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In laboratory trials to investigate the parasite/host spectra of certain aphid pests and hymenopterous parasites, the aphidAcyrthosiphon kondoi Shinji encapsulated the egg of the aphelinid parasiteAphelinus asychis Walker. The resultant brown, sclerotic capsule was formed within 24 h of exposure of the aphid to parasitization and as far as is known prevented the development of the parasite to the larval stage. The capsule remained throughout the life of the aphid, whose longevity and fecundity were apparently not seriously impaired. A small number ofAphelinus escaped encapsulation, especially in aphids already containing capsule(s), and developed into normal, reproductive adults.A. kondoi did not encapsulate, andA. asychis was not encapsulated by any other species. However, thoughA. asychis readily parasitizedAphis citricola van der Goot,A. nerii Boyer de Fonscolombe andToxoptera citricidus (Kirkaldy), most of its progeny ceased development in these aphids before reaching the mummification stage, and died within the dead or dying, non-mummified aphid host.  相似文献   
The induction of congenital malformations among the offspring of male mice treated with X-rays at pre-meiotic and post-meiotic stages has been studied in two experiments. Firstly, animals were exposed to varying doses (108–504 cGy) of X-rays and mated at various time intervals (1–7, 8–14, 15–21 and 64–80 days post-irradiation), so as to sample spermatozoa, spermatids and spermatogonial stem cells. In the second experiment, only treated spermatogonial stem cells were sampled. One group of males was given a single 500-cGy dose, a second group a fractionated dose (500 + 500 cGy, 24 h apart) and a third group was left unexposed.In the first experiment, induced post-implantation dominant lethality increased with dose, and was highest in week 3, in line with the known greater radiosensitivity of the early spermatid stage. Preimplantation loss also increased with dose and was highest in week 3. There was no clear induction of either pre-implantation or post-implantation loss at spermatogonial stem cell stages.There was a clear induction of congenital malformations at post-meiotic stages, the overall incidence being 2.0 ± 0.32% in the irradiated series and 0.24 ± 0.17% among the controls. The induction was statistically significant at each dose. At the two highest doses the early spermatids (15–21 days) appeared more sensitive than spermatozoa, and at this stage the incidence of malformations increased with dose. The data from Expt. 1 on the induction of malformations by irradiation of spermatogonial stages were equivocal. In contrast, Expt. 2 showed a statistically significant induction of malformations at both dose levels (2.2 ± 0.46% after 500 cGy and 3.1 ± 0.57% after 500 + 500 cGy). The relative sensitivities of male stem cells, post-neiotic stages and mature oocytes to the induction of congenital malformations were reasonably similar to their sensitivities for specific-locus mutations, except that the expected enhancing effect of the fractionation regime used was not seen.Dwarfism and exencephaly were the two most commonly observed malformations in all series.  相似文献   
Summary In the montane herb Ipomopsis aggregata, size and placement of stamens and pistils vary substantially among flowers within plants, among nearby plants, and among groups of plants separated by 50–100 m. We trained captive hummingbirds to feed from flowers of this species in a flight cage, and explored the effects of different degrees of floral variability on carryover of fluorescent dyes that act as pollen mimics. We found that the slopes of linear dye carryover functions generally became more shallow as floral variability increased; this led to substantially longer carryover in the treatment with greatest variability. On the other hand, total amounts of dye transferred did not appear to be sensitive to the degree of variability. Floral variability may have a subtle but important effect on plant fitness by influencing the distance of pollen transfer.  相似文献   
The mechanisms underlying Ir gene control of CMI were addressed by examining the DTH and Tprlf responses specific for the synthetic polymers GT, GAT, and GA. We show that BALB/c mice (GAT/GA responders, GT nonresponders) primed with GT fail to develop DTH and Tprlf responses specific for GT, GAT, or GA. GAT immunization resulted in DTH responses that could be elicited not only with GAT and GA but also with GT, demonstrating that GT-specific TDH are present in nonresponder mice. GT-specific DTH was transferred with Thy-1+ Lyt-1+2, H-2 Irestricted, nylon wool nonadherent cells. GA-primed BALB/c mice developed GAT- and GA-, but not GT-apecific DTH responses, indicating that GA and GT do not cross-react at the T-cell level. The ability of GAT [but not a mixture of GA plus GT, or GT electrostatically complexed to the immunogenic carrier MBSA (GT-MBSA)] to induce GT-specific DTH suggested a requirement for covalent linkage of stimulatory GA and nonstimulatory GT determinants present on the GAT molecule. Similarly, GT-specific in vitro Tprlf responses could be demonstrated in GAT-primed mice exhibiting significant levels of GT-specific DTH but not in GT- or GT-MBSA-primed mice. Tolerization experiments also suggested that GT-specific Th were involved in the development of GT-specific DTH in GAT-primed mice. The GT nonresponsiveness of BALB/c mice for DTH and Tprlf responses could not be reversed by treatments designed to abrogate Ts activity (priming with GT-MBSA and CY injection), nor could GT-primed cells be shown to inhibit the development or elicitation of GT-specific CMI in GAT-primed mice during the afferent and/or efferent stages of DTH. Our results suggest that GT nonresponsiveness does not result from the absence of GT-specific T cells or preferential induction of Ts. The results are discussed in the context of hole-in-the-repertoire and antigen presentation (determinant selection) models of Ir gene control.Abbreviations used in this paper APC antigen-presenting cells - BSA bovine serum albumin - BSS Mishell-Dutton balanced salt solution - CFA complete Freund's adjuvant - CMI cell-mediated immunity - CY cyclophosphamide - DTH delayed-type hypersensitivity - GA poly(Glu60Ala40) - GAT poly (Glu60Ala30Tyr10) - GT poly(Glu50Tyr50) - GT-MBSA GT complexed to methylated bovine serum albumin - It immune response - LN lymph node - PPD purified protein derivative of tuberculin - TDH DTH T cells - Th helper T cells - Tprlf T-cell proliferation - Ts suppressor T cells - TsF T-cell suppressor factor(s)  相似文献   
Bolinopsis vitrea is a warm water lobate ctenophore which doesnot overlap in its distribution with Mnemiopsis mccradyi incontiguous waters. We examined its feeding ecology on a seriesof cruises. B. virrea ingested increasingly more prey at higherfood concentrations (2–100 prey l–1) but feedingeffort (clearance rate) decreased with increasing food availability.On a dry weight basis, smaller tentaculate Bolinopsis ingestedseveral times more than larger lobates, but based on carbonweight, specific ingestion was fairly uniform over the entiresize range investigated (6–60 mm total length). Bolinopsiscollected during the daytime in the Bahamas rarely had morethan three prey items in their guts. These results and laboratorymeasurements of digestion times (av. = 1.9 h) allowed computationof daily rations, which could not account for the metabolicrequirement as measured on the same cruises. Results of feedingexperiments, however, implied that prey densities in excessof 11–1 were sufficient to sustain a growing populationof Bolinopsis. Prey concentrations about an order of magnitudehigher were required for M. mccradyi based on similar experiments.These results were in general agreement with observed densitiesand distributions of ctenophores and their zooplankton preyin the Bahamas and coastal South Florida.  相似文献   
Summary We have used the cDNA clone encoding maize glutathione-S-transferase (GST I) to isolate a genomic DNA clone containing the complete GST I gene. Nucleotide sequence analysis of the cDNA and genomic clones has yielded a complete amino acid sequence for maize GST I and provided the exon-intron map of its gene. The mRNA homologous sequences in the maize GST I gene consist of a 107 bp 5 untranslated region, a 642 bp coding region and 340 bp of the 3 untranslated region. They are divided into three exons by two introns which interrupt the coding region. The 5 untranslated spacer contains an unusual sequence of pentamer AGAGG repeated seven times. The inbred maize line (Missouri 17) contains a single gene for GST I, whereas the hybrid line (3780A) contains two genes. Nucleotide sequence analysis of the primer extended cDNA products reveals that the 5 untranslated regions of the two genes in the hybrid 3780A are identical except for a 6 bp internal deletion (or insertion). The amino acid sequence of maize GST I shares no apparent sequence homology with the published sequences of animal GST's and represents the first published sequence of a plant GST. re]19850813 ac]19851126  相似文献   
Direct microscopic enumeration ofEnterobacter cloacae with the acridine orange 2-(p-iodophenyl)-3-(p-nitrophenyl)-5-phenyl tetrazolium chloride technique (AOINT) was compared with spread plate counts on nonselective media to establish the usefulness of the former technique in the enumeration of chlorine-stressed cells. Results indicate that the techniques are comparable when the organisms are not stressed. However, AOINT is more sensitive than are plate counts in the detection of chlorine-stressed cells.  相似文献   
Autoclaving is a standard procedure for sterilizing nutrient media for plant tissue cultures. Most tissue cultures are grown at pH 5.2 to 5.8 with pH adjustments being made prior to autoclaving. This paper reports that there are significant differences between initial pH levels and pH levels following autoclaving, particularly in the pH range of 5.7 to 8.5. This effect is noted with and without agar. In addition, we report that with time the pH of the medium drifts into the acid range. When Cucumis callus was added to the medium, the pH was changed significantly within 48 hours. The amount and direction (increase or decrease of pH) was significantly correlated with the original pH. This suggests that researchers should be wary of the true pH situation in their medium. In addition, in publications authors should specify whether their medium pH value was determined before or after autoclaving.  相似文献   
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