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Most natural habitat in the Mascarene Islands (Mauritius, La Réunion and Rodrigues) has been transformed. Although urbanisation, agriculture and alien plant invasions have transformed large areas in La Réunion, the island has by far the greatest area of intact habitats in the Mascarenes, but remaining natural areas are under threat. We propose a protocol for defining a system of habitat types and for using these to provide a preliminary assessment of conservation priorities for La Réunion. The protocol draws on existing data and expert knowledge to map habitat types, assesses the extent of habitat transformation, and quantifies heterogeneity between habitat types based on climate, topography and geology. The pattern of habitat transformation was uneven among the nineteen habitat types identified. While three habitats have lost > 95% of their original area, four still retain> 80% of their original extent. Habitat types could be grouped into the following categories: (i) transformed habitats with low levels of plant endemism, (ii) habitats confined to homogenous geology with high levels of plantendemism, and (iii) species-rich heterogeneous habitats on diverse geological types. Priority habitats were also identified using municipalities as a basis for implementation. Urgent action is required for several habitat types where a large part of the original extent has been transformed. Three municipalities which contain more than 10 habitat types should receive conservation priority. The analysis provides the basis for setting conservation priorities in La Réunion at the regional and local scale. Implications of the results are discussed with reference to requirements for finer-scale conservation planning.  相似文献   
To assess the role of the T cell receptor (TCR) beta gene enhancer (Ebeta) in regulating the processing of VDJ recombinase-generated coding ends, we assayed TCRbeta rearrangement of Ebeta-deleted (DeltaEbeta) thymocytes in which cell death is inhibited via expression of a Bcl-2 transgene. Compared with DeltaEbeta, DeltaEbeta Bcl-2 thymocytes show a small accumulation of TCRbeta standard recombination products, including coding ends, that involves the proximal Dbeta-Jbeta and Vbeta14 loci but not the distal 5' Vbeta genes. These effects are detectable in double negative pro-T cells, predominate in double positive pre-T cells, and correlate with regional changes in chromosomal structure during double negative-to-double positive differentiation. We propose that Ebeta, by driving long range nucleoprotein interactions and the control of locus expression and chromatin structure, indirectly contributes to the stabilization of coding ends within the recombination processing complexes. The results also illustrate Ebeta-dependent and -independent changes in chromosomal structure, suggesting distinct modes of regulation of TCRbeta allelic exclusion depending on the position within the locus.  相似文献   
Many columnar cacti are bat pollinated. It has been suggested that this kind of pollination would be more important in tropical than in temperate regions where flowers are open only one night. Thrichocereus pasacana produces big and resistant white flowers. We analyzed flower characteristics, floral cycle, stigmatic receptivity, nectar production, pollen presence and floral visitors in a T. pasacana population at National Park Los Cardones (Salta, Argentina) in November 1997. Flower features were constant between individuals of the population. Flowers start opening at evening and anthesis time is from 18 to 40 hs. The estigma was receptive throughout the floral cycle. Anther dehiscence occurs with flower opening. Nectar production was highest between 18 to 24 hs. Although T. pasacana are open during the night, floral visitors are diurnal. The most frequent was Xylocopa sp. In the study area, nectarivorous bats were not detected. The morphological features of T. pasacana flowers were similar but bigger compared to other columnar cacti. Anthesis time was also longer while nectar production was lower. T. pasacana pollination at National Park Los Cardones is done by bees.  相似文献   
Assembly of cytosolic factors p67(phox) and p47(phox) with cytochrome b(558) is one of the crucial keys for NADPH oxidase activation. Certain sequences of Nox2 appear to be involved in cytosolic factor interaction. The role of the D-loop (191)TSSTKTIRRS(200) and the C-terminal (484)DESQANHFAVHHDEEKD(500) of Nox2 on oxidase activity and assembly was investigated. Charged amino acids were mutated to neutral or reverse charge by directed mutagenesis to generate 21 mutants. Recombinant wild-type or mutant Nox2 were expressed in the X-CGD PLB-985 cell model. K195A/E, R198E, R199E, and RR198199QQ/AA mutations in the D-loop of Nox2 totally abolished oxidase activity. However, these D-loop mutants demonstrated normal p47(phox) translocation and iodonitrotetrazolium (INT) reductase activity, suggesting that charged amino acids of this region are essential for electron transfer from FAD to oxygen. Replacement of Nox2 D-loop with its homolog of Nox1, Nox3, or Nox4 was fully functional. In addition, fMLP (formylmethionylleucylphenylalanine)-activated R199Q-Nox2 and D-loop(Nox4)-Nox2 mutants exhibited four to eight times the NADPH oxidase activity of control cells, suggesting that these mutations lead to a more efficient oxidase activation process. In contrast, the D484T and D500A/R/G mutants of the alpha-helical loop of Nox2 exhibited no NADPH oxidase and INT reductase activities associated with a defective p47(phox) membrane translocation. This suggests that the alpha-helical loop of the C-terminal of Nox2 is probably involved in the correct assembly of the NADPH oxidase complex occurring during activation, permitting cytosolic factor translocation and electron transfer from NADPH to FAD.  相似文献   


Congenital central hypoventilation syndrome (CCHS) is a rare neuro-respiratory disorder associated with mutations of the PHOX2B gene. Patients with this disease experience severe hypoventilation during sleep and are consequently ventilator-dependent. However, they breathe almost normally while awake, indicating the existence of cortical mechanisms compensating for the deficient brainstem generation of automatic breathing. Current evidence indicates that the supplementary motor area plays an important role in modulating ventilation in awake normal humans. We hypothesized that the wake-related maintenance of spontaneous breathing in patients with CCHS could involve supplementary motor area.


We studied 7 CCHS patients (5 women; age: 20–30; BMI: 22.1±4 kg.m−2) during resting breathing and during exposure to carbon dioxide and inspiratory mechanical constraints. They were compared with 8 healthy individuals. Segments of electroencephalographic tracings were selected according to ventilatory flow signal, from 2.5 seconds to 1.5 seconds after the onset of inspiration. After artefact rejection, 80 or more such segments were ensemble averaged. A slow upward shift of the EEG signal starting between 2 and 0.5 s before inspiration (pre-inspiratory potential) was considered suggestive of supplementary motor area activation.


In the control group, pre-inspiratory potentials were generally absent during resting breathing and carbon dioxide stimulation, and consistently identified in the presence of inspiratory constraints (expected). In CCHS patients, pre-inspiratory potentials were systematically identified in all study conditions, including resting breathing. They were therefore significantly more frequent than in controls.


This study provides a neurophysiological substrate to the wakefulness drive to breathe that is characteristic of CCHS and suggests that the supplementary motor area contributes to this phenomenon. Whether or not this “cortical breathing” can be taken advantage of therapeutically, or has clinical consequences (like competition with attentional resources) remains to be determined.  相似文献   


Overcoming boundaries is crucial for incursion of alien plant species and their successful naturalization and invasion within protected areas. Previous work showed that in Kruger National Park, South Africa, this process can be quantified and that factors determining the incursion of invasive species can be identified and predicted confidently. Here we explore the similarity between determinants of incursions identified by the general model based on a multispecies assemblage, and those identified by species-specific models. We analyzed the presence and absence of six invasive plant species in 1.0×1.5 km segments along the border of the park as a function of environmental characteristics from outside and inside the KNP boundary, using two data-mining techniques: classification trees and random forests.

Principal Findings

The occurrence of Ageratum houstonianum, Chromolaena odorata, Xanthium strumarium, Argemone ochroleuca, Opuntia stricta and Lantana camara can be reliably predicted based on landscape characteristics identified by the general multispecies model, namely water runoff from surrounding watersheds and road density in a 10 km radius. The presence of main rivers and species-specific combinations of vegetation types are reliable predictors from inside the park.


The predictors from the outside and inside of the park are complementary, and are approximately equally reliable for explaining the presence/absence of current invaders; those from the inside are, however, more reliable for predicting future invasions. Landscape characteristics determined as crucial predictors from outside the KNP serve as guidelines for management to enact proactive interventions to manipulate landscape features near the KNP to prevent further incursions. Predictors from the inside the KNP can be used reliably to identify high-risk areas to improve the cost-effectiveness of management, to locate invasive plants and target them for eradication.  相似文献   
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