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Morphological analysis of mitotic chromosomes is used to detect mutagenic chemical compounds and to estimate the dose of ionizing radiation to be administered. It has long been believed that chromosomal breaks are always associated with double-strand breaks (DSBs). We here provide compelling evidence against this canonical theory. We employed a genetic approach using two cell lines, chicken DT40 and human Nalm-6. We measured the number of chromosomal breaks induced by three replication-blocking agents (aphidicolin, 5-fluorouracil, and hydroxyurea) in DSB-repair-proficient wild-type cells and cells deficient in both homologous recombination and nonhomologous end-joining (the two major DSB-repair pathways). Exposure of cells to the three replication-blocking agents for at least two cell cycles resulted in comparable numbers of chromosomal breaks for RAD54−/−/KU70−/− DT40 clones and wild-type cells. Likewise, the numbers of chromosomal breaks induced in RAD54−/−/LIG4−/− Nalm-6 clones and wild-type cells were also comparable. These data indicate that the replication-blocking agents can cause chromosomal breaks unassociated with DSBs. In contrast with DSB-repair-deficient cells, chicken DT40 cells deficient in PIF1 or ATRIP, which molecules contribute to the completion of DNA replication, displayed higher numbers of mitotic chromosomal breaks induced by aphidicolin than did wild-type cells, suggesting that single-strand gaps left unreplicated may result in mitotic chromosomal breaks.  相似文献   
A number of specific, distinct neoplastic entities occur in the pediatric kidney, including Wilms’ tumor, clear cell sarcoma of the kidney (CCSK), congenital mesoblastic nephroma (CMN), rhabdoid tumor of the kidney (RTK), and the Ewing’s sarcoma family of tumors (ESFT). By employing DNA methylation profiling using Illumina Infinium HumanMethylation27, we analyzed the epigenetic characteristics of the sarcomas including CCSK, RTK, and ESFT in comparison with those of the non-neoplastic kidney (NK), and these tumors exhibited distinct DNA methylation profiles in a tumor-type-specific manner. CCSK is the most frequently hypermethylated, but least frequently hypomethylated, at CpG sites among these sarcomas, and exhibited 490 hypermethylated and 46 hypomethylated CpG sites in compared with NK. We further validated the results by MassARRAY, and revealed that a combination of four genes was sufficient for the DNA methylation profile-based differentiation of these tumors by clustering analysis. Furthermore, THBS1 CpG sites were found to be specifically hypermethylated in CCSK and, thus, the DNA methylation status of these THBS1 sites alone was sufficient for the distinction of CCSK from other pediatric renal tumors, including Wilms’ tumor and CMN. Moreover, combined bisulfite restriction analysis could be applied for the detection of hypermethylation of a THBS1 CpG site. Besides the biological significance in the pathogenesis, the DNA methylation profile should be useful for the differential diagnosis of pediatric renal tumors.  相似文献   
In order to develop orally active pure antiestrogens, we incorporated the carboxy-containing side chains into the 7alpha-position of the steroid scaffold and found that 17-keto derivative CH4893237 (12b) functioned as a pure antiestrogen with its oral activity much superior to clinically used pure antiestrogen, ICI182,780. Results from the pharmacokinetic evaluation indicated that the potent antiestrogen activity at oral dosing in mice attributed to both improved absorption from the intestinal wall and metabolic stability in liver.  相似文献   
In cardiac myocytes, the effect of alpha1-adrenergic stimulation on L-type Ca current remains to be clarified. We examined this issue by the transient coexpression of alpha1-adrenoceptors on BHKC12 cells, where recombinant Ca channels composed of cardiac alpha1 subunit and skeletal beta, gamma, alpha2/delta subunits were stably expressed. After transfection of plasmid DNA encoding bovine alpha1C-adrenoceptors, bath-applied phenylephrine potentiated the cloned Ca channel current during perforated-patch whole-cell recording by 26+/-6% in 6 out of 12 cells. The potentiation was elicited also by methoxamine, and was blocked by prazosin. Phenylephrine also increased the channel open probability during cell-attached single channel recording in 7 out of 15 cells. The ratio of successful modulation of Ca channels was in accordance with the ratio of successful expression of alpha1-adrenoceptors, as estimated by beta-galactosidase staining. These results suggest that the stimulation of alpha1C-adrenoceptors is linked to potentiation of cardiac L-type Ca current. BHK cells provide a valuable expression system to study the modulation of Ca channels evoked by a receptor stimulation.  相似文献   
The expression of the coat protein gene requires RNA-mediated trans-activation of subgenomic RNA synthesis in Red clover necrotic mosaic virus (RCNMV), the genome of which consists of two positive-strand RNAs, RNA1 and RNA2. The trans-acting RNA element required for subgenomic RNA synthesis from RNA1 has been mapped previously to the protein-coding region of RNA2, whereas RNA2 is not required for the replication of RNA1. In this study, we investigated the roles of the protein-coding region in RNA2 replication by analyzing the replication competence of RNA2 mutants containing deletions or nucleotide substitutions. Our results indicate that the same stem-loop structure (SL2) that functions as a trans-activator for RNA-mediated coat protein expression is critically required for the replication of RNA2 itself. Interestingly, however, disruption of the RNA-RNA interaction by nucleotide substitutions in the region of RNA1 corresponding to the SL2 loop of RNA2 does not affect RNA2 replication, indicating that the RNA-RNA interaction is not required for RNA2 replication. Further mutational analysis showed that, in addition to the stem-loop structure itself, nucleotide sequences in the stem and in the loop of SL2 are important for the replication of RNA2. These findings suggest that the structure and nucleotide sequence of SL2 in RNA2 play multiple roles in the virus life cycle.  相似文献   
A genomic clone bank of Acetobacter polyoxogenes NBI1028 constructed in Escherichia coli by use of the expression vector pUC18 was screened with antibody raised against membrane-bound aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH; 75 kilodaltons [kDa]) from A. polyoxogenes NBI1028. A clone that synthesized a 41-kDa protein cross-reactive with anti-ALDH antibody was isolated. For cloning of the full-length ALDH structural gene, a cosmid gene bank was screened by Southern blot hybridization with the cloned DNA as a probe, and subcloning from the positive cosmid clone was performed with shuttle vector pMV24. Plasmid pAL25, containing the full-length ALDH structural gene, was isolated and expressed in both E. coli and Acetobacter aceti to produce a fused protein (78 kDa) with a short NH2-terminal β-galactosidase peptide. pAL25 conferred ALDH production on a mutant of A. aceti lacking the enzyme activity. Transformation of A. aceti subsp. xylinum NBI2099 with pAL25 caused 2- and 1.4-fold increases in the production rate and in the maximum concentration of acetic acid in submerged fermentation, respectively.  相似文献   
CAPRICE (CPC), a small, R3-type Myb-like protein, is a positive regulator of root hair development in Arabidopsis. Cell-to-cell movement of CPC is important for the differentiation of epidermal cells into trichoblasts (root hair cells). CPC is transported from atrichoblasts (hairless cells), where it is expressed, to trichoblasts, and generally accumulates in their nuclei. Using truncated versions of CPC fused to GFP, we identified a signal domain that is necessary and sufficient for CPC cell-to-cell movement. This domain includes the N-terminal region and a part of the Myb domain. Amino acid substitution experiments indicated that W76 and M78 in the Myb domain are critical for targeted transport, and that W76 is crucial for the nuclear accumulation of CPC:GFP. To evaluate the tissue-specificity of CPC movement, CPC:GFP was expressed in the stele using the SHR promoter and in trichoblasts using the EGL3 promoter. CPC:GFP was able to move from trichoblasts to atrichoblasts but could not exit from the stele, suggesting the involvement of tissue-specific regulatory factors in the intercellular movement of CPC. Analyses with a secretion inhibitor, Brefeldin A, and with an rhd3 mutant defective in the secretion process in root epidermis suggested that intercellular CPC movement is mediated through plasmodesmata. Furthermore, the fusion of CPC to tandem-GFPs defined the capability of CPC to increase the size exclusion limit of plasmodesmata.  相似文献   
Osteogenesis in the teleost was morphologically observed using regenerating scales of goldfish. Histological observations indicated that osteoblasts around the regenerating scales on days 7 to 10 were greater in size and number than those at other stages. Therefore, further experiments were carried out to examine the activity of osteoblasts in the regenerating period. To quantify their osteoblastic activities, scales on the left side of the body were taken, and the regenerating scales were then used to measure the activities of alkaline phosphatase (ALP), a marker of osteoblasts, on days 7, 10, and 15. The ontogenic scales on the right side of the body were also collected and used to measure ALP activity on the same days. Osteoblasts at all stages of regenerating scales were more active than those in the remaining ontogenic scales. The regenerating scales on day 10 had the highest activity. Furthermore, we found that estrogen receptor (ER) mRNA was expressed in the regenerating scales because estrogen participates in osteoblastic growth and differentiation in mammals. Therefore, using a scale culture system reported previously, the estrogenic response was examined in the ontogenic and regenerating scales on day 10. The reactivity was much higher in regenerating scales, although estrogen treatment significantly activated the osteoblastic activities in both scales. We are the first to demonstrate that ER is expressed in regenerating scales and that estrogen participates in osteogenesis as it does in mammalian bone. Our findings strongly suggest that regenerating scales can be used as a model of osteogenesis in vertebrates.  相似文献   
The genes in Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens that encode the enzymes involved in butyrate production were sequenced. In a type I strain (ATCC 19171(T)), the genes coding for the enzymes that catalyze the conversion from acetyl-CoA to butyryl-CoA, thl (thiolase), crt (crotonase), hbd (beta-hydroxybutyryl-CoA dehydrogenase), bcd (butyryl-CoA dehydrogenase), etfB (electron transfer flavoprotein [ETF]-beta), and etfA (ETF-alpha), were found to be clustered and arranged in this order. A type II strain (ATCC 51255) had the same clustered genes with the same arrangement, except that crt was not present in the clustered genes. The deduced amino acid sequences of these enzymes did not greatly differ between the two strains, and even between B. fibrisolvens and clostridia. Amino acid identity appeared to be higher within the same type than between types I and II. The clustered genes were shown to be cotranscribed, and constitutively transcribed without being affected significantly by culture conditions.  相似文献   
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