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The Escherichia coli product of the suhB gene, SuhB, is an inositol monophosphatase (IMPase) that is best known as a suppressor of temperature-sensitive growth phenotypes in E. coli. To gain insights into these biological diverse effects, we determined the structure of the SuhB R184A mutant protein. The structure showed a dimer organization similar to other IMPases, but with an altered interface suggesting that the presence of Arg-184 in the wild-type protein could shift the monomer-dimer equilibrium toward monomer. In parallel, a gel shift assay showed that SuhB forms a tight complex with RNA polymerase (RNA pol) that inhibits the IMPase catalytic activity of SuhB. A variety of SuhB mutant proteins designed to stabilize the dimer interface did not show a clear correlation with the ability of a specific mutant protein to complement the DeltasuhB mutation when introduced extragenically despite being active IMPases. However, the loss of sensitivity to RNA pol binding, i.e. in G173V, R184I, and L96F/R184I, did correlate strongly with loss of complementation of DeltasuhB. Because residue 184 forms the core of the SuhB dimer, it is likely that the interaction with RNA polymerase requires monomeric SuhB. The exposure of specific residues facilitates the interaction of SuhB with RNA pol (or another target with a similar binding surface) and it is this heterodimer formation that is critical to the ability of SuhB to rescue temperature-sensitive phenotypes in E. coli.  相似文献   
Cartilage oligomeric matrix protein/thrombospondin 5 (COMP/TSP5) is a major component of the extracellular matrix (ECM) of the musculoskeletal system. Its importance is underscored by its association with several growth disorders. In this report, we investigated its interaction with aggrecan, a major component of cartilage ECM. We also tested a COMP/TSP5 mutant, designated MUT3 that accounts for 30% of human pseudoachondroplasia cases, to determine if the mutation affects function. Using a solid-phase binding assay, we have shown that COMP/TSP5 can bind aggrecan. This binding was decreased with MUT3, or when COMP/TSP5 was treated with EDTA, indicating the presence of a conformation-dependent aggrecan binding site. Soluble glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) partially inhibited binding, suggesting that the interaction was mediated in part through aggrecan GAG side chains. Using affinity co-electrophoresis, we showed that COMP/TSP5, in its calcium-replete conformation, bound to heparin, chondroitin sulfates, and heparan sulfate; this binding was reduced with EDTA treatment of COMP/TSP5. MUT3 showed weaker binding than calcium-repleted COMP/TSP5. Using recombinant COMP/TSP5 fragments, we found that the "signature domain" could bind to aggrecan, suggesting that this domain can mediate the interaction of COMP/TSP5 and aggrecan. In summary, our data indicate that COMP/TSP5 is an aggrecan-binding protein, and this interaction is regulated by the calcium-sensitive conformation of COMP/TSP5; interaction of COMP with aggrecan can be mediated through the GAG side chains on aggrecan and the "signature domain" of COMP/TSP5. Our results suggest that COMP/TSP5 may function to support matrix interactions in cartilage ECM.  相似文献   
Leptin, a potent anorexigenic hormone, is found in the anterior pituitary (AP). The aim of this study was to determine whether and how pituitary leptin-bearing cells are regulated by nutritional status. Male rats showed 64% reductions in pituitary leptin mRNA 24 hr after fasting, accompanied by significant (30-50%) reductions in growth hormone (GH), prolactin, and luteinizing hormone (LH), and 70-80% reductions in target cells for gonadotropin-releasing hormone or growth hormone-releasing hormone. There was a 2-fold increase in corticotropes. Subsets (22%) of pituitary cells coexpressed leptin and GH, and <5% coexpressed leptin and LH, prolactin, thyroid-stimulating hormone, or adrenocorticotropic hormone. Fasting resulted in significant (55-75%) losses in cells with leptin proteins or mRNA, and GH or LH. To determine whether restoration of serum glucose could rescue leptin, LH, and GH, additional fasted rats were given 10% glucose water for 24 hr. Restoring serum glucose in fasted rats resulted in pituitary cell populations with normal levels of leptin and GH and LH cells. Similarly, LH and GH cells were restored in vitro after populations from fasted rats were treated for as little as 1 hr in 10-100 pg/ml leptin. These correlative changes in pituitary leptin, LH, and GH, coupled with leptin's rapid restoration of GH and LH in vitro, suggest that pituitary leptin may signal nutritional changes. Collectively, the findings suggest that pituitary leptin expression could be coupled to glucose sensors like glucokinase to facilitate rapid responses by the neuroendocrine system to nutritional cues.  相似文献   
The HapMap Project is providing a great deal of new information on high-resolution haplotype structure in various human populations. This information has the potential to greatly increase the power of association mapping for a fixed amount of genotyping. A number of methods have been proposed for the identification of haplotype blocks, common haplotypes, and tagging single-nucleotide polymorphisms. Here, we build on this work by developing novel methods for case-control multipoint linkage-disequilibrium (LD) mapping that gain power and speed by making explicit use of the inferred block structure. Specifically, we developed a virtual-variant approach that uses the haplotype-block information to greatly increase power for detection of untyped common variants associated with a trait. Because full multipoint LD mapping can be slow, we exploited the haplotype-block information to develop a fast single-block multipoint mapping method. Our methods are appropriate for genotype data and take into account the uncertainty in phase. We describe the methods in the context of case-parents trios, although they are also applicable to unrelated cases and controls. Our simulations indicate that the most important gains from taking into account the haplotype-block structure at the analysis stage of multipoint LD mapping come from (1) greatly increased power to detect association with untyped variants and (2) greatly improved localization of untyped variants associated with the trait. More-modest gains are obtained in improving power to detect association with a variant that is typed with a moderate amount of missing data. The methods are applied to a Crohn disease data set.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND INFORMATION: FGF (fibroblast growth factor) signalling is known to be required for many aspects of mesoderm formation and patterning during Xenopus development and has been implicated in regulating genes required for the specification of both blood and skeletal muscle lineages. RESULTS: In the present study, we have specifically knocked down the expression of FGF4 using AMO (antisense morpholino oligonucleotide)-mediated inhibition and demonstrate that FGF4 acts in the dorsal marginal zone to restrict blood development and promote the development of skeletal muscle. In addition, we used a drug inhibitor of FGF signalling and an inducible form of FGFR1 (FGF receptor 1) to identify a period of competence during late blastula and gastrula stages when FGF signalling acts to regulate blood versus muscle specification. Notably, we found that it is the dorsal activity of FGF that is required to restrict the expression of SCL (stem cell leukaemia) to the ventral blood island. CONCLUSIONS: Our data indicate that FGF4 is a key organizer-derived signal involved in the process of dorsoventral patterning of the mesoderm.  相似文献   
In Drosophila and mammals, insulin signalling can increase growth, progression through G1/S, cell size and tissue size. Here, we analyse the way insulin affects cell size and cell-cycle progression in two haemocyte-derived Drosophila cell lines. Surprisingly, we find that although insulin increases cell size, it slows the rate at which these cells increase in number. By using BrdU pulse-chase to label S-phase cells and follow their progression through the cell cycle, we show that insulin delays progression through G2/M, thereby slowing cell division. The ability of insulin to slow progression through G2/M is independent of its ability to stimulate progression through G1/S, so is not a consequence of feedback by the cell-cycle machinery to maintain cell-cycle length. Insulin's effects on progression through G2/M are mediated by dTOR/dRaptor signalling. Partially inhibiting dTOR/dRaptor signalling by dsRNAi or mild rapamycin treatment can increase cell number in cultured haemocytes and the Drosophila wing, respectively. Thus, insulin signalling can influence cell number depending on a balance between its ability to accelerate progression through G1/S and delay progression through G2/M.  相似文献   
Type 1 diabetes results from the autoimmune destruction of pancreatic β-cells, which leads to severe insulin deficiency. Insulin gene therapy provides an attractive approach to cure diabetes. The critical factor for insulin gene therapy in surrogate cells is to select an appropriate site for insulin expression and a tissue-specific promoter that is responsive to both physiological glucose and insulin concentrations. A novel chimeric promoter, (GIRE)n-G6Pase, consisting of a 1.6 kb glucose 6-phosphatase (G6Pase) promoter and a segment of the regulatory element derived from the L-type pyruvate kinase (L-PK) promoter, was designed to provide strong and tight control of insulin expression in liver. One or three copies of GIRE were linked to the G6Pase promoter, which showed a stronger promoter activity than the G6Pase promoter alone. The chimeric promoter was inhibited by insulin in a dosage-dependent manner and activated by glucose, two features essential for glucose metabolism. The promoter activity is conserved between species and highly specific for liver cells. The construction of a chimeric promoter with stronger and more sensitive responsive activity to glucose and insulin in liver cells could further advance studies in insulin gene therapy. Mr. James Chong was a senior student in the Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Tulane University. His independent study project was partially overlapped with this study.  相似文献   
The early development of metazoans is mainly regulated by differential translation and localization of maternal mRNAs in the embryo. In general, these processes are orchestrated by RNA-binding proteins interacting with specific sequence motifs in the 3'-untranslated region (UTR) of their target RNAs. Hermes is an RNA-binding protein, which contains a single RNA recognition motif (RRM) and is found in various vertebrate species from fish to human. In Xenopus laevis, Hermes mRNA and protein are localized in the vegetal region of oocytes. A subpopulation of Hermes protein is concentrated in a specific structure in the vegetal cortex, called the germ plasm (believed to contain determinants of the germ cell fate) where Hermes protein co-localizes with Xcat2 and RINGO/Spy mRNAs. The level of total Hermes protein decreases during maturation. The precocious depletion of Hermes protein by injection of Hermes antisense morpholino oligonucleotide (HE-MO) accelerates the process of maturation and results in cleavage defects in vegetal blastomeres of the embryo. It is known that several maternal mRNAs including RINGO/Spy and Mos are regulated at the translational level during meiotic maturation and early cleavage in Xenopus. The ectopic expression of RINGO/Spy or Mos causes resumption of meiotic maturation and cleavage arrests, which resemble the loss of Hermes phenotypes. We found that the injection of HE-MO enhances the acceleration of maturation caused by the injection of RINGO/Spy mRNA, and that Hermes protein is present as mRNP complex containing RINGO/Spy, Mos, and Xcat2 mRNAs in vivo. We propose that as an RNA-binding protein, Hermes may be involved in maturation, cleavage events at the vegetal pole and germ cell development by negatively regulating the expression of RINGO/Spy, Mos, and Xcat2 mRNAs.  相似文献   
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