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The protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii is equipped with a sophisticated secretory apparatus, including three distinct exocytic organelles, named micronemes, rhoptries, and dense granules. We have dissected the requirements for targeting the microneme protein MIC3, a key component of T. gondii infection. We have shown that MIC3 is processed in a post-Golgi compartment and that the MIC3 propeptide and epidermal growth factor (EGF) modules contain microneme-targeting information. The minimal requirement for microneme delivery is defined by the propeptide plus any one of the three EGF domains. We have demonstrated that the cleavage of the propeptide, the dimerization of MIC3, and the chitin binding-like sequence, which are crucial for host cell binding and virulence, are dispensable for proper targeting. Finally, we have shown that part of MIC3 is withheld in the secretory pathway in a cell cycle-dependent manner.  相似文献   
Testing competing measures of profitability for mobile resources   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Optimal diet theory often fails to predict a forager’s diet choice when prey are mobile. Because they escape or defend themselves, mobile prey are likely to increase the forager’s handling time, thereby decreasing its fitness gain rate. Many animals have been shown to select their prey so as to maximize either their fitness gain or their fitness gain rate. However, no study has yet compared directly these two measures of profitability by generating testable predictions about the choice of the forager. Under laboratory conditions, we compared these two measures of profitability, using the aphid parasitoid Aphidius colemani and its host, Myzus persicae. Fitness gain was calculated for parasitoids developing in each host instar by measuring life-history traits such as developmental time, sex ratio and fecundity. Fitness gain rate was estimated by dividing fitness gain by handling time, the time required to subdue the host. Fourth instar aphids provided the best fitness gain to parasitoids, whereas second instar aphids were the most profitable in terms of fitness gain rate. Host choice tests showed that A. colemani females preferred second instar hosts, suggesting that their decision maximizes fitness gain rate over fitness gain. Our results indicate that fitness gain rate is a reliable predictor of animal’s choice for foragers exploiting resources that impose additional time cost due to their mobility. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
Although fibroblasts play an essential part during the wound healing response, the mechanisms by which they mediate tissue remodelling and contraction are still unclear. Using live cell and matrix imaging within 3D free-floating fibroblast-populated collagen lattices as a model for tissue contraction, we compared the behaviour of a range of fibroblasts with low and high contraction abilities and analysed the effect of the broad spectrum MMP-inhibitor GM6001 on cell behaviour and matrix contraction. We identified two mechanisms underlying matrix contraction, one via direct cell-mediated contractile activity, the second through matrix degradation. These appear to be linked to cell morphology and regulated by the collagen concentration within the matrix. Cells with a rounded morphology proliferated in the matrix but did not remodel it efficiently, resulting in a poor ability to contract matrices. Cells with an elongated morphology showed higher levels of protrusive activity, leading to efficient matrix remodelling and contraction. GM6001 inhibited week-long matrix contraction to various extents with the different cell lines. However, quantitative analysis of the cell protrusive activity showed that GM6001 consistently decreased cell dynamics in 3D by about 20%, and this was correlated with a significant reduction in early matrix contraction. Overall our results suggest that although fibroblast-mediated matrix contraction depends on both cell dynamics and MMP-mediated matrix degradation, the efficiency of GM6001 treatment in preventing contraction might be linked to a direct effect on cell dynamics.  相似文献   
A rapid, selective, sensitive and reproducible liquid chromatographic method with tandem mass spectrometric detection has been developed and validated for the analysis of a new specific bradycardic agent, ivabradine (S 16257) and six potentially active metabolites in human plasma. Isolation of these compounds and of the internal standard was performed by an automated solid-phase extraction system using Oasis cartridges. Separation and detection of ivabradine and its metabolites were achieved using a C18 column and a MS–MS detector with a positive electrospray ionization source. Ivabradine and its metabolites gave a linear response ranging from 0.1 or 0.2 to 20 ng/ml and the limits of quantitation ranged from 0.1 to 0.2 ng/ml using a 0.5 ml plasma sample size. A complete validation demonstrated the method to be accurate, precise and specific for the simultaneous quantification of ivabradine and its metabolites in human plasma. The method was subsequently applied to the quantitative determination of ivabradine and its metabolites in human plasma samples from healthy volunteers participating in a clinical study to provide pharmacokinetic data.  相似文献   
Early vigour in wheat is a trait that has received attention for its benefits reducing evaporation from the soil surface early in the season. However, with the growth enhancement common to crops grown under elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations (e[CO2]), there is a risk that too much early growth might deplete soil water and lead to more severe terminal drought stress in environments where production relies on stored soil water content. If this is the case, the incorporation of such a trait in wheat breeding programmes might have unintended negative consequences in the future, especially in dry years. We used selected data from cultivars with proven expression of high and low early vigour from the Australian Grains Free Air CO2 Enrichment (AGFACE) facility, and complemented this analysis with simulation results from two crop growth models which differ in the modelling of leaf area development and crop water use. Grain yield responses to e[CO2] were lower in the high early vigour group compared to the low early vigour group, and although these differences were not significant, they were corroborated by simulation model results. However, the simulated lower response with high early vigour lines was not caused by an earlier or greater depletion of soil water under e[CO2] and the mechanisms responsible appear to be related to an earlier saturation of the radiation intercepted. Whether this is the case in the field needs to be further investigated. In addition, there was some evidence that the timing of the drought stress during crop growth influenced the effect of e[CO2] regardless of the early vigour trait. There is a need for FACE investigations of the value of traits for drought adaptation to be conducted under more severe drought conditions and variable timing of drought stress, a risky but necessary endeavour.  相似文献   
Nitrile hydratases (NHases) are industrially important iron- and cobalt-containing enzymes that are used in the large-scale synthesis of acrylamide. Heterologous expression of NHases has been complicated by the fact that other proteins (activators or metallochaperones) appear to be required to produce NHases in their catalytically active form. We report a novel heterologous system for the expression of catalytically active iron-containing NI1 NHase in Escherichia coli, involving coexpression with the E. coli GroES and GroEL chaperones. The purified recombinant enzyme was found to be highly similar to the enzyme purified from Comamonas testosteroni according to its spectroscopic features, catalytic properties with various substrates, and post-translational modifications. In addition, we report a rapid and convenient spectrophotometric method to monitor the activity of NI1 NHase during purification.  相似文献   
A wider range of Miscanthus varieties is required to develop Miscanthus clones that are suitable for bioenergy production. For this reason, breeding programs need to be initiated using knowledge regarding the genetic influence on floral biological traits. The objective of the present study was to characterize the genotypic variation in flowering and panicle architecture traits in Miscanthus by studying (i) the clone effect on these traits and (ii) the clone sensitivity to environmental conditions. The flowering traits characterized were date of panicle emergence, date of flowering onset, and interval between these two traits. The panicle architecture traits characterized were total panicle length, longest panicle raceme size, raceme number per panicle, floral density, and total flower number per panicle. Eight clones were studied in a greenhouse under four environmental conditions including two day lengths (an 8-h short day length and a natural day length) and two temperature treatments (warm and cool). Miscanthus clones showed large differences in flowering and panicle architecture traits. Moreover, day length appeared to be the most important environmental factor creating differential clone sensitivities for the panicle emergence and the onset of flowering in contrast to temperature factor for the total flower number per panicle. In addition, the behavior of the clone Sacc was in contrast with that of the other clones for most of the traits studied. This knowledge will be useful to optimize the synchronization of flowering between Miscanthus clones for more successful breeding programs.  相似文献   
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