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The spindle pole body of the pathogenic yeast Exophiala dermatitidis was observed during the cell cycle using freeze-substitution and serial ultrathin sectioning electron microscopy. The spindle pole body was located on the outer membrane of the nuclear envelope and consisted of two disk elements connected by an intervening midpiece in G1 through G2 phases. Each disk element was composed of filamentous materials and measured 150 nm in diameter and 100 nm in thickness. The midpiece had higher electron density and measured 60 nm in length and 40 nm in thickness. At the beginning of prophase, each disk element of the spindle pole body enlarged to more than double in size. They were separated on the nuclear envelope, and associated with numerous cytoplasmic microtubules. At mitosis, the spindle pole body entered the nuclear envelope, associated with numerous nuclear microtubules, and was located at the spindle poles. At the end of telophase, it was extruded back into the cytoplasm from the nuclear envelope. Three-dimensional analysis of cells in different cell cycles suggested that duplication of the spindle pole body took place in early G1 phase. Thus, the location, structure, and duplication cycle of the E. dermatitidis spindle pole body were different from those of Saccharomyces cerevisiae.  相似文献   
After a loss against an opponent, the aggressiveness of a male cricket is significantly reduced for up to 30 minutes. This depression of aggressiveness is an important factor in the establishment and maintenance of dominance between individuals. In the present study, we investigated the functional roles of nitric oxide (NO) signaling in the depression of aggressiveness in subordinate male crickets. Pairs of male crickets, pre-injected with various NO-related reagents, were allowed to establish dominant/subordinate relationships in dyadic encounters. Opponents were separated for 15 minutes and then paired again. In second encounters, subordinate crickets pre-injected with PTIO (NO scavenger) showed agonistic behavior towards former dominant opponents. A similar effect was observed in crickets pre-injected with L-NAME (NO synthase inhibitor) or ODQ (soluble guanylate cyclase inhibitor). The effects of the latter two drugs were canceled by co-injection of NOR3 (NO donor) with L-NAME or by co-injection of 8-Br-cGMP (cGMP-analog) with ODQ. Injection of NOR3 alone prolonged the inhibition of agonistic behavior in subordinate crickets from 30 minutes to 3 hours. Our results suggest that the change in agonistic behavior observed in subordinate male crickets is closely linked to NO-mediated cGMP signaling.  相似文献   
Recent evidence argues against a high threshold dose for vision-impairing radiation-induced cataractogenesis. We conducted logistic regression analysis to estimate the dose response and used a likelihood profile procedure to determine the best-fitting threshold model among 3761 A-bomb survivors who underwent medical examinations during 2000-2002 for whom radiation dose estimates were available, including 479 postoperative cataract cases. The analyses indicated a statistically significant dose-response increase in the prevalence of postoperative cataracts [odds ratio (OR), 1.39; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.24-1.55] at 1 Gy, with no indication of upward curvature in the dose response. The dose response was suggestive when the restricted dose range of 0 to 1 Gy was examined. A nonsignificant dose threshold of 0.1 Gy (95% CI, <0-0.8) was found. The prevalence of postoperative cataracts in A-bomb survivors increased significantly with A-bomb radiation dose. The estimate (0.1 Gy) and upper bound (0.8 Gy) of the dose threshold for operative cataract prevalence was much lower than the threshold of 2-5 Gy usually assumed by the radiation protection community and was statistically compatible with no threshold at all.  相似文献   
Here we describe a method to conditionally induce epithelial cell transformation by the use of the 4-Hydroxytamoxifen (4-OHT) inducible KalTA4-ERT2/UAS expression system1 in zebrafish larvae, and the subsequent live imaging of innate immune cell interaction with HRASG12V expressing skin cells. The KalTA4-ERT2/UAS system is both inducible and reversible which allows us to induce cell transformation with precise temporal/spatial resolution in vivo. This provides us with a unique opportunity to live image how individual preneoplastic cells interact with host tissues as soon as they emerge, then follow their progression as well as regression. Recent studies in zebrafish larvae have shown a trophic function of innate immunity in the earliest stages of tumorigenesis2,3. Our inducible system would allow us to live image the onset of cellular transformation and the subsequent host response, which may lead to important insights on the underlying mechanisms for the regulation of oncogenic trophic inflammatory responses. We also discuss how one might adapt our protocol to achieve temporal and spatial control of ectopic gene expression in any tissue of interest.  相似文献   
The Snail genes are implicated in processes that involve cell movement, both during embryonic development and tumour progression. In teleosts, the vertebrate Snail1 gene is represented by two distinct genes, snail1a and snail1b (previously snail1 and snail2). These genes are expressed in complementary mesodermal domains and their combined expression matches that of their mammalian counterpart. By analysing their loss and gain of function, we found that the most-anterior axial mesendodermal cells, the precursors of the polster, move in a cohesive manner directed by the activity of snail1a- and snail1b-expressing cells surrounding these precursors. The cell-autonomous function of Snail1 proteins regulates cell motility and influences the behaviour of Snail-negative neighbouring cells. Snail1a is required by the prechordal plate for it to reach its normal position, whereas Snail1b controls the acquisition of its normal shape. These non-redundant functions of Snail1a and Snail1b in controlling axial mesendoderm migration comply with the duplication-degeneration-complementation model, and indicate that Snail genes not only act as inducers of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition, but also as more general regulators of cell adhesion and movement.  相似文献   
Epiboly, the first morphogenetic cell movement that occurs in the zebrafish embryo, is the process by which the blastoderm thins and spreads to engulf the yolk cell. This process requires the concerted actions of the deep cells, the enveloping layer (EVL) and the extra-embryonic yolk syncytial layer (YSL). The EVL is mechanically coupled to the YSL which acts as an epiboly motor, generating the force necessary to draw the blastoderm towards the vegetal pole though actomyosin flow and contraction of the actomyosin ring. However, it has been proposed that the endocytic removal of yolk cell membrane just ahead of the advancing blastoderm may also play a role. To assess the contribution of yolk cell endocytosis in driving epiboly movements, we used a combination of drug- and dominant-negative-based approaches to inhibit Dynamin, a large GTPase with a well-characterized role in vesicle scission. We show that Dynamin-dependent endocytosis in the yolk cell is dispensable for epiboly of the blastoderm. However, global inhibition of Dynamin function revealed that Dynamin plays a fundamental role within the blastoderm during epiboly, where it maintains epithelial integrity and the transmission of tension across the EVL. The epithelial defects were associated with disrupted tight junctions and a striking reduction of cortically localized phosphorylated ezrin/radixin/moesin (P-ERM), key regulators of epithelial integrity in other systems. Furthermore, we show that Dynamin maintains EVL and promotes epiboly progression by antagonizing Rho A activity.  相似文献   
A decrease in citric acid and increases in acetic acid, acetoin and diacetyl were found in the test red wine after inoculation of intact cells of Leuconostoc mesenteroides subsp. lactosum ATCC 27307. a malo-lactic bacterium, grown on the malate plus citrate-medium. Citric acid in the buffer solution was transformed to acetic acid, acetoin and diacetyl in the pH range of 2 to 6 after inoculation with intact cells of this bacterial species. It was concluded that citric acid in wine making involving malolactic fermentation, at first, was converted by citrate lyase to acetic and oxaloacetic acids, and the latter was successively transformed by decarboxylation to pyruvic acid which was subsequently converted to acetoin, diacetyl and acetic acid.

Both the activities of citrate lyase and acetoin formation from pyruvic acid in the dialyzed cell-free extract were optimal at pH 6.0. Divalent cations such as Mn2+, Mg2+, Co2+ and Zn2+ activated the citrate lyase. The citrate lyase was completely inhibited by EDTA, Hg2+ and Ag2+ . The acetoin formation from pyruvic acid was significantly stimulated by thiamine pyrophosphate and CoCl2, and inhibited by oxaloacetic acid. Specific activities of the citrate lyase and acetoin formation were considerably variable among the six strains of malo-lactic bacteria examined. Some activities of irreversible reduction of diacetyl to acetoin were found in the cell-free extracts of four of the malo-lactic bacteria strains and the optimal pH was 6.0 for this activity of Leu. mesenteroides.  相似文献   
To elucidate the mechanisms of early heart morphogenesis in Xenopus laevis, we examined the effect of endoderm on heart morphogenesis in the early Xenopus neurula. Explants of anterior ventral (presumptive heart) mesoderm from early neurula were cultured alone or in combination with endoderm dissected from various regions. Heart formation was scored by an original heart index based on morphology. These explant studies revealed that anterior ventral endoderm plays a critical role in heart morphogenesis. Furthermore, we found that it was possible to confer this heart-forming ability on posterior ventral endoderm by the injection of poly(A)+ RNA from stage 13 anterior endoderm. These results imply that the heart formative factor(s) is localized in the anterior endoderm of the early neurula and that at least part of this activity is encoded by mRNA(s).  相似文献   
A new lipoxygenase inhibitor, 6'-hydroxyoxosorbicillinol (1, C(14) H(16)O(6)), was identified from a culture of Penicillium sp. A known compound, oxosorbicillinol (2, C(14)H(16)O(5)), was also isolated. Compound 1 showed an approximately 10 times greater inhibitory effect on soybean lipoxygenase (IC(50), 16 μM) than 2 (IC(50), 150 μM), and also showed prostaglandin D(2) (PGD(2)) and leucotriene B(4) (LTB(4)) release suppression activity (IC(50), 10 μM for PGD(2) and 100 μM for LTB(4)).  相似文献   
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