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Exocytosis molecular mechanisms in plant cells are not fully understood. The full characterization of molecular determinants, such as SNAREs, for the specificity in vesicles delivery to the plasma membrane should shed some light on these mechanisms. Nicotiana tabacum Syntaxin 1 (NtSyr1 or SYP121) is a SNARE protein required for ABA control of ion channels and appears involved in the exocytosis of exogenous markers.NtSyr1 is mainly localized on the plasma membrane, but when over expressed the protein also appears on endomembranes. Since NtSyr1 is a tail-anchored protein inserted into the target membrane post-translationally, it is not clear whether its initial anchoring site is the ER or the plasma membrane.In this study, we investigated the sorting events of NtSyr1 in vivo using its full-length cDNA or its C-terminal domain, fused to a GFP tag and transiently expressed in protoplasts or in the leaves of Nicotiana tabacum cv. SR1. Five chimeras were produced of which two were useful to investigate the protein sorting within the endomembrane system. One (GFP-H3M) had a dominant negative effect on exocytosis; the other one (SP1-GFP) resulted in a slow targeting to the same localization of the full-length chimera (GFP-SP1). The insertion of signal peptides on SP1-GFP further characterized the insertion site for this protein. Our data indicates that NtSyr1 is firstly anchored on ER membrane and then sorted to plasma membrane.Key Words: syntaxins, SNAREs, GFP tagging, exocytosis, secretion, protoplasts, dominant negative mutant  相似文献   
Centaurium pulchellum is an annual herb native to Europe, but introduced in South America, where it is widely used in the preparation of digestive infusions and bitter drinks. In this species, a wide variation in the aperture pattern of pollen grains was reported and has been attributed to environmental factors or irregularities at meiosis. For this reason, cytological and palynological studies have been undertaken on two different populations. The pollen grain analysis showed that some types are more frequent within each population, but the most common forms were the typical 3-colporate and 4-colporate. The cytological analysis revealed that the analyzed populations of C. pulchellum have chromosome number 2n = 36. The presence of tetravalents at meiosis strongly suggests that these populations are autotetraploid based on x = 9. The meiotic behavior showed a significant percentage of irregularities in different phases: off-plate bivalents, precocious segregation, laggard chromosomes, bridges, and cytomixis. However these irregularities are not related to the variation in the aperture pattern of pollen grains. The heteromorphism in the pollen grains observed in C. pulchellum could be a normal condition to which the species is well adapted.  相似文献   
Patients with patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) often report discomfort and pain during walking. To date, most of the studies conducted to determine gait alterations in PFPS patients have focused on sagittal plane alterations. Physiological and biomechanical factors, however, suggest that frontal and transverse plane alterations may be involved in PFPS. We therefore decided to conduct a kinematic and kinetic evaluation on all three planes in 9 PFPS subjects and 9 healthy sex- and age-matched controls. General gait characteristics were similar in patients and controls, with the exception of swing velocity, which was lower in PFPS patients. Patients also displayed an increased knee abductor and external rotator moments in loading response, and reduced knee extensor moment both in loading response and in terminal stance. We speculate that these findings may be linked both to a pain-avoiding gait pattern and to alterations in the timing of activation of different components of the quadriceps muscle, which is typical of PFPS. The relevance for clinicians is this gait pattern may represent a biomechanical risk factor for future knee osteoarthritis. We therefore recommend that treatments aimed at PFPS should also attempt to restore a correct walking pattern.  相似文献   
Radioisotope-based and mass spectrometry coupled to chromatographic techniques are the conventional methods for monitoring HMG-CoA reductase (HMGR) activity. Irrespective of offering adequate sensitivity, these methods are often cumbersome and time-consuming, requiring the handling of radiolabeled chemicals or elaborate ad-hoc derivatizing procedures. We propose a rapid and versatile reverse phase-HPLC method for assaying HMGR activity capable of monitoring the levels of both substrates (HMG-CoA and NADPH) and products (CoA, mevalonate, and NADP+) in a single 20 min run with no pretreatment required. The linear dynamic range was 10–26 pmol for HMG-CoA, 7–27 nmol for NADPH, 0.5–40 pmol for CoA and mevalonate, and 2–27 nmol for NADP+, and limit of detection values were 2.67 pmol, 2.77 nmol, 0.27 pmol, and 1.3 nmol, respectively.HMG-CoA reductase (HMGR) is the enzyme that catalyze the four-electron reductive deacylation of HMG-CoA to CoA and mevalonate (Fig. 1) (1). This reaction is the controlling step in the biosynthesis of sterols and isoprenoids (2, 3); hence, a large number of studies on the modulation of HMGR activity are continuously performed in the effort of developing new drugs in the treatment of hypercholesterolemic disorders (1).Open in a separate windowFig. 1.Schematic representation of HMGR enzymatic reaction.HMGR activity is conventionally assayed using elaborate radiochemical assay (49), chromatographic techniques coupled with mass spectrometry (1015), or spectrophotometrically by monitoring the decrease in the absorbance of cofactor NADPH at 340 nm (16).Herein, as an alternative for laboratories with no access to the expensive LC/MS equipment, we propose a rapid and adequately sensitive HPLC-based method capable of monitoring both the levels of all the species involved in the equilibrium in a single analysis and the kinetics of HMGR-catalyzed reactions.  相似文献   
The sensitivity and reliability of PCR for diagnostic and research purposes require efficient unbiased procedures of extraction and purification of nucleic acids. One of the major limitations of PCR-based tests is the inhibition of the amplification process by substances present in clinical samples. This study used specimens spiked with a known amount of plasmid pBKV (ATCC 33-1) to compare six methods for extraction and purification of viral DNA from urine and serum samples based on recovery efficiency in terms of yield of DNA and percentage of plasmid pBKV recovered, purity of extracted DNA, and percentage of inhibition. The most effective extraction methods were the phenol/chloroform technique and the silica gel extraction procedure for urine and serum samples, respectively. Considering DNA purity, the silica gel extraction procedure and the phenol/chloroform method produced the most satisfactory results in urine and serum samples, respectively. The presence of inhibitors was overcome by all DNA extraction techniques in urine samples, as evidenced by semiquantitative PCR amplification. In serum samples, the lysis method and the proteinase K procedure did not completely overcome the presence of inhibitors.  相似文献   
The bacterial communities associated with 11 different lichen samples (belonging to eight different species) from different habitats were investigated. The culturable aerobic-heterotrophic fraction of the bacterial communities was isolated from nine lichen samples on protein-rich and sugar-rich/N-free media. Thirty-four bacterial isolates were purified and pooled into groups (phylotypes) by analysis of the ribosomal internal transcribed spacer polymorphism. Twenty five phylotypes were identified, each comprising between one and three isolates. One isolate of each phylotype was partially sequenced and the resulting 16S rRNA gene sequences were compared in a phylogenetic analysis. Three genera of Firmicutes, four of Actinobacteria and three of Proteobacteria were identified. Two phylotypes, belonging to the phyla Actinobacteria and Proteobacteria, respectively, were not identified at genus level. Some bacterial taxa were retrieved frequently in different lichen species sampled in the same or different sites. Paenibacillus and Burkholderia phylotypes seem to be common in lichens. Luteibactor rhizovicina was found in three different lichens of two different regions. In a cultivation-independent approach, total DNA was extracted from 11 lichen samples. Molecular fingerprints of the bacterial communities were obtained by PCR-amplification of the internal transcribed spacer region, and sequencing of selected bands indicated the presence of additional bacteria.  相似文献   
Learning, defined as changes in behavior that occur due to past experience, has been well documented for nearly 20 species of hymenopterous parasitoids. Few studies, however, have explored the influence of learning on population-level patterns of host use by parasitoids in field populations. Our study explores learning in the parasitoid Aphidius ervi Haliday that attacks pea aphids, Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris). We used a sequence of laboratory experiments to investigate whether there is a learned component in the selection of red or green aphid color morphs. We then used the results of these experiments to parameterize a model that examines whether learned behaviors can explain the changes in the rates of parasitism observed in field populations in South-central Wisconsin, USA. In the first of two experiments, we measured the sequence of host choice by A. ervi on pea aphid color morphs and analyzed this sequence for patterns in biased host selection. Parasitoids exhibited an inherent preference for green aphid morphs, but this preference was malleable; initial encounters with red aphids led to a greater chance of subsequent orientation towards red aphids than predicted by chance. In a second experiment, we found no evidence that parasitoids specialize on red or green morphs; for the same parasitoids tested in trials separated by 2 h, color preference in the first trial did not predict color preference in the second, as would be expected if they differed in fixed preferences or exhibited long-term (> 2 h) learning. Using data from the two experiments, we parameterized a population dynamics model and found that learning of the magnitude observed in our experiments leads to biased parasitism towards the most common color morph. This bias is sufficient to explain changes in the ratio of aphid color morphs observed in field sites over multiple years. Our study suggests that for even relatively simple organisms, learned behaviors may be important for explaining the population dynamics of their hosts.  相似文献   
Prolyl hydroxylation is a critical posttranslational modification that affects structure, function, and turnover of target proteins. Prolyl 3-hydroxylation occurs at only one position in the triple-helical domain of fibrillar collagen chains, and its biological significance is unknown. CRTAP shares homology with a family of putative prolyl 3-hydroxylases (P3Hs), but it does not contain their common dioxygenase domain. Loss of Crtap in mice causes an osteochondrodysplasia characterized by severe osteoporosis and decreased osteoid production. CRTAP can form a complex with P3H1 and cyclophilin B (CYPB), and Crtap-/- bone and cartilage collagens show decreased prolyl 3-hydroxylation. Moreover, mutant collagen shows evidence of overmodification, and collagen fibrils in mutant skin have increased diameter consistent with altered fibrillogenesis. In humans, CRTAP mutations are associated with the clinical spectrum of recessive osteogenesis imperfecta, including the type II and VII forms. Hence, dysregulation of prolyl 3-hydroxylation is a mechanism for connective tissue disease.  相似文献   
The presence of a stable tertiary structure in the bioactive N-terminal portion of parathyroid hormone (PTH), a major hormone in the maintenance of extracellular calcium homeostasis, is still debated. In this work, 15N relaxation parameters of the 33 backbone amides of human PTH(1-34) were determined in phosphate-buffered saline solution (PBS) and in the presence of dodecylphosphocholine (DPC) micelles. The relaxation parameters were analyzed using both the model-free formalism (G. Lipari and A. Szabo, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1982, Vol. 104, pp. 4546-4549) and the reduced spectral density functions approach (J.-F. Lefevre, K. T. Dayie, J. W. Peng, and G. Wagner, Biochemistry, 1996, Vol. 35, pp. 2674-2686). In PBS, the region around Gly12 possesses a high degree of flexibility and the C-terminal helix is less flexible than the N-terminal one. In the presence of DPC micelles, the mobility of the entire molecule is reduced, but the stability of the N-terminal helix increases relative to the C-terminal one. A point of relatively higher mobility at residue Gly12 is still present and a new site of local mobility at residues 16-17 is generated. These results justify the lack of experimental nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) restraints with lack of tertiary structure and support the hypothesis that, in the absence of the receptor, the relative spatial orientation of the two N- and C-terminal helices is undefined. The flexibility in the midregion of PTH(1-34), maintained in the presence of the membrane-mimetic environment, may enable the correct relative disposition of the two helices, favoring a productive interaction with the receptor.  相似文献   
Synthetic oligodeoxynucleotides containing CpG motifs (CpG ODN) have been reported to induce antimycobacterial activity both in vitro and in vivo. The present study analyzes the signals leading to CpG ODN-induced antimicrobial activity in monocytes. In this context, CpG, but not GpC, ODN induced cytosolic Ca2+ influx of extracellular origin which, in turn, activated host phospholipase D (PLD). The production of CpG-induced PLD-dependent phosphatidic acid induced the maturation of phagolysosomes and intracellular mycobacterial growth inhibition. These results show the presence of an antimicrobial pathway in monocytes, mediated by Ca2+-dependent PLD which can be useful for the exploitation of novel anti-tuberculosis immunotherapy approaches.  相似文献   
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