEHP) were identified by gas liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry as endogenous ligands from the extract of either fatty acid-binding protein superfamily. These protein families in the intestine may have an important role as carriers in the initial step of arresting these exogenous pollutants.  相似文献   
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