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Mouse monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) specific for potato virus M (PVM) were prepared and the properties of three of them were studied. MAb M4C1 is IgG2b, it binds with high affinity to PVM coat protein, to purified virus preparations and recognises PVM in infected potato leaves and tubers. MAb M6D5 is IgG2a and also reacts with PVM coat protein, purified PVM and with PVM in potato leaf and tuber extracts. In double-antibody sandwich ELISA (DAS ELISA) MAbs M4C1 and M6D5 reacted with all 17 PVM isolates tested. MAb M7 is IgG2b and recognises PVM only in indirect dot ELISA on nitrocellulose filters and viral coat protein on Western blots. MAbs against PVM were used as capture antibodies and europium-labelled MAbs as conjugates in time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay (EuTRFIA). The standard EuTRFIA curve of PVM detection is approximately linear over a range of PVM concentrations from 0.5 ng/ml to 1000 ng/ml. The lowest PVM concentration detectable in EuTRFIA was 0.5 ng/ml and correspondingly 6 ng/ml in DAS ELISA. The use of the europium chelate label allows PVM detection in potato leaf and tuber sap at dilutions greater than 10--4 with very low background fluorescence. EuTRFIA with MAbs, with either one or two incubations is about 10–20 times more sensitive for PVM detection than is DAS ELISA. PVM and PVX, mixed with healthy potato tuber sap, were simultaneously tested in a single sample at concentrations lower than 10 ng/ml by double-label TRFIA using europium-labelled MAbs to PVM and samarium-labelled MAbs to PVX.  相似文献   
Octreotate (1b) is the octreotide (SANDOSTATIN; 1a) analogue, carrying a C-terminal CO(2)H (Thr) instead of the CH(2)OH (threoninol) group. In pursuit of our interest in unnatural peptides, we have now synthesized (by the solid-phase Fmoc method) the enantiomeric form 2 of octreotate and determined its affinity for the five human somatostatin (SRIF) receptors (hsst(1-5)). The binding was found to be 9.1, 4.1, 1.0, 1.4, and 4.2 microM, respectively. This almost equal one-digit micromolar affinity of ent-octreotate (2) to all five receptors contrasts with the behavior of most other somatostatin mimics including SANDOSTATIN (octreotide; 1a) and [Tyr(3)]-octreotate (1c), which have affinities for the various receptors differing up to and above 10(4)-fold. Thus, the structure of the new compound does not prevent binding, albeit more weakly than its pseudo-enantiomer octreotide, and there is hardly any selectivity of the peptide-protein interaction (PPI) for any one of the five SRIF G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs). Since the detailed structure(s) of these membrane-embedded receptors is unknown (no X-ray structure!), the result described here may be useful for modeling structures by comparing the affinities of the numerous known somatostatin mimics.  相似文献   
Pulmonary acariasis is a sporadic, incidental finding in colony‐raised rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta). Prophylactic treatment in indoor‐raised and indoor‐housed macaques is not routine due to low prevalence, lack of clinical significance, and potential risk of toxicosis. This case is an unusually severe infestation of Pneumonyssus simicola in an indoor‐housed rhesus macaque, which ultimately resulted in this animal's death.  相似文献   
The community composition and the factors affecting seasonal and interannual dynamics of zooplankton in Lake Bosumtwi were studied biweekly at a central index station during 2005 and 2006. The lake zooplankton community was species poor. Mesocyclops bosumtwii was numerically superior seasonally and interannually and was endemic to the lake. Minor constituents included Moina micrura, six rotifer species (except for Hexarthra intermedia) and Chaoborus ceratopogones larvae. Low variance of cyanobacteria-dominated phytoplankton biomass underlined stable zooplankton community structure. Emergence of rare species of rotifers occurred seasonally. The climatic signature on the lake’s stratification and mixing regime was strongly influenced by atmospheric temperature, but weakly by wind strength, because of sheltering of the lake by high crater walls. Increasing mixing depth entrained high TP concentrations from below the thermocline seasonally, but reflected poorly in the phytoplankton biomass behaviour. Total zooplankton abundance did not differ seasonally, but varied markedly from year to year in its timing and magnitude. Herbivores were squeezed between food limitation and high predation pressure from Chaoborus all year round. The low fish planktivory (high fishing pressure) on Chaoborus may create a trophic bottleneck restricting energy transfer efficiency from zooplankton to fish.  相似文献   
Spermiogenesis in Urastoma cyprinae (Graff. 1882) involvcs a progressive lengthening of the spermatid. Free flagella are only transitory. The mature spermatozoon is fusibrm. 45μm in length and 2.5 μm in width. It contains two incorporated axonermes of the flatworm 9+"1" pattern, two elongated mitochondria. an elongated nucleus and a row or cortical longitudinal microtubules. Observations on oogenesis concerncd only the immuturc ovary. lmmature oocytes contain few dense granules and accssory cells were not ohserved. Phylogenetic implications of a biflagellate spermatozoon in a Prolecithophora are important. The presence of two 9 +"1" axonemes confirms that Urastoma (and the Prolecithophora) belongs to the taxon Trepaxonemata Ehlers. Previous electron microscope studies on spermitozoa of Prolecithophora (four genera) only dealt with aflagellate spermatozoa. On this basis, Ehlers (1985) proposed two autapomorphics for the taxon Prolecithophora: aflagellate spermatozoon and spermatozoal mitochondrial derivatives with abundant membranes. The present observations on Urastoma contradict these two autapomorphics. The taxon Prolecithophora cannot be defined by autapomorphies of the spermatozoon.  相似文献   
Morphology of the nucleus is an important regulator of gene expression. Nuclear morphology is in turn a function of the forces acting on it and the mechanical properties of the nuclear envelope. Here, we present a two-parameter, nondimensional mechanical model of the nucleus that reveals a relationship among nuclear shape parameters, such as projected area, surface area, and volume. Our model fits the morphology of individual nuclei and predicts the ratio between forces and modulus in each nucleus. We analyzed the changes in nuclear morphology of liver cells due to hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection using this model. The model predicted a decrease in the elastic modulus of the nuclear envelope and an increase in the pre-tension in cortical actin as the causes for the change in nuclear morphology. These predictions were validated biomechanically by showing that liver cells expressing HCV proteins possessed enhanced cellular stiffness and reduced nuclear stiffness. Concomitantly, cells expressing HCV proteins showed downregulation of lamin-A,C and upregulation of β-actin, corroborating the predictions of the model. Our modeling assumptions are broadly applicable to adherent, monolayer cell cultures, making the model amenable to investigate changes in nuclear mechanics due to other stimuli by merely measuring nuclear morphology. Toward this, we present two techniques, graphical and numerical, to use our model for predicting physical changes in the nucleus.  相似文献   
OBJECTIVE: To provide updated, evidence-based recommendations concerning the effects of weight loss and maintenance of healthy weight on the prevention and control of hypertension in otherwise healthy adults (except pregnant women). OPTIONS: The main options are to attain and maintain a healthy body weight (body mass index [BMI] 20-25 kg/m2) or not to do so. For those at risk for hypertension, weight loss and maintenance of healthy weight may prevent the condition. For those who have hypertension, weight loss and maintenance of healthy weight may reduce or obviate the need for antihypertensive medications. OUTCOMES: The health outcome considered was change in blood pressure. Because of insufficient evidence, no economic outcomes were considered. EVIDENCE: A MEDLINE search was conducted for the years 1992-1996 with the terms hypertension and obesity in combination and antihypertensive therapy and obesity in combination. Other relevant evidence was obtained from the reference lists of the articles identified, from the personal files of the authors and through contacts with experts. The articles were reviewed, classified according to study design and graded according to level of evidence. VALUES: A high value was placed on the avoidance of cardiovascular morbidity and premature death caused by untreated hypertension. BENEFITS, HARMS AND COSTS: Weight loss and the maintenance of healthy body weight reduces the blood pressure of both hypertensive and normotensive people. The indirect benefits of a health body weight are well known. The negative effects of weight loss are primarily the frustrations associated with attaining and maintaining a healthy weight. The costs associated with weight loss programs were not measured in the studies reviewed. RECOMMENDATIONS: (1) It is recommended that health care professionals determine weight (in kilograms), height (in metres) and BMI for all adults. (2) To reduce blood pressure in the population at large, it is recommended that Canadians attain and maintain a healthy BMI (20-25). (3) All overweight hypertensive patients (BMI greater than 25) should be advised to reduce their weight. VALIDATION: These recommendations are similar to those of the World Hypertension League, the National High Blood Pressure Education Program Working Group on Primary Prevention of Hypertension, the Canadian Hypertension Society and the Canadian Coalition for High Blood Pressure Prevention and Control. They have not been clinically tested. SPONSORS: The Canadian Hypertension Society, the Canadian Coalition for High Blood Pressure Prevention and Control, the Laboratory Centre for Disease Control at Health Canada, and the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada.  相似文献   
1. The light-nutrient hypothesis (LNH) predicts that changes in light supply can alter the balance of nutrient and energy limitation in primary producers. We tested this prediction by examining temporal changes in vernal forest ponds, which are highly dynamic systems with respect to seasonal change in light and nutrient supply. In three vernal ponds that differ in productivity, we measured changes in light, total and seston nitrogen and phosphorus, and seston carbon and chlorophyll during the spring, before and after tree leaf-out. We also quantified changes in the population dynamics of the major zooplankton grazers in these systems.
2. In each pond, nutrient levels increased and light levels declined, creating a temporal shift in light-nutrient supply to the plankton. Results generally supported predictions of stoichiometric theory and the LNH, but there were notable exceptions.
3. Seston C : N : P ratios rapidly changed in response to dramatic increases in N and P supply rates. However, seston N : P was typically lower than values for total N : P in the water. Furthermore, as predicted, we observed a decline in seston C : P as the light : nutrient ratio declined, but seston C : N simultaneously increased. These results suggest an unexpected shift towards potential nitrogen limitation. Alternatively, this change in nutrient ratios may be driven by a seasonal change in phytoplankton composition or nutritional mode.
4. Seston carbon concentrations remained stable despite seasonal changes in grazing intensity associated with the phenology of large-bodied Daphnia grazers. However, chlorophyll concentrations declined dramatically as the season progressed, resulting in a simultaneous decline in the C : Chlorophyll ratio of seston. Both pond shading and increased grazing probably contributed to the decline in chlorophyll.  相似文献   
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