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Due to the growth of diabetic mellitus (DM) and diabetic nephropathy as a significant complication for diabetic patients, study on effective treatment with fewer side effects has been fascinated. In this study for the first time carvedilol effects on both function and structure of kidney in diabetic nephropathy treatment were evaluated. Diabetes was induced by injection of streptozotocin (STZ) intravenously in rats and three groups including control, diabetic, and treatment with carvedilol were considered. Biochemical parameters such as, blood glucose level, BUN, creatinine, uric acid, Na+, K+ was determined. Results showed that glucose (516 to 291 mg/dl), BUN (42 to 21.67 mg/dl), creatinine (0.75 to 0.6 mg/dl), uric acid (4.45 to 1.36 mg/dl), and K+ (7.433 to 5.433 mEq/l) level reduced. Decrease in glucose, BUN, creatinine, uric acid, and K+ and increase in Na+ level (138 to 146.33 mEq/l) confirmed therapeutic effect of carvedilol. Furthermore, the histopathological study was done for each group. Histopathological results confirmed the data obtained by biochemical parameters. For further investigation, SPECT imaging with 99mTc-DMSA, which is a gold standard in diabetic nephropathy detection, was done. SPECT imaging showed that accumulation of 99mTc-DMSA was increased in treated group (5 to 25 kcpm) which means the improvement in renal structure in the treated group compare to the diabetic group (5 kcpm). Finally, obtained results confirmed our hypothesis that carvedilol had a therapeutic effect on diabetic nephropathy.  相似文献   
Bacterial diversity in sediments obtained along the Chilean margin from areas containing methane seeps, and a hydrate mound were explored by cloning and sequencing and multitag pyrosequencing (MTPS). These libraries were statistically compared to determine the robustness of taxonomic assignment derived from multiplexed pyrosequencing strategies targeting variable regions V1 and V2 of the small subunit rRNA gene for environmental studies. There was no statistical difference in the composition of the libraries, thus, MTPS was utilized to describe diversity in three geochemical zones in these environments. Unidentified Cyanobacteria isolates were abundant in the sulfate reduction zone (SRZ), Deltaproteobacteria were concentrated at the sulfate methane transition zone (SMTZ) and Chloroflexi/GNS dominated methanogenesis zone (MGZ). Although there was variation among specific groups, communities in the SRZ and MGZ did not differ significantly. However, the community dominated by Deltaproteobacteria differentiates the SMTZ from the other zones. Supplemental materials are available for this article. Go to the publisher's online edition of Geomicrobiology Journal to view the free supplemental file.  相似文献   
Visfatin levels have been reported to be abnormal in many types of cancers. However, epidemiological studies yielded inconsistent results. Therefore, a meta-analysis was performed to assess the association between circulating visfatin levels and cancer risk. A systematic search was conducted for relevant studies in health-related electronic databases up to March 2018. Data related to standard mean difference (SMD) and overall odds ratio (ORS) were collected and analyzed. Summary SMD and pooled OR with 95% CIs were calculated using a random-effect model. Funnel plot and Egger's linear regression test were conducted to examine the risk of publication bias. A total of 27 studies with 2,693 cases and 3,040 healthy controls were included in meta-analysis for pooling SMD analysis. The results of the meta-analysis showed a significant higher visfatin levels in patients with various cancers than in controls, with a pooled SMD of 0.88, 95% CI = 0.56–1.20, p = 0.000. In subgroup, metaregression, Galbraith plot, and sensitivity analysis showed no substantial difference among all the analyzed factors. Data from 14 studies were also used for pooling ORs analysis. Metaresults revealed that high visfatin levels were associated with cancer risk (OR = 1.24, 95% CI: 1.14–1.34, p = 0.000). No evidence of publication bias was observed for pooling ORs and SMD analysis. This meta-analysis indicated a significant association between high circulating visfatin levels and increased risk of various cancers. Visfatin may represent a potential biomarker for early detection of cancers who may benefit from preventive treatment.Note.  相似文献   
Supramolecular hydrogels formed by cyclodextrins and polymers have been widely investigated as a biocompatible, biodegradable and controllable drug delivery system. In this study, a supramolecular hydrogel based on biodegradable poly(caprolactone)–poly(ethylene glycol)–poly(caprolactone) (PCL-PEG-PCL) triblock copolymers and γ-cyclodextrin (γ-CD) was prepared through inclusion complexation as an injectable, sustained-release vehicle for insulin. The triblock copolymer PCL-PEG-PCL was synthesised by the ring-opening polymerisation method, using microwave irradiation. The polymerisation reaction and the copolymer structures were evaluated by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and gel permeation chromatography (GPC). The supramolecular hydrogel was prepared in aqueous solution by blending an aqueous γ-CD solution with an aqueous solution of PCL-PEG-PCL triblock copolymer at room temperature. In vitro insulin release through the hydrogel system was studied. The relative surface hydrophobicity of standard and released insulin from the SMGel was estimated using 8-anilino-1-naphthalene sulfonic acid (ANS). Results of 1HNMR and gel permeation chromatography revealed that microwave irradiation is a simple and reliable method for synthesis of PCL-PEG-PCL copolymer. Gelation occurred within a minute. The supramolecular hydrogel obtained by mixing 10.54% (w/v) γ-CD and 2.5% (w/v) copolymer had an excellent syringeability. Insulin was released up to 80% over a period of 20 days. Insulin kept its initial folding after formulating and releasing from SMGel. A supramolecular hydrogel based on complexation of triblock PCL-PEG-PCL copolymer with γ-cyclodextrin is a suitable system for providing sustained release of therapeutic proteins, with desirable flow behaviour.Key words: insulin, PCL-PEG-PCL, supramolecular hydrogel, triblock copolymer, γ-CD  相似文献   
Two new species of diphyllidean cestodes are described from the Persian Gulf, Echinobothrium persiense n. sp. from Rhinobatos punctifer Compagno & Randall and Echinobothrium hormozganiense n. sp. from Mustelus mosis Hemprich & Ehrenberg. E. persiense is the first record of a species of Echinobothrium van Beneden, 1849 from R. punctifer and these two new species increase the number of diphyllideans known from the Persian Gulf from one to three. The number of apical hooks of E. persiense (hook formula: {5-6 6/5 5-6}) is distinct from all other species in the genus except for E. affine Diesing, 1863, E. harfordi McVicar, 1976, E. bonasum Williams & Campbell, 1980, E. fautleyae Tyler & Caira, 1999, E. syrtense (Neifar, Tyler & Euzet, 2001) Tyler, 2006 (emend), E. chisholmae Jones & Beveridge, 2001, E. tetabuanense Ivanov & Caira, 2012, E. sematanense Ivanov & Caira, 2012 and E. weipaense Ivanov & Caira, 2012. Echinobothrium persiense can be distinguished from all other species of the genus with 11 apical hooks by a combination of the following features: armed cephalic peduncle, testes arranged in a single column, lateral hooklets arranged in two groups, U-shaped ovary, cephalic peduncle length (124-181 μm), genital pore and cirrus-sac position, and by having 10-14 spines per row on the cephalic peduncle. Echinobothrium hormozganiense has a hook formula of {12-15 16/15 12-15} and is similar to E. musteli Pintner, 1889, E. notoguidoi Ivanov, 1997 and E. diamanti Ivanov & Lipshitz, 2006 by possessing additional spines between the rostellum and the bothria. It differs from E. musteli by having an H-shaped ovary and lateral hooklets arranged in two lateral groups, and the number of spines per row on the cephalic peduncle (18-21) readily differentiates it from E. notoguidoi (24-26) and E. diamanti (95-118). With these two new species, Echinobothrium van Beneden, 1849 now includes 45 valid species.  相似文献   
We studied redoximorphic features, field indicators and bacterial communities of soils in hummocks and hollows of a palustrine forested wetland in Virginia. We hypothesized that presence of hydric soils, soil physicochemistry and soil bacterial community structure would differ between hummocks and hollows. We fingerprinted soils collected from different microtopographic locations using Length Heterogeneity Polymerase Chain Reaction (LH-PCR) to study their bacterial community structures. Two hummocks had silty/sandy loam soils with mean chroma values of > 4, showing no indication of ‘hydric soils’ (i.e., wetland soils). Two hollows, however, had clay loam soils with mean chroma values of 2 with gleying and redox concentrations observed, indicative of seasonally inundated wetlands. The soils of hollows also had higher organic matter content and soil moisture compared to the soils of hummocks (P < 0.05). Multidimensional scaling (MDS) and Analysis of similarity (ANOSIM) of the fingerprints revealed differences in soil microbial community structures between hummocks and hollows (Global R = 0.30, P < 0.01). The diversity measures of the fingerprints (Shannon’s H′) were also different by microtopography with higher diversity in hollows relative to hummocks (P < 0.05). LH-PCR proves to be a useful tool in examining bacterial community composition of wetland soils in this study. However, cloning and sequencing of specific community LH-PCR profiles of interest is necessary to fully characterize the community down to genus/species level. With species identities we should be able to not only better explain differences observed in the community profiles, but study their relations to hydrologic and/or physicochemical conditions of wetlands.  相似文献   
Meiotic restitution is considered to be a common mechanism of polyploidization in plants and hence is one of the most important processes in plant speciation. Meiotic behaviour of plant chromosomes is influenced by both genetic and environmental factors. In this study, the meiotic behaviour of cereal crops was investigated, which includes tetraploid wheat genotypes (with and without the meiotic restitution trait) and their derivates (synthetic hexaploid wheats and a doubled haploid (DH) line), grown at two planting dates in the field. In addition, two local landraces of emmer wheat (Triticum turgidum ssp. dicoccum), one wheat cultivar (Chinese spring), one DH triticale cultivar (Eleanor) and one rye accession were included. Immature spikes of mid-autumn and end-winter sowing plants were collected in April and May 2008, respectively, fixed in Carnoy’s solution and stained with hematoxylin. Pollen mother cells (PMCs) from anthers at different stages of meiotic process were analysed for their chromosomal behaviour and irregularities. Meiotic aberrations such as laggards, chromosome bridges, micronuclei, abnormal cytokines, chromatin pulling and meiotic restitution were observed and the studied genotypes were accordingly ranked as follows: triticale > synthetic hexaploid wheats > tetraploid wheats possessing meiotic restitution > tetraploid wheats lacking meiotic restitution > rye. The results indicated that the samples that had been planted in the autumn, thus experiencing an optimum temperature level at the flowering stage, exhibited less meiotic irregularities than winter planting samples that encountered heat stress at the flowering period.  相似文献   

Since global warming affects wheat cropping systems, more has yet to be indicated on the parameters, which control terminal heat tolerance, and severely influence wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) productivity. Identification of tolerant wheat genotypes by heat tolerance-linked molecular markers is a rapid and cost-effective screening tool in plant breeding. Accordingly, in a four-year field experiment (2015–2019), 44 wheat genotypes were selected out of 100 genotypes, and were examined in timely and late planting (mid-January resulting in heat stress). Stress decreased yield components, including 1000-kernel weight (TKW), grains per spike, and plants per square meter, and the physiological traits, including days to heading and days to maturity, grain filling duration, and greenness, and eventually decreased grain yield up to?~?28%. The early maturity genotypes resulted in higher yields under stress conditions by a stress-avoidance mechanism. Among 14 SSR markers, GWM577 was positively correlated with yield, and WMS3062, GWM261, and WMS1025 had positive correlations with longevity under stress. Accordingly, WMS3062 and GWM261 can be used to determine high yield and early maturity genotypes. Furthermore, GWM114 showed a positive correlation with TKW, indicating their usefulness for grouping wheat genotypes and for identifying heat-related markers. Since the crossing of the genetically distant genotypes can create more diverse populations, the results could be applied to plan breeding projects to establish more diverse populations for different chromosomal locations and traits under heat stress conditions. Moreover, our findings demonstrated that the morphological and molecular analyses could be useful for describing wheat genetic variation of heat tolerance.

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