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We compared the efficiency of two mate-finding strategies exploited by representatives of the beetle families Cisidae and Anobiidae (genus Dorcatoma) that live inside fruiting bodies of wood-decaying fungi. In the Cisidae both sexes are attracted to host odour, but no pheromones seem to be present (nonpheromone strategy). In the Dorcatoma species only the females are attracted to host odour, but having found a host they attract males with a sexual pheromone (pheromone strategy). With a simulation model, we compared the efficiency of the two strategies at four densities of trees hosting fungal fruiting bodies and at three relative densities of insects. We found only small differences in efficiency between the two strategies at high relative densities of conspecific individuals, regardless of host tree density. The pheromone strategy was relatively more efficient when the relative density of insects or the density of host trees decreased. Thus, species adopting the nonpheromone strategy are probably more sensitive to habitat fragmentation and more likely to decline and go extinct at low population densities (because of Allee effects) than species using the pheromone strategy. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   
Leukotrienes (LTs) are biologically active compounds derived from arachidonic acid which have important pathophysiological roles in asthma and inflammation. The cysteinyl leukotriene LTC(4) and its metabolites LTD(4) and LTE(4) stimulate bronchoconstriction, airway mucous formation and generalized edema formation. LTC(4) is formed by addition of glutathione to LTA(4), catalyzed by the integral membrane protein, LTC(4) synthase (LTCS). We now report the use of bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET) to demonstrate that LTCS forms homo-oligomers in living cells. Fusion proteins of LTCS and Renilla luciferase (Rluc) and a variant of green fluorescent protein (GFP), respectively, were prepared. High BRET signals were recorded in transiently transfected human embryonic kidney (HEK 293) cells co-expressing Rluc/LTCS and GFP/LTCS. Homo-oligomer formation in living cells was verified by co-transfection of a plasmid expressing non-chimeric LTCS. This resulted in dose-dependent attenuation of the BRET signal. Additional evidence for oligomer formation was obtained in cell-free assays using glutathione S-transferase (GST) pull-down assay. To map interaction domains for oligomerization, GFP/LTCS fusion proteins were prepared with truncated variants of LTCS. The results obtained identified a C-terminal domain (amino acids 114-150) sufficient for oligomerization of LTCS. Another, centrally located, interaction domain appeared to exist between amino acids 57-88. The functional significance of LTCS homo-oligomer formation is currently being investigated.  相似文献   
We showed earlier that only 2-4% of N-neurons in the rabbit's anterolateral ("masticatory") motor cortex (AC) that are being specialized in relation to Newly formed acts (such as pressing the pedal, approaching the pedal) during the elaboration of instrumental food-acquistion behavior. The majority of neurons in this area are O-neurons that are specialized in relation to the Older acts formed long before the acquisition of instrumental behavior: mostly taking of food. It was shown also that electrical stimulation of this area produced jaw movements. It might seem reasonable to propose that the number of N-neurons may be increased in this area if pedal pressing in substituted with instrumental act like seizure and pulling a ring that is more corresponding to the "projectional property" of the AC. Here we show that the number of N-neurons in rabbit's AC remains constant -3.4%, even is the animals that were trained to pull a ring instead of pressing a pedal. Thus, we assume that the small number of N-neurons is the stable property of the AC. However, the role of the AC in the subserving of the behavior does not remain the same. Much more AC units (O-neurons) were activated in the ring pulling than in the pedal pressing instrumental act.  相似文献   
Brain energy metabolism in different functional states or activities of humans and animals is characterized by dynamic changes in the degree of coupling between glycolysis and tissue respiration in different cell compartments (Fox et al., 1988; Fox, 1989; Pellerin et Magistretti, 1994; Prichard et al., 1991; Schur et al., 1999). These processes determine variations in the brain redox state (Siesjo, 1978) that can be potentiometrically recorded with implanted platinum electrodes as the brain tissue redox state potential E (Puppi et Fely, 1983). This potential was recorded in rat brain cortex with four pairs of platinum electrodes implanted into different symmetrical cortical region (one electrode of a pair being located in the cortical layers, another being located epidurally). In the course of defensive conditioning (after 5-15 combination of a bulb light and a weak electrodermal stimulation of a ear), E oscillations (6-10 per minute) appeared. In this period, stimuli combinations produced the generalized E shifts. Later on (with accumulation of stimuli combinations), the episodes of E increase were replaced by the episodes of E decrease. To the 200-400th combinations, E oscillations disappeared, and E shifts became local and stable. The findings suggest that conditioning shifts the balance between the main energy-producing systems in the brain tissue: at the initial stages of conditioning brain functions are predominantly supported by the energy obtained from tissue respiration, while during the realization of defensive conditioning glycolysis is the main source of energy.  相似文献   
Incubations of allene oxide synthases of flax or maize with the E,E-isomers of the 13- and 9-hydroperoxides of linoleic acid (E,E-13- and E,E-9-HPOD, respectively) at pH 7.5 afforded substantial yields of trans-disubstituted cyclopentenones. Under the conditions used, (Z,E)-HPODs were converted mainly into -ketols and afforded only trace amount of cyclopentenones. These findings indicated that changing the double bond geometry from Z to E dramatically increased the rate of formation of the pericyclic pentadienyl cation intermediate necessary for electrocyclization of 18:2-allene oxides and thus the yield of cyclopentenones. The well-known cyclization of the homoallylic allene oxide (12,13-EOT) derived from -linolenic acid 13-hydroperoxide (E,Z-13-HPOT) into cis-12-oxo-10,15-phytodienoic acid was suppressed at pH below neutral and was not observable at pH 4.5. In contrast, cyclization of the allene oxide ((9E)-12,13-EOD) derived from (E,E)-13-HPOD was slightly favoured at low pH. The finding that the cyclizations of 12,13-EOT and (9E)-12,13-EOD were differently affected by changes in pH suggested that the mechanisms of cyclization of these allene oxides are distinct.  相似文献   
Films of potato starch, amylose, and amylopectin and blends thereof were prepared by solution casting and examined using X-ray diffraction, light microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, and differential scanning calorimetry. Amylose films had a relative crystallinity of about 30% whereas amylopectin films were entirely amorphous. Blending of amylose and amylopectin resulted in films with a considerably higher degree of crystallinity than could be predicted. This is explained by cocrystallization between amylose and amylopectin and possibly by crystallization of amylopectin. The crystallized material gave rise to an endotherm detected with differential scanning calorimetry. The enthalpy and peak temperature of the transition also increased as the water content decreased. When the amylose proportion in the blends was low, separate phases of amylose and amylopectin were observed by light microscopy. At higher amylose proportions, however, the phase separation was apparently prevented by amylose gelation and the formation of a continuous amylose network. The amylose network in the films, observed with transmission electron microscopy, consisted of stiff strands and open pores and became less visible as the amylose proportion decreased. The water content of the films was dependent on the microstructure and the crystallinity.  相似文献   
Food hypersensitivity is constantly increasing in Western societies with a prevalence of about 1-2% in Europe and in the USA. Among children, the incidence is even higher. Because of the introduction of foods derived from genetically modified crops on the marketplace, the scientific community, regulatory bodies and international associations have intensified discussions on risk assessment procedures to identify potential food allergenicity of the newly introduced proteins. In this work, we present a novel biocomputational methodology for the classification of amino acid sequences with regard to food allergenicity and non-allergenicity. This method relies on a computerised learning system trained using selected excerpts of amino acid sequences. One example of such a successful learning system is presented which consists of feature extraction from sequence alignments performed with the FASTA3 algorithm (employing the BLOSUM50 substitution matrix) combined with the k-Nearest-Neighbour (kNN) classification algorithm. Briefly, the two features extracted are the alignment score and the alignment length and the kNN algorithm assigns the pair of extracted features from an unknown sequence to the prevalent class among its k nearest neighbours in the training (prototype) set available. 91 food allergens from several specialised public repositories of food allergy and the SWALL database were identified, pre-processed, and stored, yielding one of the most extensively characterised repositories of allergenic sequences known today. All allergenic sequences were classified using a standard one-leave-out cross validation procedure yielding about 81% correctly classified allergens and the classification of 367 non-allergens in an independent test set resulted in about 98% correct classifications. The biocomputational approach presented should be regarded as a significant extension and refinement of earlier attempts suggested for in silico food safety assessment. Our results show that the framework described here is powerful enough to become useful as part of a multiple-procedure test scheme that also depicts other evaluation approaches such as solid phase immunoassay and tests for stability to digestions.  相似文献   
We describe a method to monitor rolling-circle replication of circular oligonucleotides in dual-color and in real-time using molecular beacons. The method can be used to study the kinetics of the polymerization reaction and to amplify and quantify circularized oligonucleotide probes in a rolling-circle amplification (RCA) reaction. Modified molecular beacons were made of 2′-O-Me-RNA to prevent 3′ exonucleolytic degradation by the polymerase used. Moreover, the complement of one of the stem sequences of the molecular beacon was included in the RCA products to avoid fluorescence quenching due to inter-molecular hybridization of neighboring molecular beacons hybridizing to the concatemeric polymerization product. The method allows highly accurate quantification of circularized DNA over a broad concentration range by relating the signal from the test DNA circle to an internal reference DNA circle reporting in a distinct fluorescence color.  相似文献   
Individual differences in sensitivity to the putative human pheromone androstadienone were investigated in three experiments. In experiment 1, the absolute detection threshold for androstadienone was determined to be 211 micro M using the method of constant stimuli. Detection for the related compound estratetraenol was also investigated but a threshold could not be determined. In experiment 2, using an adaptive threshold test on 100 participants, the sensitivity distribution for androstadienone, but not for the reference odor phenylethyl alcohol, was bimodal, with a smaller group of individuals with a high sensitivity to androstadienone (supersmellers). A lack of correlation between thresholds for androstadienone and phenylethyl alcohol further suggested that the bimodality for androstadienone was not due to individuals with a high general olfactory sensitivity. In line with an earlier observation, there was a statistical tendency for women to be more sensitive to androstadienone than men. Results of experiment 3 preclude the possibility that the bimodal sensitivity distribution for androstadienone would depend on individual differences in trigeminal activation. Altogether, the current study suggests that olfactory sensitivity to androstadienone is bimodally distributed in the population with a subgroup consisting of highly sensitive people.  相似文献   
The "ram effect" (RE) is an inexpensive technique that allows farmers to obtain out-of-season lambs. Five hundred and ninety-six Corriedale ewes were used in three experiments to determine the effectiveness of different medroxyprogesterone (MAP) treatments associated with the ram effect during the nonbreeding season. The aim of the first experiment was to evaluate the effectiveness of short-term (6-day) MAP priming. We obtained similar results in estrus incidence and fertility after using MAP sponges for 6, 9, and 13 days. In the second experiment, we compared the effect of sponges containing 20, 40, or 60 mg of MAP used in 6-day priming. Estrous behavior and fertility were not affected by dosage. In the third experiment, 2.5mg of MAP was administered in single treatments 0, 1, 3, or 5 days before the introduction of the rams. Medroxyprogesterone administration 1, 3, or 5 days before the introduction of the rams concentrated estrus in ewes 17 to 20 days later.  相似文献   
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