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Action spectra for the induction of apical swelling in red-light-grown single-celled protonemata of the fernAdiantum were determined by continuous irradiation with monochromatic light for 5 hr. The resultant action spectra showed a sharp peak at 480 nm with a broad plateau in the region of blue and near ultraviolet light. Wave-lengths longer than 520 nm had no effect. When the tips of filamentous protonemata were irriadiated with a narrow beam (20 μm in width) of blue light for 3 hr, apical swelling and apical growth inhibition obviously took place in all protonemata tested, while no significant effect was observed when any other regions than the tip were irradiated. Polarized blue light vibrating parallel with the developmental axis of protonemata induced apical swelling and also prevented apical growth as effectively as non-polarized light, but that vibrating in a normal direction was significantly less effective.  相似文献   
C3G, a human guanine nucleotide releasing protein for Ras protein, was mapped to human chromosome 9q34.3 by fluorescence in situ hybridization with Rbanded chromosomes. C3G was originally identified as one of the CRK-binding proteins, similar to c-ab1 (9q34.1). Our result suggests that the downstream factors of Crk are localized in close proximity on chromosome 9.  相似文献   
Polarotropism was induced inAdiantum (fern) protonemata grown under polarized red light by turning the electrical vector 45 or 70 degrees. One hour after the light treatment, tropic responses became apparent in many cells as a slight distortion of the apical dome. Changes in the position of the circumferentially-arranged cortical microtubule band (Mt-band) (Murataet al., 1987) and the arrangement of microfibrils around the subapical part of protonemata were investigated in relation to the polarotropic responses. Twenty minutes after turning the electrical vector, preceding the morphological change of cell shape, the Mt-band began to change its orientation from perpendicular to oblique to the initial growing axis. After 30 min, the Mt-band changed its orientation further under 45 degrees polarized light, but under light rotated 70 degrees, it began to disappear. In phototropic responses induced by local irradiation of a side of the subapical part of a protonema with a non-polarized red microbeam, the Mt-band on the irradiated side disappeared or became faint within 20 min, but neither disappearance nor a change of orientation of Mts occurred on the non-irradiated side. One hour after turning the electrical vector 45 degrees, in half of the cells tested, the innermost layer of microfibrils in the subapical part of the protonema changed its orientation from perpendicular to oblique to the growing axis, corresponding to the changes in the orientation of the Mt-band. After 2 hr, those changes were obvious in all cells examined. The same basic results on the orientation of microfibrils were obtained with protonemata cultured for 2 hr under 70 degrees polarized light. The role of the Mt-band in tropic responses is discussed.  相似文献   
Protoplasts were successfully isolated for the first time fromthe filamentous protonemal cells of ferns after the cells werecultured in contact with both air and medium. Sterilized sporesof Adiantum capillus-veneris and Pteris vittata were inoculatedon a piece of nylon mesh (40- {diaeresis}m mesh) placed on amat of polyester fibers which was soaked in liquid culture medium,and the spores were illuminated from above with continuous redlight. Protonemal cells, exposed to the air during this procedure,could be stained with Calcofluor White, a dye that binds tocell walls. Protoplasts were easily isolated from these protonemalcells by digestion of the cell wall with cellulase and pectinase.A total of 0.8–1.9 x 104 and 0.6–2.0 x 104 protoplastswere obtained from protonemata that originated from 10 mg ofdry spores of Adiantum and of Pteris respectively. Viability,as judged by staining with fluorescein diacetate was more than90% for both species. Staining with 4'6-diamidino-2-phenylindole(DAPI) revealed that about half of the protoplasts of both speciescontained a nucleus. (Received May 22, 1989; Accepted September 5, 1989)  相似文献   
The plasticity of elongated nuclei with thread-like basal protrusions was investigated after centrifuging protonemal cells of the fernAdiantum capillus-veneris basipetally for 2 or 3 hr. The morphological recovery of the nuclei including the shortening process of the thread could directly be visualized by video microscopy of nuclei with bubble-like thread ends in centrifuged, living cells. The shortening proceeded in three phases: (1) the fast shortening of the part between the bubble and the nuclear apical main body (NAMB), (2) the slow shrinking of the bubble, (3) the entrance of the nucleolus into the NAMB. Although the thread shortening process was quite uniform, there were irregularities like reextension of the threads over short distances. The experimental system of elongated nuclei was used to probe the role of the cytoskeleton in the nuclear plasticity. Directly after basipetal centrifugation, thick strands of microfilaments (MFs) were found to be aligned with the nuclear threads, whereas microtubules (MTs) were not. In cytoskeleton-depolymerizing experiments, cytochalasin B caused a reduction of the shortening process, showing that the MF system in the cytoplasm is involved in the nuclear recovery. In non-centrifuged as well as in centrifuged cells, on the other hand, cytoplasmic streaming was efficiently inhibited by cytochalasin B, whereas it was not significantly affected by colchicine. The moderate effect of cytochalasin B on the thread shortening suggests that still other driving forces such as tension in the nuclear envelope and perhaps intranuclear forces are involved in the thread shortening mechanism.  相似文献   
Peroxidase (donor: H2O2 oxi-doreductase [EC]) was purified from the culture broth of the hyphomycete Arthromyces ramosus in the early log phase to show a single band on SDS-PAGE. The crystals of A. ramosus peroxidase (ARP) were formed by salting out with ammonium sulfate at room temperature and pH 7.5. The repeated seeding technique was employed to grow the crystals to the size large enough for X-ray diffraction study. The crystals were characterized as tetragonal, space group P42212, with unit cell dimensions of a = b = 74.5 Å, c = 117.6 Å. The asymmetric unit contains one molecule of peroxidase. They diffract X-rays to at least 2.0 Å resolution and are stable to X-rays. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Chronic inflammation involving constant generation of nitric oxide (NO) by macrophages has been recognized as a factor related to carcinogenesis. At the site of inflammation, nitrosatively deaminated DNA adducts such as 2′-deoxyinosine (dI) and 2′-deoxyxanthosine are primarily formed by NO and may be associated with the development of cancer. In this study, we explored the miscoding properties of the dI lesion generated by Y-family DNA polymerases (pols) using a new fluorescent method for analyzing translesion synthesis. An oligodeoxynucleotide containing a single dI lesion was used as a template in primer extension reaction catalyzed by human DNA pols to explore the miscoding potential of the dI adduct. Primer extension reaction catalyzed by pol α was slightly retarded prior to the dI adduct site; most of the primers were extended past the lesion. Pol η and pol κΔC (a truncated form of pol κ) readily bypassed the dI lesion. The fully extended products were analyzed by using two-phased PAGE to quantify the miscoding frequency and specificity occurring at the lesion site. All pols, that is, pol α, pol η, and pol κΔC, promoted preferential incorporation of 2′-deoxycytidine monophosphate (dCMP), the wrong base, opposite the dI lesion. Surprisingly, no incorporation of 2′-deoxythymidine monophosphate, the correct base, was observed opposite the lesion. Steady-state kinetic studies with pol α, pol η, and pol κΔC indicated that dCMP was preferentially incorporated opposite the dI lesion. These pols bypassed the lesion by incorporating dCMP opposite the lesion and extended past the lesion. These relative bypass frequencies past the dC:dI pair were at least 3 orders of magnitude higher than those for the dT:dI pair. Thus, the dI adduct is a highly miscoding lesion capable of generating A → G transition. This NO-induced adduct may play an important role in initiating inflammation-driven carcinogenesis.  相似文献   
Drosophila Myc is required for normal DREF gene expression   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
TAF-I, one of histone chaperones, consists of two subtypes, TAF-Iα and TAF-Iβ. The histone chaperone activity of TAF-I is regulated by dimer patterns of these subtypes. TAF-Iβ is expressed ubiquitously, while the expression level of TAF-Iα with less activity than TAF-Iβ differs among cell types. It is, therefore, assumed that the expression level of TAF-Iα in a cell is important for the TAF-I activity level. Here, we found that TAF-Iα and TAF-Iβ genes are under the control of distinct promoters. Reporter assays and gel shift assays demonstrated that Sp1 binds to three regions in the TAF-Iα promoter and two or all mutaions of the three Sp1 binding regions reduced the TAF-Iα promoter activity. ChIP assays demonstrated that Sp1 binds to the TAF-Iα promoter in vivo. Furthermore, the expression level of TAF-Iα mRNA was reduced by knockdown of Sp1 using siRNA method. These studies indicated that the TAF-Iα promoter is under the control of Sp1.  相似文献   
Heme oxygenase (HO) is a rate-limiting step of heme degradation, which catalyzes the conversion of heme into biliverdin, iron, and CO. HO has been characterized in micro-organisms, insects, plants, and mammals. The mammalian enzyme participates in adaptive and protective responses to oxidative stress and various inflammatory stimuli. The present study reports the use of RNA-interference (RNAi) to suppress HO in the multicellular eukaryote Drosophila. Eye imaginal disc-specific suppression of the Drosophila HO homolog (dHO) conferred serious abnormal eye morphology in adults. Deficiency of the dHO protein resulted in increased levels of iron and heme in larvae. The accumulation of iron was also observed in the compound eyes of dHO-knockdown adult flies. In parallel with the decrease of dHO, the expression of δ-aminolevulinic acid synthase, the first enzyme of the heme-biosynthetic pathway, in larvae was decreased markedly, suggesting that heme biosynthesis was totally suppressed by dHO-deficiency. The activation of caspase-3 occurred in eye imaginal discs of dHO-knockdown flies, indicating the occurrence of apoptosis in the discs. On the other hand, the overexpression of dHO resulted in a weak but significant rough eye phenotype in adults. Taken together, considering that dHO is not a stress-inducible protein, the expression of dHO can be tightly regulated at developmental stages and the relevant expression is necessary for the normal development of tissues in Drosophila.  相似文献   
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