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Auxin-induced elongation of epicotyl segments of azuki bean ( Vigna angularis Ohwi and Ohashi cv. Takara) was suppressed by fucose-binding lectins from Tetragonolobus purpureus Moench and Ulex europaeus L. These lectins also inhibited auxin-induced cell wall loosening (decrease in the minimum stress-relaxation time of the cell walls) of segments. Auxin caused a decrease in molecular mass of xyloglucans extracted with 24% KOH from the cell walls. The lectins inhibited auxin-induced changes in molecular mass of the xyloglucans. The autolytic release of xylose-containing products from the pectinase-treated cell walls was also suppressed by the lectins. Fucose-binding lectins pretreated with fucose exhibited little or no inhibitory effect on auxin-induced elongation, cell wall loosning, or breakdown of xyloglucans. These results support the view that the breakdown of xyloglucans is involved in the cell wall loosening responsible for auxin-induced elongation in dicotyledons.  相似文献   
Xyloglucan nonasaccharide (XG9) is recognized as an inhibitorof 2,4-D-induced long-term growth of segments of pea stems.In the presence of 10–5 M 2,4-D, inhibition by 10–9M XG9 of elongation of third internode segments of pea seedlingswas detected within 2 h after the start of incubation, in someexperiments. Analysis by double-reciprocal (Lineweaver-Burk)plots of elongation in the presence of various concentrationsof 2,4-D, with or without XG9, gave parallel lines, indicatingthat XG9 inhibited 2,4-D-induced elongation in an uncompetitivemanner. XG9 did not influence the 2,4-D-induced cell wall loosening.Thus, XG9 does not fulfill the proposed definition of an "antiauxin". XG9 at 10–11 to 10–6 M did not influence IAA-inducedelongation of segments from pea third internodes, azuki beanepicotyls, cucumber hypocotyls, or oat coleoptiles. Inhibitionof IAA-induced elongation by XG9 was not observed even whenthe segments from pea or azuki bean were abraded. Furthermore,fucosyl-lactose at 10–11 to 10–4 M did not affectthe IAA-induced elongation of segments of pea internodes orof azuki bean epicotyls. XG9 may be incapable of inhibitingthe IAA-induced cell elongation (especially in oat) or, alternatively,the endogenous levels of XG9 may be so high that exogenouslyapplied XG9 has no inhibitory effect on IAA-induced elongation. (Received February 28, 1991; Accepted May 25, 1991)  相似文献   
The distributions of trace elements in Shield, Ace and Burton Lakes of the Vestfold Hills were investigated. Three aspects are discussed as follows: (1) the vertical distribution of 18 trace elements in the three lakes, (2) the behaviour of trace elements in the lakes, especially that of manganese in Shield Lake, and (3) the origin of trace elements in antarctic saline lakes.High concentrations of trace elements were found in these coastal saline lakes, when compared to open ocean water.We suggest that the peak of total extractable manganese, found at 20 m in Shield Lake, was related to the oxic/anoxic water interface brought about by microbiological activity. Solid phase manganese at the upper oxic layer may have precipitated and then reached the anoxic boundary to be there reduced to manganese ion. This dissolved manganese may then have diffused upwards to be reoxidized to a solid form. This cycle, repeated many times, may have produced the Mn profile.The alkali, alkaline earth elements and Cl were probably derived from relict seawater. Other elements were present in similar concentration ratios to those of South Polar aerosols. Residence time calculations indicate that fallout of aerosol particles, themselves derived from various sources, is capable of accounting for the measured concentrations of some trace elements in Shield Lake. This source of trace elements may be significant for other antarctic saline lakes.  相似文献   
The formation of the anulospiral ending of Ia fibers in muscle spindles was investigated in the masseter muscle of developing mice. Before 15 days after birth, the complete anulospiral ending was not observed in almost all of the muscle spindles examined. With the growth of mice, the Ia fiber began to construct the spiral ending, and by the 40th postnatal day after weaning, almost all of the Ia fibers of the muscle spindles had complete coiled endings, though the formation still continued in some spindles. The continuous formation of anulospiral endings for a long period after weaning indicates that muscle spindle morphogenesis may be affected by muscle tension in the masseter muscle due to the movement activated after weaning.  相似文献   
Two monensin-resistant clones show similar low-density lipoprotein binding activity but less internalization or degradation of low-density lipoprotein than the parental Balb/3T3 or other resistant clone. Sterol synthesis from radioactive acetate in the resistant mutant, MO-5, is inhibited by more than 70% of control in the presence of tenfold higher amounts of low-density lipoprotein than the dose that inhibits the parental Balb/3T3 to similar level. 3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase activity of Balb/3T3 and MO-5 is inhibited by 48% and 27% of control, respectively, in the presence of 10 micrograms/ml of low-density lipoprotein. Colloidal silica gradient centrifugation shows that transport of low-density lipoprotein from the surface membrane to the lysosome is much slower in MO-5 cells than in Balb/3T3 cells. Down regulation of low-density lipoprotein receptors on the cell surface in Balb/3T3 is observed by exposing the cells to 5-15 micrograms/ml low-density lipoprotein, whereas only slight if any down regulation is observed when MO-5 cells are treated with low-density lipoprotein. The altered endocytosis of low-density lipoprotein behaves as a dominant trait in hybrids of MO-5 and THO2-2, a derivative of Balb/3T3 resistant to both ouabain and 6-thioguanine.  相似文献   
Insulin induced the formation of ruffling membranes in cultured KB cells (a cell strain derived from human epidermoid carcinoma) within 1-2 min after its addition. The ruffled regions were stained strongly with antibody to actin but not that to tubulin. Pretreatment of KB cells with agents disrupting microfilaments (cytochalasins), but not with those disrupting microtubules (colcemid, nocodazole, and colchicine) completely inhibited the formation of ruffling membranes. Pretreatment of KB cells with dibutyryl cyclic AMP, but not with dibutyryl cyclic GMP, also inhibited the formation of ruffling membranes. Addition of insulin enhanced Na+-dependent uptake of a system A amino acid (alpha-amino isobutyric acid; AIB) by the cells within 5 min after the addition, and decreased the cyclic AMP content of the cells. Treatments that inhibited insulin-induced formation of ruffling membranes of KB cells also inhibited insulin-induced enhancement of their AIB uptake. From these observations, the mechanism of insulin-induced formation of ruffling membranes and its close correlation with AIB transport are discussed.  相似文献   
Sugar compositions of cell walls of dark-grown coleoptiles from12 barley strains, 11 of which were coleoptilar semi-dwarf strains,were analyzed on days 2 and 3 after germination. Major wallcomponents of the 12 strains were arabinose, xylose, and glucosein hemicellulose and cellulose; minor components were galactoseand mannose. The sugar content of each wall component per unit length wasnot correlated to any growth parameters calculated from a logisticequation simulating coleoptile growth, but the relative contentsof galactose and mannose in relation to the total wall sugarcontent was correlated to the growth rate on day 3 and the growthcontinuing period. These facts suggest that growth of these12 barley strains in the late growth stage is regulated by theminor wall components, galactose and mannose. 1 Dedicated to the late Professor Joji Ashida. (Received October 12, 1982; Accepted January 12, 1983)  相似文献   
The following results were obtained using a variant yeast strain, N55, which can respond to the cell-elongating action of auxin. Base analogs of nucleic acids (2-thiouracil, 8-azaguanine, and 5-fluorouracil) inhibited the auxin-induced elongation of yeast cells only when they were added to the preculture prior to auxin treatment. The inhibitory effect of 2-thiouracil and 5-fluorouracil was reversed by uracil and that of 8-azaguanine by guanine. Actino-mycin D inhibited the auxin-induced elongation when given to the culture containing auxin, but not when given to the preculture. The similarity in these respects between yeast and tissues of higher plants is discussed.  相似文献   
Genetic differentiation among eight color types of the freshwater goby,Rhinogobius brunneus, from the western part of Japan was investigated by using electrophoretic methods. Four sympatric types (Cross-band, Dark, Cobalt and Large-Dark (A) types) did not share alleles at between one and six loci out of 12 loci tested. No hybrid specimens were found among these types. The average genetic distances among these four types ranged from 0.13 to 0.72, which fall within the range of values among congeneric species of fishes. The average genetic distances among the other four types, Large-Dark (B), Orange, Shinji-Lake and Boso types, were only 0.01 to 0.03, and fall within the range of values among conspecific populations. These results suggest that the former four types are clearly discrete species and the latter four types may be considered as intraspecific variations of a fifth species.  相似文献   
LEC strain rats predisposed to hereditary hepatitis and liver cancer were examined for hepatic drug-metabolizing ability and the inducibility of chromosome damage by cyclophosphamide (CP) in somatic cells. Whereas the hepatic cytochrome P-450 contents and the activities of cytochrome P-450-catalyzed monooxygenases were lower in females than in males of both LEC and control LEA strains, male LEC rats exhibited significantly reduced cytochrome P-450 contents and monooxygenase activities compared with male LEA rats. When exposed to CP, a promutagen/procarcinogen requiring P-450-dependent metabolic activation, the frequencies of chromosome aberrations and sister-chromatid exchanges (SCEs) in bone marrow cells tended to be lower in females than in males of each strain and lower in LEC than in LEA rats of the same sex. In particular, the CP-induced SCEs were substantially lower in LEC rats. However, no such sex and strain differences were found in the SCE frequencies in regenerating hepatocytes of partially hepatectomized rats exposed to CP.  相似文献   
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