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Primitive eukaryotes like Caenorhabditis elegans produce mRNAs capped with either m(7)GTP or m(3)(2,2,7)GTP. Caenorhabditis elegans also expresses five isoforms of the cap-binding protein eIF4E. Some isoforms (e.g. IFE-3) bind to m(7)GTP-Sepharose exclusively, whereas others (e.g. IFE-5) bind to both m(7)GTP- and m(3)(2,2,7)GTP-Sepharose. To examine specificity differences, we devised molecular models of the tertiary structures of IFE-3 and IFE-5, based on the known structure of mouse eIF4E-1. We then substituted amino acid sequences of IFE-5 with homologous sequences from IFE-3. As few as two changes (N64Y/V65L) converted the cap specificity of IFE-5 to essentially that of IFE-3. Molecular dynamics simulations suggested that the width and depth of the cap-binding cavity were larger in IFE-5 than in IFE-3 or the N64Y/V65L variant, supporting a model in which IFE-3 discriminates against m(3)(2,2,7)GTP by steric hindrance. Furthermore, the affinity of IFE-5 (but not IFE-3) for m(3)(2,2,7)GTP was reversibly increased when thiol reagents were removed. This was correlated with the formation of a disulfide bond between Cys-122 and Cys-126. Thus, translation of m(3)(2,2,7)GTP-capped mRNAs may be regulated by intracellular redox state.  相似文献   
Seasonal changes in the species composition, abundance and biomass of planktonic ciliates were determined every 2–3 weeks at two sites of 30 m depth and one location of 105 m depth in the southwestern Gdańsk Basin between January 1987 and January 1988. A total of 40 ciliate taxa were observed during this period. Autotrophic Mesodinium rubrum dominated ciliate abundance and biomass: maximal values of 50 · 10−1 ind. 1-1 and 65 μg C 1−1 were recorded. The annual mean biomass of M. rubrum comprised 6 to 9% of the annual mean phytoplankton biomass. The highest abundances and biomasses of heterotrophic ciliates were noted at all stations in the spring and summer in the euphotic zone with maximum values of 28 · 103 ind. 1−1 and 23 μg C 1−1. Three ciliates assemblages were distinguished in the epipelagic layer: large and medium-size non-predatory ciliates, achieving peak abundance in spring and autumn; small-size microphagous ciliates and epibiotic ciliates which were abundant in summer, and large-size predacious ciliates dominating in spring. Below 60 m, a separate deep-water ciliate community composed of Prorodon-like ciliates and Metacystis spp. was found. The ciliate biomass in the 60–105 m layer was similar to the ciliate biomass in the euphotic zone. The heterotrophic ciliate community contributed 10 to 13% to the annual mean zooplankton biomass. The potential annual production of M. rubrum comprised 6 to 9% of the total primary production. Carbon demand of non-predatory ciliates, calculated on the basis of their potential production, was estimated to be equivalent to 12–15% of the gross primary production.  相似文献   
Heat shock cognate 70 (HSC70/HSPA8) is considered to be a promising candidate gene for schizophrenia (SCZ) due to its many essential functions and potential neuroprotective properties in the CNS (e.g., HSC70 is involved in the turnover of the synaptic proteins, synaptic vesicle recycling, and neurotransmitter homeostasis). An alteration in the expression of HSPA8 in SCZ has been reported. This implies that the genetic variants of HSPA8 might contribute to schizophrenia pathogenesis. The present study attempted to determine whether HSPA8 polymorphisms are associated with a susceptibility to schizophrenia or whether they have an impact on the clinical parameters of the disease in a Polish population. A total of 1066 participants (406 patients and 660 controls) were recruited for the study. Five SNPs of the HSPA8 gene (rs2236659, rs1136141, rs10892958, rs1461496, and rs4936770) were genotyped using TaqMan assays. There were no differences in the allele or genotype distribution in any of the SNPs in the entire sample. We also did not find any HSPA8 haplotype-specific associations with SCZ. A gender stratification analysis revealed that an increasing risk of schizophrenia was associated with the rs1461496 genotype in females (OR: 1.68, p < 0.05) in the recessive model. In addition, we found novel associations between HSPA8 SNPs (rs1136141, rs1461496, and rs10892958) and the severity of the psychiatric symptoms as measured by the PANSS. Further studies with larger samples from various ethnic groups are necessary to confirm our findings. Furthermore, studies that explore the functional contribution of the HSPA8 variants to schizophrenia pathogenesis are also needed.  相似文献   
A series of platinum(II) complexes with 6,8-dimethylimidazo[1,5-a]-1,3,5-triazin-4(3H)-one (6,8-DiMe-4-O-IMT) (I) and 6,8-dimethyl-2-thioxo-2,3-dihydroimidazo[1,5-a]-1,3,5-triazin-4(1H)-one (6,8-DiMe-4-O-2-S-IMT) (II) of formula trans-[PtCl2(dmso)(6,8-DiMe-4-O-IMT)] (1a) and trans-[PtCl2(dmso)(6,8-DiMe-4-O-2-S-IMT)] (2a) have been prepared and characterized with 1H, 13C, 15N, 195Pt NMR and IR. Significant 15N NMR upfield coordination shifts (81-96 ppm) of N(7) atom indicate this nitrogen atom as a coordination site. The multinuclear NMR and IR spectra indicate the square planar geometry with N(7) bonded heterocycles, S-bonded dimethylsulfoxide and two trans chloride anions. The platinum(II) complexes were tested for their antiproliferative activity in vitro against the cells of four human cell lines: SW707 rectal adenocarcinoma, A549 non-small cell lung carcinoma, T47D breast cancer and HCV29T bladder cancer. The activity of (1a, 2a) was lower than that of cisplatin.  相似文献   
Nucleoside transporters (NT) facilitate the movement of nucleosides and nucleobases across cell membranes. NT-mediated transport is vital for the synthesis of nucleic acids in cells that lack de novo purine synthesis. Some nucleosides display biological activity and act as signalling molecules. For example, adenosine exerts a potent action on many physiological processes including vasodilatation, hormone and neurotransmitter release, platelet aggregation, and lipolysis. Therefore, carrier-mediated transport of this nucleoside plays an important role in modulating cell function, because the efficiency of the transport processes determines adenosine availability to its receptors or to metabolizing enzymes. Nucleoside transporters are also key elements in anticancer and antiviral therapy with the use of nucleoside analogues. Mammalian cells possess two major nucleoside transporter families: equilibrative (ENT) and concentrative (CNT) Na(+)-dependent ones. This review characterizes gene loci, substrate specificity, tissue distribution, membrane topology and structure of ENT and CNT proteins. Regulation of nucleoside transporters by various factors is also presented.  相似文献   
Mesenchymal stem cells derived from bone marrow or several fetal tissues can be expanded and differentiated into other cell lines. The fetal liver is the source of early hematopoietic cells and also, as a fetal tissue, may be considered as a source of pluripotent stem cells. The differentiation potential of fetal rat liver cells have been examined. Freshly isolated liver cells from 14-d fetuses were cultured in Dulbecco medium supplemented with 10% FCS. The plastic-adherent cells were then passaged up to 10 times. Freshly isolated cells and cells from every passage were cultured in hematopoiesis-promoting environment that consists of methylcelulose supplemented with FCS, rat IL-3, human IL-6 and Epo. Parallely these cells were incubated in co-culture with rat muscle satellite cells (Dulbecco medium with 10% FCS and 10% HS) to examine their myogenic potential. Culture in methylcelulose resulted in a high number of GM and Mix colonies in case of freshly isolated liver cells and the number of colonies decreased according to the number of passages. In case of cells from 4th passage, there ware no hematopoietic colonies in culture. In contrast--freshly isolated cells were not able to fuse with rat satellite cells and form the myotubes. This ability appeared in plastic-adherent cells just from the second passage and increases to 5th passage. The cells from every next passage up to 10th when co-cultured with satellite cells participated in myotube formation at the same high level. This result may suggest that in the 14-d rat liver there exist at least two subpopulations of cells: the non-adherent hematopoietic cell population, and the population of plastic-adherent cells capable of differentiating into myotubes. Since the attempts to redifferentiate hematopoietic subpopulation into myopoiesis, or myopoietic subpopulation into hematopoiesis failed, it may be concluded that at least under our experimental conditions the fetal liver cells do not reveal the "plasticity" features.  相似文献   
Mice carrying heterozygous mutations in the Sox10 gene display aganglionosis of the colon and represent a model for human Hirschsprung disease. Here, we show that the closely related Sox8 functions as a modifier gene for Sox10-dependent enteric nervous system defects as it increases both penetrance and severity of the defect in Sox10 heterozygous mice despite having no detectable influence on enteric nervous system development on its own. Sox8 exhibits an expression pattern very similar to Sox10 with occurrence in vagal and enteric neural crest cells and later confinement to enteric glia. Loss of Sox8 alleles in Sox10 heterozygous mice impaired colonization of the gut by enteric neural crest cells already at early times. Whereas proliferation, apoptosis, and neuronal differentiation were normal for enteric neural crest cells in the gut of mutant mice, apoptosis was dramatically increased in vagal neural crest cells outside the gut. The defects in enteric nervous system development of mice with Sox10 and Sox8 mutations are therefore likely caused by a reduction of the pool of undifferentiated vagal neural crest cells. Our study suggests that Sox8 and Sox10 are jointly required for the maintenance of these vagal neural crest stem cells.  相似文献   
We investigated the length polymorphism of the intergenic spacers lying between tRNA genes of Aeromonas spp. A total of 69 strains representing all known genomic species of Aeromonas were used in the study. tDNA-PCR patterns were examined by Dice coefficient (S(D)) and unweighted pair group method of clustering (UPGMA). The strains were allocated into 15 groups at a similarity level of 70%. The strains belonging to seven genomic species: A. hydrophila (HG 1), A. caviae (HG 4), A. sobria (HG 7), A. veronii (HG 8/10), A. encheleia (HG 16), A. popoffii (HG 17), and A. culicicola (HG 18) formed distinct clusters. Our study revealed a genetic heterogeneity of the following species: A. bestiarum, A. salmonicida, A. media, A. eucrenophila, A. jandaei, A. schubertii, and A. allosaccharophila.  相似文献   
Binding of mRNA 5' cap by the nuclear cap-binding complex (CBC) is crucial for a wide variety of mRNA metabolic events. The interaction involving the CBP20 subunit of CBC is mediated by numerous hydrogen bonds and by stacking of the tyrosine sidechains with two first bases of the capped mRNA. To examine a possible role of a longer mRNA chain in the CBC-cap recognition, we have synthesized an mRNA tetramer using a novel way of capping an RNA trimer and determined its affinity for CBC by fluorescence titration.  相似文献   
All eukaryotic mRNAs possess a 5'-cap (m(7)GpppN) that is recognized by a family of cap-binding proteins. These participate in various processes, such as RNA transport and stabilization, as well as in assembly of the translation initiation complex. The 5'-cap of trypanosomatids is complex; in addition to 7-methyl guanosine, it includes unique modifications on the first four transcribed nucleotides, and is thus denoted cap-4. Here we analyze a cap-binding protein of Leishmania, in an attempt to understand the structural features that promote its binding to this unusual cap. LeishIF4E-1, a homolog of eIF4E, contains the conserved cap-binding pocket, similar to its mouse counterpart. The mouse eIF4E has a higher K(as) for all cap analogs tested, as compared with LeishIF4E-1. However, whereas the mouse eIF4E shows a fivefold higher affinity for m(7)GTP than for a chemically synthesized cap-4 structure, LeishIF4E-1 shows similar affinities for both ligands. A sequence alignment shows that LeishIF4E-1 lacks the region that parallels the C terminus in the murine eIF4E. Truncation of this region in the mouse protein reduces the difference that is observed between its binding to m(7)GTP and cap-4, prior to this deletion. We hypothesize that variations in the structure of LeishIF4E-1, possibly also the absence of a region that is homologous to the C terminus of the mouse protein, promote its ability to interact with the cap-4 structure. LeishIF4E-1 is distributed in the cytoplasm, but its function is not clear yet, because it cannot substitute the mammalian eIF4E in a rabbit reticulocyte in vitro translation system.  相似文献   
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