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The effects of negatively charged phosphatidylserine-prepared membranes (PS) and neutral phosphatidylcholine-prepared membranes (PC) on the structure of wild-type and mutant bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor (BPTI) at neutral pH were investigated. The presence of PC did not have any effect on the protein structure while PS induced a non-native structure in three mutant BPTI proteins. However, the negatively charged membrane did not have any effect on wild-type BPTI. The findings revealed that (i) elimination of some disulphide bonds results in dramatic change in protein structure, and, (ii) that this biochemical interaction is surface-driven and electrostatic interactions may play a very strong role in influencing the fore-stated changes in protein structure. Of further interest were the results obtained from investigating the possible role of PS fluidity and concentration in altering mutant. When the value of Gibbs free-energy change of unfolding (DeltaG(U)) was positive, various non-native structures were formed in a concentration-dependent manner. However, when the value of DeltaG(U) was negative, only two types of non-native structures were formed: one with high beta structure content at low PS fluidity state, and the other with a high alpha-helical content at high PS fluidity state. Our study reveals how particular combinations of phospholipid:protein interactions can induce a protein conformation transition from a native to a non-native one at neutral pH, especially when the native structure is predestabilized by amino acid substitutions. This revelation may open up opportunities to explore alternative ways in which phospholipids may play a role in protein mis-folding and the related pathologies.  相似文献   
Factor VIII is activated and inactivated by plasmin by limited proteolysis. In our one-stage clotting assay, these plasmin-catalyzed reactions were inhibited by the addition of isolated factor VIII A2 subunits and by Glu-Gly-Arg-active-site modified factor IXa. SDS-PAGE analysis showed that an anti-A2 monoclonal antibody, recognizing the factor IXa-interactive site (residues 484-509), blocked the plasmin-catalyzed cleavage at Arg(336) and Arg(372) but not at Arg(740). Surface plasmon resonance-based assays and ELISA demonstrated that the A2 subunit bound to active-site modified anhydro-plasmin with high affinity (K(d): 21 nM). Both an anti-A2 monoclonal antibody and a peptide comprising of A2 residues 479-504 blocked A2 binding by approximately 80% and approximately 55%, respectively. Mutant A2 molecules where the basic residues in A2 were converted to alanine were evaluated for binding of anhydro-plasmin. Among the tested mutants, the R484A A2 mutant possessed approximately 250-fold lower affinity than the wild-type A2. The affinities of K377A, K466A, and R471A mutants were decreased by 10-20-fold. The inhibitory effect of R484A mutant on plasmin-catalyzed inactivation of factor VIIIa was approximately 20% of that of wild-type A2. In addition, the inactivation rate by plasmin of factor VIIIa reconstituted with R484A mutant was approximately 3-fold lower than that with wild-type A2. These findings demonstrate that Arg(484) plays a key role within the A2 plasmin-binding site, responsible for plasmin-catalyzed factor VIII(a) inactivation.  相似文献   
Structural instability of wild-type fibroblast growth factor (FGF)-1 and its dependence on exogenous heparin for optimal activity diminishes its potential utility as a therapeutic agent. Here we evaluated FGFC, an FGF1:FGF2 chimeric protein, for its receptor affinity, absolute heparin-dependence, stability and potential clinical applicability. Using BaF3 transfectants overexpressing each FGF receptor (FGFR) subtype, we found that, like FGF1, FGFC activates all of the FGFR subtypes (i.e., FGFR1c, FGFR1b, FGFR2c, FGFR2b, FGFR3c, FGFR3b and FGFR4) in the presence of heparin. Moreover, FGFC activates FGFRs even in the absence of heparin. FGFC stimulated keratinocytes proliferation much more strongly than FGF2, as would be expected from its ability to activate FGFR2b. FGFC showed greater structural stability, biological activity and resistance to trypsinization, and less loss in solution than FGF1 or FGF2. When FGFC was intraperitoneally administered to BALB/c mice prior to whole body gamma-irradiation, survival of small intestine crypts was significantly enhanced, as compared to control mice. These results suggest that FGFC could be useful in a variety of clinical applications, including promotion of wound healing and protection against radiation-induced damage.  相似文献   
Effect of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α (PPARα) agonists, WY-14,643 (WY) and/or clofibrate, on the leucine-induced phosphorylation of translational targets in C2C12 myoblasts was studied. C2C12 cells were treated with WY or clofibrate for 24 h prior to stimulation with leucine. Western blot analyses revealed that the leucine-induced phosphorylation of p70 S6 kinase (p70S6K), a key regulator of translation initiation, was significantly higher in WY-treated cells than in control and clofibrate-treated cells. Phosphorylation of extracellular-regulated kinase (ERK1/2) was higher in WY-treated cells. WY treatment also increased the leucine-induced phosphorylation of ribosomal protein S6 and eukaryotic initiation factor 4B. In contrast, eukaryotic elongation factor 2, a marker for peptide chain elongation process, was significantly activated (dephosphorylated) only in leucine-stimulated control cells. Pre-treatment of the cells with PD98059 (ERK1/2 kinase inhibitor) prevented the phosphorylation of ERK1/2 and decreased the leucine-induced phosphorylation of p70S6K. It is concluded that WY increased the leucine-induced phosphorylation of target proteins involving in translation initiation via ERK/p70S6K pathway, but impaired the signaling for elongation process, suggesting that p70S6K phosphorylation may be essential, but not sufficient for the activation of entire targets for protein translation in WY-treated cells.  相似文献   
In vitro models of sustained monomorphic ventricular tachycardia (MVT) are rare and do not usually show spiral reentry on the epicardium. We hypothesized that MVT is associated with the spiral wave in the endocardium and that this stable reentrant propagation is supported by a persistently elevated intracellular calcium (Ca(i)) transient at the core of the spiral wave. We performed dual optical mapping of transmembrane potential (V(m)) and Ca(i) dynamics of the right ventricular (RV) endocardium in Langendorff-perfused rabbit hearts (n = 12). Among 64 induced arrhythmias, 55% were sustained MVT (>10 min). Eighty percent of MVT showed stationary spiral waves (>10 cycles, cycle length: 128 +/- 14.6 ms) in the endocardial mapped region, anchoring to the anatomic discontinuities. No reentry activity was observed in the epicardium. During reentry, the amplitudes of V(m) and Ca(i) signals were higher in the periphery and gradually decreased toward the core. At the core, maximal V(m) and Ca(i) amplitudes were 42.95 +/- 5.89% and 43.95 +/- 9.46%, respectively, of the control (P < 0.001). However, the trough of the V(m) and Ca(i) signals at the core were higher than those in the periphery, indicating persistent V(m) and Ca(i) elevations during reentry. BAPTA-AM, a calcium chelator, significantly reduced the maximal Ca(i) transient amplitude and prevented sustained MVT and spiral wave formation in the mapped region. These findings indicate that endocardial spiral waves often anchor to anatomic discontinuities causing stable MVT in normal rabbit ventricles. The spiral core is characterized by diminished V(m) and Ca(i) amplitudes and persistent V(m) and Ca(i) elevations during reentry.  相似文献   
Genotoxicity is one of the important endpoints for risk assessment of environmental chemicals. Many short-term assays to evaluate genotoxicity have been developed and some of them are being used routinely. Although these assays can generally be completed within a short period, their throughput is not sufficient to assess the huge number of chemicals, which exist in our living environment without information on their safety. We have evaluated three commercially available in silico systems, i.e., DEREK, MultiCASE, and ADMEWorks, to assess chemical genotoxicity. We applied these systems to the 703 chemicals that had been evaluated by the Salmonella/microsome assay from CGX database published by Kirkland et al. [1]. We also applied these systems to the 206 existing chemicals in Japan that were recently evaluated using the Salmonella/microsome assay under GLP compliance (ECJ database). Sensitivity (the proportion of the positive in Salmonella/microsome assay correctly identified by the in silico system), specificity (the proportion of the negative in Salmonella/microsome assay correctly identified) and concordance (the proportion of correct identifications of the positive and the negative in Salmonella/microsome assay) were increased when we combined the three in silico systems to make a final decision in mutagenicity, and accordingly we concluded that in silico evaluation could be optimized by combining the evaluations from different systems. We also investigated whether there was any correlation between the Salmonella/microsome assay result and the molecular weight of the chemicals: high molecular weight (>3000) chemicals tended to give negative results. We propose a decision tree to assess chemical genotoxicity using a combination of the three in silico systems after pre-selection according to their molecular weight.  相似文献   
A novel screening system using a microchamber array chip was developed for construction of combinatorial nano-sized protein libraries in combination with yeast cell surface engineering. It is possible to place a single yeast cell into each microchamber, to observe its behavior, and to pick up the target cell. The microchamber array chip is referred to as a “yeast cell chip.” A single EGFP-displaying yeast cell could be detected, picked up by a micro-manipulator, and cultivated on agar medium. Furthermore, a catalytic reaction, the hydrolysis of fluorescein dioctanate, by a single yeast cell displaying Rhizopus oryzae lipase (ROL) was carried out in one microchamber. The ROL-encoding gene in a single ROL-displaying cell was amplified by PCR. These results demonstrate that this yeast cell chip in combination with cell surface engineering could be used as a tool in a high-throughput screening system not only for a single living cell and a whole-cell catalyst with a nano-sized protein cluster but also for modified nano-sized and functional protein molecules from protein libraries on the cell surface.  相似文献   
The objectives were to study the association between metabolic genes involved in alcohol metabolism (CYP2E1 RsaI, CYP2E1 DraI, ADH1C, NQO1) and alcohol consumption in a large sample of healthy controls. Healthy subjects were selected from the International Collaborative Study on Genetic Susceptibility to Environmental Carcinogens (GSEC). Subjects with information on both alcohol consumption and at least one of the studied polymorphisms were included in the analysis (n=2224). Information on the amount of alcohol consumption was available for a subset of subjects (n=844). None of the studied genes was significantly associated with drinking habits. A significant heterogeneity with age was observed when studying the association between CYP2E1 RsaI and alcohol drinking. CYP2E1 RsaI polymorphism was significantly associated with being a never drinker at older ages (odds ratio [OR] 2.4, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.2-4.8; at ages above 68 years), while the association was reversed at ages below 47 years (OR 0.5, 95% CI 0.2-1.4). For subjects with detailed information on alcohol intake, no association between alcohol quantity and polymorphisms in metabolic genes was observed; subjects carrying the NQO1 polymorphism tended to drink more than subjects carrying the wild-type alleles. Therefore, no significant association between CYP2E1 RsaI, CYP2E1 DraI, ADH1C, NQO1 polymorphisms and alcohol consumption was observed in healthy controls.  相似文献   
We studied the species composition and life history patterns of shelter‐building microlepidoptera on the willow Salix miyabeana in Hokkaido, northern Japan. We identified 23 microlepidopteran species across seven families that constructed leaf shelters. Species in Tortricidae and Pyralidae comprised approximately 90% of the total number of sampled shelter‐building microlepidoptera that reached adult eclosion in the laboratory. Seasonal changes in the density of leaf shelters showed two peaks: early June and mid‐August. In June, caterpillars of Gypsonoma bifasciata, Gypsonoma ephoropa, Acleris issikii and Saliciphage acharis were the principal shelter builders, while in August shelters were constructed primarily by caterpillars of Nephopterix adelphella, A. issikii and S. acharis. Approximately 90% of leaf shelters were constructed on the top portions of shoots, suggesting that most shelter‐building caterpillars prefer to build leaf shelters here.  相似文献   
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