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The eight mammalian Cbx proteins are chromodomain-containing proteins involved in regulation of heterochromatin, gene expression, and developmental programs. They are evolutionarily related to the Drosophila HP1 (dHP1) and Pc (dPc) proteins that are key components of chromatin-associated complexes capable of recognizing repressive marks such as trimethylated Lys-9 and Lys-27, respectively, on histone H3. However, the binding specificity and function of the human homologs, Cbx1-8, remain unclear. To this end we employed structural, biophysical, and mutagenic approaches to characterize the molecular determinants of sequence contextual methyllysine binding to human Cbx1-8 proteins. Although all three human HP1 homologs (Cbx1, -3, -5) replicate the structural and binding features of their dHP counterparts, the five Pc homologs (Cbx2, -4, -6, -7, -8) bind with lower affinity to H3K9me3 or H3K27me3 peptides and are unable to distinguish between these two marks. Additionally, peptide permutation arrays revealed a greater sequence tolerance within the Pc family and suggest alternative nonhistone sequences as potential binding targets for this class of chromodomains. Our structures explain the divergence of peptide binding selectivity in the Pc subfamily and highlight previously unrecognized features of the chromodomain that influence binding and specificity.  相似文献   
Erythropoietin (EPO) is a hematopoietic growth factor. This substance, as a strong cell protector, can increase cell maintenance during different damages of central nervous system. Since the brain-blood barrier prevents the entrance of large proteins similar to EPO into the brain, its systemic delivery gets limited. The aim of this study was to find an alternative approach for EPO delivery into the brain to skip the blood-brain barrier prevention. So, a new quaternary ammonium-based cationic Gemini surfactant has been used to study the interaction of the cationic Gemini surfactant (as a carrier) with EPO using various spectroscopic techniques of (fluorescence and circular dichroism (CD)) and thermal denaturation. Fluorescence spectroscopy studies show the formation of Gemini-EPO complex and also static quenching of protein upon this interaction. The binding parameters of number of binding sites, binding affinity, Gibbs free energy, enthalpy, and entropy were calculated according to fluorescence quenching studies. Also, CD results have further represented that the content of regular secondary structure of EPO did not show any significant alterations by increasing the Gemini concentration. Finally, thermal denaturation behavior of EPO results indicates decreasing the thermal stability of protein in the presence of Gemini. In conclusion, the obtained results proposed that Gemini as a cationic surfactant can bind to EPO without any significant diverse effects on the structure of this drug (EPO) which can be considered as a candidate for EPO delivery in future.  相似文献   
To fill microelectrodes using backfilling method needs excessive time approximately 4–6  h. It is often difficult to fill microelectrodes without damage or leakage. A main problem is bubble formation in microelectrodes which has an impact on the electrical properties of the electrode and thus it influences the quality of the recording. Based on Archimede's principle there is a force within a solution which pushes insoluble material with a lower specific gravity upward and outside of the solution. Centrifugation can increase the force to eliminate the bubbles.

We designed a microelectrode holder to protect microelectrode sensitive tips from mechanical damage due to the gravity tensions; it can help to eliminate the bubbles easily and simultaneously in 10  min or less.

The tests were performed for 2000, 4000, and 8000  rpm centrifugation each one for 3, 6 and 12  min duration respectively, it was found that the bubbles were completely eliminated at 8000  rpm for 6–12  min and there were no significant differences for resistance, and the number of leaky or damaged electrodes between the two methods.

In the new design of devices, the materials used and the design of the holder are simple and the approach is applicable to many laboratories worldwide.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle has the ability to achieve rapid repair in response to injury or disease. Many individuals with Marfan syndrome (MFS), caused by a deficiency of extracellular fibrillin-1, exhibit myopathy and often are unable to increase muscle mass despite physical exercise. Evidence suggests that selected manifestations of MFS reflect excessive signaling by transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta (refs. 2,3). TGF-beta is a known inhibitor of terminal differentiation of cultured myoblasts; however, the functional contribution of TGF-beta signaling to disease pathogenesis in various inherited myopathic states in vivo remains unknown. Here we show that increased TGF-beta activity leads to failed muscle regeneration in fibrillin-1-deficient mice. Systemic antagonism of TGF-beta through administration of TGF-beta-neutralizing antibody or the angiotensin II type 1 receptor blocker losartan normalizes muscle architecture, repair and function in vivo. Moreover, we show TGF-beta-induced failure of muscle regeneration and a similar therapeutic response in a dystrophin-deficient mouse model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy.  相似文献   
Resistance to cadmium (Cd)-induced testicular necrosis is an autosomal recessive trait defined as the Cdm locus. Using positional cloning, we previously identified the Slc39a8 (encoding an apical-surface ZIP8 transporter protein) as the gene most likely responsible for the phenotype. In situ hybridization revealed that endothelial cells of the testis vasculature express high ZIP8 levels in two sensitive inbred mouse strains and negligible amounts in two resistant strains. In the present study, we isolated a 168.7-kb bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC), carrying only the Slc39a8 gene, from a Cd-sensitive 129/SvJ BAC library and generated BAC-transgenic mice. The BTZIP8-3 line, having three copies of the 129/SvJ Slc39a8 gene inserted into the Cd-resistant C57BL/6J genome (having its normal two copies of the Slc39a8 gene), showed tissue-specific ZIP8 mRNA expression similar to wild-type mice, mainly in lung, testis, and kidney. The 2.5-fold greater expression paralleled the fact that the BTZIP8-3 line has five copies, whereas wild-type mice have two copies, of the Slc39a8 gene. The ZIP8 mRNA and protein localized especially to endothelial cells of the testis vasculature in BTZIP8-3 mice. Cd treatment reversed Cd resistance (seen in nontransgenic littermates) to Cd sensitivity in BTZIP8-3 mice; reversal of the testicular necrosis phenotype confirms that Slc39a8 is unequivocally the Cdm locus. ZIP8 also localized specifically to the apical surface of proximal tubule cells in the BTZIP8-3 kidney. Cd treatment caused acute renal failure and signs of proximal tubular damage in the BTZIP8-3 but not nontransgenic littermates. BTZIP8-3 mice should be a useful model for studying Cd-induced disease in kidney. kidney; testis; ZIP8; bacterial artificial chromosome  相似文献   
Expression of spermidine/spermine N1-acetyltransferase (SSAT) increases in kidneys subjected to ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI). Increased expression of SSAT in vitro leads to alterations in cellular polyamine content, depletion of cofactors and precursors of polyamine synthesis, and reduced cell proliferation. In our model system, a >28-fold increase in SSAT levels in HEK-293 cells leads to depletion of polyamines and elevation in the enzymatic activities of ornithine decarboxylase and S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase, suggestive of a compensatory reaction to increased polyamine catabolism. Increased expression of SSAT also led to DNA damage and G2 arrest. The increased DNA damage was primarily due to the depletion of polyamines. Other factors such as increased production of H2O2 due to polyamine oxidase activity may play a secondary role in the induction of DNA lesions. In response to DNA damage the ATM/ATR Chk1/2 DNA repair and cell cycle checkpoint pathways were activated, mediating the G2 arrest in SSAT-expressing cells. In addition, the activation of ERK1 and ERK2, which play integral roles in the G2/M transition, is impaired in cells expressing SSAT. These results indicate that the disruption of polyamine homeostasis due to enhanced SSAT activity leads to DNA damage and reduced cell proliferation via activation of DNA repair and cell cycle checkpoint and disruption of Raf MEK ERK pathways. We propose that in kidneys subjected to IRI, one mechanism through which increased expression of SSAT may cause cellular injury and organ damage is through induction of DNA damage and the disruption of cell cycle. ischemia-reperfusion injury; polyamine depletion; cell proliferation; DNA repair; cell cycle arrest  相似文献   
BioMetals - Small molecules have potential usage in cancer therapy due to their remarkable potency of disarranging the natural structure of nucleic acids. In this study, two complexes...  相似文献   
Methods for haplotyping and DNA copy-number typing of single cells are paramount for studying genomic heterogeneity and enabling genetic diagnosis. Before analyzing the DNA of a single cell by microarray or next-generation sequencing, a whole-genome amplification (WGA) process is required, but it substantially distorts the frequency and composition of the cell’s alleles. As a consequence, haplotyping methods suffer from error-prone discrete SNP genotypes (AA, AB, BB) and DNA copy-number profiling remains difficult because true DNA copy-number aberrations have to be discriminated from WGA artifacts. Here, we developed a single-cell genome analysis method that reconstructs genome-wide haplotype architectures as well as the copy-number and segregational origin of those haplotypes by employing phased parental genotypes and deciphering WGA-distorted SNP B-allele fractions via a process we coin haplarithmisis. We demonstrate that the method can be applied as a generic method for preimplantation genetic diagnosis on single cells biopsied from human embryos, enabling diagnosis of disease alleles genome wide as well as numerical and structural chromosomal anomalies. Moreover, meiotic segregation errors can be distinguished from mitotic ones.  相似文献   
Xanthomonad-like bacteria that are associated with common bacterial blight of bean in Iran were identified on the basis of their colonial morphology, biochemical and serological properties, presence of a specific DNA fragment using PCR primers and pathogenicity on bean. Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli (Xap) strains were further characterized using rep-PCR and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). RFLP profiles generated by the restriction endonucleases RsaI, TaqI, HaeIII and Sau96I and rep-PCR analysis revealed that Iranian strains were relatively genetically homogenous. The similarity coefficients among the strains ranged from 0.87 to 1. The genetic diversity coefficients among strains from three infected provinces, Isfahan, Markazi and Lorestan, were 0.019, 0.072 and 0.033, respectively. The low overall level of polymorphism within Xap isolates collected from the three Iranian infected regions could suggest that few initial inoculum introductions might have distributed among these different bean-growing areas in Iran.  相似文献   
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