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In stockbreeding, there are indications that behavioral traits of livestock have an effect on breeding and production. If the variation in individual behavior is related to that in neurotransmitter-related genes such as in humans, it would be possible to breed pedigrees composed of individuals having behavioral traits that are useful to production and breeding using selection based on genotypes. In this study, we investigated the exon I region of dopamine receptor D4 (DRD4), in which variation is related to psychiatric disorder in humans, in major poultry species namely Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica), chicken (Gallus gallus), ring-necked pheasant (Phasianus colchicus) and helmeted guinea fowl (Numida meleagris). Furthermore, we investigated Japanese cormorant (Phalacrocorax capillatus) and Japanese jungle crow (Corvus macrorhynchos) as an out-group. In these species of birds, the repeat of proline was identified in the region corresponding to the human polymorphic region. The repeat number was 9 in Japanese quail, ring-necked pheasant and Japanese cormorant; 12 in helmeted guinea fowl; and 3 in Japanese jungle crow. However, no polymorphism was found in these species. In contrast, polymorphism was observed in chicken and two alleles with 8 and 9 repeats were identified. Although 9 repeats (allele 9) were predominant in most chicken breeds, Black Minorca had only 8 repeats (allele 8). Intra-breed polymorphism was found in 6 out of 12 breeds, and two alleles (alleles 8 and 9) were detected in these breeds. This polymorphism, which is the first to be reported on a neurotransmitter-related gene in birds, would contribute significant information for elucidation of differences in behavioral traits in chicken breeds.  相似文献   
Solution properties of amphiphilic methoxy poly(ethylene oxide)-block-amyloses (MPEO-amyloses) in chloroform were investigated by SLS and DLS. The results indicated that MPEO-amyloses dissolved in chloroform containing 2 wt % DMSO by their self-associations. The complexation of MPEO-amylose with methyl orange (MO) was significantly enhanced in the amylose domain of the associate in chloroform. The blue shift of the maximum absorption and strong induced circular dichroism with exciton coupling were observed in the MPEO-amylose MO complex in chloroform. The self-assembly of MPEO-amylose in chloroform shows a unique feature for binding with MO. MPEO-block-amylose is a novel amphiphilic polymer with amylose as a molecular recognition site.  相似文献   
An assessment of the external and internal radiation exposure levels, which includes calculation of effective doses from chronic radiation exposure and assessment of long-term radiation-related health risks, has become mandatory for residents living near the nuclear power plant in Fukushima, Japan. Data for all primary and secondary children in Minamisoma who participated in both external and internal screening programs were employed to assess the annual additional effective dose acquired due to the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant disaster. In total, 881 children took part in both internal and external radiation exposure screening programs between 1st April 2012 to 31st March 2013. The level of additional effective doses ranged from 0.025 to 3.49 mSv/year with the median of 0.70 mSv/year. While 99.7% of the children (n = 878) were not detected with internal contamination, 90.3% of the additional effective doses was the result of external radiation exposure. This finding is relatively consistent with the doses estimated by the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR). The present study showed that the level of annual additional effective doses among children in Minamisoma has been low, even after the inter-individual differences were taken into account. The dose from internal radiation exposure was negligible presumably due to the success of contaminated food control.  相似文献   


The Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster caused a global panic by a release of harmful radionuclides. In a disaster setting, misusage of contemporary media sources available today can lead to disseminated incorrect information and panic. The study aims to build a scale which examines associations between media and individual anxieties, and to propose effective media usages for future disaster management.


The University of Tokyo collaborated with the Fukushima local government to conduct a radiation-health-seminar for a total of 1560 residents, at 12 different locations in Fukushima. A 13 item questionnaire collected once before and after a radiation-seminar was used on factor analysis to develop sub-scales for multiple regression models, to determine relationships between the sub-scales and media type consumed. A paired t–test was used to examine any changes in sub-scale of pre- and post-seminar scores.


Three sub-scales were revealed and were associated with different media types: was with rumors, while concern for the future was positively associated with regional-newspapers and negatively with national-newspapers. Anxiety about social-disruption was associated with radio. The seminar had a significant effect on anxiety reduction for all the three sub-scales.


Different media types were associated with various heightened concerns, and that a radiation seminar was helpful to reduce anxieties in the post-disaster setting. By tailoring post-disaster messages via specific media types, i.e., radio, it may be possible to effectively convey important information, as well as to calm fears about particular elements of post-disaster recovery and to combat rumors.  相似文献   
Bacillus subtilis 1A20 transformed with a hybrid plasmid, pNP150, to which a DNA fragment from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens F was attached, produced a large amount of a neutral protease. To identify the origin of the gene specifying this neutral protease, neutral proteases from B. amyloliquefaciens F, B. subtilis NP58 (a derivative of Marburg 6160), and B. subtilis 1A20 transformed with pNP150 were purified. We investigated their immunological properties and primary structures.

The proteases from these two species were indistinguishable by chromatography, but they were distinguishable from each other by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and double immunodiffusion. Amino acid sequencing of these two proteases by Edman degradation showed that there were four substitutions in the 20-residue amino acid sequence from the N-termini.

Neutral protease from the transformant had the same immunological characteristics and N-terminal amino acid sequence as that from B. amyloliquefaciens. These results meant that the gene in question was derived from a gene specifying the neutral protease in this bacterium.  相似文献   
Clostridium perfringens (C. perfringens) is a Gram-positive bacterial pathogen that widely propagets in the soil and the gastrointestinal tract of human and animals. This bacteria causes food poisoning, gas gangrene and other various range of infectious diseases. But there is no standard diagnosis method of C. perfringens. In order to develop a new type of immunoassay for clinical purpose, we studied expression and extracellular secretion of recombinant alpha-toxin having enzyme activity in E. coli expression system. Cloning was carried out after PCR amplification from C. perfringens GAI 94074 which was clinical isolate. Three kinds of fragment were cloned using pET100/D-TOPO vector. These fragments coded for ribosome binding site, signal peptide, and alpha-toxin gene respectively. Recombinant pET100 plasmid transformed into TOP 10 cells and the obtained plasmids were transformed into BL21 (DE3) cells. Then, the transformants were induced expression with IPTG. In conclusion, we successfully cloned, expressed and exteracellular secreted C. perfringens alpha-toxin containing signal peptide. Biologically, the obtained recombinant protein was positive for phospholipase C activity.  相似文献   
Mammalian Neu3 sialidases are involved in various biological processes, such as cell death and differentiation, through desialylation of gangliosides. The enzymatic profile of Neu3 seems to be highly conserved from birds to mammals. In fish, the functional properties of Neu3 sialidase are not clearly understood, with the partial exception of the zebrafish form. To cast further light on the molecular evolution of Neu3 sialidase, we identified the encoding genes in the medaka Oryzias latipes and investigated the properties of the enzyme. PCR amplification using medaka brain cDNA allowed identification of two novel medaka Neu3 genes, neu3a and neu3b. The YRIP, VGPG motif and Asp-Box, characteristic of consensus motifs of sialidases, were well conserved in the both medaka Neu3 sialidases. When each gene was transfected into HEK293 to allow cell lysates for the use of enzymatic characterization, two Neu3 sialidases showed strict substrate specificity toward gangliosides, similar to mammalian Neu3. The optimal pH values were at pH 4.2 and pH 4.0, respectively, and neu3b in particular showed a broad optimum. Immunofluorescence assays indicated neu3a localization at plasma membranes, while neu3b was found in cytosol. The tissue distribution of two genes was then investigated by estimation of mRNA expression and sialidase activity, both being dominantly expressed in the brain. In neu3a gene-transfected neuroblastoma cells, the enzyme was found to positively regulate retinoic acid-induced differentiation with the elongation of axon length. On the other hand, neu3b did not affect neurite formation. These results and phylogenetic analysis suggested that the medaka neu3a is an evolutionally conserved sialidase with regard to enzymatic properties, whereas neu3b is likely to have originally evolved in medaka.  相似文献   
Hydrogenobacter thermophilus strain TK-6 was observed to grow anaerobically on nitrate as an electron acceptor when molecular hydrogen was used as an energy source. Nitrite was detected as the product of a respiratory reaction. 15NO, 15N2O, and 15N2 were detected with Na15NO3 as an electron acceptor. Western immunoblot analysis showed that cell-free extracts from cells grown on nitrate reacted with antibodies against heme cd1-type nitrite reductase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The positive bands, which had molecular masses similar to that of the heme cd1-type nitrite reductase, were also stained by heme staining. These results indicate that nitrite reductase of strain TK-6 is a heme cd1-type enzyme. Activity of ATP:citrate lyase, one of the key enzymes of the reductive TCA cycle, was detected in cell-free extract of cells cultivated on nitrate, which indicates that the cycle operates during anaerobic growth.  相似文献   
Wound healing and tissue regeneration are usually initiated by coagulation followed by fibrous tissue formation. In the present study, we discovered an abundance of connective tissue growth factor (CTGF/CCN2) in human platelets, which was released along with the coagulation process. The CTGF/CCN2 content in platelets was 10-fold higher than that in arterial tissue. Furthermore, the CTGF/CCN2 content in a single platelet was computed to be more than 20-fold higher than that of any other growth factor reported. Considering that CTGF/CCN2 promotes angiogenesis, cartilage regeneration, fibrosis and platelet adhesion, it may be now regarded as one of the major functional components of platelets.  相似文献   
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