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The amino acid sequence Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) is highly conserved on the VP1 proteins of different serotypes and subtypes of foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) and is essential for cell attachment. This sequence is also found in certain extracellular matrix proteins that bind to a family of cell surface receptors called integrins. Within the Picornaviridae family, enterovirus coxsackievirus A9 also has an RGD motif on its VP1 capsid protein and has recently been shown to utilize the vitronectin receptor integrin alpha V beta 3 as a receptor on monkey kidney cells. Competition binding experiments between type A12 FMDV and coxsackievirus A9 using BHK-21 and LLC-MK2 cells revealed shared receptor specificity between these two viruses. Polyclonal anti-serum to the vitronectin receptor and a monoclonal antibody to the alpha V subunit inhibited both FMDV binding and plaque formation, while a monoclonal antibody to the beta 3 subunit inhibited virus binding. In contrast, antibodies to the fibronectin receptor (alpha 5 beta 1) or to the integrin (alpha V beta 5) had no effect on either binding or plaque formation. These data demonstrate that the alpha V beta 3 vitronectin receptor can function as a receptor for FMDV.  相似文献   
The population ecology of small mammals in hedgerows in arable farmland in eastern England is described. Features of hedgerows of importance to individual species are examined. Some 97% of the total 3042 mammals captured were wood mouse Apodemus sylvaticus , yellow-necked mouse Apodemus flavicollis , bank vole Clethrionomys glareolus and common shrew Sorex araneus . Small numbers of harvest mice Micromys minutus , field voles Microtus agrestis , pygmy shrews Sorex minutus and water shrews Neomys fodiens were also caught. Wood mouse, the most numerous species, showed a typical pattern of large numbers in autumn and winter, followed by a simultaneous decline over all hedges in early spring. Population changes were less clear in yellow-necked mouse and bank vole but the yellow-necked mouse was more scarce in the second year of study. Common shrews were most numerous in summer and declined rapidly in autumn. Hedgerow coppicing had a marked effect on yellow-necked mouse numbers but not on wood mouse. In an extensive survey of mammal numbers in relation to hedgerow features, ground cover was found to be the single largest factor influencing size of bank vole populations. Hedgerow condition (lack of gaps) was important to yellow-necked mice, which thrived only in well-established hedgerows. Wood mice appeared little influenced by the characteristics of the hedge. Common shrews were more abundant in hedgerows with adjacent permanent water.  相似文献   
J. M. Mason  L. E. Champion    G. Hook 《Genetics》1997,146(4):1381-1397
A mutator, mu2(a), in Drosophila melanogaster potentiates terminal deficiencies. In the female germ line the y mutant frequency induced by irradiation of mature oocytes with 5 Gy increases approximately twofold in heterozygotes and 20-fold in homozygotes compared with wild type. The recovery of terminal deficiencies is not limited to breaks close to chromosome ends; high frequencies of deficiencies can be recovered with breakpoints located in centric heterochromatin or near the middle of a chromosome arm. Lesions induced by γ-rays are repaired slowly in mu2(a) oocytes, but become ``fixed' as terminal deficiencies upon fertilization. A few lesions induced in wild-type females also produce terminal deficiencies. Mutator males do not exhibit an increase in terminal deletions, regardless of the germ cell stage irradiated. In addition, there is no increase in the mutant frequency when mature sperm are irradiated and fertilize eggs produced by mu2(a) females. The data are consistent with the hypothesis that lesions induced in sperm chromosomes are repaired after fertilization, while lesions induced in oocyte chromosomes are shunted instead to a mechanism that stabilizes broken chromosome ends. We propose that mu2 affects chromosomal structure during oogenesis, thereby modulating DNA repair.  相似文献   
The proteasome (multicatalytic proteinase complex) is a large multimeric complex which is found in the nucleus and cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells. It plays a major role in both ubiquitin-dependent and ubiquitin-independent nonlysosomal pathways of protein degradation. Proteasome subunits are encoded by members of the same gene family and can be divided into two groups based on their similarity to the and subunits of the simpler proteasome isolated fromThermoplasma acidophilum. Proteasomes have a cylindrical structure composed of four rings of seven subunits. The 26S form of the proteasome, which is responsible for ubiquitin-dependent proteolysis, contains additional regulatory complexes. Eukaryotic proteasomes have multiple catalytic activities which are catalysed at distinct sites. Since proteasomes are unrelated to other known proteases, there are no clues as to which are the catalytic components from sequence alignments. It has been assumed from studies with yeast mutants that -type subunits play a catalytic role. Using a radiolabelled peptidyl chloromethane inhibitor of rat liver proteasomes we have directly identified RC7 as a catalytic component. Interestingly, mutants in Prel, the yeast homologue of RC7, have already been reported to have defective chymotrypsin-like activity. These results taken together confirm a direct catalytic role for these -type subunits. Proteasome activities are sensitive to conformational changes and there are several ways in which proteasome function may be modulatedin vivo. Our recent studies have shown that in animal cells at least two proteasome subunits can undergo phosphorylation, the level of which is likely to be important for determining proteasome localization, activity or ability to form larger complexes. In addition, we have isolated two isoforms of the 26S proteinase.  相似文献   
The haemodynamic and renin responses to prostacyclin (PGI2) infusion were examined in sheep during sodium depletion and dietary sodium restriction. The haemodynamic effects of PGI2 infusion in sodium depleted and sodium restricted sheep were similar to those obtained in the sodium replete animal. The renin proportionate response to PGI2 was not altered by sodium restriction but blunted by sodium depletion, compatible with the hypothesis that endogenous PGI2 is high in Na depletion.  相似文献   
The forms, disposition, and cytoskeletal contents of astroglia in immature mouse cerebellum were studied by immunocytochemical staining with antisera against two intermediate filament proteins, vimentin (Vim) (58,000 daltons) and glial filament protein (GF) (51,000 daltons). From embryonic (E) Day 15 to postnatal (P) Day 2, Vim is expressed in cells throughout the cerebellar anlage, including radial glia and Bergmann fibers, cells with amorphous shapes and 2–3 processes, and thick longitudinal elements oriented parallel to axons within axon tracts. GF is not expressed during the first few postnatal days, but by P7, there is a dramatic increase in GF-positive astrocyte-like cells in the putative white matter that are more densely stained and more crowded than at any other age. Between P7 and P14 all astrocytes throughout the cerebellum express both Vim and GF. From P21 on, Vim expression is progressively rarer in all astrocytes except for Bergmann fibers, and GF-positive astrocytes become less numerous. These findings raise two issues: (a) the lineage and relationships of cells expressing Vim and GF; (b) Since GF-positive cells appear as axon ingrowth ceases, axons must grow in a terrain comprised of glial cells that have a different cytoskeletal composition (vimentin), reflecting a less differentiated state, than mature astrocytes or than the GF-rich astrocytes that proliferate after injury in adult CNS.  相似文献   
The purification and properties of cathepsin L from rabbit liver.   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Cathepsin L was purified from rabbit liver by a method involving whole-tissue homogenization, pH precipitation, ammonium sulphate fractionation and chromatography on CM-Sephadex C-50, phenyl-Sepharose and Sephadex G-75. Pure enzyme was obtained without the necessity of laborious subcellular fractionation techniques. The Mr of the enzyme was determined to be 29 000 by gel filtration, and affinity for concanavalin A-Sepharose indicated that it was a glycoprotein. A novel technique for detection of enzyme activity in agarose isoelectrofocusing gels showed that the enzyme existed in multiple isoenzymic forms with pI values ranging from 5.0 to 5.9. The enzyme catalysed the hydrolysis of azocasein, collagen and Z-Phe-Arg-NMec (where Z and NMec indicate benzyloxycarbonyl and N-methylcoumarin derivative respectively) optimally at pH 5.2, 3.3 and 6.0 respectively. In addition, cathepsin L was found to degrade benzoyl-Phe-Val-Arg-NMec and 3-carboxypropionyl-Ala-Phe-Lys-NMec. However, cathepsin B also cleaved all of these substrates. One major difference between these two enzymes was in their Michaelis constants for Z-Phe-Arg-NMec; cathepsin B had Km 75 microM whereas that of cathepsin L was 0.7 microM. Cathepsin L was inhibited by all of the usual chemical inhibitors of thiol proteinases as well as the more specific inhibitors Z-Phe-Phe-CHN2, Z-Phe-Ala-CHN2, compound E-64 and compound Ep-475. Active-site titration with compound E-64 showed that the purified sample contained 80% active protein, which had kcat. 20s-1 for the substrate Z-Phe-Arg-NMec. Antibodies were raised to active cathepsin L, and these did not cross-react with cathepsin B, thus demonstrating that these two enzymes are immunologically distinct.  相似文献   
Ovulation was successfully induced with luteinising hormone releasing hormone in 28 women with hypothalamic amenorrhoea who had failed to respond to treatment with clomiphene. Luteinising hormone releasing hormone was administered in a pulsatile manner with miniaturised automatic infusion systems. The rate of ovarian follicular maturation, as monitored by serial pelvic ultrasonography, was similar to that observed in spontaneous cycles. Endocrine assessment by serial measurement of gonadotrophin, oestradiol, and progesterone concentrations showed hormone concentrations to be within the normal range. Intravenous treatment was required in only two patients, the remainder responding satisfactorily to subcutaneous infusion. All patients conceived within six cycles of treatment, and only one multiple pregnancy occurred.  相似文献   
The troglobitic amphipod crustacean Crangonyx antennatus populates two distinct habitats in southern Appalachian caves, mud-bottom pools and gravel-bottom streams. An investigation was conducted to determine if stream populations possess behavioral adaptations to lotic conditions. Observations on the thigmotactic behavior of C. antennatus were made seasonally in six Lee Co., Virginia caves, three containing pool habitats and three with stream habitats. Stream-dwelling amphipods were found to exhibit more cryptic behavior than those inhabiting pools under natural conditions and when disturbed. Artificial stream experiments indicate that stream-dwelling C. antennatus are better adapted behaviorally to lotic conditions than pool-dwelling amphipods.  相似文献   
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