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The asparagine-linked sugar chains of blood coagulation factor VIII preparations purified from human plasma of blood group A donors and from the culture media of recombinant BHK cells were released as oligosaccharides by hydrazinolysis. These sugar chains were converted to radioactive oligosaccharides by reduction with sodium borotritide and separated into neutral and acidic fractions by paper electrophoresis. Most of the acidic oligosaccharides were converted to neutral ones by sialidase digestion, indicating that they are sialyl derivatives. The neutral and sialidase-treated acidic oligosaccharides were fractionated by serial chromatography on immobilized lectin columns and Bio-Gel P-4 column. Structural study of each oligosaccharide by sequential exo- and endoglycosidase digestion and by methylation analysis revealed that both factor VIII preparations contain mainly high mannose-type and bi-, tri-, and tetra-antennary complex-type sugar chains. Some of the biantennary complex-type sugar chains from human plasma factor VIII contain blood group A and/or H determinant, while those from recombinant product do not. Some of the bi-, tri- and tetra-antennary complex-type sugar chains of the recombinant factor VIII contain the Gal alpha 1----3Gal group. A small number of the triantennary complex-type sugar chains from both preparations was found to contain the Gal beta 1----4(Fuc alpha 1----3)GlcNAc beta 1----4 (Gal beta 1----4GlcNAc beta 1----2)Man group. Studies of pharmacokinetic parameters of the recombinant factor VIII infused into baboons revealed that its half-life in blood circulation is similar to that of plasma derived factor VIII, suggesting that the oligosaccharide structural differences between them do not affect the fate of factor VIII in vivo.  相似文献   
Summary Shuttle vector pUF106 was constructed by ligation ofAcetobacter xylinum plasmid pFF6 toEscherichia coli plasmid pUC18. It had unique restriction sites suitable for insertion of a foreign DNA fragment and conferred ampicillin resistance to a host. pUF106 transformed cellulose-producingA. xylinum ATCC10245 as well asE. coli JM109.  相似文献   
Mirabilis antiviral protein (MAP) is a single-chain ribosome-inactivating protein (RIP) isolated from Mirabilis jalapa L. It depurinates the 28S-like rRNAs of prokaryotes and eukaryotes. A specific modification in the 25S rRNA of M. jalapa was found to occur during isolation of ribosomes by polyacrylamide/agarose composite gel electrophoresis. Primer extension analysis revealed the modification site to be at the adenine residue corresponding to A4324 in rat 28S rRNA. The amount of endogenous MAP seemed to be sufficient to inactivate most of the homologous ribosomes. The adenine of wheat ribosomes was also found to be removed to some extent by an endogenous RIP (tritin). However, the amount of endogenous tritin seemed to be insufficient for quantitative depurination of the homologous ribosomes.Endogenous MAP could shut down the protein synthesis of its own cells when it spreads into the cytoplasm through breaks of the cells. Therefore, we speculate that MAP is a defensive agent to induce viral resistance through the suicide of its own cells.  相似文献   
Unirradiated mouse leukemic L5178Y cells were pulse-labeled with [3H]thymidine continuously for up to 150 minutes. The resulting DNA fiber autoradiograms showed a continuously increasing fiber length up to 70 μm. However, in cells irradiated with 500 to 2000 rad of γ-rays, the resulting DNA fiber lengths leveled off at approximately 35 μm. Independent experiments to estimate replicon size by measuring the center-to-center distance in tandem tracks yielded a value of 48 μm. These results are consistent with a model proposing that the average replicon size is equal to √2 times the plateau value of the average length of labeled DNA measured in irradiated cells.  相似文献   
The trypsin-catalyzed coupling of bovine (Boc)2-desoctapeptide (B23-B30)-insulin with synthetic octapeptides, H-Gly-X2-X3-X4-Thr-Pro-Lys(Boc)-Thr-OH (X2 = Phe or Ala, X3 = Phe or Ala, X4 = Tyr or Ala), followed by deprotection and purification produced the [AlaB24, ThrB30]-, [AlaB25, ThrB30]-, and [AlaB26, ThrB30]-analogs of bovine insulin in yields of 32, 35, and 32%, respectively. The biological activity of these analogs decreased in the order, normal insulin ([ThrB30]-bovine insulin) = AlaB26-insulin > AlaB25-insulin > AlaB24-insulin, as assayed for receptor binding and some other biological effects, in contrast with the corresponding Leu-analogs of human insulin, in which the activity decreased in the order, normal insulin > LeuB24-insulin > LeuB25-insulin. The affinity to insulin antibodies greatly diminished in both AlaB24-insulin and LeuB24-insulin but not in the B25-substituted analogs. The CD spectra of the Leu- and the Ala-analogs were compared with those of normal insulins to show that no apparent correlation seems to exist between the decrease in biological activity and the conformational changes observed in solution. The effects of organic solvents on the peptide-bond equilibrium and on the stability of trypsin are also discussed.  相似文献   
NADPH-dependent enzymatic reduction of aromatic aldehydes and ketones observed in the cytosol of guinea pig liver was mediated by at least three distinct reductases (AR 1, AR 2, and AR 3), which were separated by DEAE-cellulose chromatography. By several procedures AR 2 and AR 3 were purified to homogeneity, but AR 1 could be purified only 30-fold because of the small amount. These enzymes were found to have similar molecular weights of 34,000 to 36,000 and similar Stokes radii of about 2.5 nm. AR 3 was identical to aldehyde reductase [EC] in substrate specificity for aromatic aldehydes and D-glucuronate and specific inhibition by barbiturates. AR 1 and AR 2 acted on aromatic ketones and cyclohexanone as well as aromatic aldehydes at optimal pHs of 5.4 and 6.0, respectively, and were immunochemically distinguished from AR 3. AR 1 was the most sensitive to sulfhydryl reagents, and AR 2 was more stable at 50 degrees C than the other enzymes. Similar heterogeneity was observed in the kidney enzymes, but other tissues had little aldehyde reductase activity and contained only AR 3. In addition, lung contained a high molecular weight aromatic ketone reductase different from the above reductases.  相似文献   
To improve the production system, the onset and the termination of reproductive life of C3Hf/HeMsNrs mice mated immediately after weaning and reared for 400 days of life, were studied. From weaning females mated with a full grown male (group A), the first litter was obtained at a mean age of 47 days, suggesting the first copulation at 26 days of age. The age of males at the first copulation was estimated to be at 44 days of age from the age giving the first litters in weanling males mated with weanling (group B) and full grown (group C) females. The sex ratio of litters delivered by young dams tended to be excess in males. The reproductive performance of dams in later life was not affected by the parturition in earlier age. The production efficiency with weaned youngs per pair during the first 200 days after mating was the highest in group A. It was found from these results that the C3H females attained their sexual maturity at 5 to 6 days after weaning, being available for breeding without any deletion in reproductive performance.  相似文献   
Five-hydroxy tryptamine (5-HT) causes a hyperpolarization and increased conductance of the leech body wall muscle cell membrane. If 5-HT is applied in the absence of the Cl?ion, the response appears as a depolarization, whereas if 5-HT is applied in the absence of the K+ion, the response is a hyperpolarization. In both cases, the conductance of the muscle cell membrane is increased. Stimulation of the peripheral nerve to the body wall muscle produces a complex junctional potential in muscle cells. Exposing the muscle to d-tubocurarine (d-TC) eliminates the excitatory component (EJP) of the complex potential. The inhibitory potential (IJP) that remains has an equilibrium potential at approximately 65 m V. Furthermore, this IJP appears as a depolarization when the nerve is stimulated in the presence of d-TC and low CL?, whereas this is not the case if the nerve is stimulated in the presence of d-TC and low K+. The drugs BOL-148 and cyproheptadine block the IJP's in the body wall muscle. These data are interpreted as indicating that 5'HT acts on leech body wall muscle cells by increasing the conductance to the Cl?ion and that the IJP's caused by nerve stimulation are probably the result of 5-HT release at nerve terminals. As a final point, it has been shown that the inhibition by 5-HT of the spontaneous EJP's that occur on the leech body wall muscle results from an inhibition of central neurons and not from any direct effect on the muscle cell or on peripheral synapses.  相似文献   
Bovine corneal endothelial cells deposit an extracellular matrix in short-term cultures, which contains various morphologically distinct structures when analysed by electron microscopy after negative staining. Amongst these were long-spacing fibers with a 150 nm periodicity, which appeared also to be assembled into more complex hexagonal lattices. Another structure was fine filaments, 10-40 nm in diameter, which occasionally exhibited 67 nm periodic cross-striation. Non-striated 10-20 nm filaments sometimes formed radially oriented bundles arranged in networks and fuzzy granular material was associated with the filaments in the bundles. Often, these bundles extended into solitary filaments, 10-20 nm in diameter, with a smooth surface. In addition, amorphous patches were seen, which contained dense aggregates of fibrillar and granular material. In longer-term cultures, some of the structures coalesced to form large fibrillar bundles. By using specific antibodies to various extracellular matrix components and immunolabeling with gold some of these structures could be identified as to their protein composition. Whereas fibronectin antibodies labeled a variety of structures--fine filaments with granular materials, radially oriented bundles, patchy amorphous aggregates and small granular material scattered throughout the background--type III collagen antibody predominantly labeled filaments with periodic banding (10-40 nm in diameter). A small amount of type III specific labeling was also observed over the networks of radially oriented fibrils and fine filaments associated with granular material. Type IV collagen and laminin antibodies localized in areas of the patchy amorphous aggregates. Type VI collagen antibodies, on the other hand, labeled fine filaments and the gold particles showed a pattern of 100 nm periodicity. Many of the fine 10-20 nm filaments exhibited a tubular appearance on cross-section, but they were not reactive with any of the antibodies used. Also negative were the long-spacing fibers and assemblies--including hexagonal lattices--containing this structural element.  相似文献   
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