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The modern cultivars of sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) are highly polyploid and accumulate aneuploidies due to their history of domestication, genetic improvement and interspecific hybrid origin involving the domesticated sweet species Saccharum officinarum (‘noble cane’) and the wild Saccharum spontaneum, both with an evolutionary history of polyploidy. The first hybrids were backcrossed with S. officinarum, and selection from progenies in subsequent generations established the genetic basis of modern cultivars. Saccharum genome complexity has inspired several molecular studies that have elucidated aspects of sugarcane genome constitution, architecture and cytogenetics. Herein, we conducted a comparative analysis of the meiotic behaviour of representatives of the parentals S. officinarum and S. spontaneum, and the commercial variety, SP80-3280. S. officinarum, an octoploid species, exhibited regular meiotic behaviour. In contrast, S. spontaneum and SP80-3280 exhibited several abnormalities from metaphase I to the end of division. We reported and typified, for the first time, the occurrence of peri- and paracentric inversions. Using in-situ hybridisation techniques, we were able to determine how pairing association occurred at diakinesis, the origin of lagging chromosomes and, in particular, the mitotic chromosome composition of SP80-3280. Interestingly, S. spontaneum and recombinant chromosomes showed the most marked tendency to produce laggards in both divisions. Future attempts to advance knowledge on sugarcane genetics and genomics should take meiotic chromosome behaviour information into account.  相似文献   
Chicken Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs) were analyzed to identify genes associated with myogenesis during embryonic development. A total of 6,184 ESTs were generated from three cDNA libraries constructed from whole embryos (Stage 26), somites associated with neural tube (Stage 15), and limb buds (Stages 21, 24 and 26). Clustering and assembly of 4,998 valid ESTs resulted in 2,329 unique sequences with 902 clusters (38.7%) and 1,427 singletons (61.3%). There are more than 400,000 chicken ESTs available at GenBank and we were able to identify 143 novel sequences. From these, 45 sequences found either a human EST homolog or a match with conserved regions among proteins. Most of these sequences were found to be expressed in somites, an important tissue for muscle development and not characterized before. This study revealed the value of micro dissected embryonic libraries for describing gene expression profiles associated with myogenesis and gene discovery.  相似文献   
The genome sequence of the pathogen Xylella fastidiosa Citrus Variegated Chlorosis (CVC) strain 9a5c has revealed many genes related to pathogenicity mechanisms and virulence determinants. However, strain 9a5c is resistant to genetic transformation, impairing mutant production for the analysis of pathogenicity mechanisms and virulence determinants of this fastidious phytopathogen. By screening different strains, we found out that cloned strains J1a12, B111, and S11400, all isolated from citrus trees affected by CVC, are amenable to transformation, and J1a12 has been used as a model strain in a functional genomics program supported by FAPESP (São Paulo State Research Foundation). However, we have found that strain J1a12, unlike strains 9a5c and B111, was incapable of inducing CVC symptoms when inoculated in citrus plants. We have now determined that strain B111 is an appropriate candidate for post-genome studies of the CVC strain of X. fastidiosa.  相似文献   
Interstrand DNA cross-links are the principal cytotoxic lesions produced by chemotherapeutic bifunctional alkylating agents. Using an N(4)C-ethyl-N(4)C interstrand DNA cross-link to mimic this class of clinically important cancer chemotherapeutic agents, we have characterized the repair, structure, and flexibility of DNA that contains this cross-link in two different orientations. Plasmid DNAs in which the cytosines of single CpG or GpC steps are covalently linked were efficiently processed by repair proficient and homologous recombination deficient strains of Escherichia coli. Repair in a nucleotide excision repair (NER) deficient strain was less efficient overall and displayed a 4-fold difference between the two cross-link orientations. Both the structure and flexibility of DNA containing these cross-links were examined using a combination of (1)H NMR, restrained molecular dynamics simulations, and atomic force microscopy (AFM). The NMR structure of a decamer containing a CpG interstrand cross-link shows the cross-link easily accommodated within the duplex with no disruption of hydrogen bonding and only minor perturbations of helical parameters. In contrast, disruptions caused by the GpC cross-link produced considerable conformational flexibility that precluded structure determination by NMR. AFM imaging of cross-link-containing plasmid DNA showed that the increased flexibility observed in the GpC cross-link persists when it is embedded into much larger DNA fragments. These differences may account for the different repair efficiencies seen in NER deficient cells.  相似文献   
Antibody engineering represents a promising area in biotechnology. Recombinant antibodies can be easily manipulated generating new ligand and effector activities that can be used as prototype magic bullets. On the other hand, an extensive knowledge of recombinant antibody binding and stability features are essential for an efficient substitution. In this study, we compared the stability and protein binding properties of two recombinant antibody fragments with their parental monoclonal antibody. The recombinant fragments were a monomeric scFv and a dimeric one, harboring human IgG1 CH2-CH3 domains. We have used fluorescence titration quenching to determine the thermodynamics of the interaction between an anti-Z-DNA monoclonal antibody and its recombinant antibody fragments with Z-DNA. All the antibody fragments seemed to bind DNA similarly, in peculiar two-affinity states. Enthalpy-entropy compensation was observed for both affinity states, but a marked entropy difference was observed for the monomeric scFv antibody fragment, mainly for the high affinity binding. In addition, we compared the stability of the dimeric antibody fragment and found differences favoring the monoclonal antibody. These differences seem to derive from the heterologous expression system used.  相似文献   
The impacts of forest fragmentation on the pteridophyte communities of the Una region of Bahia, Brazil, were investigated by comparing species richness and ensemble diversity among areas of large forest fragments (>900 ha), small forest fragments (<100 ha), and landscape matrix. We inventoried the pteridophytes below 1 m in height in interiors of small fragments, interiors of large fragments (control areas), edges of fragments, edges of continuous forest, capoeiras (initial stages of forest regeneration) and cabrucas (cocoa plantations). All ferns were collected following the plot method (plots of 120×10 m, each). Sampling units were established in the six main ecotypes of the Una region. These units were allocated within three sampling blocks of 5 per 5 km, which were chosen in order to include the largest forest patches that still remain. Results suggest that fragmentation has a negative impact on species richness at the matrix and the edges of forest remnants. A similar negative matrix end edge effect is reported for diversity of those sites measured by the α Log-series Index. However, small forest fragments have pteridophyte species richness and diversity rates similar to large ones so they should be considered of utmost importance to the conservation of forest-related species in the region.  相似文献   
Current monitoring of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) in living mice is based on FACS analysis of blood hCD45+ cells. In this work, we evaluated the use of human IGFBP2, B2M or Hsp90 as soluble markers of leukemia. ELISA for B2M and IGFBP2 resulted in high background levels in healthy animals, precluding its use. Conversely, plasma levels of Hsp90 showed low background and linear correlation to FACS results. In another experiment, we compared Hsp90 levels with percentage of hCD45+ cells in blood, bone marrow, liver and spleen of animals weekly sacrificed. Hsp90 levels proved to be a superior method for the earlier detection of ALL engraftment and correlated linearly to ALL burden and progression in all compartments, even at minimal residual disease levels. Importantly, the Hsp90/hCD45+ ratio was not altered when animals were treated with dexamethasone or a PI3K inhibitor, indicating that chemotherapy does not directly interfere with leukemia production of Hsp90. In conclusion, plasma Hsp90 was validated as a soluble biomarker of ALL, useful for earlier detection of leukemia engraftment, monitoring leukemia kinetics at residual disease levels, and pre-clinical or mouse avatar evaluations of anti-leukemic drugs.  相似文献   


The environmental regulation of development can result in the production of distinct phenotypes from the same genotype and provide the means for organisms to cope with environmental heterogeneity. The effect of the environment on developmental outcomes is typically mediated by hormonal signals which convey information about external cues to the developing tissues. While such plasticity is a wide-spread property of development, not all developing tissues are equally plastic. To understand how organisms integrate environmental input into coherent adult phenotypes, we must know how different body parts respond, independently or in concert, to external cues and to the corresponding internal signals.


We quantified the effect of temperature and ecdysone hormone manipulations on post-growth tissue patterning in an experimental model of adaptive developmental plasticity, the butterfly Bicyclus anynana. Following a suite of traits evolving by natural or sexual selection, we found that different groups of cells within the same tissue have sensitivities and patterns of response that are surprisingly distinct for the external environmental cue and for the internal hormonal signal. All but those wing traits presumably involved in mate choice responded to developmental temperature and, of those, all but the wing traits not exposed to predators responded to hormone manipulations. On the other hand, while patterns of significant response to temperature contrasted traits on autonomously-developing wings, significant response to hormone manipulations contrasted neighboring groups of cells with distinct color fates. We also showed that the spatial compartmentalization of these responses cannot be explained by the spatial or temporal compartmentalization of the hormone receptor protein.


Our results unravel the integration of different aspects of the adult phenotype into developmental and functional units which both reflect and impact evolutionary change. Importantly, our findings underscore the complexity of the interactions between environment and physiology in shaping the development of different body parts.
Silver (Ag) and tin (Sn) nanoparticles (NPs) were deposited by thermal evaporation onto heated glass substrates with a good control of size, shape and surface coverage. This process has the advantage of allowing the fabrication of thin-film solar cells with incorporated NPs without vacuum break, since it does not require chemical processes or post-deposition annealing. The X-ray diffraction, TEM and SEM properties are correlated with optical measurements and amorphous silicon hydrogenated (a-Si:H) films deposited on top of both types of NPs show enhanced absorbance in the near-infrared. The results are interpreted with electromagnetic modelling performed with Mie theory. A broad emission in the near-infrared region is considerably increased after covering the Ag nanoparticles with an a-Si:H layer. Such effect may be of interest for possible down-conversion mechanisms in novel photovoltaic devices.  相似文献   
Using agrichemicals to control unwanted species has become a necessary and common worldwide practice to improve crop production. Although most currently used agrichemicals are considered relatively safe, continuous usage contributes for soil and water contamination and collateral toxic effects on aquatic species. Few studies correlated the presence of agrichemicals on fish blood cells and natural immune system. Thus, in this study, silver catfish (Rhamdia quelen) were exposed to sublethal concentrations (10% of the LC(50-96 h)) of a glyphosate based herbicide and hematological and natural immune system parameters were evaluated. Silver catfish fingerlings exposed to glyphosate for 96 h had a significant reduction on blood erythrocytes, thrombocytes, lymphocytes and total leukocytes in contrast to a significant increase in the number of immature circulating cells. The effect of glyphosate on natural immune system was evaluated after 24h or 10 days exposure by measuring the phagocytic index of coelomic cells, and lysozyme, total peroxidase, bacteria agglutination, bactericidal activity and natural complement hemolytic activity in the serum of fingerlings. A significant reduction on phagocytic index, serum bacteria agglutination and total peroxidase was observed only after 24h exposure to glyphosate. In contrast, fingerlings exposed to glyphosate for 10 days had a significant lower serum bacteria agglutination and lysozyme activity. Glyphosate had no effect on serum bactericidal and complement natural hemolytic activity after 24h or 10 days exposure. Nonetheless, the information obtained in this study indicates that glyphosate contaminated water contributes to alter blood cells parameters and to reduce the activity of natural immune components important to mediate fish resistance to infecting microorganisms.  相似文献   
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