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Glucagon-like peptide-2 (GLP-2) is a nutrient-dependent, proglucagon-derived gut hormone that shows promise for the treatment of short bowel syndrome (SBS). Our objective was to investigate how combination GLP-2 + enteral nutrients (EN) affects intestinal adaption in a rat model that mimics severe human SBS and requires parenteral nutrition (PN). Male Sprague-Dawley rats were assigned to one of five groups and maintained with PN for 18 days: total parenteral nutrition (TPN) alone, TPN + GLP-2 (100 μg·kg(-1)·day(-1)), PN + EN + GLP-2(7 days), PN + EN + GLP-2(18 days), and a nonsurgical oral reference group. Animals underwent massive distal bowel resection followed by jejunocolic anastomosis and placement of jugular catheters. Starting on postoperative day 4, rats in the EN groups were allowed ad libitum access to EN. Groups provided PN + EN + GLP-2 had their rate of PN reduced by 0.25 ml/day starting on postoperative day 6. Groups provided PN + EN + GLP-2 demonstrated significantly greater body weight gain with similar energy intake and a safe 80% reduction in PN compared with TPN ± GLP-2. Groups provided PN + EN + GLP-2 for 7 or 18 days showed similar body weight gain, residual jejunal length, and digestive capacity. Groups provided PN + EN + GLP-2 showed increased jejunal GLP-2 receptor (GLP-2R), insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I), and IGF-binding protein-5 (IGFBP-5) expression. Treatment with TPN + GLP-2 demonstrated increased jejunal expression of epidermal growth factor. Cessation of GLP-2 after 7 days with continued EN sustained the majority of intestinal adaption and significantly increased expression of colonic proglucagon compared with PN + EN + GLP-2 for 18 days, and increased plasma GLP-2 concentrations compared with TPN alone. In summary, EN potentiate the intestinotrophic actions of GLP-2 by improving body weight gain allowing for a safe 80% reduction in PN with increased jejunal expression of GLP-2R, IGF-I, and IGFBP-5 following distal bowel resection in the rat.  相似文献   
Insulin and growth hormone (GH) induce mitogenic and metabolic signals in cells, GH either directly or indirectly via IGF-I production. We have studied a spontaneous murine T-cell lymphoma (LB cells) devoid of IGF-1 receptors in which proliferation is maintained by insulin [Int. J. Cancer 50 (1992) 80], and show that GH is more potent than insulin, with both GH and insulin dose-response curves for thymidine incorporation being bell-shaped. Binding showed somatogenic rather than lactogenic GH receptors. Insulin stimulated phosphorylation of the insulin receptor and of a 160-kDa protein, identified as the IRS-4 protein. This phosphorylated IRS-4 associated with PI3-kinase, which was activated along with the downstream p70(S6) kinase, whereas the Ras-MAPK pathway was not. Using selective inhibitors, the PI3-kinase, but not p70(S6) kinase or MEK, was found to be involved in insulin-stimulated DNA synthesis. GH induced tyrosine phosphorylation of IRS-4 and nuclear translocation of STAT5. The LB cells constitute a new model for studying GH and insulin signalling without interference of IGF-1 receptors.  相似文献   
The 1H- and 13C-NMR parameters, chemical shifts and coupling constants, for the pentasaccharide of the genus-specific epitope of Chlamydia lipopolysaccharide and related di-, tri-, and tetra-saccharides have been measured and assigned completely using 1D and 2D techniques, and their structures have been confirmed. NOE experiments indicated the preferred conformation of the pentasaccharide and the component oligosaccharides. The 3JH,H demonstrate a change in conformation by rotation of the C-6-C-7 bond of the side chain of the (2----8)-linked Kdo (unit b) in alpha-Kdo-(2----8)-alpha-Kdo-(2----4)-alpha-Kdo-(2----6)-beta-GlcN-(1--- -6)- GlcNol, alpha-Kdo-(2----8)-alpha-Kdo-(2----4)-alpha-Kdo-(2----6)-beta-GlcNAc-(1- ---O)- allyl, and alpha-Kdo-(2----8)-alpha-Kdo-(2----4)-alpha-Kdo-(2----O)-allyl relative to that preferred in alpha-Kdo-(2----4)-alpha-Kdo-(2----6)-beta-GlcNAc-(1----O)-allyl, alpha-Kdo-(2----8)-alpha-Kdo-(2----O)-allyl, alpha-Kdo-(2----4)-alpha-Kdo-(2----O)-allyl, and alpha-Kdo-(2----6)-beta-GlcNAc-(1----O)-allyl, irrespective of the size of the aglycon, e.g., allyl or beta-D-GlcN residues. The conformational results have been substantiated by computer calculations using the HSEA approach.  相似文献   
The amount of arabinogalactan-protein in whole plant extracts can be quantified by single radial diffusion in agarose gels containing a dye known as the beta-glucosyl-Yariv reagent which specifically interacts with and precipitates arabinogalactan-proteins. The lower limit of quantification is 0.04 microgram of arabinogalactan-protein; gum arabic is used as a standard reference arabinogalactan-protein. In principle, this method can be adapted to measure levels of any dye-precipitating macromolecule; for example, acidic polysaccharides can be estimated by their binding to the cationic dye Alcian blue.  相似文献   
We developed a noninvasive rapid fluorimetric method for the investigation of growth of adhering (benthic) phototrophic microorganisms. The technique is based on the sensitive detection of the in vivo fluorescence of chlorophylls chlorophyll a and bacteriochlorophyll a and monitors increases in signal over time as an indicator for growth. The growth fluorimeter uses modulated excitation light of blue-light-emitting diodes and a photodiode as the detector. The light-emitting diodes are mounted geometrically in an aluminum housing for efficient and uniform illumination of the bottoms of the growth containers. The fluorimeter was characterized with respect to detection limit and dynamic range. This system is capable of resolving in vivo chlorophyll a concentrations of 0.5 (mu)g liter(sup-1) in cyanobacteria and 0.03 (mu)g liter(sup-1) in diatoms as well as in vivo bacteriochlorophyll a concentrations in phototrophic bacteria of 0.3 (mu)g liter(sup-1), which points to an extremely high sensitivity compared with that of similar available techniques. Thus, the new fluorimeter allows the determination of growth at extremely low cell densities. The instrument was used successfully to measure the growth of several adhering isolates of the filamentous cyanobacterium Microcoleus chthonoplastes from benthic microbial mats in seawater of different salinities. The data obtained demonstrate broad growth responses for all strains, which thus can be characterized as euryhaline organisms.  相似文献   
Release of PYY from pig intestinal mucosa; luminal and neural regulation   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
The localization, molecular nature and secretion of Peptide YY (PYY), a putative gut hormone belonging to the Pancreatic Polypeptide family of peptides, was studied in pigs. Immunoreactive PYY was identified in a population of endocrine cells in the mucosal epithelium of the pig ileum. Release of PYY was observed in isolated perfused pig ileum in response to luminal stimulation with glucose and vascular administration of the neuropeptide gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP). Electrical stimulation of the vagus nerve supply to the distal small intestine in intact anaesthetized pigs resulted in release of PYY into the circulation. Stimulation of the splanchnic nerves did not affect the basal release of PYY. PYY-immunoreactivity extracted from ileal tissue or released to plasma or perfusate from the ileum was indistinguishable from synthetic porcine PYY by gel filtration and reverse phase HPLC. It is concluded that the secretion of PYY in the pig ileum may be regulated not only by nutritional luminal factors, but also by postsynaptic parasympathetic nerves.  相似文献   
The tetramer is the most important form for acetylcholinesterase in physiological conditions, i.e., in the neuromuscular junction and the nervous system. It is important to study the diffusion of acetylcholine to the active sites of the tetrameric enzyme to understand the overall signal transduction process in these cellular components. Crystallographic studies revealed two different forms of tetramers, suggesting a flexible tetramer model for acetylcholinesterase. Using a recently developed finite element solver for the steady-state Smoluchowski equation, we have calculated the reaction rate for three mouse acetylcholinesterase tetramers using these two crystal structures and an intermediate structure as templates. Our results show that the reaction rates differ for different individual active sites in the compact tetramer crystal structure, and the rates are similar for different individual active sites in the other crystal structure and the intermediate structure. In the limit of zero salt, the reaction rates per active site for the tetramers are the same as that for the monomer, whereas at higher ionic strength, the rates per active site for the tetramers are approximately 67%-75% of the rate for the monomer. By analyzing the effect of electrostatic forces on ACh diffusion, we find that electrostatic forces play an even more important role for the tetramers than for the monomer. This study also shows that the finite element solver is well suited for solving the diffusion problem within complicated geometries.  相似文献   
Yersinia pestis spread throughout the Americas in the early 20th century, and it occurs predominantly as a single clone within this part of the world. However, within Eurasia and parts of Africa there is significant diversity among Y. pestis strains, which can be classified into different biovars (bv.) and/or subspecies (ssp.), with bv. orientalis/ssp. pestis most closely related to the American clone. To determine one aspect of the relatedness of these different Y. pestis isolates, the structure of the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) of four wild-type and one LPS-mutant Eurasian/African strains of Y. pestis was determined, evaluating effects of growth at mammalian (37 degrees C) or flea (25 degrees C) temperatures on the structure and composition of the core oligosaccharide and lipid A. In the wild-type clones of ssp. pestis, a single major core glycoform was synthesized at 37 degrees C whereas multiple core oligosaccharide glycoforms were produced at 25 degrees C. Structural differences occurred primarily in the terminal monosaccharides. Only tetraacyl lipid A was made at 37 degrees C, whereas at 25 degrees C additional pentaacyl and hexaacyl lipid A structures were produced. 4-Amino-4-deoxyarabinose levels in lipid A increased with lower growth temperatures or when bacteria were cultured in the presence of polymyxin B. In Y. pestis ssp. caucasica, the LPS core lacked D-glycero-D-manno-heptose and the content of 4-amino-4-deoxyarabinose showed no dependence on growth temperature, whereas the degree of acylation of the lipid A and the structure of the oligosaccharide core were temperature dependent. A spontaneous deep-rough LPS mutant strain possessed only a disaccharide core and a slightly variant lipid A. The diversity and differences in the structure of the Y. pestis LPS suggest important contributions of these variations to the pathogenesis of this organism, potentially related to innate and acquired immune recognition of Y. pestis and epidemiologic means to detect, classify, control and respond to Y. pestis infections.  相似文献   
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