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To elucidate a possible role of tyrosine supply as a factor modulating catecholamine biosynthesis in the adrenergic cell, the transport of [14C]tyrosine into cultured bovine adrenal chromaffin cells was first examined, and the relationship between [14C]tyrosine transport and [14C]catecholamine formation was then investigated. Under the conditions which were routinely employed to determine the rate of catecholamine biosynthesis, tyrosine was taken up into the cells in a manner independent of extracellular Na+ and Ca2+, and this uptake was also insensitive to ouabain and various metabolic inhibitors. The stimulation of these cells with high K+ and other secretagogues caused no significant alteration in the uptake. While, tyrosine transport was markedly inhibited by tyrosine analogues and other L-aromatic amino acids, and this inhibition was accompanied by the reduction of [14C]catecholamine formation. In contrast, tyrosine transport was markedly enhanced by flavone, and this enhancement was also accompanied by the augmentation of catecholamine production under the same experimental conditions. These results seem to indicate that the transport of tyrosine into the cells may be closely related to catecholamine formation within the cells, thus providing an evidence for a possible role of tyrosine supply as one of the factors affecting catecholamine production in the adrenal chromaffin cell.  相似文献   
Summary The distribution and development of serotonin-and RFamide-like immunoreactivities in the nervous system of Chaetognatha, Paraspadella gotoi, were examined in whole-mount preparations. In adults, a single serotonin-like immunoreactive (5HTLI) neuron and numerous RFamide-like immunoreactive (RFaLI) neurons were found in the central nervous system. Based on the structure of the fins, hooks, and eyes, seven postembryonic developmental stages were recognized. The most obvious features of the stages are: stage 1, newly hatched young; stage 2, elongation of a continuous lateral tail fin; stage 3, separation of the lateral and tail fins; stage 4, appearance of hooks; stage 5, pigmentation of eyes, stage 6, attachment by tail adhesive fins; stage 7, prey capture. Stage 1 did not show any immunoreactivity. The 5HTLI neuron first appeared at stage 4 and its axonal pathway became similar to the adult at stage 6. On the other hand, the RFaLI neurons appeared at stage 3 in the ventral ganglion. Some of their somata disappeared at stage 5 and the neuronal architecture resembled the adult at stage 7 although the RFaLI neurons in the cerebral ganglion were complete at the juvenile stage.We are sad to announce that Dr. M. Yoshida died on 29 October 1988  相似文献   
Summary Lymphokine production by human melanoma tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) was studied. Uncultured TIL produced interferon (IFN), but not interleukin-2 (IL-2) or IL-4, in response to anti-CD3 mAb or IL-2. In bulk cultures, IL-2-activated TIL displaying autologous tumor-specific cytotoxicity (CTL-TIL) produced IFN in culture with medium alone, whereas IL-2-activated noncytotoxic TIL did not. Addition of anti-CD3 mAb or autologous tumor cells up-regulated IFN production in IL-2-activated TIL from 10 of 12 or 6 of 12 cases respectively. Those from 4 of 12 cases (2 CTL-TIL and 2 noncytotoxic TIL) produced IL-2 in culture with medium alone. At the clonal level, 5 (4 CD4+ and 1 CD8+) of 7 autologous tumor-specific CTL clones derived from TIL and 3 (2 CD4+ and 1 CD8+) of 7 noncytotoxic TIL clones produced IFN in culture with medium alone, which was up-regulated by adding anti-CD3 mAb. Two IFN-producing CTL clones tested produced IL-2 in 4 ×-concentrated supernatants from a 3.5-h culture with medium alone. Furthermore, 2 IFN-producing CTL clones tested expressed mRNA for both IFN and IL-2. IL-2 production and its mRNA expression were up- or down-regulated, respectively, by adding anti-CD3 mAb or autologous tumor cells. IL-4 production was not observed in culture either with medium alone or with IL-2 in any of the cells described above. Anti-CD3 mAb was required for IL-4 production in 3 of 12 IL-2-activated TIL, 2 of 6 CTL clones, and none of 5 noncytotoxic TIL clones. In summary, IFN production was characteristic of melanoma TIL. Some autologous tumor-specific CTL in TIL are suggested to be productive of IL-2 and IFN under unstimulated conditions, both being required for self-activation in an autocrine loop.This work was supported in part by grant CA-47891 from the National Cancer Institute  相似文献   
Three germacrane-type sesquiterpenoids, (+)-germacrone-4,5-epoxide, germacrone and (+)-curdione were biotransformed by Aspergillus niger to give hydroxylated guaiane-type sesquiterpenoids together with allylic alcohols and spirolactone.  相似文献   
We have reported previously that PGE2 evoked an increase in intracellular calcium level ([Ca2+]i) in mouse osteoblastic cells (1). Here, we investigated the effects of PGE1 and PGF2 alpha on cAMP production and [Ca2+]i in comparison with those of PGE2. In osteoblastic clone, MC3T3-E1 cells, PGE1 stimulated cAMP production, but had no effect on [Ca2+]i, whereas PGF2 alpha evoked only [Ca2+]i increase. In contrast, PGE2 not only stimulated cAMP production, but also increased [Ca2+]i. From the Scatchard plot analysis of PGE2 it was confirmed that there were two classes of PGE2 binding sites (Kd value, 9.2 nM; binding site, 29 fmole/mg protein, and Kd value, 134 nM; binding site, 148 fmole/mg protein). As the increase in [Ca2+]i was caused by PGF2 alpha and PGE2, but not by PGE1, we investigated the displacement of [3H]-PGF2 alpha binding. The displacement capacity of unlabeled PGE2 was about 110 of that of PGF2 alpha, while that of PGE1 was very low even at 500-fold excess. These data indicate the possibility that the dual action of PGE2 is mediated by distinct receptor systems.  相似文献   
Summary Peripheral blood lymphocytes were cultured for 5 days with allogeneic tumor cells (allogeneic mixed lymphocyte/tumor cell culture), and subsequently cultured with recombinant interleukin-2 for 12 days. These cultured cells were found to be cytotoxic to autologous tumor cells. Results of two-color analysis using monoclonal antibodies to cell markers showed that more than 80% of their cultured cells were CD3+ cells, and CD4+ cells showed a higher distribution than CD8+ cells. However, CD8+ cells had a much higher killing activity with autologous tumor than did CD4+ cells, when estimated by an elimination study using monoclonal antibodies to T cell phenotypes and complement. The cold-target inhibition test showed that the cytotoxicity of these cells for autologous tumor cells was inhibited by unlabeled autologous tumor cells but not by unlabeled stimulator cells. Furthermore, about 40% of the cytotoxicity was suppressed by blocking of HLA class I antigen with a monoclonal antibody on autologous tumor cells. Thus, cytotoxic activity of lymphocytes to autologous tumor restricted by target cell HLA class I antigen is possibly induced by allogeneic tumor-stimulation.  相似文献   
A genomic clone obtained from mouse liver DNA using a mouse cytokeratin EndoA cDNA probe revealed the complete sequence of the EndoA gene. The gene is divided into nine exons and the exon-intron pattern has been conserved compared to that of other type-II cytokeratin-encoding genes. The 5' upstream, 3' downstream and first and third introns contain potential regulatory sequences, including polyoma virus enhancer motifs (PEA1 and PEA3) and AP-1 elements. The 5' regions upstream of the EndoA, EndoB and Ck8 genes contain homologous sequences surrounding the TATA boxes. In addition, a CpG dinucleotide cluster region was located around the first exon. This CpG cluster region was found to be hypomethylated in endodermal PYS-2 cells, retinoic acid-treated F9 cells, and F9 embryonal carcinoma cells, but hypermethylated in BALB/C 3T3 fibroblast cells that do not express EndoA. These findings may provide a clue to understanding the molecular mechanisms of EndoA gene expression.  相似文献   
Recent technological advances made in molecular biology and in vitro culture of human and other mammalian cells have led to broad medical and scientific acceptance of the feasibility of gene therapy for genetic diseases. Cancer might practically be one of the attractive targets for such therapy. For the treatment of cancer, it is important to manipulate the gene of interest such that it is expressed solely in cancer cells. We have developed a tissue-specific gene expression system, based on a tissue-specific promoter on a retroviral vector. A murine ecotropic retroviral vector was constructed in which the Escherichia coli beta-galactosidase gene served as a reporter; it was expressed under control of the albumin enhancer element and promoter. The tissue specificity of this vector was first assessed in vitro, and beta-galactosidase activity was detected exclusively in hepatoma cell lines. This recombinant retrovirus was injected directly into a subcutaneous tumor composed of transplantable murine MH-134 hepatoma cells, and expression of the gene was observed in vivo. Then this recombinant retrovirus was injected via the spleen or directly into the liver, resulting in the gene expression in dividing hepatocytes in partially hepatectomized mice, but not in nondividing hepatocytes in normal mice. Gene transfer specific to dividing hepatocytes and expression by means of retroviral vectors should possess high potential for selective elimination of hepatoma cells surrounded by nondividing normal hepatocytes.  相似文献   
The inheritance of 15 enzymes, comprising at least 22 genetic loci, was investigated in crosses between sexual diploid individuals of Taraxacum sections Vulgaria and Mongolica. Patterns were consistent with simple Mendelian segregation. From the inheritance information isozyme phenotypes in agamospermous plants from natural populations were inferred. In some crosses part or all of the progeny originated from self-fertilization, sofar a very rare phenomenon in the sections Vulgaria and Mongolica. It is possible that the probability of self-fertilization increases after pollination by triploid pollen, affecting the cohabitation dynamics of the various ploidy components in mixed natural stands.  相似文献   
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