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OBJECTIVE--To evaluate perinatal mortality rates as a method of auditing obstetric and neonatal care after account had been taken of transfer between hospitals during pregnancy and case mix. DESIGN--Case-control study of perinatal deaths. SETTING--Leicestershire health district. SUBJECTS--1179 singleton perinatal deaths and their selected live born controls among 114,362 singleton births to women whose place of residence was Leicestershire during 1978-87. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE--Crude perinatal mortality rates and rates adjusted for case mix. RESULTS--An estimated 11,701 of the 28,750 women booked for delivery in general practitioner maternity units were transferred to consultant units during their pregnancy. These 11,701 women had a high perinatal mortality rate (16.8/1000 deliveries). Perinatal mortality rates by place of booking showed little difference between general practitioner units (8.8/1000) and consultant units (9.3-11.7/1000). Perinatal mortality rates by place of delivery, however, showed substantial differences between general practitioner units (3.3/1000) and consultant units (9.4-12.6/1000) because of the selective referral of high risk women from general practitioner units to consultant units. Adjustment for risk factors made little difference to the rates except when the subset of deaths due to immaturity was adjusted for birth weight. CONCLUSION--Perinatal mortality rates should be adjusted for case mix and referral patterns to get a meaningful result. Even when this is done it is difficult to compare the effectiveness of hospital units with perinatal mortality rates because of the increasingly small subset of perinatal deaths that are amenable to medical intervention.  相似文献   
The appropriate expression of 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase/Δ5→4-isomerase (3β-HSD) is vital for mammalian reproduction, fetal growth and life maintenance. Several isoforms of 3β-HSD, the products of separate genes, have been identified in various species including man. Current investigations are targeted toward defining the processes that regulate the levels of specific isoforms in various steroidogenic tissues of man. High levels of expression of 3β-HSD were observed in placental tissues. It has been generally considered that the multinucleated syncytiotrophoblastic cells are the principal sites of 3β-HSD expression and, moreover, that 3β-HSD expression is intimately associated with cyclic AMP-promoted formation of syncytia. Herein we report the presence of 3β-HSD immunoreactive and mRNA species in uninucleate cytotrophoblasts in the chorion laeve, similar to that in syncytia but not cytotrophoblast placenta. In vitro, 3β-HSD levels in chorion laeve cytotrophoblasts were not increased with time nor after treatment with adenylate cyclase activators, whereas villous cytotrophoblasts spontaneously demonstrated progressive, increased 3β-HSD expression. Moreover, 3β-HSD synthesis appeared to precede morphologic syncytial formation. Thus high steroidogenic enzyme expression in placenta is not necessarily closely linked to formation of syncytia. Both Western immunoblot and enzymic activity analyses also indicated that the 3β-HSD expressed in these cytotrophoblastic populations was the 3β-HSD type I gene product (Mr, 45K) and not 3β-HSD type II (Mr, 44K) expressed in fetal testis. In cultures of fetal zone and definitive zone cell of human fetal adrenal, 3β-HSD expression was not detected until ACTH was added. ACTH, likely acting in a cyclic AMP-dependent process, induced 3β-HSD type II activity and mRNA expression. The higher level of 3β-HSD mRNA in definitive zone compared with fetal zone cells was associated with parallel increases in cortisol secretion relative to dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate formation.  相似文献   
Environmentally cued hatching has been well-documented in amphibians in response to a wide range of abiotic and biotic factors. The hatching of terrestrial amphibian eggs in response to flooding may be basal within the group, but amphibian lineages in tropical Asia and sub-Saharan Africa have not received as much attention as their Neotropical counterparts. We investigated submergence-induced hatching in Feihyla hansenae, a Rhacophorid tree frog with terrestrial eggs. We quantified natural rates of clutch submergence at our study site in Thailand. Using submergence experiments, we found that embryos are capable of hatching early to escape flooding, and that failure to hatch results in mortality. Among the embryos that were able to hatch early, only the earliest, youngest hatchlings experienced a trade-off in body size that persisted for 6 days, while later, older hatchlings were not significantly smaller than spontaneous hatchlings under control conditions. By incorporating our natural and experimental data into Monte Carlo methods to simulate and compare survival probabilities with and without hatching plasticity, we found an overall 3.1% increase in submergence survival due to hatching plasticity. Our findings support the idea that flooding-induced hatching is widespread across amphibians with terrestrial eggs and highlight the importance of researching understudied tropical regions. As climate change is projected to affect rainfall patterns, the ability of embryos to escape abiotic egg-stage threats may be an indicator of species' ability to flexibly navigate a changing environment.  相似文献   
The population ecology of small mammals in hedgerows in arable farmland in eastern England is described. Features of hedgerows of importance to individual species are examined. Some 97% of the total 3042 mammals captured were wood mouse Apodemus sylvaticus , yellow-necked mouse Apodemus flavicollis , bank vole Clethrionomys glareolus and common shrew Sorex araneus . Small numbers of harvest mice Micromys minutus , field voles Microtus agrestis , pygmy shrews Sorex minutus and water shrews Neomys fodiens were also caught. Wood mouse, the most numerous species, showed a typical pattern of large numbers in autumn and winter, followed by a simultaneous decline over all hedges in early spring. Population changes were less clear in yellow-necked mouse and bank vole but the yellow-necked mouse was more scarce in the second year of study. Common shrews were most numerous in summer and declined rapidly in autumn. Hedgerow coppicing had a marked effect on yellow-necked mouse numbers but not on wood mouse. In an extensive survey of mammal numbers in relation to hedgerow features, ground cover was found to be the single largest factor influencing size of bank vole populations. Hedgerow condition (lack of gaps) was important to yellow-necked mice, which thrived only in well-established hedgerows. Wood mice appeared little influenced by the characteristics of the hedge. Common shrews were more abundant in hedgerows with adjacent permanent water.  相似文献   
The haemodynamic and renin responses to prostacyclin (PGI2) infusion were examined in sheep during sodium depletion and dietary sodium restriction. The haemodynamic effects of PGI2 infusion in sodium depleted and sodium restricted sheep were similar to those obtained in the sodium replete animal. The renin proportionate response to PGI2 was not altered by sodium restriction but blunted by sodium depletion, compatible with the hypothesis that endogenous PGI2 is high in Na depletion.  相似文献   
The purification and properties of cathepsin L from rabbit liver.   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Cathepsin L was purified from rabbit liver by a method involving whole-tissue homogenization, pH precipitation, ammonium sulphate fractionation and chromatography on CM-Sephadex C-50, phenyl-Sepharose and Sephadex G-75. Pure enzyme was obtained without the necessity of laborious subcellular fractionation techniques. The Mr of the enzyme was determined to be 29 000 by gel filtration, and affinity for concanavalin A-Sepharose indicated that it was a glycoprotein. A novel technique for detection of enzyme activity in agarose isoelectrofocusing gels showed that the enzyme existed in multiple isoenzymic forms with pI values ranging from 5.0 to 5.9. The enzyme catalysed the hydrolysis of azocasein, collagen and Z-Phe-Arg-NMec (where Z and NMec indicate benzyloxycarbonyl and N-methylcoumarin derivative respectively) optimally at pH 5.2, 3.3 and 6.0 respectively. In addition, cathepsin L was found to degrade benzoyl-Phe-Val-Arg-NMec and 3-carboxypropionyl-Ala-Phe-Lys-NMec. However, cathepsin B also cleaved all of these substrates. One major difference between these two enzymes was in their Michaelis constants for Z-Phe-Arg-NMec; cathepsin B had Km 75 microM whereas that of cathepsin L was 0.7 microM. Cathepsin L was inhibited by all of the usual chemical inhibitors of thiol proteinases as well as the more specific inhibitors Z-Phe-Phe-CHN2, Z-Phe-Ala-CHN2, compound E-64 and compound Ep-475. Active-site titration with compound E-64 showed that the purified sample contained 80% active protein, which had kcat. 20s-1 for the substrate Z-Phe-Arg-NMec. Antibodies were raised to active cathepsin L, and these did not cross-react with cathepsin B, thus demonstrating that these two enzymes are immunologically distinct.  相似文献   
Ovulation was successfully induced with luteinising hormone releasing hormone in 28 women with hypothalamic amenorrhoea who had failed to respond to treatment with clomiphene. Luteinising hormone releasing hormone was administered in a pulsatile manner with miniaturised automatic infusion systems. The rate of ovarian follicular maturation, as monitored by serial pelvic ultrasonography, was similar to that observed in spontaneous cycles. Endocrine assessment by serial measurement of gonadotrophin, oestradiol, and progesterone concentrations showed hormone concentrations to be within the normal range. Intravenous treatment was required in only two patients, the remainder responding satisfactorily to subcutaneous infusion. All patients conceived within six cycles of treatment, and only one multiple pregnancy occurred.  相似文献   
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