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It has been demonstrated that the carboxyl terminus of microbodyenzymes functions as a targeting signal to microbodies in higherplants. We have examined an ability of 24 carboxy-terminal aminoacid sequences to facilitate the transport of a cytosolic passengerprotein, ß-glucuroni-dase, into microbodies in greencotyledonary cells of trans-genic Arabidopsis. Immunoelectronmicroscopic analysis revealed that carboxy-terminal tripeptidesequences of the form [C/A/S/P]-[K/R]-[I/L/M] function as amicrobody-targeting signal, although tripeptides with prolineat the first amino acid position and isoleucine at the carboxylterminus show weak targeting efficiencies. All known micro-bodyenzymes that are synthesized in a form similar in size to themature molecule, except catalase, contain one of these tripeptidesequences at their carboxyl terminus. (Received April 14, 1997; Accepted April 8, 1997)  相似文献   
Purification of Protein Body-I of Rice Seed and its Polypeptide Composition   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Protein body type one (PB-I) was isolated and purified fromdeveloping rice grain by a combination of sucrose density gradientcentrifugation and treatment with pepsin. SDS-PAGE analysisshowed that isolated PB-I contains several polypeptide groups,the largest having an apparent molecular size of 13 kDa andtwo smaller ones of 10 kDa and 16 kDa. The 13-kDa group wasfound to be composed of two polypeptides of slightly differentmolecular sizes, 13a (larger component) and 13b (smaller component).Most of the 13a and 13b polypeptides were shown to be largelyprolamins, although there were also some salt- and alcohol-insolublepolypeptides with an apparent molecular size of 13 kDa. It wasconcluded that PB-I is the accumulation site of rice prolamin.It was further estimated that the protein amount in PB-I accountedfor about 20% of the total protein of rice endosperm. (Received March 20, 1987; Accepted September 8, 1987)  相似文献   
The paratypes of Trebius akajeii Shiino, 1954, originally collected from Dasyatis akajei (Müller & Henle) at Owase, Japan, and the paratypes and newly collected specimens of T. latifurcatus Wilson, 1921, previously collected from Urolophus and Myliobatis at Venice, California, are redescribed. New host records for T. latifurcatus are: Torpedo californica Ayres, Squatina californica Ayres, Rhinobatos productus (Ayres), Platyrhinoides triseriata (Jordan & Gilbert), Raja inornata (Jordan & Gilbert) and Gymnura marmorata (Cooper). A new species, Trebius heterodonti, is described from the horn shark Heterodontus francisci (Girard) collected from southern California waters. These three species of Trebius are apparently closely related to each other. Diagnostic characters of the species are provided along with a discussion on the taxonomic value of selected features.  相似文献   
What is information for living organisms? An answer to this question is given on a physical basis and a contrast between genetic information and sensory information is stressed with a relation to information theory. A simple model of an environment of living organisms is investigated on the basis of communication systems model proposed by the author and a cost of information transmission is taken into consideration through capacity cost theory. It is shown that channel capacity of information theory can be interpreted as an environment, and furthermore that a large diversity of genetic messages needs a large capacity of the environment. In addition, a definition of life in terms of information is proposed and a unified view on life processes is suggested.  相似文献   
Mating behaviour ofTokunagayusurika akamusi searching at the resting place (lakeside vegetation, although mating also occurs in the air by swarming) was investigated at the shore of Lake Biwa. Coinciding with the arrival of newly emerged adults, previously emerged males walked about to search for mates at the resting place. When a searching male came into contact with a fresh (newly emerged) individual, he attempted to copulate with it regardless of its sex. Consequently, males copulated with fresh females, which were more likely to be virgin at the resting place, suggesting that the first male might contribute best to the fertilization.  相似文献   
Sugar compositions of cell walls of dark-grown coleoptiles from12 barley strains, 11 of which were coleoptilar semi-dwarf strains,were analyzed on days 2 and 3 after germination. Major wallcomponents of the 12 strains were arabinose, xylose, and glucosein hemicellulose and cellulose; minor components were galactoseand mannose. The sugar content of each wall component per unit length wasnot correlated to any growth parameters calculated from a logisticequation simulating coleoptile growth, but the relative contentsof galactose and mannose in relation to the total wall sugarcontent was correlated to the growth rate on day 3 and the growthcontinuing period. These facts suggest that growth of these12 barley strains in the late growth stage is regulated by theminor wall components, galactose and mannose. 1 Dedicated to the late Professor Joji Ashida. (Received October 12, 1982; Accepted January 12, 1983)  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Feinstruktur der neurosekretorischen Nervenzellen des Nucleus praeopticus magnocellularis der Kröte (Bufo vulgaris formosus) und ihre Umgebung wurde untersucht.Die neurosekretorischen Zellen enthalten drei Arten von osmiophilen Gebilden: die neurosekretorischen Elementargranula, die neurosekretorischen Kügelchen und die Einschlußkörper.Die neurosekretorischen Elementargranula besitzen einen Durchmesser von 1000–3000 Å, durchschnittlich von 1300–1500 Å. Sie entstehen im Golgi-Apparat (Perikaryon) der betreffenden Zellen wie bei den schon beschriebenen anderen Tierarten.Die neurosekretorischen Kügelchen haben einen Durchmesser von 4000 Å bis zu mehreren . Sie kommen zuerst in den Ergastoplasmacisternen des Perikaryons vor und wandern dann innerhalb des Axons caudalwärts ab, ebenso wie die Elementargraunla, verlieren sich aber vor dem Erreichen der Neurohypophyse. Nach Lage und Gestalt entsprechen sie den Kolloidtropfen, die von vielen Lichtmikroskopikern für die neurosekretorischen Zellen niederer Vertebraten beschrieben wurden.Die Einschlußkörper treten vornehmlich im zentralen Bezirk des Perikaryons in Erscheinung. Sie sind so groß wie die Mitochondrien und besitzen verschiedene Innenstrukturen. Auf Grund der Struktur und der histochemischen Reaktion möchten wir diese Einschlußkörper den Lipofuscingranula mit saurer Phosphatase zuordnen.Die neurosekretorischen Nervenzellen schmiegen sich an den die Kapillare umgebenden Perivaskularraum unmittelbar an, innerhalb dessen die Basalmembran unvollkommen ausgebildet ist oder ganz fehlt.Stellenweise dehnt sich ein Abschnitt des Endothels durch den Perivaskularraum hindurch entlang der Außenfläche des Perivaskularraums aus, wobei sich die Endothelzellen der Kapillare und die neurosekretorischen Nervenzellen direkt berühren können. Eine poröse Bauweise des Endothels wurde nicht nachgewiesen. Zwischen den Ependymzellen des III. Ventrikels und den darunterliegenden neurosekretorischen Nervenzellen sind oftmals auffallend große Extrazellularräume zu beobachten, die durch den Spaltraum der benachbarten Ependymzellen mit dem Ventrikellumen kommunizieren. Sie enthalten mikrovilliartige Ausläufer der Ependymzellen und die geschilderten, neurosekretorische Bildungen führenden Axone. Eine Ausstoßung dieser Axone in den Ventrikel wurde nicht festgestellt.Diese Untersuchung wurde zum Teil mit finanzieller Unterstützung durch das Japanische Unterrichtsministerium im Jahre 1963 durchgeführt.Der kurze Inhalt dieser Arbeit wurde unter dem Thema 'Electron microscopic studies on the praeoptic nucleus in the toad am 5. und 6. September 1963 auf dem Kongreß für Endokrinologie in Gunma, Japan, vorgetragen.  相似文献   
Summary For serum-free primary culture of adult rat hepatocytes, a synthetic medium DM-160 and rat-tail collagen were selected for the basal medium and for the culture substratum, respectively. Barbiturates, such as phenobarbital and 1-ethyl-5-isobutylbarbiturate, efficiently supported survival of hepatocytes and maintained their morphologic features at lower concentrations under the serum-free conditions than under the serum-supplemented conditions. However, the hepatocyte survival rates under the serum-free conditions were lower than those under the serum-supplemented conditions in the presence or absence of barbiturates. Supplementation of the basal medium with a combination of five groups of factors (5Fs), such as eight amino acids (Ala, Arg, Gly, Ile, Met, Phe, Pro, and Trp), two unsaturated fatty acids (linoleate and oleate), a protease inhibitor (aprotinin), three vitamins (A, C, and E), and five trace elements (Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, and Se), improved the hepatocyte survival under the serum-free conditions in the presence or absence of barbiturates. In other words, the serum could be completely substituted by the 5Fs. Hepatocyte cultures maintained in the 5Fs-suppelemented basal medium showed excellent induction of tyrosine aminotransferase activity in response to dexamethasone in the presence or absence of barbiturates. The efficiency of the 5Fs-supplemented basal medium for maintaining hepatocytes was not inferior to those of other media in common use with hepatocytes, such as Williams' medium E and Waymouth's medium MB-752/1. In conclusion, maintenance of functional hepatocytes in serum-free primary culture could be improved by use of the new medium preparation (the 5Fs-supplemented DM-160) in the presence of barbiturates. This work was supported by a grant no. 61771923 from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of Japan.  相似文献   
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