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Under certain kinds of cytoplasmic stress, Escherichia coli selectively reproduce by distributing the newer cytoplasmic components to new-pole cells while sequestering older, damaged components in cells inheriting the old pole. This phenomenon is termed polar aging or cell division asymmetry. It is unknown whether cell division asymmetry can arise from a periplasmic stress, such as the stress of extracellular acid, which is mediated by the periplasm. We tested the effect of periplasmic acid stress on growth and division of adherent single cells. We tracked individual cell lineages over five or more generations, using fluorescence microscopy with ratiometric pHluorin to measure cytoplasmic pH. Adherent colonies were perfused continually with LBK medium buffered at pH 6.00 or at pH 7.50; the external pH determines periplasmic pH. In each experiment, cell lineages were mapped to correlate division time, pole age and cell generation number. In colonies perfused at pH 6.0, the cells inheriting the oldest pole divided significantly more slowly than the cells inheriting the newest pole. In colonies perfused at pH 7.50 (near or above cytoplasmic pH), no significant cell division asymmetry was observed. Under both conditions (periplasmic pH 6.0 or pH 7.5) the cells maintained cytoplasmic pH values at 7.2–7.3. No evidence of cytoplasmic protein aggregation was seen. Thus, periplasmic acid stress leads to cell division asymmetry with minimal cytoplasmic stress.  相似文献   
Synthetic seed technology may be of value in breeding programs and allow the propagation of many elite genotype-derived plants in a short time. In this work, a range of artificial endosperm treatments of Cleopatra tangerine zygotic embryos were evaluated for suitability for encapsulation of somatic embryos. Different complexing ions in the form of alginate capsules, zeolite as an ion exchanger and the relationship between capsule-nutrient gel on germination of zygotic embryos, were evaluated. Artificial endosperm assays showed that abscisic acid (1 μM) and mannitol (0.25 M) delayed germination and conversion of zygotic embryos, whereas amino acid supplements (proline, glutamic acid and arginine) accelerated the conversion process. An artificial endosperm was used to encapsulate somatic and zygotic embryos. After encapsulation, zygotic embryos germinated after four days of culture while somatic embryos germinated asynchronously after 20 days. Somatic embryo-derived plantlets showed greater vigour than zygotic embryo-derived plantlets. Results showed that this artificial endosperm is adequate for Cleopatra tangerine somatic embryo germination and conversion into plants. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Phosphatidylinositol 4 phosphate [PI(4)P] is essential for secretion in yeast, but its role in mammalian cells is unclear. Current paradigms propose that PI(4)P acts primarily as a precursor to phosphatidylinositol 4,5 bisphosphate (PIP2), an important plasma membrane regulator. We found that PI(4)P is enriched in the mammalian Golgi, and used RNA interference (RNAi) of PI4KIIalpha, a Golgi resident phosphatidylinositol 4 kinase, to determine whether PI(4)P directly regulates the Golgi. PI4KIIalpha RNAi decreases Golgi PI(4)P, blocks the recruitment of clathrin adaptor AP-1 complexes to the Golgi, and inhibits AP-1-dependent functions. This AP-1 binding defect is rescued by adding back PI(4)P. In addition, purified AP-1 binds PI(4)P, and anti-PI(4)P inhibits the in vitro recruitment of cytosolic AP-1 to normal cellular membranes. We propose that PI4KIIalpha establishes the Golgi's unique lipid-defined organelle identity by generating PI(4)P-rich domains that specify the docking of the AP-1 coat machinery.  相似文献   
The Glu27Glu genotype in the beta2-adrenergic receptor (ADRB2) has been linked to a higher fat deposition and obesity in females. Also, in our population, it has been described that physically active women carrying the Glu allele had a higher BMI as compared to non-carriers performing the same level of activity. Since exercise may counterbalance a gene predisposition to obesity, we tested the hypothesis of a potential different metabolic response among ADRB2 Gln27Gln versus Glu27Glu obese women when submitted to a peak oxygen consumption test on a treadmill. In our study, 10 obese women with the Gln27Gln genotype were compared to 9 matched obese women bearing the Glu27Glu genotype. The ADRB2 polymorphism was identified by PCR-RFLP, fat oxidation was determined by indirect calorimetry and blood measurements were carried out following conventional procedures. The ADRB2 Glu27Glu subjects had lower plasma glycerol levels (P = 0.026), while plasma triglycerides (P <0.001) and the insulin:glucose ratio were higher (P = 0.046) as compared to the Gln27Gln group along the peak oxygen consumption trial intervention. There was a significantly lower fat oxidation (P = 0.024) in the Glu27Glu obese women during the recovery compared to Gln27Gln obese individuals. These data suggest that exercise would not benefit equally the two ADRB2 polymorphism homozygous groups, since both lipolysis and fat oxidation promoted by a peak oxygen consumption test appear to be blunted in the polymorphic Glu27Glu obese group.  相似文献   
Summary The pattern of inheritance of several polymorphic restriction sites associated with the -gene cluster, and spanning a region of 52 kb, demonstrates that a determinant for hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin (HPFH) segregates independently from the non- globin gene cluster, as we postulated several years ago on purely genetical grounds. This finding provides additional evidence for the existence of diffusible factors affecting -chain expression. Moreover, we have identified a private HinccII polymorphism, in the vicinity of the gene in the family studied.  相似文献   
1. Ten venoms of the genus Crotalus (Crotalus adamanteus, Crotalus atrox, Crotalus durissus durissus, Crotalus horridus horridus, Crotalus lepidus, Crotalus polystictus, Crotalus molossus molossus, Crotalus pusillus, Crotalus scutulatus scutulatus, venom B, and Crotalus viridis lutosus) were fractionated using HPLC anion and cation exchange chromatography. 2. HPLC venom fractions were tested for hemorrhagic, hemolytic, and proteolytic activities. 3. Crude Virginia opossum (Didelphis virginiana) serum neutralized the hemorrhagic activity of HPLC fractions.  相似文献   
Viroids are noncoding circular single-stranded RNAs that are propagated systemically in plants. VirP1 is a protein from tomato, which is an excellent host for potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd), and it has been isolated by virtue of its specific in vitro binding to PSTVd RNA. We report on the specific in vivo interaction of VirP1 with full-length viroid RNA as well as with subfragments in the three-hybrid system. The terminal right domain (TR) of PSTVd was identified as a strong interacting partner for VirP1. A weaker partner is provided by a right-hand subfragment of hop stunt viroid (HSVd), a viroid that infects tomato poorly. We present a sequence and structural motif of the VirP1-interacting subfragments. The motif is disturbed in the replicative but nonspreading R+ mutant of the TR. According to our in vivo and in vitro binding assays, the interaction of this mutant with VirP1 is compromised. We propose that the AGG/CCUUC motif bolsters recognition of the TR by VirP1 to achieve access of the viroid to pathways that propagate endogenous RNA systemic signals in plants. Systemic trafficking has been suggested for miRNA precursors, of which the TR, as a stable bulged hairpin 71 nt long, is quite reminiscent.  相似文献   
The present study evaluates the effectiveness of the transcervical deep intrauterine insemination (DUI) with a reduced number of frozen-thawed boar spermatozoa in weaned sows. DUI was performed using a specially designed flexible device (length 180 cm, outer diameter 4mm, working channel 1.8mm, working channel's volume 1.5 ml) that was inserted through an artificial insemination spirette to cross the cervix lumen and moved into one uterine horn as far as possible. Spermatozoa diluted in 7.5 ml of BTS were flushed into the uterine horn by a syringe attached to the working channel. In Experiment 1, 111 hormonally treated (eCG/hCG) weaned sows were inseminated once using one of the following three regimens: (1) DUI with frozen-thawed spermatozoa (1000 x 10(6) cells per dose; n=49); (2) DUI with fresh semen (150 x 10(6) cells per dose; n=29, as control of DUI procedure); and (3) cervical insemination with frozen-thawed spermatozoa (6000 x 10(6) cells diluted in 100ml; n=33). No differences (P>0.05) were found for farrowing rates (77.55, 82.76, and 75.76, respectively) or litter sizes (9.31+/-0.41, 9.96+/-0.32, and 9.60+/-0.53 piglets born per litter, respectively) among the groups. In Experiment 2, DUI was performed on the spontaneous estrus in weaned sows (2-6 parity) with 1000 x 10(6) frozen-thawed (40 sows) or 150 x 10(6) fresh spermatozoa (38 sows). The farrowing rate of sows inseminated twice with frozen-thawed spermatozoa (70%) was significantly (P<0.05) lower than with fresh semen (84.21%). No significant difference (P>0.05) was found in litter size between frozen-thawed spermatozoa (9.25+/-0.23 piglets born per litter) and fresh semen (9.88+/-0.21 piglets born per litter). These preliminary results indicate that application of DUI provides acceptable fertility in weaned sows using a relatively low number of frozen-thawed spermatozoa.  相似文献   
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