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Successful breeding of the giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) following artificial insemination was achieved at the Ueno Zoo in 2 consecutive years (1985 and 1986). The first cub, born in June 1985, unfortunately died 43 hours after birth from being crushed by the mother panda; the second cub, born in June 1986, has been growing in good health. Electroejaculation and artificial insemination procedures were performed after immobilization with diazepam (0.1 mg/kg) and ketamine HCL (4.0–5.0 mg/kg). Semen of the male panda was collected by electroejaculation using a rectal probe with a diameter of 2.0 cm and with eight rings as electrodes. Stimulation of the male was given with 3 V (30–40 mA) over a 5-sec period with 5-sec intervals. The female panda exhibited estrus between late February and early March in 1985 and also between mid-january and early February 1986. Increased excretion of urinary total estrogen showed coincidentally at maximum behavioral estrus, and a gradual rise of pregnanediol level was followed by artificial insemination. The gestational length for the first pregnancy was 110 days and that of the second 121 days.  相似文献   
Food preferences and nematode parasitism were studied in natural populations of mycophagousDrosophila in and near Sapporo, northern Japan. Species which preferred fresh mushrooms showed species-specific responses toPleurotus mushrooms:D. pirka bred only onPleurotus cornucopiae, D. trivitata onP. cornucopiae andP. ostreatus, D. trilineata on these twoPleurotus mushrooms and some other mushrooms, whileD. sexvittata bred on a wide variety of mushrooms but seldom onPleurotus mushrooms. Species which preferred decayed mushrooms (D. quadrivittata, D. histrioides, D. testacea and species of thequinaria species-group) showed host preferences different from those of the above species. The rate of parasitism by nematodes was generally higher in species which prefer decayed mushrooms than in species which prefer fresh mushrooms. Among species which prefer fresh mushrooms, onlyD. trilineata was parasitized frequently by nematodes. It was not clear what factors determine the rate of parasitism in these mycophagousDrosophila. D. pirka, D. trivittata andD. trilineata passed through three or four generations per year and entered reproductive diapause in early September in and near Sapporo. Bionomics of Drosophilidae (Diptera) in Hokkaido, IX.  相似文献   
High-performance liquid chromatography with a successive column-switching technique was developed for simultaneous determination of citalopram and its four metabolites in plasma. Plasma samples were injected directly, and the target compounds were purified and concentrated with an inexpensive commercial octadecyl guard column. Then, the six-port valve was switched, and the compounds retained in the column were eluted by the back-flush method using 20 mM phosphate buffer (pH 4.6)-acetonitrile (70:30, v/v) containing 0.1% diethylamine and separated with an ODS column. The compounds were assayed with a fluorescence detector at an excitation wavelength of 249 nm and an emission wavelength of 302 nm. At least 30 plasma samples could be treated with an octadecyl guard column. The limits of quantitation of this method were 2.0 ng/ml for citalopram, desmethylcitalopram, didesmethylcitalopram, citalopram propionic acid and citalopram N-oxide. This method was applied to a pharmacokinetic study in dogs and a toxicokinetic study in rats.  相似文献   
To sequence a DNA segment inserted into a cosmid vector underthe directed sequencing strategy, we established a simple andrapid method for generating nested deletions which uses thein vitro packaging system of bacteriophage T3 DNA. The principleis based on the previous finding that this system can translocateany linear double-stranded DNA up to 40 kb into the phage capsidin a time-dependent manner and the encapsulated DNA becomesDNase-resistant. For this purpose, we constructed a cosmid vectorthat carries two different antibiotic selection markers at bothsides of the multiple cloning site, and after insertion of aDNA segment, the clone was linearized by -terminase at the cossite. After the packaging reaction in vitro followed by DNasetreatment, the encapsulated DNA was introduced into Escherichiacoli cells to give clones with unidirectional deletions by differentialantibiotic selection. Restriction and sequence analyses of deletionclones demonstrated that an ordered set of clones with nesteddeletions, ranging from less than 1 kb to 25 kb, was createdfrom either the end of the DNA segment. Thus, nested deletionclones that cover the entire region of a 40-kb cosmid insertcan be obtained by a single packaging reaction, and its restrictionmap can be simultaneously obtained.  相似文献   
The role of the molybdenum cofactor (Mo cofactor) in the translocationof dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) reductase to the periplasmic spacewas studied in vivo by isolating chlorate-resistant mutantsof Rhodobacter sphaeroides f. sp. denitrificans. More than 50%of the chlorate-resistant mutants isolated were defective inthe biosynthesis of the Mo cofactor and all of these mutantsaccumulated the precursor form of the enzyme. About 45% of themutants contained the same level of Mo cofactor as the parentstrain and exhibited normal levels of DMSO reductase and nitratereductase activities when chlorate was absent from the medium,but the activities of these enzymes were depressed when chloratewas present. Much of the accumulated precursor form of the enzymein a Mo cofactor-deficient mutant was bound to the cytoplasmicmembrane and was sensitive to treatment with proteinase K fromthe periplasmic side of the membrane, an indication that theprecursor was exposed on the periplasmic surface of the membrane.The precursor accumulated on the membrane of the parent strainwhen molybdate was removed from the medium or upon additionof tungstate and this precursor was also sensitive to the treatmentwith proteinase K from the periplasmic side. These results suggestthat the Mo cofactor is necessary for proteolytic processingof the precursor to the mature enzyme on the periplasmic sideof the membrane, whereas binding of the precursor to the membraneand translocation across it can occur in the absence of thecofactor. Almost all of the Mo cofactor available for directreconstitution in vitro of nitrate reductase activity from thenit-l mutant of Neurospora crassa was present in the cytoplasmicfractions. (Received December 11, 1991; Accepted March 25, 1992)  相似文献   
 By monitoring 45Ca2+ influx and efflux from oocytes a transient increase followed by a transient decrease in the Ca2+-content of progesterone-treated oocytes was observed. Chelation of intracellular Ca2+ with EGTA or BAPTA-type buffers inhibited progesterone-induced GVBD. Buffers with a mid-range Kd (∼1.5 μm) were most effective in inhibiting GVBD whereas buffers with a Kd above or below this value were less effective. These observations indicate that intracellular Ca2+, probably in the form of a localized release, is required for progesterone-induced oocyte maturation. However, Ca2+ alone was insufficient to induce GVBD. When the effects of nocodazole and taxol upon this Ca2+-requirement were tested, we observed that taxol-induced microtubule polymerization not only delayed progesterone-induced GVBD but also completely inhibited it in combination with BAPTA-AM. Conversely, nocodazole-induced microtubule depolymerization in combination with ionophore A23187 not only accelerated progesterone-induced GVBD, but also induced GVBD in the absence of progesterone. The combined treatment of oocytes with nocodazole and InsP3, or with cold treatment and ionophore A23187 also induced GVBD in the absence of progesterone. Thus, Ca2+ and microtubule depolymerization synergistically promote GVBD. In both nocodazole- and cold-treated oocytes, the GV was displaced to the periphery of the oocyte and underwent GVBD when treated with A23187. However, when the GV was displaced to the cortex by a centrifugal force under conditions that would not cause microtubule depolymerization and the oocyte was treated with A23187, oocytes did not undergo GVBD. Received: 19 January 1996 / Accepted: 21 May 1996  相似文献   
The Nucleotide Sequence of Human Acylamino Acid-Releasing Enzyme   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The nucleotide sequence of a cDNA coding for the human acylaminoacid-releasing enzyme (AARE, also known as acylpeptide hydrolase)[EC] subunit has been determined. The amino acid sequenceof human AARE subunit deduced from its cDNA nucleotide sequenceshowed a high degree of identity (91.5%) with both the correspondingproteins from the pig and the rat. The AARE cDNA shows 99.2%identity with a 3.3 kb cDNA transcribed from a locus (DNF15S2)on the short arm of human chromosome 3, whose deletion is associatedwith small cell lung cancer, taking into consideration thatthe sequence of the 3.3-kb cDNA previously reported was causedby misreading.  相似文献   
Thirty-eight strains of 12Microsporum and 10Arthroderma (Nannizzia) species were investigated by analysis of mitochondrial DNA with 6 restriction enzymes, and classified into 13 genetic groups. The phylogenetic tree of the 13 groups thus established was constructed. On the tree,M. audouinii, M. langeronii, M. rivalieri, M. distortum, M. equinum, M. ferrugineum andA. otae comprise one genetic group and are suggested to be the same species.A. gypseum, A. fulvum, M. duboisii, M. ripariae, A. incurvatum, A. persicolor andA. obtusum are clustered on one of five boughs of the tree indicating their close relation.A. racemosum andA. cajetani are also closely related.  相似文献   
Transgenic rice plants (Oryza sativa cv. Nipponbare) carrying 1 or 2 copies of a rice homeobox gene, OSH1, under the control of the CaMV 35S promoter were generated. The transgene caused altered morphology of leaf, such as ligule-replacement and abnormal division of sclerenchyma cells. The phenotype of these leaves resembles that of maize leaf morphological mutant, Knotted 1, which is caused by duplication of the KN1 gene (Veit et al., 1990). The in situ hybridization analysis has revealed that the expression of endogenous OSH1 is mainly localized in developing vascular strands of stem. We have discussed the biological roles of OSH1 in rice based on these results.  相似文献   
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