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A synthetic peptide (Nterm-E1p) is used to characterize the structure and function of the N-terminal region (amino acid residues 4-45) of the pyruvate dehydrogenase component (E1p) from the pyruvate dehydrogenase multienzyme complex (PDHC) from Azotobacter vinelandii. Activity and binding studies established that Nterm-E1p specifically competes with E1p for binding to the dihydrolipoyl transacetylase component (E2p) of PDHC. Moreover, the experiments show that the N-terminal region of E1p forms an independent folding domain that functions as a binding domain. CD measurements, two-dimensional (2D) (1)H NMR analysis, and secondary structure prediction all indicate that Nterm-E1p has a high alpha-helical content. Here a structural model of the N-terminal domain is proposed. The peptide is present in two conformations, the population of which depends on the sample conditions. The conformations are designated "unfolded" at pH > or =6 and "folded" at pH <5. The 2D (1)H TOCSY spectrum of a mixture of folded and unfolded Nterm-E1p shows exchange cross-peaks that "link" the folded and unfolded state of Nterm-E1p. The rate of exchange between the two species is in the range of 0.5-5 s(-1). Sharp resonances in the NMR spectra of wild-type E1p demonstrate that this 200 kDa enzyme contains highly flexible regions. The observed dynamic character of E1p and of Nterm-E1p is likely required for the binding of the E1p dimer to the two different binding sites on E2p. Moreover, the flexibility might be essential in sustaining the allosteric properties of the enzyme bound in the complex.  相似文献   
A plant's ability to produce and respond to ethylene is essential for its vegetative growth. We studied whole-shoot ethylene emission and leaf growth responses to applied ethylene in four Poa spp. that differ inherently in leaf elongation rate and whole-plant relative growth rate. Compared with the fast-growing Poa annua and Poa trivialis, the shoots of the slow-growing species Poa alpina and Poa compressa emitted daily 30% to 50% less ethylene, and their leaf elongation rate was more strongly inhibited when ethylene concentration was increased up to 1 microL L(-1). To our surprise, however, low ethylene concentrations (0.02-0.03 microL L(-1)) promoted leaf growth in the two slow-growing species; at the same concentrations, leaf elongation rate of the two fast-growing species was only slightly inhibited. All responses were observed within 20 min after ethylene applications. Although ethylene generally inhibits growth, our results show that in some species, it may actually stimulate growth. Moreover, in the two slow-growing Poa spp., both growth stimulation and inhibition occurred in a narrow ethylene concentration range, and this effect was associated with a much lower ethylene emission. These findings suggest that the regulation of ethylene production rates and perception of the gas may be more crucial during leaf expansion of these species under non-stressful conditions and that endogenous ethylene concentrations are not large enough to saturate leaf growth responses. In the two fast-growing species, a comparatively higher ethylene endogenous concentration may conversely be present and sufficiently high to saturate leaf elongation responses, invariably leading to growth inhibition.  相似文献   
Two cases of hypertrichosis cubiti in combination with short stature, facial dysmorphias and retarded development are reported with a review of the literature. Hypertrichosis cubiti, the hairy elbows syndrome, consists of a localized form of long vellus hair on the extensor surfaces of the distal third of the upper arm and the proximal third of the forearm bilaterally. It can be associated with short stature and other physical abnormalities. The mode of inheritance has not been established yet; an autosomal recessive as well as an autosomal dominant inheritance trait are postulated.  相似文献   
Amyloses with distinct molecular masses are found in the starch of pea embryos compared with the starch of pea leaves. In pea embryos, a granule-bound starch synthase protein (GBSSIa) is required for the synthesis of a significant portion of the amylose. However, this protein seems to be insignificant in the synthesis of amylose in pea leaves. cDNA clones encoding a second isoform of GBSSI, GBSSIb, have been isolated from pea leaves. Comparison of GBSSIa and GBSSIb activities shows them to have distinct properties. These differences have been confirmed by the expression of GBSSIa and GBSSIb in the amylose-free mutant of potato. GBSSIa and GBSSIb make distinct forms of amylose that differ in their molecular mass. These differences in product specificity, coupled with differences in the tissues in which GBSSIa and GBSSIb are most active, explain the distinct forms of amylose found in different tissues of pea. The shorter form of amylose formed by GBSSIa confers less susceptibility to the retrogradation of starch pastes than the amylose formed by GBSSIb. The product specificity of GBSSIa could provide beneficial attributes to starches for food and nonfood uses.  相似文献   
Liver uptake of thyroxine (T4) is mediated by transporters and is rate limiting for hepatic 3,3',5-triiodothyronine (T3) production. We investigated whether hepatic mRNA for T4 transporters is regulated by thyroid state using Xenopus laevis oocytes as an expression system. Because X. laevis oocytes show high endogenous uptake of T4, T4 sulfamate (T4NS) was used as an alternative ligand for the hepatic T4 transporters. Oocytes were injected with 23 ng liver mRNA from euthyroid, hypothyroid, or hyperthyroid rats, and after 3-4 days uptake was determined by incubation of injected and uninjected oocytes for 1 h at 25 degrees C or for 4 h at 18 degrees C with 10 nM [125I]T4NS. Expression of type I deiodinase (D1), which is regulated by thyroid state, was studied in the oocytes as an internal control. Uptake of T4NS showed similar approximately fourfold increases after injection of liver mRNA from euthyroid, hypothyroid, or hyperthyroid rats. A similar lack of effect of thyroid state was observed using reverse T3 as ligand. In contrast, D1 activity induced by liver mRNA from hyperthyroid and hypothyroid rats in the oocytes was 2.4-fold higher and 2.7-fold lower, respectively, compared with euthyroid rats. Studies have shown that uptake of iodothyronines in rat liver is mediated in part by several organic anion transporters, such as the Na+/taurocholate-cotransporting polypeptide (rNTCP) and the Na-independent organic anion-transporting polypeptide (rOATP1). Therefore, the effects of thyroid state on rNTCP, rOATP1, and D1 mRNA levels in rat liver were also determined. Northern analysis showed no differences in rNTCP or rOATP1 mRNA levels between hyperthyroid and hypothyroid rats, whereas D1 mRNA levels varied widely as expected. These results suggest little effect of thyroid state on the levels of mRNA coding for T4 transporters in rat liver, including rNTCP and rOATP1. However, they do not exclude regulation of hepatic T4 transporters by thyroid hormone at the translational and posttranslational level.  相似文献   
Megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy with subcortical cysts (MLC) is an inherited neurologic disorder with macrocephaly before the age of one and slowly progressive deterioration of motor functions. Magnetic resonance imaging shows diffusely abnormal and swollen white matter of the cerebral hemispheres and the presence of subcortical cysts in the anterior-temporal region and often also in the frontoparietal region. Mutations in the MLC1 gene, encoding a putative membrane protein, have been recently identified as a cause for MLC. Here, we describe 14 new mutations in 18 patients. Two identified polymorphisms lead to alterations of amino acid residues. The role, suggested by others, of a mutation in the MLC1gene in catatonic schizophrenia and the possible function of the MLC1 protein as a cation channel are discussed.  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to determine the subjective and quantitative donor-site morbidity after removal of a free vascularized fibula flap for autoreconstruction. Ten patients and six age-matched, healthy control subjects were included in this study. The postoperative periods ranged from 6 to 87 months. Subjective donor-site morbidity was assessed with a patient questionnaire and the Enneking system. For quantification of donor-site morbidity, gait was evaluated during normal walking, walking under visual and cognitive constraints, and walking at a velocity higher than the preferred one. In general, the patient perception of donor-site morbidity was low. Complaints were frequently mentioned, however, including pain (60 percent), dysesthesia (50 percent), a feeling of ankle instability (30 percent), and inability to run (20 percent). Gait analyses revealed that patients walked at a lower preferred velocity, compared with control subjects. Furthermore, they demonstrated significant increases in the coefficients of variation of stride time during walking under visual and cognitive loads and during walking at a velocity higher than the preferred one, compared with normal walking. These increases were not observed for control subjects. These findings suggest that the reautomatization of gait is affected among patients. This study demonstrates that fibula harvesting is associated with low subjective morbidity but frequent complaints. Walking during complex tasks and at high velocities reveals that restoration of gait is not complete after partial fibulectomy.  相似文献   
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