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Geometries and energies of formation of bilirubin formed by reduction of biliverdin via three meso carbon sites, the , and positions, have been calculated using semiempirical methods. It has been shown that -bilirubin with a ridge-tile conformation forms six intramolecular hydrogen bonds and is the most stable of the three above mentioned positions by at least 22 kcal mol–1. Reduction pathways for -, - and -bilirubin formations from biliverdin are studied in detail. The roles of loss of conjugation and hydrogen bond formations in stability of different conformers have been discussed. -Bilirubin was fully optimized by using ab initio methods. Fine refinements of calculated results show excellent agreement with experimental results. Electronic supplementary material to this paper can be obtained by using the Springer LINK server located at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00894-002-0078-9.Electronic Supplementary Material available.  相似文献   
Human glutathione transferase A1-1 (GST A1-1) has a flexible C-terminal segment that forms a helix (alpha9) closing the active site upon binding of glutathione and a small electrophilic substrate such as 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (CDNB). In the absence of active-site ligands, the C-terminal segment is not fixed in one position and is not detectable in the crystal structure. A key residue in the alpha9-helix is Phe 220, which can interact with both the enzyme-bound glutathione and the second substrate, and possibly guide the reactants into the transition state. Mutation of Phe 220 into Ala and Thr was shown to reduce the catalytic efficiency of GST A1-1. The mutation of an additional residue, Phe 222, caused further decrease in activity. The presence of a viscosogen in the reaction medium decreased the kinetic parameters k(cat) and k(cat)/K(m) for the conjugation of CDNB catalyzed by wild-type GST A1-1, in agreement with the view that product release is rate limiting for the substrate-saturated enzyme. The mutations cause a decrease of the viscosity dependence of both kinetic parameters, indicating that the motion of the alpha9-helix is linked to catalysis in wild-type GST A1-1. The isomerization reaction with the alternative substrate Delta(5)-androstene-3,17-dione (AD) is affected in a similar manner by the viscosogens. The transition state energy of the isomerization reaction, like that of the CDNB conjugation, is lowered by Phe 220 as indicated by the effects of the mutations on k(cat)/K(m). The results demonstrate that Phe 220 and Phe 222, in the dynamic C-terminal segment, influence rate-determining steps in the catalytic mechanism of both the substitution and the isomerization reactions.  相似文献   
The interactions of caffeine and theophylline with divalent cadmium, mercury, strontium and barium ions were studied in aqueous solution and physiological pH. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and absorption spectra were used to determine the cation binding mode and association constants. Spectroscopic results showed that Cd(2+), Hg(2+), Sr(2+) and Ba(2+) bind strongly to caffeine and theophylline. Direct and indirect (through metal hydration shell) interactions were observed for caffeine and theophylline with Cd(2+), Hg(2+), Sr(2+) and Ba(2+) through O6 and N9 (caffeine) and O6, N9 and N7 atoms (theophylline). The overall binding constants are:k(Cd-caffeine) = 1.24 x 10(5) M(-1), k(Hg-caffeine) = 1.74 x 10(5) M(-1), k(Sr- caffeine) = 3.3 x 10(4) M(-1), k(Ba-caffeine) = 1.8 x 10(4) M(-1), k(Cd-theophylline) = 5.75 x 10(5) M(-1), k(Hg-theophylline) = 2.14 x 10(5) M(-1), k(Sr-theophylline) = 4.6 x 10(4) M(-1), k(Ba-theophylline) = 3 x 10(4) M(-1). These k values are evidence for weak and strong cation interactions in these metal complexes.  相似文献   
Layer-by-layer self-assembly of two polysaccharides, hyaluronan (HA) and chitosan (CH), was employed to engineer bioactive coatings for endovascular stents. A polyethyleneimine (PEI) primer layer was adsorbed on the metallic surface to initiate the sequential adsorption of the weak polyelectrolytes. The multilayer growth was monitored using a radiolabeled HA and shown to be linear as a function of the number of layers. The chemical structure, interfacial properties, and morphology of the self-assembled multilayer were investigated by time-of-flight secondary ions mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS), contact angle measurements, and atomic force microscopy (AFM), respectively. Multilayer-coated NiTi disks presented enhanced antifouling properties, compared to unmodified NiTi disks, as demonstrated by a decrease of platelet adhesion in an in vitro assay (38% reduction; p = 0.036). An ex vivo assay on a porcine model indicated that the coating did not prevent fouling by neutrophils. To assess whether the multilayers may be exploited as in situ drug delivery systems, the nitric-oxide-donor sodium nitroprusside (SNP) was incorporated within the multilayer. SNP-doped multilayers were shown to further reduce platelet adhesion, compared to standard multilayers (40% reduction). When NiTi wires coated with a multilayer containing a fluorescently labeled HA were placed in intimate contact with the vascular wall, the polysaccharide translocated on the porcine aortic samples, as shown by confocal microscopy observation of a treated artery. The enhanced thromboresistance of the self-assembled multilayer together with the antiinflammatory and wound healing properties of hyaluronan and chitosan are expected to reduce the neointimal hyperplasia associated with stent implantation.  相似文献   
To study the emergence of the major subfamilies of serine proteases during vertebrate evolution, we present here the primary structure of four serine proteases expressed in the spleen of a monotreme, the platypus, Ornithorhynchus anatinus. Partial cDNA clones for four serine proteases were isolated by a PCR-based strategy. This strategy is based on the high level of sequence identity between various members of the large gene family of trypsin-related serine proteases, over two highly conserved regions, those of the histidine and the serine of the catalytic triad. The partial cDNA clones were used to isolate full-length or almost full-length cDNA clones for three of these proteases from a platypus spleen cDNA library. By phylogenetic analysis, these three clones were identified as being the platypus homologues of human coagulation factor X, neutrophil elastase, and a protease distantly related to the T-cell granzymes. The remaining partial clone was found to represent a close homologue of human complement factor D (adipsin). The isolation of these four clones shows that several of the major subfamilies of serine proteases had evolved as separate subfamilies long before the radiation of the major mammalian lineages of today, the monotremes, the marsupials, and the placental mammals. Upon comparison of the corresponding proteases of monotremes and eutherian mammals, the coagulation and complement proteases were shown to display a higher degree of conservation compared to the hematopoietic proteases N-elastase and the T-cell granzymes. This latter finding indicates a higher evolutionary pressure to maintain specific functions in the complement and coagulation enzymes compared to many of the hematopoietic serine proteases.  相似文献   
Some plant species are capable of significant reduction of xylem embolism during recovery from drought despite stem water potential remains negative. However, the functional biology underlying this process is elusive. We subjected poplar trees to drought stress followed by a period of recovery. Water potential, hydraulic conductivity, gas exchange, xylem sap pH, and carbohydrate content in sap and woody stems were monitored in combination with an analysis of carbohydrate metabolism, enzyme activity, and expression of genes involved in sugar metabolic and transport pathways. Drought resulted in an alteration of differential partitioning between starch and soluble sugars. Upon stress, an increase in the starch degradation rate and the overexpression of sugar symporter genes promoted the efflux of disaccharides (mostly maltose and sucrose) to the apoplast. In turn, the efflux activity of the sugar‐proton cotransporters caused a drop in xylem pH. The newly acidic environment induced the activity of apoplastic invertases leading to the accumulation of monosaccharides in the apoplast, thus providing the main osmoticum necessary for recovery. During drought and recovery, a complex network of coordinated molecular and biochemical signals was activated at the interface between xylem and parenchyma cells that appeared to prime the xylem for hydraulic recovery.  相似文献   
Recent advances in wound healing have made cell therapy a potential approach for the treatment of various types of skin defects such as trauma, burns, scars and diabetic leg ulcers. Cultured keratinocytes have been applied to burn patients since 1981. Patients with acute and chronic wounds can be treated with autologous/allograft cultured keratinocytes. There are various methods for cultivation of epidermal keratinocytes used in cell therapy. One of the important properties of an efficient cell therapy is the preservation of epidermal stem cells. Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) are major regulatory cells involved in the acceleration of wound healing via induction of cell proliferation, angiogenesis and stimulating the release of paracrine signaling molecules. Considering the beneficial effects of MSCs on wound healing, the main aim of the present study is investigating paracrine effects of Adipose-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell (Ad-MSCs) on cultivation of keratinocytes with focusing on preservation of stem cells and their differentiation process. We further introduced a new approach for culturing isolated keratinocytes in vitro in order to generate epidermal keratinocyte sheets without using a feeder layer. To do so, Ad-MSC conditioned medium was applied as an alternative to commercial media for keratinocyte cultivation. In this study, the expression of several stem/progenitor cell (P63, K19 and K14) and differentition (K10, IVL and FLG) markers was examined using real time PCR on days 7, 14 and 21 of culture in keratinocytes in Ad-MSC conditioned medium. P63 and α6 integrin expression was also evaluated via flow cytometry. The results were compared with control group including keratinocytes cultured in EpiLife medium and our data indicated that this Ad-MSC conditioned medium is a good alternative for keratinocyte cultivation and producing epidermal sheets for therapeutic and clinical purposes. The reasons are the expression of stem cell and differentiation markers and overcoming the requirement for feeder layer which leads to a xenograft-free transplantation. Besides, this approach has low cost and is easier to perform. However, more in vitro and in vivo experiments as well as safety evaluation required before clinical applications.  相似文献   
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