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A calmodulin-binding protein from sea urchin eggs consisting of two subunits (55 and 17K-daltons) was identified as a Ca2+-dependent phosphoprotein phosphatase similar to calcineurin in mammalian brain and to phosphatase 2B in skeletal muscle. Peptide mappings showed that the 55K subunit was different from 61K subunit of calcineurin, whereas the 17K subunit was similar to 19K subunit of calcineurin but different from calmodulin. The 55K + 17K protein of sea urchin eggs dephosphorylated 32P-inhibitor-1 in a Ca2+- and calmodulin-dependent manner. Vmax and Km for inhibitor-1 in the presence of Ca2+ and calmodulin were 2,100 pmol Pi/min/mg and 2.7 microM. Ca2+-dependent phosphatase activity for inhibitor-1 was detected in homogenates of both unfertilized and fertilized eggs, but was not detected in isolated cortices and mitotic apparatus.  相似文献   
The skeletal muscle sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase (SERCA1a) mediates muscle relaxation by pumping Ca(2+) from the cytosol to the ER/SR lumen. In efforts aimed at understanding the structural basis for the conformational changes accompanying the reaction cycle catalyzed by SERCA1a, we have studied the ATP-binding domain of SERCA1a in both nucleotide-bound and -free forms by NMR. Limited proteolysis analyses guided us to express a 28 kDa stably folded fragment containing the nucleotide-binding domain of SERCA1a spanning residues Thr357-Leu600. ATP binding activity was demonstrated for this fragment by a FITC competition assay. A nearly complete backbone resonance assignment of this 28 kDa ATP-binding fragment, in both the AMP-PNP-bound and -free forms, was obtained by means of heteronuclear multidimensional NMR techniques. NMR titration experiments with AMP-PNP revealed a confined nucleotide-binding site which coincides with a cytoplasmic pocket region identified in the crystal structure of apo-SERCA1a. These results are consistent with previous site-directed mutagenesis studies of SERCA1a.  相似文献   
The regulatory mechanisms of postprandial pancreatic hyperemia are not well characterized. The aim of this study is to clarify the role of cholecystokinin (CCK) in the intestinal phase of pancreatic circulation. Pancreatic, gastric, and intestinal blood flows were measured by ultrasound transit-time blood flowmeters in five conscious dogs. Pancreatic and gastric secretion and blood pressure were also monitored. Synthetic CCK octapeptide (CCK-8) or gastrin heptadecapeptide (gastrin-17) was infused intravenously, and milk was infused into the duodenum with or without loxiglumide, a specific CCK-A receptor antagonist. CCK-8 induced dose-related increases of pancreatic, but not gastric or intestinal, blood flow and protein secretion without affecting systemic blood pressure. Gastrin-17 did not affect pancreatic blood flow. An intraduodenal infusion of milk increased pancreatic and intestinal blood flows and pancreatic protein secretion. Loxiglumide completely inhibited pancreatic blood flow and protein responses to CCK-8 and milk but not the intestinal blood flow response. CCK is a potent and specific pancreatic vasodilator, with its effect mediated by CCK-A receptors. CCK plays an important role in the regulation of the intestinal phase of the pancreatic circulation in dogs.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: The long-term benefit of Helicobacter pylori eradication treatment that includes metronidazole on peptic ulcer disease in Japan is unclear. We investigated the rate of H. pylori re-infection and ulcer relapse after H. pylori eradication. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 266 patients with endoscopically confirmed peptic ulcer disease and H. pylori infection were treated with triple therapy of omeprazole 40 mg (20 mg b.i.d.), clarithromycin 800 mg (400 mg b.i.d.), and tinidazole 1000 mg (500 mg b.i.d.) for 7 days. Endoscopy with gastric biopsy was performed before and 1 month, 6 months, 1.5 years, and 3.5 years after therapy. H. pylori status was determined by H. pylori culture, rapid urease test, and histopathology. 13C-urea breath test was done at 6 months after eradication therapy. Treatment was deemed successful when all tests were negative at 6 months after therapy by endoscopic biopsy. RESULTS: Successful H. pylori eradication was achieved in 262/266 (98.5%) patients with peptic ulcer. Total relapse of peptic ulcer occurred in 8/262 (3%) patients after eradication, with 3/262 (1.1%) occurring within 1.5 years after treatment and 5/262 (1.9%) within 3.5 years. All relapsed patients were found to be H. pylori-positive at the time of relapse. Of the 262 patients who experienced eradication, 20 (7.6%) were subsequently re-infected, six (2.3%) within 1.5 years and 14 (5.3%) within 3.5 years. CONCLUSION: Triple therapy with omeprazole, clarithromycin, and tinidazole (OCT) is useful for H. pylori eradication in Japan, but there is an appreciable re-infection rate in this population.  相似文献   
In May 1999, field surveys of Lyme disease spirochetes were conducted around the Tianshan Mountains in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in northwestern People's Republic of China. Ixodes persulcatus ticks were obtained in a Tianchi Lake valley with primary forest, while the tick fauna was poor in the semidesert or at higher altitudes in this region. Species identities were confirmed by molecular analysis in which an internal transcribed spacer sequence was used. Of 55 adult ticks, 22 (40%) were positive for spirochetes as determined by Barbour-Stoenner-Kelly culture passages. In addition, some rodents, including Apodemus uralensis (5 of 14 animals) and Cricetulus longicaudatus (the only animal examined), and some immature stages of I. persulcatus (4 of 11 ticks) that had fed on A. uralensis were positive for spirochetes. Based on 5S-23S rRNA intergenic spacer restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis and reactivity with monoclonal antibodies, 35 cultures (including double isolation cultures) were identified as Borrelia garinii (20 isolates, including 9 Eurasian pattern B isolates and 11 Asian pattern C isolates), Borrelia afzelii (10 pattern D isolates), and mixed cultures (5 cultures, including isolates that produced B. garinii patterns B and C plus B. afzelii pattern D). These findings revealed that Lyme disease pathogens are distributed in the mountainous areas in northwestern China even though it is an arid region, and they also confirmed the specific relationship between I. persulcatus and genetic patterns of Borrelia spp. on the Asian continent.  相似文献   
Hydrophobic interaction chromatography and salt aggregation were used to compare the call surface hydrophobicity of strains of the fish pathogenAeromonas salmonicida which differed in their ability to produce the surface protein array known as A-layer. Presence of this superficial protein layer is crucial to the virulence of this organism and was found to coincide with a dramatic increase in cell surface hydrophobicity. Assays with in vitro cultured macrophages from either rainbow trout or mice revealed that this hydrophobic A-layer providedA. salmonicida cells with an enhanced ability to associate with phagocytic monocytes. This enhanced association was demonstrated in the absence of opsonizing antibody and may have important implications in the virulence ofA. salmonicida for fish.  相似文献   
The synthesis of the nucleotide precursors for peptidoglycan is regulated by the relA gene in Escherichia coli. Thus, nucleotide precursors labeled with [3H]diaminopimelic acid accumulated in a relA strain but not in an isogenic relA+ strain during amino acid deprivation. Furthermore, nucleotide precursor synthesis was relaxed in the amino acid deprived relA+ strain by treatment with chloramphenicol. Uridine diphosphate-N-acetylmuramyl-pentapeptide (UDP-MurNAc-pentapeptide) was the major component accumulated during the relaxed synthesis of nucleotide precursors in both relA+ and relA strains. The effect of beta-chloro-L-alanine (CLA) on the relaxed synthesis of nucleotide precursors for peptidoglycan was determined. At a low concentration (0.0625 mM) CLA inhibited the synthesis of UDP-MurNAc-pentapeptide and caused the accumulation of UDP-MurNAc-tripeptide. Thus, low concentrations of CLA probably inhibited alanine racemase, as reported previously. Higher concentrations of CLA also inhibited an earlier step in nucleotide precursor synthesis. This was shown to be due to the inhibition of UDP-MurNAc-L-alanine synthetase by CLA. CLA inhibited the activity of this enzyme in cell-free extracts as well as in intact cells.  相似文献   
In order to characterize the system of L-tryptophan (TRP) transport into liver during the growing period of 10 to 42 days, the changes of tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase (TDO) activity, levels of serum, liver, brain, and muscle TRP, and the rate and mode of TRP uptake into isolated hepatocytes were examined in male Wistar rats. Liver TDO activity increased rapidly at 16 days of age. A marked and rapid decrease in free serum TRP level occurred before weanling, while a small decrease in total serum TRP level was found after weanling. The change of liver TRP level was similar to that of free serum TRP level and correlated well. There was a significant inverse correlation between liver TDO activity and either free serum TRP level or liver TRP level. A rapid change in TRP level did not occur in brain and muscle during the growing period. The concentrations of brain and muscle TRP correlated better with those of total serum TRP than with those of free serum TRP. The rate of TRP uptake into hepatocytes isolated from rats aged 10 days was lower than that from rats aged 21 and 42 days. The former hepatocytes were lacking in a high-affinity saturable transport component for TRP uptake which was present in the latter ones. The present results indicate that a great change in the system of TRP transport into liver occurs in growing rats, and that in suckling rats a high level of free serum TRP contributes to the efficient transport of the amino acid into the liver.  相似文献   
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