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The development of germ cells has been intensively studied in Medaka (Oryzias latipes). We have undertaken a large-scale screen to identify mutations affecting the development of primordial germ cells (PGCs) in Medaka. Embryos derived from mutagenized founder fish were screened for an abnormal distribution or number of PGCs at embryonic stage 27 by RNA in situ hybridization for the Medaka vasa homologue (olvas). At this stage, PGCs coalesce into two bilateral vasa-expressing foci in the ventrolateral regions of the trunk after their migration and group organization. Nineteen mutations were identified from a screen corresponding to 450 mutagenized haploid genomes. Eleven of the mutations caused altered PGC distribution. Most of these alterations were associated with morphological abnormalities and could be grouped into four phenotypic classes: Class 1, PGCs dispersed into bilateral lines; Class 2, PGCs dispersed in a region more medial than that in Class 1; Class 3, PGCs scattered laterally and over the yolk sac area; and Class 4, PGCs clustered in a single median focus. Eight mutations caused a decrease in the number of PGCs. This decrease was observed in the offspring of heterozygous mothers, indicating the contribution of a maternal factor in determining PGC abundance. Taken together, these mutations should prove useful in identifying molecular mechanisms underlying the early PGC development and migration.  相似文献   
The forebrain, consisting of the telencephalon and diencephalon, is essential for processing sensory information. To genetically dissect formation of the forebrain in vertebrates, we carried out a systematic screen for mutations affecting morphogenesis of the forebrain in Medaka. Thirty-three mutations defining 25 genes affecting the morphological development of the forebrain were grouped into two classes. Class 1 mutants commonly showing a decrease in forebrain size, were further divided into subclasses 1A to 1D. Class 1A mutation (1 gene) caused an early defect evidenced by the lack of bf1 expression, Class 1B mutations (6 genes) patterning defects revealed by the aberrant expression of regional marker genes, Class 1C mutation (1 gene) a defect in a later stage, and Class 1D (3 genes) a midline defect analogous to the zebrafish one-eyed pinhead mutation. Class 2 mutations caused morphological abnormalities in the forebrain without considerably affecting its size, Class 2A mutations (6 genes) caused abnormalities in the development of the ventricle, Class 2B mutations (2 genes) severely affected the anterior commissure, and Class 2C (6 genes) mutations resulted in a unique forebrain morphology. Many of these mutants showed the compromised sonic hedgehog expression in the zona-limitans-intrathalamica (zli), arguing for the importance of this structure as a secondary signaling center. These mutants should provide important clues to the elucidation of the molecular mechanisms underlying forebrain development, and shed new light on phylogenically conserved and divergent functions in the developmental process.  相似文献   
The dorsal ectoderm of vertebrate gastrula is first specified into anterior fate by an activation signal and posteriorized by a graded transforming signal, leading to the formation of forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain and spinal cord along the anteroposterior (A-P) axis. Transplanted non-axial mesoderm rather than axial mesoderm has an ability to transform prospective anterior neural tissue into more posterior fates in zebrafish. Wnt8 is a secreted factor that is expressed in non-axial mesoderm. To investigate whether Wnt8 is the neural posteriorizing factor that acts upon neuroectoderm, we first assigned Frizzled 8c and Frizzled 9 to be functional receptors for Wnt8. We then, transplanted non-axial mesoderm into the embryos in which Wnt8 signaling is cell-autonomously blocked by the dominant-negative form of Wnt8 receptors. Non-axial mesodermal transplants in embryos in which Wnt8 signaling is cell-autonomously blocked induced the posterior neural markers as efficiently as in wild-type embryos, suggesting that Wnt8 signaling is not required in neuroectoderm for posteriorization by non-axial mesoderm. Furthermore, Wnt8 signaling, detected by nuclear localization of beta-catenin, was not activated in the posterior neuroectoderm but confined in marginal non-axial mesoderm. Finally, ubiquitous over-expression of Wnt8 does not expand neural ectoderm of posterior character in the absence of mesoderm or Nodal-dependent co-factors. We thus conclude that other factors from non-axial mesoderm may be required for patterning neuroectoderm along the A-P axis.  相似文献   
The fungus Aspergillus nidulans reduces nitrate to ammonium and simultaneously oxidizes ethanol to acetate to generate ATP under hypoxic conditions in a mechanism called ammonia fermentation (Takasaki, K. et al.. J. Biol. Chem. 2004, 279, 12414–12420). To elucidate the mechanism, the fungus was cultured under normoxic and hypoxic (ammonia fermenting) conditions, intracellular proteins were resolved by 2‐DE, and 332 protein spots were identified using MALDI MS after tryptic digestion. Alcohol and aldehyde dehydrogenases that play key roles in oxidizing ethanol were produced at the basal level under hypoxic conditions but were obviously provoked by ethanol under normoxic conditions. Enzymes involved in gluconeogenesis, as well as the tricarboxylic and glyoxylate cycles, were downregulated. These results indicate that the mechanism of fungal energy conservation is altered under hypoxic conditions. The results also showed that proteins in the pentose phosphate pathway as well as the metabolism of both nucleotide and thiamine were upregulated under hypoxic conditions. Levels of xanthine and hypoxanthine, deamination products of guanine and adenine were increased in DNA from hypoxic cells, indicating an association between hypoxia and intracellular DNA base damage. This study is the first proteomic comparison of the hypoxic responses of A. nidulans.  相似文献   
Recent studies in streams and ponds have demonstrated that the distribution and biomass of aquatic organisms can be estimated by detection and quantification of environmental DNA (eDNA). In more open systems such as seas, it is not evident whether eDNA can represent the distribution and biomass of aquatic organisms because various environmental factors (e.g., water flow) are expected to affect eDNA distribution and concentration. To test the relationships between the distribution of fish and eDNA, we conducted a grid survey in Maizuru Bay, Sea of Japan, and sampled surface and bottom waters while monitoring biomass of the Japanese jack mackerel (Trachurus japonicus) using echo sounder technology. A linear model showed a high R2 value (0.665) without outlier data points, and the association between estimated eDNA concentrations from the surface water samples and echo intensity was significantly positive, suggesting that the estimated spatial variation in eDNA concentration can reflect the local biomass of the jack mackerel. We also found that a best-fit model included echo intensity obtained within 10–150 m from water sampling sites, indicating that the estimated eDNA concentration most likely reflects fish biomass within 150 m in the bay. Although eDNA from a wholesale fish market partially affected eDNA concentration, we conclude that eDNA generally provides a ‘snapshot’ of fish distribution and biomass in a large area. Further studies in which dynamics of eDNA under field conditions (e.g., patterns of release, degradation, and diffusion of eDNA) are taken into account will provide a better estimate of fish distribution and biomass based on eDNA.  相似文献   
Terrestrial animals must have frequent contact with water to survive, implying that environmental DNA (eDNA) originating from those animals should be detectable from places containing water in terrestrial ecosystems. Aiming to detect the presence of terrestrial mammals using forest water samples, we applied a set of universal PCR primers (MiMammal, a modified version of fish universal primers) for metabarcoding mammalian eDNA. The versatility of MiMammal primers was tested in silico and by amplifying DNAs extracted from tissues. The results suggested that MiMammal primers are capable of amplifying and distinguishing a diverse group of mammalian species. In addition, analyses of water samples from zoo cages of mammals with known species composition suggested that MiMammal primers could successfully detect mammalian species from water samples in the field. Then, we performed an experiment to detect mammals from natural ecosystems by collecting five 500‐ml water samples from ponds in two cool‐temperate forests in Hokkaido, northern Japan. MiMammal amplicon libraries were constructed using eDNA extracted from water samples, and sequences generated by Illumina MiSeq were subjected to data processing and taxonomic assignment. We thereby detected multiple species of mammals common to the sampling areas, including deer (Cervus nippon), mouse (Mus musculus), vole (Myodes rufocanus), raccoon (Procyon lotor), rat (Rattus norvegicus) and shrew (Sorex unguiculatus). Many previous applications of the eDNA metabarcoding approach have been limited to aquatic/semiaquatic systems, but the results presented here show that the approach is also promising even for forest mammal biodiversity surveys.  相似文献   
The basic biology of blood vascular endothelial cells has been well documented. However, little is known about that of lymphatic endothelial cells, despite their importance under normal and pathological conditions. The lack of a lymphatic endothelial cell line has hampered progress in this field. The objective of this study has been to establish and characterize lymphatic and venous endothelial cell lines derived from newly developed tsA58/EGFP transgenic rats harboring the temperature-sensitive simian virus 40 (SV40) large T-antigen and enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP). Endothelial cells were isolated from the transgenic rats by intraluminal enzymatic digestion. The cloned cell lines were named TR-LE (temperature-sensitive rat lymphatic endothelial cells from thoracic duct) and TR-BE (temperature-sensitive rat blood-vessel endothelial cells from inferior vena cava), respectively, and cultured on fibronectin-coated dishes in HuMedia-EG2 supplemented with 20% fetal bovine serum and Endothelial Mitogen at a permissive temperature, 33°C. A temperature shift to 37°C resulted in a decrease in proliferation with degradation of the large T-antigen and cleavage of poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase. TR-LE cells expressed lymphatic endothelial markers VEGFR-3 (vascular endothelial growth factor receptor), LYVE-1 (a lymphatic endothelial receptor), Prox-1 (a homeobox gene product), and podoplanin (a glomerular podocyte membrane mucoprotein), together with endothelial markers CD31, Tie-2, and VEGFR-2, whereas TR-BE cells expressed CD31, Tie-2, and VEGFR-2, but no lymphatic endothelial markers. Thus, these conditionally immortalized and EGFP-expressing lymphatic and vascular endothelial cell lines might represent an important tool for the study of endothelial cell functions in vitro.M. Matsuo and K. Koizumi contributed equally to this work. This study was supported in part by Grants-in-Aid for the 21st Century COE Program and for CLUSTER (Cooperative Link of Unique Science and Technology for Economy Revitalization) from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology, Japan.  相似文献   
We have clarified, for the first time, the spatiotemporal patterns of intracellular Ca(2+) increases at fertilization and the Ca(2+)-mobilizing mechanisms in eggs of hydrozoan jellyfish, which belong to the evolutionarily old diploblastic phylum, Cnidaria. An initial Ca(2+) increase just after fertilization took the form of a Ca(2+) wave starting from one cortical region of the egg and propagating to its antipode in all of four hydrozoan species tested: Cytaeis uchidae, Cladonema pacificum, Clytia sp., and Gonionema vertens. The initiation site of the Ca(2+) wave was restricted to the animal pole, which is known to be the only area of sperm-egg fusion in hydrozoan eggs, and the wave propagating velocity was estimated to be 4.2-5.9 mum/s. After a Ca(2+) peak had been attained by the initial Ca(2+) wave, the elevated Ca(2+) gradually declined and returned nearly to the resting value at 7-10 min following fertilization. Injection of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP(3)), an agonist of IP(3) receptors (IP(3)R), was highly effective in inducing a Ca(2+) increase in unfertilized eggs; IP(3) at a final intracellular concentration of 12-60 nM produced a fully propagating Ca(2+) wave equivalent to that observed at fertilization. In contrast, a higher concentration of cyclic ADP-ribose (cADPR), an agonist of ryanodine receptors (RyR), only generated a localized Ca(2+) increase that did not propagate in the egg. In addition, caffeine, another stimulator of RyR, was completely without effect. Sperm-induced Ca(2+) increases in Gonionema eggs were severely affected by preinjection of heparin, an inhibitor of Ca(2+) release from IP(3)R. These results strongly suggest that there is a well-developed IP(3)R-, but not RyR-mediated Ca(2+) release mechanism in hydrozoan eggs and that the former system primarily functions at fertilization. Our present data also demonstrate that the spatial characteristics and mechanisms of Ca(2+) increases at fertilization in hydrozoan eggs resemble those reported in higher triploblastic animals.  相似文献   
Naturally spawned eggs of the hydrozoan jellyfish Cladonema pacificum are arrested at G1-like pronuclear stage until fertilization. Fertilized eggs of Cladonema undergo a series of post-fertilization events, including loss of sperm-attracting ability, expression of adhesive materials on the egg surface, and initiation of cell cycle leading to DNA synthesis and cleavage. Here, we investigate whether these events are regulated by changes in intracellular Ca2+ concentration and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAP kinase) activity in Cladonema eggs. We found that MAP kinase is maintained in the phosphorylated form in unfertilized eggs. Initiation of sperm-induced Ca2+ increase, which is the first sign of fertilization, was immediately followed by MAP kinase dephosphorylation within a few minutes of fertilization. The fertilized eggs typically stopped sperm attraction by an additional 5 min and became sticky around this time. They further underwent cytokinesis yielding 2-cell embryos at approximately 1 h post-fertilization, which was preceded by DNA synthesis evidenced by BrdU incorporation into the nuclei. Injection of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) into unfertilized eggs, which produced a Ca2+ increase similar to that seen at fertilization, triggered MAP kinase dephosphorylation and the above post-fertilization events without insemination. Conversely, injection of BAPTA/Ca2+ into fertilized eggs at approximately 10 s after the initiation of Ca2+ increase immediately lowered the elevating Ca2+ level and inhibited the subsequent post-fertilization events. Treatment with U0126, an inhibitor of MAP kinase kinase (MEK), triggered the post-fertilization events in unfertilized eggs, where MAP kinase dephosphorylation but not Ca2+ increase was generated. Conversely, preinjection of the glutathione S-transferase (GST) fusion protein of MAP kinase kinase kinase (Mos), which maintained the phosphorylated state of MAP kinase, blocked the post-fertilization events in fertilized eggs without preventing a Ca2+ increase. These results strongly suggest that all of the three post-fertilization events, cessation of sperm attraction, expression of surface adhesion, and progression of cell cycle, lie downstream of MAP kinase dephosphorylation that is triggered by a Ca2+ increase.  相似文献   
Lens-specific expression of the delta 1-crystallin gene is governed by an enhancer in the third intron, and the 30-bp-long DC5 fragment was found to be responsible for eliciting the lens-specific activity. Mutational analysis of the DC5 fragment identified two contiguous, interdependent positive elements and a negative element which overlaps the 3'-located positive element. Previously identified ubiquitous factors delta EF1 bound to the negative element and repressed the enhancer activity in nonlens cells. Mutation and cotransfection analyses indicated the existence of an activator which counteracts the action of delta EF1 in lens cells, probably through binding site competition. We also found a group of nuclear factors, collectively called delta EF2, which bound to the 5'-located positive element. delta EF2a and -b were the major species in lens cells, whereas delta EF2c and -d predominated in nonlens cells. These delta EF2 proteins probably cooperate with factors bound to the 3'-located element in activation in lens cells and repression in nonlens cells. delta EF2 proteins also bound to a promoter sequence of the gamma F-crystallin gene, suggesting that delta EF2 proteins are involved in lens-specific regulation of various crystallin classes.  相似文献   
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