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Although different mechanisms have been proposed in the recent years, plant pathogen partial resistance is still poorly understood. Components of the chemical warfare, including the production of plant defense compounds and plant resistance to pathogen-produced toxins, are likely to play a role. Toxins are indeed recognized as important determinants of pathogenicity in necrotrophic fungi. Partial resistance based on quantitative resistance loci and linked to a pathogen-produced toxin has never been fully described. We tested this hypothesis using the Alternaria dauci – carrot pathosystem. Alternaria dauci, causing carrot leaf blight, is a necrotrophic fungus known to produce zinniol, a compound described as a non-host selective toxin. Embryogenic cellular cultures from carrot genotypes varying in resistance against A. dauci were confronted with zinniol at different concentrations or to fungal exudates (raw, organic or aqueous extracts). The plant response was analyzed through the measurement of cytoplasmic esterase activity, as a marker of cell viability, and the differentiation of somatic embryos in cellular cultures. A differential response to toxicity was demonstrated between susceptible and partially resistant genotypes, with a good correlation noted between the resistance to the fungus at the whole plant level and resistance at the cellular level to fungal exudates from raw and organic extracts. No toxic reaction of embryogenic cultures was observed after treatment with the aqueous extract or zinniol used at physiological concentration. Moreover, we did not detect zinniol in toxic fungal extracts by UHPLC analysis. These results suggest that strong phytotoxic compounds are present in the organic extract and remain to be characterized. Our results clearly show that carrot tolerance to A. dauci toxins is one component of its partial resistance.  相似文献   
The relation between climatic parameters (relative air humidity) and the water activity of the Urmia Sea water determines the possible maximum evaporation of the lake. Using the Pitzer thermodynamic approach, the activity of the Urmia Lake water during evaporation was calculated and compared to the present relative air humidity above the water. Present climatic conditions allow the Urmia Sea water to evaporate down to water with activity of 0.55, corresponding to the lowest air humidity measured over the lake. This water activity falls in the range of halite precipitation, while carnalite precipitation starts at somewhat lower (a H2O = 0.499) point. Our dynamic model predicts that for air humidity as low as 55% (reflecting present climate conditions), the Urmia Sea level may drop to as low as 1270 m (i. e., 1270 m above mean sea level). At that point, the lake water volume will have a volume of 11 km3. For the sake of comparison, at the beginning of 1990, the level of the lake was 1275 m, its volume was 25 km3, and its surface area was 5145 km2.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Tatsache, daß reflektiertes Tageslicht für die Biene dann neutral oder farblos ist, wenn es in seiner spektralen Zusammensetzung nicht wesentlich von der Zusammensetzung des Sonnenlichtes — soweit dieses den Bienen sichtbar ist — abweicht, bzw. die Tatsache, daß bei mehr oder weniger vollständigem Fehlen von Ultraviolett weißes Licht für die Biene farbig wird, macht bestimmte Vorsichtsmaßregeln im Gebrauch von Farbpapieren, Graupapieren, Glasplatten und Filtergläsern im Bienenversuch notwendig. Solche Vorsichtsmaßregeln sind bisher nicht oder nicht ausreichend beachtet worden. Für die wichtigeren Ergebnisse bleibt das ohne nachteilige Folgen, einige weitere Ergebnisse erscheinen nun zweifelhaft und sollten nachgeprüft werden.  相似文献   
In the marine environment, many animals use sound to interact and communicate with their conspecifics or other species. Over the last decades, the development of sound recording systems has allowed a significant advance in our knowledge of sound production in marine animals. We deployed miniature sound and movement tags on Antarctic fur seals (AFS), a small otariid foraging on mesopelagic fish, to uncover potential underwater vocalizations in this species. Tags recorded underwater sounds synchronously with high-resolution AFS movements and diving behavior, allowing us to investigate the behavioral context of vocalizations in the natural environment. We provide evidence of underwater vocalizations in foraging female AFS in a context of foraging at sea. AFS produced stereotyped calls made of low-frequency pulses produced in series, exclusively during foraging dives. We hypothesized that these acoustic pulse series could be used as an acoustic lure to confuse or attract fish prey, however, a larger sample size is needed to study the adaptive significance of these underwater vocalizations.  相似文献   
The bioartificial pancreas encapsulating pancreatic islets in immunoprotective hydrogel is a promising therapy for Type 1 diabetes. As pancreatic islets are highly metabolically active and exquisitely sensitive to hypoxia, maintaining O2 supply after transplantation remains a major challenge. In this study, we address the O2 limitation by combining silicone-encapsulated CaO2 (silicone-CaO2) to generate O2 with an extracellular hemoglobin O2-carrier coencapsulated with islets. We showed that the hemoglobin improved by 37% the O2-diffusivity through an alginate hydrogel and displayed antioxidant properties neutralizing deleterious reactive O2 species produced by silicone-CaO2. While the hemoglobin alone failed to maintain alginate macroencapsulated neonate pig islets under hypoxia, silicone-CaO2 alone or combined to the hemoglobin restored islet viability and insulin secretion and prevented proinflammatory metabolism (PTGS2 expression). Interestingly, the combination took the advantages of the two individual strategies, improved neonate pig islet viability and insulin secretion in normoxia, and VEGF secretion and PDK1 normalization in hypoxia. Moreover, we confirmed the specific benefits of the combination compared to silicone-CaO2 alone on murine pseudo-islet viability in normoxia and hypoxia. For the first time, our results show the interest of combining an O2 provider with hemoglobin as an effective strategy to overcome O2 limitations in tissue engineering.  相似文献   
Several caribou and reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) populations have experienced recent population declines, often attributed to anthropogenic stressors such as harvesting, landscape fragmentation, and climate change. Svalbard reindeer (R. t. platyrhynchus), the wild reindeer subspecies endemic to the high-Arctic Svalbard archipelago, was protected in 1925, after most subpopulations had been eradicated by harvest. Although direct pressure from harvest has ceased, indirect anthropogenic stressors from environmental changes have increased in this climate change hot spot. An assessment of the current distribution and abundance is therefore urgently needed. We combined distance sampling (300 km transects, n = 489 reindeer groups) and total counts (1,350 km2, n = 1,349 groups) to estimate the Svalbard reindeer distribution and abundance across its entire range, which we compared with historical data from the literature and radiocarbon-dated bones. Reindeer have now recolonized nearly all non-glaciated land (i.e., areas occupied prior to human presence), and their spatial variation in abundance reflects vegetation productivity. Independent of vegetation productivity, however, recently recolonized areas have lower reindeer densities than areas not subject to past extirpation. This suggests that recovery from past overharvesting is still in progress. These incompletely recovered areas are potential targets for increased monitoring frequency and maintaining strict conservation to follow the Svalbard management goal (i.e., virtually untouched wilderness areas). Because of such ongoing recolonization, possibly combined with vegetation greening effects of recent warming, our status estimate of Svalbard reindeer abundance (22,435 [95% CI = 21,452–23,425]) is more than twice a previous estimate based on opportunistic counts. Thus, although our study demonstrates the successful outcome of strict harvesting control implemented a century ago, current and future population trajectories are likely shaped by climate change. © 2019 The Authors. Journal of Wildlife Management Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   
Food sharing has attracted much attention because of its apparently altruistic nature and its link to prosociality. However, food sharing has been mostly studied in a reproductive context, during courtship and parental care, where the fitness benefits are obvious. We still lack a clear understanding of the functions of food sharing outside any reproductive context and within social groups of same‐aged peers. Previous studies suggest that cofeeding, the action to let another animal feed from the same monopolizable food source, may be used to build and strengthen bonds between individuals. This may be particularly crucial in social birds forming long‐term associations between mates or siblings such as psittacids and corvids. Here, we investigated food sharing and affiliative behaviors such as allopreening in a psittacine species, namely in a group of captive juvenile cockatiels (Nymphicus hollandicus) consisting of five siblings and five unrelated birds. Our main objective was to study the developmental pattern of food sharing over time and its implication in social bonding depending on kinship, affiliation, and sex. Studying cockatiels in this context is providing many new information since most of the studies on food sharing in birds focused on corvids. We found that, contrary to jackdaws, cockatiels continued to share food with multiple individuals, although the frequency of cofeeding as well as the number of cofeeding partners decreased over time. Cockatiels shared more food with their siblings than with other conspecifics but they were not more likely to do cofeeding with birds of the opposite sex. We also found evidence that young cockatiels exchanged more food with those from whom they received food (reciprocity) and, to a lesser extent, allopreening (interchange), than from other cockatiels. Our findings suggest that in cockatiels, food sharing within social groups serves the formation (and maintenance) of affiliative bonds, especially between siblings, rather than pair bonds, but might additionally be explained by reciprocity, interchange, and harassment avoidance.  相似文献   
  1. The common hamster Cricetus cricetus was long considered to be a pest species for crops, but its populations are now dramatically declining. The conservation of this species can only be achieved via an up‐to‐date knowledge of its ecology. However, its diet composition has never been exhaustively reviewed and the last peer‐reviewed publication on its feeding ecology in farmlands dates back to 1974.
  2. This review of the literature aims to establish a list of plant and animal taxa consumed by common hamsters, providing knowledge to be applied to the conservation of hamsters and to identify the main avenues of future research.
  3. Hamsters consume four main categories of food: crops, weeds, trees/shrubs and animals, including mammals, birds, herptiles and invertebrates. Vegetable foods are more diverse (114 taxa) than animal foods (11 taxa). Hamsters mainly consume animals and green parts of plants (flowers and leaves) in spring and summer, and store energy‐rich and non‐perishable foods for winter.
  4. Weeds are the most diverse food category (61 taxa), followed by crops (31 taxa). However, diet shifts from crop products towards tree products in urban habitats, probably in response to a marked difference in availability.
  5. We conclude that hamsters have an opportunist diet that shows a high degree of plasticity, and that weeds make up an important part of their food supply. However, the studies published to date have considered diet composition without taking food availability into account, and therefore lack information on whether the hamsters select the foods consumed or simply consume them because other foods are not readily available. Research on food availability and selection is therefore needed. Moreover, we argue that there is a need for recent data on the feeding ecology of the hamster in relation to fitness. This would provide a crucial tool for the implementation of adapted conservation measures for this declining species of rodent.
The biosynthesis of many sulfur-containing molecules depends on cysteine as a sulfur source. Both the cysteine desulfurase (CD) and rhodanese (Rhd) domain–containing protein families participate in the trafficking of sulfur for various metabolic pathways in bacteria and human, but their connection is not yet described in plants. The existence of natural chimeric proteins containing both CD and Rhd domains in specific bacterial genera, however, suggests a general interaction between these proteins. We report here the biochemical relationships between two cytosolic proteins from Arabidopsis thaliana, a Rhd domain–containing protein, the sulfurtransferase 18 (STR18), and a CD isoform referred to as ABA3, and compare these biochemical features to those of a natural CD–Rhd fusion protein from the bacterium Pseudorhodoferax sp. We observed that the bacterial enzyme is bifunctional exhibiting both CD and STR activities using l-cysteine and thiosulfate as sulfur donors but preferentially using l-cysteine to catalyze transpersulfidation reactions. In vitro activity assays and mass spectrometry analyses revealed that STR18 stimulates the CD activity of ABA3 by reducing the intermediate persulfide on its catalytic cysteine, thereby accelerating the overall transfer reaction. We also show that both proteins interact in planta and form an efficient sulfur relay system, whereby STR18 catalyzes transpersulfidation reactions from ABA3 to the model acceptor protein roGFP2. In conclusion, the ABA3–STR18 couple likely represents an uncharacterized pathway of sulfur trafficking in the cytosol of plant cells, independent of ABA3 function in molybdenum cofactor maturation.  相似文献   
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