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Synopsis The ability of embryos of the viviparous scorpaenidSebastes melanops to take up nutrients from an exogenous substrate was demonstrated by incubating embryos at various stages of development (18–30 days after fertilization) in14C-labeled glycine for 24 h. Uptake was highest for embryos at the latest stages (28–30 days) and increased at a linear rate during the incubation period. Nutrient uptake was not time dependent in embryos at the early stages (18–22 days). Nutrient utilization byS. melanops embryos was measured by the oxidation of14C-labeled glycine to14CO2. The amount of respired14CO2 by the oldest embryos increased significantly at a linear rate over the 24 h incubation period. There was no evidence of nutrient utilization by the youngest embryos. The developmental changes we observed in the uptake and utilization of exogenous glycine are supported by our previous findings that the oldest embryos have fully developed mouths and guts, and require additional nutrition from intraovarian sources at this stage of development.  相似文献   
The Mu transposon of maize exists in a highly mutagenic strain called Robertson's Mutator. Plants of this strain contain 10-50 copies of the Mu element, whereas most maize strains and other plants have none. When Mutator plants are crossed to plants of the inbred line 1S2P, which does not have copies of Mu, the progeny plants have approximately the same number of Mu sequences as did their Mutator parent. Approximately one-half of these copies have segregated from their parent and one-half have arisen by transposition and are integrated into new positions in the genome. This maintenance of copy number can be accounted for by an extremely high rate of transposition of the Mu elements (10-15 transpositions per gamete per generation). When Mutator plants are self-pollinated, the progeny double their Mu copy number in the first generation, but maintain a constant number of Mu sequences with subsequent self-pollinations. Transposition of Mu and the events that lead to copy number maintenance occur very late in the development of the germ cells but before fertilization. A larger version of the Mu element transposes but is not necessary for transposition of the Mu sequences. The progeny of crosses with a Mutator plant occasionally lack Mutator activity; these strains retain copies of the Mu element, but these elements no longer transpose.  相似文献   
Salts of transition elements that alter the rate of sperm cell movement act at or near calcium-binding sites. After living bull sperm cells had been preincubated in VO43?, Ni2+, Zn2+, Mn2+, and also La3+, they were then fixed. Crisply defined organelles and the absence of particulate deposits in the morphological controls contrasted sharply with the treated specimens; the latter contained regions of increased electron density, the nature and distribution of which depended on the test substance, reflecting the differential affinities of the specific ions. La3+ formed fine dense areas, mainly at the exocytic surface of the plasma membrane. VO43? marks the cell surface but also left particulate densities within the cell. Ni2+ caused a nearly uniformly dense deposit at the surface and on the satellite fibers and axonemal microtubules. Zn2+ formed less uniform but coarser deposits, while in Mn2+ the distribution was similar to that in Zn2+ but much denser in the axonemal matrix and on the satellite fibers. Verapamil restricted the size and number of the opacities, while procaine permitted a similar distribution of slightly larger size reaction product. The differences in size and distribution of the enhanced densities were consistent and replicable for the individual assay substances. Vanadate, which specifically inhibits Na, K-ATPase, bound to ouabain-sensitive enzyme loci, however, completely disrupting the axonemal complex. This suggests that an important role of dynein in flagellar motion may relate to intracellular transport of Ca2+.  相似文献   
Summary A voltage-dependent anion-selective channel, VDAC, is found in outer mitochondrial membranes. VDAC's conductance is known to decrease as the transmembrane voltage is increased in either the positive or negative direction. Charged groups on the channel may be responsible for this voltage dependence by allowing the channel to respond to an applied electric field. If so, then neutralization of these charges would eliminate the voltage dependence. Channels in planar lipid bilayers which behaved normally at pH 6 lost much of their voltage dependence at high pH. Raising the pH reduced the steepness of the voltage dependence and raised the voltage needed to close half the channels. In contrast, the energy difference between the open and closed state in the absence of a field was changed very little by the elevated pH. The groups being titrated had an apparent pK of 10.6. From the pK and chemical modification, lysine epsilon amino groups are the most likely candidates responsible for VDAC's ability to respond to an applied electric field.  相似文献   
Summary We investigated whether the efficiency of transformation of plant cells by Agrobacterium tumefaciens during cocultivation is limited by the properties of the plant cells or by the infecting bacteria.Therefore, tobacco protoplasts were infected by cocultivation with two different agrobacteria strains carrying Ti plasmids with distinguishable T-DNAs. These T-DNAs cotransform plant cells at a frequency equal to the product of their independent transformation frequencies, which indicates that all plant cells are equally competent. On the other hand, when these T-DNAs are located on the same Ti plasmid vector within one bacterial strain, the cotransformation frequency is significantly higher than the product of the single transformation frequencies. We interpret these results to indicate that transformation is limited more by the establishment of effective bacteria/plant cell interaction than by (i) the process of DNA integration and (ii) by the number of plant cells capable of being transformed by Agrobacterium. We found that most plant cells are transformed by only one or a few agrobacteria. Analysis of the number of T-DNA copies in these clonally transformed lines indicates amplification of the original, infecting T-region copy.  相似文献   
Using monogynous and polygynous colonies of the fire ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren, we developed methodology to determine which behavioural subcaste of workers was responsible for executing unfamiliar queens that were introduced to them. Separation of subcastes and introduction of queens to each of these separately was partly effective, but more accurate results were obtained by removing workers that were in the act of executing queens, marking them individually, and returning them to the colony. Their subsequent behaviour was then recorded to determine whether they behaved like nurses, reserves, or foragers. The results showed that foragers are dominant in execution behaviour and that all morphological subcastes (minors, medias, and majors) are involved. This methodology may be applied to other social insect species.
Résumé A l'aide de colonies monogynes de S. invicta Buren, nous avons testé la sensibilité de deux méthodes: Premièrement, nous avons isolé les trois sous-castes temporelles des ouvrières (nurses, réserves et fourrageuses) auxquelles nous avons introduit des reines étrangères. Nous avons trouvé que les fourrageuses étaient le groupe le plus agressif, exécutant un pourcentage élevé des reines qui leur étaient présentées. Le degré de physogastrie de la reine étrangère, sa colonie d'origine et la présence de couvain n'avaient pas d'effet visible sur sa destinée. La sensibilité de cette méthode était limitée par la difficulté d'une séparation complète des souscastes temporelles.Deuxièmement, nous avons capturé des ouvrières exécutant activement des reines étrangères, après marquage nous les avons remises dans leur colonie pour observations ultérieures. Nous avons remarqué que leur localisation dans le nid et leur comportement correspondaient aux séquences trouvées pour les fourrageuses bien plus qu'à celles des ouvrières réserves ou nurses. Cette méthode est plus sensible. Des mesures de la largeur de la capsule céphalique de ces ouvrières ont montré qu'aucune des sous-caste morphologiques (mineurs, moyennes et majeurs) étaient dominantes dans le comportement d'exécution. Nos résultats indiquent que la sensibilité des ouvrières à certaines phéromones de la reine et odeur de la colonie augmente avec leur âge.
Summary A cloned cDNA partial copy of a soybean leghemoglobin mRNA was used to probe genomic DNA of four species of actinorhizal plants. Southern blot hybridization revealed the presence of sequences with homology to the leghemoglobin probe in DNA from Alnus glutinosa, Casuarina glauca, Ceanothus americanus and Elaeagnus pungens. The hybridization patterns of the restriction fragments revealed some fragment size conservation between the DNA of soybean and the DNA of four actinorhizal plants which are taxonomically unrelated to soybean or to each other. The results presented here indicate that globin gene sequences are much more widely distributed in the plant kingdom than has previously been thought. Furthermore, if sequence conservation is actually as high as the restriction fragment patterns suggest, the evolution of the DNA surrounding the globin sequences has been highly constrained.  相似文献   
Summary Maize and tomato cDNA clones have been hybridized in Southern blotting experiments to plant genomic DNA prepared from different lines to detect restriction fragment polymorphisms (RFPs). In maize we have found that a high degree of genetic variability is present, even among domestic inbred lines. Most randomly chosen maize cDNA clones can be used to detect elements of this variability. Similar levels of polymorphism are observed when genomic DNA is digested with any of a number of different restriction enzymes and probed with individual clones. When a clone is hybridized to genomic DNAs prepared from several different maize lines, a number of different alleles are often detected at a single locus. At the same time one clone can often detect more than one independently segregating locus by cross hybridization to related sequences at other loci. As expected these markers are inherited as simple codominant Mendelian alleles from one generation to the next and colinkage of these markers can be demonstrated in the progeny from a heterozygous parent. In similar studies with tomato, remarkably different results were found. Few RFPs were demonstrable among domestic Lycopersicon esculentum lines although a higher level of variability could be detected when comparing esculentum with its wild Lycopersicon relatives. These results are discussed in relation to the applied uses of RFPs in plant breeding as well as the inherent variability of different plant genomes.This work was supported in part by funds from Sandoz Ltd. (Basel, Switzerland) and its subsidiary company, Northrup King Co. (Minneapolis, Minn., U.S.A.) as well as by NSF SBIR grant #BSR-8360870.  相似文献   
The specific activities of the enzymes alpha-mannosidase and N-acetylglucosaminidase increase immediately after the initiation of the development of bacterially grown cell cultures of Dictyostelium discoideum. The regulation of these two enzymes was found to be dissociable in the developmental timer mutant, FM-1, which aggregates 4.5 h earlier than wild-type cells due to the absence of the first rate-limiting component of the preaggregative period. The increase in alpha-mannosidase activity occurs in the absence of the first rate-limiting component, but the increase in N-acetylglucosaminidase activity does not. These results indicate the following: (1) the increase in the specific activity of alpha-mannosidase is not related to the timing of subsequent developmental stages; (2) the increase in the specific activity of N-acetylglucosaminidase is not necessary for the subsequent developmental program; and (3) either the increase in the specific activity of N-acetylglucosaminidase is dependent upon progress through the first rate-limiting component, or the increase in this enzyme activity and the first rate-limiting component are both dependent upon an early event for which FM-1 is defective. In addition to early development, we monitored the two enzyme activities during dedifferentiation. The results demonstrate that there is no difference between dedifferentiating wild-type cells and dedifferentiation-defective mutant HI-4 cells. Changes in enzyme specific activity accompanying dedifferentiation are dependent upon the composition of the dedifferentiation-inducing media and are consistent with the levels of these enzymes observed in cells growing in the different nutrient media.  相似文献   
Summary Mitochondrial creatine kinase (CK) purified from canine myocardium showed a single protein band on SDS-PAGE and was free of MMCK. Its amino acid composition was different than MMCK or BBCK and did not react to antiserum to MMCK or BBCK. Using purified mitochondrial, MM and BBCK, the velocity of reaction (V) was estimated for creatine phosphate (CP), creatine (C), adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and adenosine diphosphate (ADP) over a wide range of concentrations including those at Vmax. The values for Km (mM/L) derived from Lineweaver-Burke plots are shown: The affinity of mitochondrial CK for C is much greater than MMCK which is compatible with the energy shuttle hypothesis, namely ATP is converted by mitochondrial CK to CP, and then diffuses to the myofibril for conversion to ATP for utilization.  相似文献   
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