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Applied Entomology and Zoology - Natural selection operates on a suite of life-history traits. Those traits are under constraints and trade-offs which often differ among species. Thus, there are an...  相似文献   
Various treatments have been proposed to attenuate and eventually inhibit the generation of acid mine drainage (AMD) or acid-rock drainage (ARD). The addition of Natural Phosphate Rocks (NPR) to mining wastes has been shown to reduce acid generation. The biogeochemical reactions underlying the phosphate precipitation reactions are however poorly understood, even though the chemical reactions are well defined. The present study was designed to study the role of solution chemistry and bacterial activity on phosphate precipitation on waste rock surfaces. Waste rock samples (rich in sulphides) previously weathered for 989 days in the presence of NPR were submersed in 2 different phosphate-rich growth media in order to enhance the growth of acidophilic and neutrophilic bacteria. DAPI and FISH analyses revealed that most cells belonged to the bacteria domain, and that alpha- and beta-proteobacteria were the dominant neutrophiles. ESEM, SEM and TEM observations of the samples revealed the presence of a biofilm on the surface of the rocks at both pH conditions. Bacteria and fine-grained precipitates were trapped in an exopolymer matrix. At low pH, the formation of fine precipitates rich in Fe and P within the biofilm corresponded to a decline of phosphate concentrations in the growth medium. This was in agreement with the solubility calculations which indicated that the medium became over-saturated with respect to some Fe-phosphate minerals. In the pH neutral system, solubility calculations indicated that Ca- and Mg-phosphate minerals were stable, but they were not detected in the biofilm. Solubility calculations also indicated that vivianite became unstable over time, which could explain the release of soluble phosphate over time in the pH neutral system. Our results showed that precipitation reactions played an important role in the solubility of phosphate in both systems, but a series of complex nucleation reactions involving bacterial exopolymers and the presence of microenvironments within the biofilms were likely important factors as well. Our findings also imply that the reduction of acid generation in NPR-treated waste rocks could be due in part to the formation of biofilms on the rock surfaces because the biofilms would act as a physical and chemcial barrier to limit the extent of pyrite oxidation.  相似文献   
The association of gangliosides with specific proteins in the central nervous system was examined by coimmunoprecipitation with an anti‐ganglioside antibody. The monoclonal antibody to the ganglioside GD3 (R24) immunoprecipitated the Csk (C‐terminal src kinase)‐binding protein (Cbp). Sucrose density gradient analysis showed that Cbp of rat cerebellum was detected in detergent‐resistant membrane (DRM) raft fractions. R24 treatment of the rat primary cerebellar cultures induced Lyn activation and tyrosine phosphorylation of Cbp. Treatment with anti‐ganglioside GD1b antibody also induced tyrosine phosphorylation. Furthermore, over‐expressions of Lyn and Cbp in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells resulted in tyrosine 314 phosphorylation of Cbp, which indicates that Cbp is a substrate for Lyn. Immunoblotting analysis showed that the active form of Lyn and the Tyr314‐phosphorylated form of Cbp were highly accumulated in the DRM raft fraction prepared from the developing cerebellum compared with the DRM raft fraction of the adult one. In addition, Lyn and the Tyr314‐phosphorylated Cbp were highly concentrated in the growth cone fraction prepared from the developing cerebellum. Immunoelectron microscopy showed that Cbp and GAP‐43, a growth cone marker, are localized in the same vesicles of the growth cone fraction. These results suggest that Cbp functionally associates with gangliosides on growth cone rafts in developing cerebella.  相似文献   
Proteins with Src homology 2 (SH2) domains play major roles in tyrosine kinase signaling. Structures of many SH2 domains have been studied, and the regions involved in their interactions with ligands have been elucidated. However, these analyses have been performed using short peptides consisting of phosphotyrosine followed by a few amino acids, which are described as the canonical recognition sites. Here, we report the solution structure of the SH2 domain of C-terminal Src kinase (Csk) in complex with a longer phosphopeptide from the Csk-binding protein (Cbp). This structure, together with biochemical experiments, revealed the existence of a novel binding region in addition to the canonical phosphotyrosine 314-binding site of Cbp. Mutational analysis of this second region in cells showed that both canonical and novel binding sites are required for tumor suppression through the Cbp-Csk interaction. Furthermore, the data indicate an allosteric connection between Cbp binding and Csk activation that arises from residues in the βB/βC loop of the SH2 domain.  相似文献   
Type IV P-type ATPases (P4-ATPases) and CDC50 family proteins form a putative phospholipid flippase complex that mediates the translocation of aminophospholipids such as phosphatidylserine (PS) and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) from the outer to inner leaflets of the plasma membrane. In Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells, at least eight members of P4-ATPases were identified, but only a single CDC50 family protein, CDC50A, was expressed. We demonstrated that CDC50A associated with and recruited P4-ATPase ATP8A1 to the plasma membrane. Overexpression of CDC50A induced extensive cell spreading and greatly enhanced cell migration. Depletion of either CDC50A or ATP8A1 caused a severe defect in the formation of membrane ruffles, thereby inhibiting cell migration. Analyses of phospholipid translocation at the plasma membrane revealed that the depletion of CDC50A inhibited the inward translocation of both PS and PE, whereas the depletion of ATP8A1 inhibited the translocation of PE but not that of PS, suggesting that the inward translocation of cell-surface PE is involved in cell migration. This hypothesis was further examined by using a PE-binding peptide and a mutant cell line with defective PE synthesis; either cell-surface immobilization of PE by the PE-binding peptide or reduction in the cell-surface content of PE inhibited the formation of membrane ruffles, causing a severe defect in cell migration. These results indicate that the phospholipid flippase complex of ATP8A1 and CDC50A plays a major role in cell migration and suggest that the flippase-mediated translocation of PE at the plasma membrane is involved in the formation of membrane ruffles to promote cell migration.  相似文献   
Neurodegenerative diseases associated with the pathological aggregation of microtubule-associated protein Tau are classified as tauopathies. Alzheimer disease, the most common tauopathy, is characterized by neurofibrillary tangles that are mainly composed of abnormally phosphorylated Tau. Similar hyperphosphorylated Tau lesions are found in patients with frontotemporal dementia with parkinsonism linked to chromosome 17 (FTDP-17) that is induced by mutations within the tau gene. To further understand the etiology of tauopathies, it will be important to elucidate the mechanism underlying Tau hyperphosphorylation. Tau phosphorylation occurs mainly at proline-directed Ser/Thr sites, which are targeted by protein kinases such as GSK3β and Cdk5. We reported previously that dephosphorylation of Tau at Cdk5-mediated sites was enhanced by Pin1, a peptidyl-prolyl isomerase that stimulates dephosphorylation at proline-directed sites by protein phosphatase 2A. Pin1 deficiency is suggested to cause Tau hyperphosphorylation in Alzheimer disease. Up to the present, Pin1 binding was only shown for two Tau phosphorylation sites (Thr-212 and Thr-231) despite the presence of many more hyperphosphorylated sites. Here, we analyzed the interaction of Pin1 with Tau phosphorylated by Cdk5-p25 using a GST pulldown assay and Biacore approach. We found that Pin1 binds and stimulates dephosphorylation of Tau at all Cdk5-mediated sites (Ser-202, Thr-205, Ser-235, and Ser-404). Furthermore, FTDP-17 mutant Tau (P301L or R406W) showed slightly weaker Pin1 binding than non-mutated Tau, suggesting that FTDP-17 mutations induce hyperphosphorylation by reducing the interaction between Pin1 and Tau. Together, these results indicate that Pin1 is generally involved in the regulation of Tau hyperphosphorylation and hence the etiology of tauopathies.  相似文献   
To develop the infrastructure for biotin production through naturally biotin-auxotrophic Corynebacterium glutamicum, we attempted to engineer the organism into a biotin prototroph and a biotin hyperauxotroph. To confer biotin prototrophy on the organism, the cotranscribed bioBF genes of Escherichia coli were introduced into the C. glutamicum genome, which originally lacked the bioF gene. The resulting strain still required biotin for growth, but it could be replaced by exogenous pimelic acid, a source of the biotin precursor pimelate thioester linked to either coenzyme A (CoA) or acyl carrier protein (ACP). To bridge the gap between the pimelate thioester and its dedicated precursor acyl-CoA (or -ACP), the bioI gene of Bacillus subtilis, which encoded a P450 protein that cleaves a carbon-carbon bond of an acyl-ACP to generate pimeloyl-ACP, was further expressed in the engineered strain by using a plasmid system. This resulted in a biotin prototroph that is capable of the de novo synthesis of biotin. On the other hand, the bioY gene responsible for biotin uptake was disrupted in wild-type C. glutamicum. Whereas the wild-type strain required approximately 1 μg of biotin per liter for normal growth, the bioY disruptant (ΔbioY) required approximately 1 mg of biotin per liter, almost 3 orders of magnitude higher than the wild-type level. The ΔbioY strain showed a similar high requirement for the precursor dethiobiotin, a substrate for bioB-encoded biotin synthase. To eliminate the dependency on dethiobiotin, the bioB gene was further disrupted in both the wild-type strain and the ΔbioY strain. By selectively using the resulting two strains (ΔbioB and ΔbioBY) as indicator strains, we developed a practical biotin bioassay system that can quantify biotin in the seven-digit range, from approximately 0.1 μg to 1 g per liter. This bioassay proved that the engineered biotin prototroph of C. glutamicum produced biotin directly from glucose, albeit at a marginally detectable level (approximately 0.3 μg per liter).  相似文献   
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) can be used for the regeneration of various tissues and cryopreservation of MSCs is so important for regenerative medicine. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influences of cryopreservation on MSCs by use of a programmed freezer with a magnetic field (CAS freezer). MSCs were isolated from bone marrow of rat femora. The cells were frozen by a CAS freezer with 10% dimethyl sulfoxide (Me2SO) and cryopreserved for 7 days at a temperature of −150 °C. Immediately after thawing, the number of survived cells was counted. The cell proliferation also examined after 48 h culture. Next, MSCs were frozen by two different freezers; CAS freezer and a conventional programmed freezer without magnetic field. Then, osteogenic and adipogenic differentiations of cryopreserved cells were examined. As a result, survival and proliferation rates of MSCs were significantly higher in CAS freezer than in the non-magnetic freezer. Alizarin positive reaction, large amount of calcium quantification, and greater alkaline phosphatase activity were shown in both the non-cryopreserved and CAS groups after osteogenic differentiation. Moreover, Oil Red O staining positive reaction and high amount of PPARγ and FABP4 mRNAs were shown in both the non-cryopreserved and CAS groups after adipogenic differentiation. From these findings, it is shown that a CAS freezer can maintain high survival and proliferation rates of MSCs and maintain both adipogenic and osteogenic differentiation abilities. It is thus concluded that CAS freezer is available for cryopreservation of MSCs, which can be applied to various tissue regeneration.  相似文献   
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