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The spatial distribution of phytochrome (PHY1) mRNA in the fernAdiantum was investigated by in situ hybridization. PHY1 mRNAsare expressed predominantly in the abaxial rather than the adaxialpart of the petiole of leaf croziers. Moreover, the signalsin light-grown croziers are predominantly nuclear in locationrather than cyto-plasmic. 4Present address: Department of Biology, Yale University, 165Prospect Street, New Haven, CT06520-8104, U.S.A.  相似文献   
The introduction of unrelated conspecifics into captive groups of primate species is desirable to inhibit inbreeding. However, for many species, such groups increasingly represent highly inbred isolate populations that are analogous to regionally isolated populations of the same species among whom the effects of outcrossing on fitness are unknown. A study of potentially adverse effects of cross-breeding between regionally isolated populations of rhesus macaques was conducted to assess the maximum advantage or disadvantage to be expected for cross-breeding such populations of other cercopithecoid primates. For this purpose, the infant weights and rates of growth of hybrid Chinese/Indian rhesus macaques were compared to those of their nonhybrid Indian peers and to those of consanguineously inbred Indian rhesus macaques from several other captive breeding groups. Neither adverse nor advantageous effects of such hybridization were detected, suggesting that outcrossing between isolates of other cercopithecoid primates with a similar social structure and mating pattern should not affect the fitness of resulting offspring. Since levels of inbreeding are roughly inversely proportional to levels of genetic diversity within populations, such outcrossing should be intensified by zoos and other captive breeding centers to ensure the continued survival of captive species, especially those that are endangered or otherwise irreplaceable.  相似文献   
We succeeded in isolating Chlamydia pneumoniae organisms continuously from a 70-year-old man who had received chemotherapeutic treatment with low dosages of erythromycin for five years to improve diffuse panbronchiolitis (DPB). He had two episodes of acute exacerbation of DPB and a total of six strains of C. pneumoniae were isolated at different stages during the past 13 months. The morphological properties and protein profiles of the elementary bodies of all the C. pneumoniae isolates were similar to each other. Interestingly, his serological response against C. pneumoniae in immunoblotting tests was differed between two episodes. The sera collected during the first episode reacted weakly to the major outer membrane protein (MOMP), whereas those collected during the second episode reacted strongly to the 60-kDa protein and weakly to MOMP. These facts suggest that the two different episodes occurred as a result of different mechanisms. Additionally, in spite of the low antibody titer by micro-immunofluorescence test in the second episode as compared with that of the first episode, the immune response against 60-kDa immunodominant protein increased markedly in the second episode, and we suspect that the second episode was due to an allergic reaction caused by this 60-kDa protein. These findings suggest that repeated or prolonged exposure to C. pneumoniae may be associated with acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and that the patient should be noted as a possible source of C. pneumoniae infection.  相似文献   
Ecologically specialized species may be more susceptible to anthropogenic impacts than generalist species. Japan’s native bitterlings (subfamily Acheilognathinae), which are specialized to spawn on the gills of certain freshwater mussels, have been declining dramatically during the last few decades. To identify factors affecting the local occurrence of the threatened bitterling species Tanakia lanceolata, we measured its presence and absence, along with several environmental factors, at 68 sites within agricultural canal networks in the Lake Mikata basin, Fukui Prefecture, Japan. Based on the theoretical information approach of Akaike’s information criterion, generalized linear mixed models were constructed. These revealed that the species’ occurrence is strongly affected by five major factors: the presence of freshwater mussels Anodonta sp., water depth, floating plants coverage, the presence of bullfrogs, and submerged plants coverage. The probability of the presence of T. lanceolata was higher at shallower sites with lower floating plants coverage, located within channels containing mussel beds. These results suggest that mussel-containing channel systems are high-priority conservation zones for T. lanceolata.  相似文献   
Photoorientation of chloroplasts mediated by phytochrome and blue light-absorbing pigment in protonemal cells of the fernAdiantum was studied by use of inhibitors of the cytoskeleton and was analyzed with a video-tracking system. The photoorientation responses were inhibited by cytochalasin B and by N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) but not by colchicine, suggesting that the photomovement depends on the actomyosin system. In the dark, chloroplasts moved randomly, being independent of one another. After induction of photoorientation by polarized red light, most chloroplasts that had been located at the margin of cells moved almost perpendicularly to the cell axis toward the site of photoorientation. This type of movement was hardly ever observed in the dark. Under polarized blue light, such specific movements were less evident but were still observed in the case of a few chloroplasts. After photoorientation was complete, chloroplasts still moved in random directions but their mobility was lower than that in the dark, indicating the presence of some anchoring mechanism. When EGTA was applied, photoorientation was inhibited but this inhibition was overcome by the addition of CaCl2. Video-tracking of chloroplasts in the dark revealed that the mobility of chloroplasts was higher in medium with EGTA than in medium with EGTA plus CaCl2 and that many of the chloroplasts moved jerkily in the medium with EGTA. This change in the nature of movements was also seen under polarized light, resulting in the disturbance of photoorientation. These results indicate that the inhibition of photoorientation at low concentrations of Ca2+ ions may be due to change in the nature of chloroplast movement.  相似文献   
Abstract Fusobacterium necrophorum haemolysin was cytotoxic for animal leukocytes. The most sensitive cells to the haemolysin were rabbit leukocytes, of which disruption of the cells and protoplastic extrusion were induced. The response was dose- and time-dependent, and was neutralised by antiserum. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that the haemolysin induced destruction of rabbit leukocytes, leaving membrane fragments.  相似文献   
Abstract. In villages of northern Guadalcanal in the Solomon Islands, where the predominant malaria vector is An.farauti No. 1 and An. puctulatus is also involved, malaria transmission rates were compared for three zones: (1) non-intervention: 438 people in seventeen villages; (2) residual DDT house-spraying two cycles per year: 644 people in thirty villages; (3) bednets impregnated with permethrin 0.5 g/m2 twice per year, used by 580 people in sixteen villages. Regular DDT spraying in zones 1 and 3 had been withdrawn 18 months previously. Malariological blood smear surveys of children aged 1-9 years in August 1986 to January 1987 showed a mean-baseline malaria parasite rate of 38% (32/84). By February 19 88 , 18 months after introduction of impregnated bednets, the Plasmodium falciparum infection rate in children was lowest in the zone using impregnated bednets (21% of 29), intermediate in the untreated zone (29% of 34) and highest in the DDT zone (46% of 53), but these differences were not statistically significant. P.vivax infection rates were 9–14%. Using ELISA tests for malaria circumsporozoite antigen in the vectors, overall positivity rates were 0.7% of 49 ,902 An.farauti and 2.54% of 118 An.punctulatus, comprising 228 P.falciparum and 124 P. vivax infections. In the study zones, vector positivity rates were 0.93% of 31 ,615 An.farauti in the untreated zone; 0.32% of 16, 883 An.farauti in the DDT zone; 0.07% of 1404 An.farauti and 2.54% of 118 An.puctulatus in the impregnated bednet zone. There was no significant correlation between malaria parasite rates in the vectors and the children. Entomological inoculation rates were consistently highest in the untreated zone (1.6–2.8 infective bites/night), intermediate in the DDT zone (0.8– 1.1/night) and significantly lowest in the bednet zone (0.03-0.23/night). Geometric mean densities of P.falciparum sporozoites were also significantly higher in the DDT zone (50% > 10,000 sporozoites/mosquito compared with 20% in untreated zone). The highest individual infection density was an estimated 52,080 sporozoites of P.falciparum in a specimen of An.punctulatus from the bednet zone. P.vivax sporozoite densities were not significantly different between zones, and both species of vector had similar mean sporozoite loads for both species of malaria. It is concluded that permethrin-impregnated mosquito nets exerted significantly more impact on vector infectivity and the inoculation rate than resulted from DDT spraying. Even so, the inoculation rate for people in the bednet zone remained at one infective bite every 4–32 days, an insufficient reduction to control malaria without additional countermeasures. Ineffectiveness of house-spraying and the limited impact of impregnated bednets are attributed to exophily and other behavioural aspects of An. farauti.  相似文献   
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