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The mechanisms involved in the parasitic castration of the marine mussel Mytilus edulis by the trematode parasite Prosorhynchus squamatus Odhner, 1905, have been investigated in vitro with two bioassays employing dissociated host tissues. There is no conclusive evidence that P. squamatus affects the secretion of two host neuroendocrine factors, viz., gonial mitosis-stimulating factor and glycogen mobilization hormone, involved in the gametogenesis/nutrient storage cycles of the mussel. In contrast, extracts of P. squamatus sporocysts and cercariae significantly stimulated glycogen mobilization in host glycogen cells and strongly inhibited host gonial mitosis. A gonial mitosis-inhibiting factor (GMIF) was found in the hemolymph of parasitized mussels. The existence of an endogenous GMIF in mantle tissue of uninfected mussels has been demonstrated. This factor appeared to be secreted into the hemolymph during the period of sexual maturity. Whether the parasite acts directly on the host gonia, or by provoking the liberation of this endogenous GMIF, has yet to be ascertained. It would appear, however, that the parasite acts directly on host glycogen cells.  相似文献   
Thrombin-stimulated normal platelets contain a membrane system of dilated channels with openings to the exterior. Whether these membranes originate from the surface connected system (SCS), the alpha-granules or internalized portions of the plasmalemma has not yet been defined. The present study traces in series of ultrathin sections the rearrangement of these membranes during shape change, degranulation and internalization of surface membranes in washed normal and "gray" platelets upon the stimulation with thrombin (1 IU/ml). Cationized ferritin (CF) was used as a surface marker in order to recognize internalized portions of the plasmalemma. Within the first seconds after stimulation, both normal and gray platelets changed their shape by extrusion of the SCS membranes. Simultaneously they started to internalize surface membrane and formed surface membrane invaginations closely attached to the outer rim of the cytoskeletal sphere which developed during the internal contraction. CF was internalized in these invaginations. CF was not observed within the system of dilated channels of stimulated platelets, however. Thrombin-stimulated gray platelets showed a markedly reduced number of dilated channels or none at all. This observation may be due to the fact "gray" platelets are deficient in alpha-granules. It is concluded that the dilated system of membranes in degranulated normal platelets originates from membranes of the alpha-granules which have performed compound exocytosis.  相似文献   
The ultrastructure of nucleoli was examined in developing rat spermatocytes and spermatids, with the help of serial sections. In addition, the radioautographic reaction of nucleoli as examined in rats sacrificed 1 hr after intratesticular injection of 3H(5')-uridine and taken as an index of the rate of synthesis of ribosomal RNA (rRNA). Primary spermatocytes from preleptotene to zygotene have small nucleoli typically composed of fibrillar centers, a fibrillar component, and a granular component, within which are narrow interstitial spaces. During early and mid-pachytene, nucleoli enlarge to about nine times their initial size, with the fibrillar and granular components forming an extensive network of cords--a nucleolonema--within which are wide interstitial spaces. Meanwhile, there appear structures identical to the granular component but distinct from nucleoli; they are referred to as extranucleolar granular elements. Finally, from late pachytene to the first maturation division, nucleoli undergo condensation, as shown by contraction of fibrillar centers into small clumps, while fibrillar and granular components condense and segregate from each other, with a gradual decrease in interstitial spaces. In secondary spermatocytes, nucleoli are compact and rather small, while in young spermatids they are also compact and even smaller. Nucleoli disappear in elongating spermatids. In 3H-uridine radioautographs, nucleolar label is weak in young primary spermatocytes, increases progressively during early pachytene, is strong by the end of mid pachytene, but gradually decreases during late pachytene up to the first maturation division. In secondary spermatocytes and spermatids, there is no significant nucleolar label. In conclusion, rRNA synthesis by nucleoli is low in young spermatocytes. During pachytene, while nucleoli enlarge and form a lacy nucleolonema, rRNA synthesis increases gradually to a high level by the end of mid pachytene. However, during the condensation and segregation of nucleolar components occurring from late pachytene onward, the synthesis gradually decreases and disappears. The small, compact spermatids arising from the second maturation division do not synthesize rRNA.  相似文献   
The motion of both mitral cusps and the presence of valvular regurgitation during ventricular contractions were investigated in seven experiments on dogs in which radiopaque markers had been sutured to the cusps and the valve annulus 1-32 wk before the studies. Cineangiograms of the left ventricle were obtained during ventricular ectopic beats, interposed throughout the cardiac cycle (20-99% of cycle length) and during induced variations in the P-R interval (0-200 ms). Mitral regurgitation was observed only during a) weak, early ectopic beats (peak pressure below 34 mmHg) which were incapable of closing the cusps and b) when ventricular contractions suddenly interrupted normal leaflet motion toward the ventricle, during three well-defined periods of diastole (diastolic valve opening, diastolic rebound, and atrial opening). Valve closure following sudden reversal of cusp opening was slow and the leaflets often did not arrive simultaneously at their closed positions. These findings suggest that sudden interruption of leaflet opening by ventricular contractions is an important mechanism of transient mitral regurgitation in the normal heart.  相似文献   
The mechanistic link between avian oxidative physiology and plumage coloration has attracted considerable attention in past decades. Hence, multiple proximal hypotheses were proposed to explain how oxidative state might covary with the production of melanin and carotenoid pigments. Some hypotheses underscore that these pigments (or their precursors, e.g., glutathione) have antioxidant capacities or function as molecules storing the toxic excess of intracellular compounds, while others highlight that these pigments can act as pro‐oxidants under specific conditions. Most studies addressing these associations are at the intraspecific level, while phylogenetic comparative studies are still scarce, though needed to assess the generality of these associations. Here, we tested whether plumage and bare part coloration were related to oxidative physiology at an interspecific level by measuring five oxidative physiology markers (three nonenzymatic antioxidants and two markers of lipid peroxidative damage) in 1387 individuals of 104 European bird species sampled during the breeding season, and by scoring plumage eumelanin, pheomelanin, and carotenoid content for each sex and species. Only the plasma level of reactive oxygen metabolites was related to melanin coloration, being positively associated with eumelanin score and negatively with pheomelanin score. Thus, our results do not support the role of antioxidant glutathione in driving variation in melanin synthesis across species. Furthermore, the carotenoid scores of feathers and bare parts were unrelated to the measured oxidative physiology parameters, further suggesting that the marked differences in pigmentation across birds does not influence their oxidative state.  相似文献   
1. The sodium and potassium conductances of the HODGKIN-HUXLEY model are simulated by a field effect transistor with a series resistor. This arrangement leads to a simple analog model of the excitable membrane (fig. 1 and 2). 2. Normally, the model is silent (fig. 3), but it becomes automatic (fig. 4) when the decay time (de-activation) of the potassium conductance is at least twice the recovery from inactivation time of the sodium conductance (taud greater than 2 tauri). 3. The effects of changes in sodium (fig. 5 and 6) and potassium (fig. 7, 8 and 9) concentration gradients upon the membrane potential and the ionic currents are easily studied when the model is silent or automatic. 4. When automatic, an increase in the potassium concentration gradient induces a lengthening of the period and ultimately, when the gradient is very high, spontaneous activity is blocked (fig. 9). On the other hand, increases of sodium gradient over 30% of normal value do not modify the period (fig 6). 5. The potassium concentration gradient modifies the excitability solely through membrane polarization (fig. 8), while sodium concentration has no effect on it (fig. 5). 6. Results with the model strengthen the hypothesis that tetraethylammonium (TEA) acts on both the maximum potassium conductance (gK) and the mechanism of sodium conductance inactivation (Tauh) to lengthen the action potential as observed on the Ranvier node (fig. 10). Effects of TEA on potassium conductance activation are also discussed. 7. Because of its simplicity and accuracy, this model lends itself easily to many other simulations.  相似文献   
The tomato—Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato (Pst)—pathosystem is one of the best understood models for plant-pathogen interactions. Certain wild relatives of tomato express two closely related members of the same kinase family, Pto and Fen, which recognize the Pst virulence protein AvrPtoB and activate effector-triggered immunity (ETI). AvrPtoB, however, contains an E3 ubiquitin ligase domain in its carboxyl terminus which causes degradation of Fen and undermines its ability to activate ETI. In contrast, Pto evades AvrPtoB-mediated degradation and triggers ETI in response to the effector. It has been reported recently that Pto has higher kinase activity than Fen and that this difference allows Pto to inactivate the E3 ligase through phosphorylation of threonine-450 (T450) in AvrPtoB. Here we show that, in contrast to Fen which can only interact with a single domain proximal to the E3 ligase of AvrPtoB, Pto binds two distinct domains of the effector, the same site as Fen and another N-terminal domain. In the absence of E3 ligase activity Pto binds to either domain of AvrPtoB to activate ETI. However, the presence of an active E3 ligase domain causes ubiquitination of Pto that interacts with the domain proximal to the E3 ligase, identical to ubiquitination of Fen. Only when Pto binds its unique distal domain can it resist AvrPtoB-mediated degradation and activate ETI. We show that phosphorylation of T450 is not required for Pto-mediated resistance in vivo and that a kinase-inactive version of Pto is still capable of activating ETI in response to AvrPtoB. Our results demonstrate that the ability of Pto to interact with a second site distal to the E3 ligase domain in AvrPtoB, and not a higher kinase activity or T450 phosphorylation, allows Pto to evade ubiquitination and to confer immunity to Pst.  相似文献   
Passive immunity (PI), acquired through colostrum intake, is essential for piglet protection against pathogens. Maternally-derived antibodies (MDAs) can decrease the transmission of pathogens between individuals by reducing shedding from infected animals and/or susceptibility of naïve animals. Only a limited number of studies, however, have been carried out to quantify the level of protection conferred by PI in terms of transmission. In the present study, an original modeling framework was designed to estimate parameters governing the transmission of infectious agents in the presence and absence of PI. This epidemiological model accounts for the distribution of PI duration and two different forces of infection depending on the serological status of animals after colostrum intake. A Bayesian approach (Metropolis-Hastings algorithm) was used for parameter estimation. The impact of PI on hepatitis E virus transmission in piglets was investigated using longitudinal serological data from six pig farms. A strong impact of PI was highlighted, the efficiency of transmission being on average 13 times lower in piglets with maternally-derived antibodies than in fully susceptible animals (range: 5–21). Median infection-free survival ages, based on herd-specific estimates, ranged between 8.7 and 13.8 weeks in all but one herd. Indeed, this herd exhibited a different profile with a relatively low prevalence of infected pigs (50% at slaughter age) despite the similar proportions of passively immune individuals after colostrum intake. These results suggest that the age at HEV infection is not strictly dependent upon the proportion of piglets with PI but is also linked to farm-specific husbandry (mingling of piglets after weaning) and hygiene practices. The original methodology developed here, using population-based longitudinal serological data, was able to demonstrate the relative impact of MDAs on the transmission of infectious agents.  相似文献   
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