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To develop the infrastructure for biotin production through naturally biotin-auxotrophic Corynebacterium glutamicum, we attempted to engineer the organism into a biotin prototroph and a biotin hyperauxotroph. To confer biotin prototrophy on the organism, the cotranscribed bioBF genes of Escherichia coli were introduced into the C. glutamicum genome, which originally lacked the bioF gene. The resulting strain still required biotin for growth, but it could be replaced by exogenous pimelic acid, a source of the biotin precursor pimelate thioester linked to either coenzyme A (CoA) or acyl carrier protein (ACP). To bridge the gap between the pimelate thioester and its dedicated precursor acyl-CoA (or -ACP), the bioI gene of Bacillus subtilis, which encoded a P450 protein that cleaves a carbon-carbon bond of an acyl-ACP to generate pimeloyl-ACP, was further expressed in the engineered strain by using a plasmid system. This resulted in a biotin prototroph that is capable of the de novo synthesis of biotin. On the other hand, the bioY gene responsible for biotin uptake was disrupted in wild-type C. glutamicum. Whereas the wild-type strain required approximately 1 μg of biotin per liter for normal growth, the bioY disruptant (ΔbioY) required approximately 1 mg of biotin per liter, almost 3 orders of magnitude higher than the wild-type level. The ΔbioY strain showed a similar high requirement for the precursor dethiobiotin, a substrate for bioB-encoded biotin synthase. To eliminate the dependency on dethiobiotin, the bioB gene was further disrupted in both the wild-type strain and the ΔbioY strain. By selectively using the resulting two strains (ΔbioB and ΔbioBY) as indicator strains, we developed a practical biotin bioassay system that can quantify biotin in the seven-digit range, from approximately 0.1 μg to 1 g per liter. This bioassay proved that the engineered biotin prototroph of C. glutamicum produced biotin directly from glucose, albeit at a marginally detectable level (approximately 0.3 μg per liter).  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to determine whether autologous mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) implantation improves endothelial dysfunction in a rabbit ischemic limb model.


We evaluated the effect of MSC implantation on limb blood flow (LBF) responses to acetylcholine (ACh), an endothelium-dependent vasodilator, and sodium nitroprusside (SNP), an endothelium-independent vasodilator, in rabbits with limb ischemia in which cultured MSCs were implanted (n = 20) or saline was injected as a control group (n = 20). LBF was measured using an electromagnetic flowmeter. A total of 106 MSCs were implanted into each ischemic limb.


Histological sections of ischemic muscle showed that capillary index (capillary/muscle fiber) was greater in the MSC implantation group than in the control group. Laser Doppler blood perfusion index was significantly increased in the MSC implantation group compared with that in the control group. LBF response to ACh was greater in the MSC group than in the control group. After administration of NG-nitro-L-arginine, a nitric oxide synthase inhibitor, LBF response to ACh was similar in the MSC implantation group and control group. Vasodilatory effects of SNP in the two groups were similar.


These findings suggest that MSC implantation induces angiogenesis and augments endothelium-dependent vasodilation in a rabbit ischemic model through an increase in nitric oxide production.  相似文献   
A bacterial strain, HN-500, having an activity of d-glucose isomerization was newly isolated from soil, and was identified to be similar to Escherichia intermedia (Werkman and Gillen) Vaughn and Levine. The strain, grown on wide varieties of carbon sources, shows definitely d-glucose isomerizing activity in the presence of arsenate. d-Fructose formed in reaction mixture was identified by paper chromatography and was isolated in crystalline form from calcium-fructose complex. In order to increase the production of d-glucose isomerase, d-glucose and ammonium nitrogen were effective carbon and nitrogen sources, respectively, but none of the metallic ions tested were effective, furthermore manganese, ferrous and ferric ions present mOre than 10-5m in growth medium fully repressed the enzyme formation. The cells grown on carbon sources other than d-xylose showed no activity of d-xylose isomerase.  相似文献   
IscA has been proposed to be a scaffold protein of the iron-sulfur cluster biosynthetic machinery. We have identified the IscA homolog to be localized to plastids, termed AtIscA-I, in Arabidopsis thaliana. The AtIscA-I protein was apparently constitutively expressed in all tissues analyzed in Arabidopsis. The AtIscA-I protein exists in the stroma as a soluble protein which tends to form a homo-dimer and can host a [2Fe-2S]-like cluster. Complete loss of the protein from plastids did not cause any significant defect either in normal plant growth or in biogenesis of major iron-sulfur proteins, indicating this protein is not essential or redundant for these functions. In contrast, loss of one of the three plastid-localized CnfU scaffold proteins, AtCnfU-V, caused significant reduction in the level of AtIscA-I. These data suggest that efficient biogenesis of AtIscA-I scaffold requires function of another essential scaffold protein CnfU.  相似文献   
Morphological analysis of mitotic chromosomes is used to detect mutagenic chemical compounds and to estimate the dose of ionizing radiation to be administered. It has long been believed that chromosomal breaks are always associated with double-strand breaks (DSBs). We here provide compelling evidence against this canonical theory. We employed a genetic approach using two cell lines, chicken DT40 and human Nalm-6. We measured the number of chromosomal breaks induced by three replication-blocking agents (aphidicolin, 5-fluorouracil, and hydroxyurea) in DSB-repair-proficient wild-type cells and cells deficient in both homologous recombination and nonhomologous end-joining (the two major DSB-repair pathways). Exposure of cells to the three replication-blocking agents for at least two cell cycles resulted in comparable numbers of chromosomal breaks for RAD54−/−/KU70−/− DT40 clones and wild-type cells. Likewise, the numbers of chromosomal breaks induced in RAD54−/−/LIG4−/− Nalm-6 clones and wild-type cells were also comparable. These data indicate that the replication-blocking agents can cause chromosomal breaks unassociated with DSBs. In contrast with DSB-repair-deficient cells, chicken DT40 cells deficient in PIF1 or ATRIP, which molecules contribute to the completion of DNA replication, displayed higher numbers of mitotic chromosomal breaks induced by aphidicolin than did wild-type cells, suggesting that single-strand gaps left unreplicated may result in mitotic chromosomal breaks.  相似文献   
Fatty acid binding proteins (FABPs) are cytosolic fatty acid chaperones whose biological role and mechanisms of action are not well understood. Here, we developed mice with targeted mutations in two related adipocyte FABPs, aP2 and mal1, to resolve their role in systemic lipid, glucose, and energy metabolism. Mice lacking aP2 and mal1 exhibited a striking phenotype with strong protection from diet-induced obesity, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, and fatty liver disease. These mice have altered cellular and systemic lipid transport and composition, leading to enhanced insulin receptor signaling, enhanced muscle AMP-activated kinase (AMP-K) activity, and dramatically reduced liver stearoyl-CoA desaturase-1 (SCD-1) activity underlying their phenotype. Taken together with the previously reported strong protection against atherosclerosis, these results demonstrate that adipocyte/macrophage FABPs have a robust impact on multiple components of metabolic syndrome, integrating metabolic and inflammatory responses in mice and constituting a powerful target for the treatment of these diseases.  相似文献   
The intestinal epithelium contains columnar epithelial cells (ECs) and M cells, and fucosylation of the apical surface of ECs and M cells is involved in distinguishing the two populations and in their response to commensal flora and environmental stress. Here, we show that fucosylated ECs (F-ECs) were induced in the mouse small intestine by the pro-inflammatory agents dextran sodium sulfate and indomethacin, in addition to an enteropathogen derived cholera toxin. Although F-ECs showed specificity for the M cell-markers, lectin Ulex europaeus agglutinin-1 and our monoclonal antibody NKM 16-2-4, these cells also retained EC-phenotypes including an affinity for the EC-marker lectin wheat germ agglutinin. Interestingly, fucosylation of Peyer’s patch M cells and F-ECs was distinctly regulated by α(1,2)fucosyltransferase Fut1 and Fut2, respectively. These results indicate that Fut2-mediated F-ECs share M cell-related fucosylated molecules but maintain distinctive EC characteristics, Fut1 is, therefore, a reliable marker for M cells.  相似文献   
GABAergic neurons and oligodendrocytes originate from progenitors within the ventral telencephalon. However, the molecular mechanisms that control neuron-glial cell-fate segregation, especially how extrinsic factors regulate cell-fate changes, are poorly understood. We have discovered that the Wnt receptor Ryk promotes GABAergic neuron production while repressing oligodendrocyte formation in the ventral telencephalon. We demonstrate that Ryk controls the cell-fate switch by negatively regulating expression of the intrinsic oligodendrogenic factor Olig2 while inducing expression of the interneuron fate determinant Dlx2. In addition, we demonstrate that Ryk is required for GABAergic neuron induction and oligodendrogenesis inhibition caused by Wnt3a stimulation. Furthermore, we showed that the cleaved intracellular domain of Ryk is sufficient to regulate the cell-fate switch by regulating the expression of intrinsic cell-fate determinants. These results identify Ryk as a multi-functional receptor that is able to transduce extrinsic cues into progenitor cells, promote GABAergic neuron formation, and inhibit oligodendrogenesis during ventral embryonic brain development.  相似文献   
Sphingomyelin synthase 1 (SMS1) catalyzes the conversion of ceramide to sphingomyelin. Here, we generated and analyzed SMS1-null mice. SMS1-null mice exhibited moderate neonatal lethality, reduced body weight, and loss of fat tissues mass, suggesting that they might have metabolic abnormality. Indeed, analysis on glucose metabolism revealed that they showed severe deficiencies in insulin secretion. Isolated mutant islets exhibited severely impaired ability to release insulin, dependent on glucose stimuli. Further analysis indicated that mitochondria in mutant islet cells cannot up-regulate ATP production in response to glucose. We also observed additional mitochondrial abnormalities, such as hyperpolarized membrane potential and increased levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in mutant islets. Finally, when SMS1-null mice were treated with the anti-oxidant N-acetyl cysteine, we observed partial recovery of insulin secretion, indicating that ROS overproduction underlies pancreatic β-cell dysfunction in SMS1-null mice. Altogether, our data suggest that SMS1 is important for controlling ROS generation, and that SMS1 is required for normal mitochondrial function and insulin secretion in pancreatic β-cells.  相似文献   
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